Plantsome Canada Bol Collection Feed Plantsome Canada bol-collection-feed 4739113156690 Tradescantia Nanouk (S) Willie You might call Willie a vagrant or a vagabond. Perhaps you’d even throw around the word “homeless”, if you’re getting technical. Willie himself prefers the terms “nomad” and “wanderer”. He and his sister Sylvie may have different outlooks on life, he likes to keep his roots in the soil and she has her head in the clouds, but they’re both travellers at heart who are, like, totally ready to, like, find themselves. Meet your chill new roomie! To keep  your  Tradescantia Nanouk  looking and feeling good , water him moderately once a week, letting the top inch of soil dry between sips . Place  him  in bright, indirect sunlight for his daily dose of vitamin D. Despite his size, he's a showstopper with striking purple foliage, and is as easy to care for as he is stunning!  10 20 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4668511551570 Monstera Adansonii | Monkey Mask Swiss Cheese Plant (S) Abab If Abab was a person, he'd be an angry short seller who's always yelling profanities into his phone to whoever's on the other line (and just lost a million bucks because of him). We like plant Abab much better, with his glossy green leaves and distinctive fenestrations (a fancy word for holes). But if Abab got his way we’d ship him off to New York and put him in a corner office with a bunch of traders and brokers shouting “Sell, sell, sell!” and hurling insults that would make even some presidents blush. There’s now a rumour going around the Plantsome office that he once tried to sell cuttings of his bigger brother Alfredo. The fact that Eileen outed him is Abab’s deepest regret, that and not being planted before bitcoin was a thing. The Monkey Mask, a charming member of the Monstera plant family, flaunts its drooping, heart-shaped leaves - a true heartthrob in the plant world. These beauties can grow swiftly when pampered properly, proving that slow and steady doesn't always win the race. You might spot Adansonii's like this cheeky fellow flourishing in South and Central America and the West Indies, although he never quite clicked with his Monstera siblings. But here's the one thing they all agreed on – just like good gossip, indirect light is where it's at! Oh, and as for watering, this guy prefers a 'less is more' approach. So, while it's tempting to flood him with attention, remember that he's more of a 'sip, don't chug' kind of plant. Keep that soil moderately moist, and you'll stay on your Monkey Mask's good side! 10 22 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4581872140370 Calathea Lancifolia | Rattlesnake (S) Indy Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah's Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they're all taking about are Indy's leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo. Chuck and Sophia older brother, Indy left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He's told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can't crack the code. Can you? 10 28 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4698503577682 Maranta Leuconeura | Lemon Lime Prayer Plant (S) Amin Amin used to work on Wall Street, but saw enough of it to conclude there's no fun in funds. Nowadays he teaches meditation in some A-frame cabin in the woods somewhere. With his hands folded and his legs curled, treating thoughts like clouds in the sky. Namaste! Meet the Maranta Leuconeura, also known as the Lemon Lime Prayer plant, your ticket to transforming your home into a serene tropical oasis. This graceful plant has a nocturnal ritual, gently folding its leaves as if participating in a moonlit meditation. As the sun comes up, it elegantly unfurls, embracing a daily yoga session. To maintain its harmonious balance, provide bright, indirect sunlight and ensure consistently moist soil. Remember to water when the top inch feels dry. Whether you're a novice or an experienced plant parent, the Lemon Lime Prayer is your partner in promoting tranquility and vibrant energy in your space ! 10 20 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Fertilize from spring through fall 4822047293522 Tradescantia Sunny Star (S) Mimi Mimi used to be a palm reader. She stopped practicing a while back but she did ours anyway. Turns out we have a green thumb and lots of green palms! Get it? Jokes aside, Mimi's a keeper. With those striking bright pink tones, Mimi is a showstopper that's easy to adore. But there's more to her than meets the eye—besides her destiny-divining days, she's a pro at purifying the air. We see Mimi in your future! Tradescantia Sunny Star is a cute little plant with a unique pattern of variegated green and purple leaves. An easy plant friend to have around that is tolerant to a wide range of lighting conditions. Under the right conditions, it will produce bright white flowers that are tucked away inside of the plant's 'cradle'. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and don't forget to give her the occasional misting to keep her feeling fresh. We're having a bit of a hard time seeing stars, or the sun for that matter, but we probably just lack imagination! 10 25 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4527641034834 Zamioculcas (M) | ZZ Plant Luke Meet Luke, the friend you can take anywhere! Luke is your ideal companion for any room, always up for a good time and low-maintenance to boot. With his slow growth and easygoing nature, he's the friend everyone wants. Luke has a slightly mischievous side and is mildly toxic, so keep an eye on your furry pals around him. Apart from his minor quirks, Luke is as laid-back as they come and adapts to most environments. Some have luck, some have Luke! Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 15 40 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4828312895570 Olea | Olive Tree (S) Olivia Olivia is that one friend we all have that will be on her flip flops wearing shorts the moment it hits ten degrees celsius. We don't blame her for it. It's in her Mediterranean blood! She adorns the sun and would like nothing else than to work on her tan on a beach towel drinking mimosas and reading a Sophie Kinsella. What a life Olivia! Did you come here for the olives or the Olive Tree? You see, Olea Europaea or Olive Trees obviously grow olives, but getting there requires a real green thumb and can not be achieved inside the home year round. That doesn't mean this baby Olive Tree won't look super cute in your living room of course! If you do want to have a go at growing your own olives, place the olive tree in your garden, balcony or patio in spring and summer so it can get full sun. These trees also need a night time drop in temperature to spur on the blooming. Fertilize bi-weekly in spring and monthly in winter when you move the tree back inside. Are you keeping notes? It's a lot for a handful of olives but don't say we didn't warn ya!   10 20 Regular Low air purifier Direct sunlight Not toxic Every year Bi-weekly (summer) 4704825638994 Monstera Deliciosa (M-6in) | Swiss Cheese Plant Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico, allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela. This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 15 37 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4740540792914 Coffea Arabica | Coffee Plant (S) Gino Meet Gino, who comes from the coffee-loving heart of Tanzania. With his lush, cascading emerald leaves, Gino's a true charmer and a cappuccino connoisseur. As part of the Coffea Arabica family, known for its world-famous coffee beans, Gino is here to make your space brew-tiful! Just like a perfectly brewed cup, Gino is easy to enjoy, requiring minimal effort to keep his charm alive. Caring for the Coffea Arabica is as enjoyable as savoring a well-brewed cup of coffee. To keep this charming plant thriving, provide him with bright, indirect sunlight, like you'd find in your favorite corner cafe. Aim for soil that's consistently moist but not waterlogged (hold the cream and sugar). This Coffee Plant isn't into cold brew, so keep your indoor temperature cozy between 65-75°F (18-24°C), and consider misting his leaves regularly to keep him comfortable! 10 24 Average Light air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once per month (summer) 4524341395538 Sansevieria Laurentii | Snake Plant (M) Kaa Alright, folks, gather 'round to meet Kaa the snake plant! Now, don't let the 'snake' part confuse you. Unlike his slithering namesake, Kaa's got his own style. Snakes can't stand tall, but Kaa? He's a plant with confidence. Snakes throw hissy fits, but Kaa? He's as cool as a cucumber. While snakes crawl, Kaa struts his stuff with elegance. No need to worry about in-laws here either; they might call him 'mother in law's tongue' because of his sharp leaves, but Kaa's more like the cool uncle of the plant world. The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the Snake Plant. Unlike real snakes causing chaos on planes, this plant is all about grounded tranquility. He's as easygoing as a Sunday morning, thriving in various light conditions, from bright, indirect rays to cozy low-light spots. Keep his cool by giving him a leisurely sip every 2-4 weeks; he's no fan of wet feet! The Snake Plant is a great air purifier (woohoo!), but be sure to keep an eye on Fido and Felix around this guy as he can be slightly poisonoussssss (cue snake sound...) 15 45 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 4771781967954 Peperomia Hope (S) Zoe Zoe is fascinated with those little things in life that make us happy. She wakes up every morning to watch the sunrise, prefers to have breakfast in bed and starts her day with yoga. Zoe is a laid-back, cheery plant that brightens up everyone's day at the office. She is so positive that from time to time, we need to tell her to stop playing "All You Need is Love" on repeat. Zoe is a true dreamer, no doubt! As an optimist, the Peperomia Hope expects that you treat her well. But as a semi-succulent and realist, she understands that life happens sometimes, and you might occasionally forget about the whole watering thing (just don't make it a habit, okay?). This beauty can thrive in moderate to bright indirect light conditions and is non-toxic to pets, making her an ideal choice for new plant parents. Her Peperomia party trick? She's a fantastic air purifier. Seriously, what's not to love about her? 10 13 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4618615586898 Pilea Peperomioides | Pancake Plant (S) Penny We first met Penny in Vegas. It was 3am and we were working our way through a full stack of buttermilk pancakes at one of those 24 hour joints just off the strip. She was in one of the booths at the back of the room conducting a little off-license gambling operation - playing a shell game. She was so charming and smooth we fell for her immediately. As fast as you can say "flapjack" she had cleaned us out completely. That's OK, caveat emptor right? She is a money plant after all! The Pilea Pancake Plant is known for its distinctive, round leaves, resembling mini pancakes. It thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot - you'll want to allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Regular pruning encourages bushier growth, and occasional fertilization during the growing season promotes healthy leaves. This plant is great for propagating as well, who doesn't love bonus plants!? 10 18 Frequent Low air purifying Bright spot, no direct sunlight Non-toxic Every two years Once a month 4591120810066 Olea | Olive Tree (M) Olivia Olivia is that one friend we all have that will be on her flip flops wearing shorts the moment it hits ten degrees celsius. We don't blame her for it. It's in her Mediterranean blood! She adorns the sun and would like nothing else than to work on her tan on a beach towel drinking mimosas and reading a Sophie Kinsella. What a life Olivia! Did you come here for the olives or the Olive Tree? You see, Olea Europaea or Olive Trees obviously grow olives, but getting there requires a real green thumb and can not be achieved inside the home year round. That doesn't mean this baby Olive Tree won't look super cute in your living room of course! If you do want to have a go at growing your own olives, place the olive tree in your garden, balcony or patio in spring and summer so it can get full sun. These trees also need a night time drop in temperature to spur on the blooming. Fertilize bi-weekly in spring and monthly in winter when you move the tree back inside. Are you keeping notes? It's a lot for a handful of olives but don't say we didn't warn ya!   15 30 Regular Low air purifier Direct sunlight Not toxic Every year Bi-weekly (summer) 4572493742162 Maranta Leuconeura | Red Prayer Plant (S) Amalia Amalia used to work on Wall Street, but saw enough of it to conclude there's no fun in funds. Nowadays she's teaches meditation and spends days all by herself in the woods, with her hands to her heart, treating thoughts like clouds in the sky. Namaste! One thing Amalia taught us was to be open-minded and paying attention to change. Which is why, if you take her home and treat her well, she will surprise you with leaves of different colours, and veins that will also have different tones. Oh yeah, and don't forget the undersides; those too will be in different colours! Amalia is a Prayer Plant or Maranta Leuconeura if you're playing Scrabble. Cool fact: Prayer plants close their beautiful leaves at night. It makes them look as if they are praying! 10 20 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Fertilize from spring through fall 4546439708754 Ficus Elastica Burgundy | Rubber Tree (S) Jack Meet Jack, the Ficus Burgundy. He's the epitome of modern chic in the plant world. Jack effortlessly elevates any room he graces, and we should know because we've got Jack in the office, and we're head over heels for him. Jack hails from the lush rainforests of South-East Asia, and he's quite the traveler. He recently regaled us with tales of backpacking adventures through Thailand, Malaysia, and India. And if that's not enough, last year he was spotted gallivanting around South America! Jack is sure to add some worldly sophistication to your space, just be prepared to hear the tales of his travels more than once (yeah... he’s that guy). Introducing the Ficus Robusta Burgundy, also known as a Rubber Tree. With his stunning tall leaves in a deep, burgundy hue, this guy is always #trending. To keep his style (and yours) in check, ensure he basks in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and consider giving your Rubber Tree a gentle misting every now and then to keep his leaves looking chic. Your space will be the talk of the town when you keep this guy around! 10 23 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4919289315410 Monstera Deliciosa (S) | Swiss Cheese Plant Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico, allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela. This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 10 22 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4524312002642 Peperomia Obtusifolia | Marble (S) Pablo Pablo, oh Pablo. This variegated amigo hails all the way from Brazil where he's known far and wide for charming the stalks off all the lady plants (and a few gentlemen, too). He's easy going, pet friendly, and also a Gemini. Do with this what you will and happy planting! The Brazillian Pablo is a real lover of life. He is easily satisfied, a real minimalist we should say. This also makes him a perfect gift. With Pablo you can't really go wrong. His succulently thick and bright green colored leaves will spruce up your home like nothing else. In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by. 10 16 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4700392226898 Polka Dot | Hypoestes (S) Poppy The Hypoestes Phyllostachia is part of the Polka Dot family. This pretty lady is called Poppy and she was born and raised on the beautiful Island of madagascar. She is at her best in a more humid climate so its best to keep her inside where its nice and warm. Play her some Kalinka and watch her grow! It's Poppy's spotty and colourful leaves that 'leave' many plant gazers starstruck. These little leaves are are a real showstopper but truth be told, Poppy is actually quite shy. And if you thought her spots are special have a look at the beautiful colour! underneath her leaves! **Polka dot leaf colour could be Pink, White, Red or Multi-colour depending on what's available. Don't worry, they all look gorgeous!** 10 13 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 3-5 years Once a month during spring, summer, and fall 4566343974994 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (S) Heidi Heidi’s got a penchant for spinning outlandish tales—like that time she insisted she was heading to the moon just because she saw her name in a NASA article. Heidi was listed as an air purifying plant, and she absolutely let that go to her head. We can’t fault her for being confident though, right? With her eccentric charm and playful antics, she's sure to bring a daily dose of whimsy to your space. Don’t get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 17 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4567798513746 Senecio Rowleyanus | String of Pearls (S) Peggy Just about every self-respecting plant Insta page has a photo of this lady on his or her feed: the Senecio Rowleyanus aka Pea Plant aka String of Pearls or our little Peggy as we call her. The reason Peggy is so much in the spotlight may be obvious, her gorgeous strings of pearls. I mean just look at 'em! Draping down like a kind of green waterfall. A beautiful hanging plant to place in any modern interior. Peggy is very attached to her pearls, but she understand she has to let go of some of them occasionally. Do not be alarmed if some have come detached on arrival. She just creates new ones! A word of caution: Peggy is very possessive of her pearls. This beautiful necklace that she's wearing can become very long (60-90 cm!), so take this into account when choosing a spot. Furthermore, Peggy is a succulent from the drier parts of West Africa. She doesn't need a lot of water. She likes a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Peggy's lovely locks may be a little short right now but with enough love and attention they will be Instagram-worthy in no time. We love you Peggy! 10 14 4856811946066 Pothos Jade Pearl (S) Aurora Aura's chill sister, Aurora is the laid-back one. Sure, like all Epipremnum Aureum (that's her royalty name), Aurora digs being in the spotlight, but not if that means direct sunlight or paparazzi flashes. Kind of like the Pippa to Aura's Kate. You grow, girl! Aurora is the nerdy type who loves to read about what NASA is up to these days. In fact, she was even featured in a viral NASA article once, about air purifying plants! Like most nerds, Aurora too hates to leave the house, and would rather have her sunlight filtered through a window. Otherwise, if you give her a lot of light, Aurora will wither like a vampire in the sun, or that kid in school that one time his crush caught him doing the Spock Hand Sign (cue sad trombone sound effect). 10 14 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4703744327762 Calathea Ornata (S) Pink Pink always wants to go for drinks and party hard. Weekends or workdays, it don't matter much to her! And she doesn't discriminate either. You'll find her in underground dance clubs one day and an upscale jazz bar the next. She tends to bring an entourage of Calathea sisters everywhere she goes that is sure to draw a crowd. So if you're thinking of bringing her home, be prepared to meet her sisters too! The Calathea Ornata, as striking as its sister Calatheas, has a unique feature setting it apart: pink leaves! But don't be fooled, it is hard work getting it to put those big beautiful leaves out. Just like any rock star there is a list of demands: a bright spot, no direct sunlight, regular misting of the leaves, fertilizer in summer and a little bit of water at just the right time! Fortunately this plant is a great communicator and will furl up its leaves to let you know when if it's not getting enough moisture. 10 18 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4862591696978 Epipremnum | Pothos Marble Queen (S) Mia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Mia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying shotgun in her sister's Lockheed Vega, but they are both retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum, or Pothos Marble Queen, is beloved for its rapid growth and lush vines. This plant is an excellent air purifier and thrives in various indoor environments. Just try to avoid direct sunlight exposure and keep the soil evenly moist. Easy-peasy! 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6605269139538 Tradescantia Pink Panther (S) Clouseau You might call Clouseau a vagrant or a vagabond. Perhaps you’d even throw around the word “homeless”, if you’re getting technical. Clouseau himself prefers the terms “nomad” and “wanderer”. He and his sister Sylvie may have different outlooks on life, he likes to keep his roots in the soil and she has her head in the clouds, but they’re both travellers at heart who are, like, totally ready to, like, find themselves. Add a splash of vibrant color to your space with the Tradescantia Pink Panther! This eye-catching, easy-care plant thrives in bright, indirect light, making it perfect for windowsills or well-lit indoor areas. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy, and allow the top inch to dry out between waterings. This easy-going amigo may be small, but has no shortage of beauty! 10 17 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4955074330706 Zamioculcas (S) | ZZ Plant Luke Meet Luke, the friend you can take anywhere! Luke is your ideal companion for any room, always up for a good time and low-maintenance to boot. With his slow growth and easygoing nature, he's the friend everyone wants. Luke has a slightly mischievous side and is mildly toxic, so keep an eye on your furry pals around him. Apart from his minor quirks, Luke is as laid-back as they come and adapts to most environments. Some have luck, some have Luke! Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 10 22 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4602380484690 Crassula | Jade Plant (S) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 10 13 Little Light air purifying Direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once a year Not needed 4733633331282 Calathea Orbifolia (S) Isabella Isabella's official name is Calathea Orbifolia and if that doesn't ring a bell, she's the real deal! Besides the fact that she's a stunning beautiy to look at, Isabella is also known as the princess of purifying! Her big beautiful leaves have no problem converting CO2 into Oxygen. But wait, there's more! Isabella is a non-poisonous plant so she plays real nice with your furry friends and little kids. Another fun fact; because her leaves are pretty strong, locals in South America often use them as packaging material for their freshly caught fish. We promised Isabella we wouldn't do that to her though, can you help us keep that promise? The Calathea Orbifolia is well-loved for its big striking leaves, but that's not to say it doesn't take a bit of work to keep them like that. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, by watering when the top inch of soil feels dry (and this diva prefers filtered water). Regular misting or using a pebble tray can help maintain the humidity levels this plant loves. Crispy, brown leaves are a sign of moisture issues or too much direct light, so be sure to spend some time getting to know your Calathea's signs of stress to keep this beauty thriving! 10 20 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4566757474386 Calathea Medallion (M) Sophia Just like her sisters, Sophia is a part of the Calathea Family and originates from Brazil. To be precise, Sophia is a Medallion. Her massive leaves makes her massively good at cleaning the air. Sophia is kind to pets and small children and loves long walks in the sun. With some sun and some shade she's at her best. What's truly remarkable about her is the closing of her leaves at sundown and the opening at sunrise. She welcomes the world with open leaves every day. What a great example for all of us just-one-more-minute snoozers. The Calathea Medallion thrives in indirect sunlight and humid conditions. Keep its soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, watering when the top inch of soil is dry and letting any excess water drain out. Avoid direct sunlight with this amigo to prevent leaf damage. Calatheas take in a lot of moisture through their leaves, so regular misting or placing a humidity tray nearby will keep this beauty happy! 15 35 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4702640832594 Areca Palm (S) Marty Marty is Palm from Central America. To really shine in your room Marty will require plenty of bright indirect light. In return, you'll be awarded with air so super fresh, ahhhh just a a joy to come home to! Marty's hobby really is cleaning the air and its dirty work so Marty will require some love and attention from you to keep doing what Marty does best! Introducing the Areca Palm, a native of Central America flaunting its stylish long fronds. It's no surprise this fella reigns supreme among the palms! Think of him as the Elvis Presley, the undisputed king of the palm world. To keep your Areca feeling like a king, place it in a sunny spot with some cool, filtered sunlight, and maintain that perfect balance in its soil – consistently moist but never waterlogged. Take care of your Areca, and your Areca will take care of you. We can't help falling in love with this one! 10 28 Frequent Strong air purifying Light and bright Non-toxic Once every three years Once every two weeks in summer 4564795785298 Aloe Vera (S) Vera Vera is that fit, healthy #spinningclassat6AM friend we all have. You know, the one that's on a KETO diet and looks at you funny when you order a creamy donut as a side to your eggs benny. While we go about living our best life, Vera is living her fittest life and we have to admit, she's looking pretty darn good. All those workouts have given her a little bit of a prickly character but thats ok. Nothing that a chocolate bar can't fix. Oh wait...We didn't mean that Vera... Vera? Vera! The Aloe Vera plant is actually a member of the succulent family, which means she doesn't need much water! Succulents store water in their stems, roots or leaves. Saving it for a not-so-rainy-day, shall we say? We think it's a pretty neat trick since all we have is that pesky water bottle we keep forgetting. But there's more to this plant than just survival skills; she's an air-purifying powerhouse, ensuring your space stays fresh. Even legends like Cleopatra and Alexander the Great were wise to her charms. Plus, she's incredibly low-maintenance, so you can relax even if you occasionally forget to water her. Just remember to place her in bright, indirect sunlight, let her soil dry out between waterings, and avoid exposing her to extreme cold. Keep it chill, and this Aloe will keep your space looking and feeling fresh.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 23 Little Strong air purifier Partial shade Toxic! Once every two years Not needed 4586567401554 Phlebodium Aureum | Blue Star Fern (S) Rio Looking for an air purifying pro? The Phlebodium is a great choice. Rio is a thirsty fella so be sure to give him plenty of water but no direct sunlight. Native to the subtropical regions of South America, Rio is often situated underneath the canopies of large trees. His pretty green fronds can last up to two years each! Rio isn't big on haircuts or slick looks, oh no, his fronds are all over the place! You may think Rio doesn't really know what to do with all those leaves but he just really likes the out of bed look. One leave is elongated and another will have six branches. It's fascinating how Rio manages to distract us with all of this randomness but we love it. Speaking of random: Phlebodium Aureum is Rio's official name so there's that useless fact, but he's more commonly referred to as a Blue Star Fern. The fronds of this beautiful fern friend are fast growing and will require regular watering. Keep the soil moist at all times and Rio will thank you! 10 30 Regular Strong air purifier Low light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 6660553048146 Begonia Maculata | Angel Wing Polka Dot (S) Adriana When she’s not strutting down the runway in her angel wings, this Brazilian Begonia can be found with a gin soda in hand, relaxing seaside in the Riviera. A style icon through and through, Adriana’s teeny polka dot bikini inspired a generation, and perhaps even a song lyric… you know the one. Though she may not remember your name, or even look up from whichever magazine she’s flipping through, it’s hard not to swoon over Adriana’s elegant glamour and effortlessly beachy waves. She is particular about humidity and being in the (indirect) spotlight, but as long as you keep Adriana’s demands met, she’ll be a model citizen. It’s really no surprise that Adriana loves to be adored. The Begonia Maculata is just one of 2000 different variations in the Begonia species. Could you imagine having that many siblings? What would family dinners be like? Sometimes referred to as a Polka Dot or Angel Wing Begonia, this tropical gal comes with a short list of non-negotiables. Keep her soil moist, her surrounding space humid, prune her leaves twice a year, and be sure to position her in a locale with bright, indirect sunlight. Otherwise, she can get a bit fussy and you’ll need to call her agent. All in all, give Adriana the attention she seeks and this Maculata will look immaculata on or off the catwalk. 10 23 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 4658681872466 Spathiphyllum | Peace Lily (S) Lilly Lilly has an exotic figure. When she works out she purifies the air for you so it's a win for Lilly and a win for you. Her air purifying qualities come mostly from the size of her leaves. She loves to produce oxygen with it but they also work to extract harmful substances from the air. In return for all this magic she does require some love and attention. You can have years of fun with Lilly just be sure to give her enough water and sunlight. Lilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The Lily. 10 45 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 4569904218194 Haworthia | Zebra Cactus (S) Vern Everyone has a neighbour that is always there when you need them. That's Vern. Need a cup of sugar? Ask Vern. Need a 3/8 Drive 7/16 inch 6-point SAE Deep Socket for that car repair? Ask Vern. Vern is always there to lend a hand. Vern is a Zebra Howorthia or Zebra Cactus. As an air purifier he's one of the best, his sap can be used to sooth burns and minor skin irritation. And he does it all with an 'Awe shucks' attitude that we love! Everyone needs a Vern! *Note: Haworthia come in assorted varieties and may be slightly different from the pictured plant Haworthia is a close relative to Vera, Aloe vera, that is. These succulents are easy to please. They are accustomed to dry, sunny environments so keep them in a bright south facing spot with lots of sunlight. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch. As air purifiers they are top notch especially for removing formaldehyde from the air. 10 14 Little Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Not toxic Every two years Once a month in summer 4642722545746 Cat Palm | Chamaedorea Cataractarum (XL) Simone Simone's unparalleled beauty is from another world. Her confidence to rock those palm-like, elegant leaves make us think we're living in Victorian times! But please don't tell her that we feel like royalty in her presence. One time we mentioned it to her at the office, and she didn't stop talking with that British accent she most definitely can't pull off [no Simone, we don't 'fancy a cuppa', thanks!]. Originally from Southeastern Mexico, meet the Cat Palm (or Chamaedorea Cataractarum) that can make any room feel like a beach vacay. She's got that certain *je ne sais quoi* that'll elevate your space to a million-buck paradise. To keep this amiga thriving, let her soak up some rays in bright, indirect sunlight, and be sure to quench her thirst before her soil gets dry. With a little TLC, the Cat Palm can grow up to 6 feet tall – talk about making an entrance! No need to pack a bag, this tropical beauty is bringing the beach party right to you.     25 100 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 3 years Once a month during spring & summer 4735059099730 Calathea Makoyana | Peacock Plant (S) Leandro This stunning Brazilian dude is ready to elevate your home to a whole new level of glam. To look the way he does, Leandro spends hours at the gym every single day. We are kind of obssessed to be honest. Those incredible glossy, strong, manicured leaves resemble the looks of an Olympian God. He's just impeccably handsome! Gosh! Leandro has beautiful dark and pale green leaves that make him spectacular. This Peacock plant is used to the exotic, tropical weather of Rio de Janeiro, so he expects that you place him somewhere with constant high humidity. Placing a bowl with water near Leandro is nice. Also, let those muscles grow by making sure that Leandro enjoys low to moderate sunlight and a well-moist soil.  Obrigado! 10 18 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4581877842002 Calathea Lancifolia | Rattlesnake (M) Indy Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah's Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they're all taking about are Indy's leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo. Chuck and Sophia's older brother, Indy, left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He's told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can't crack the code. Can you? 15 34 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4747394351186 Maranta Kerchoveana | Green Prayer Plant (S) Amy Amy decided to give up the glam life of being a celebrity publicist after 'finding herself' during a meditation retreat in Northern California. She's really turned a new leaf (heh) and is now all about that organic, non-gmo, gluten free, vegan life these days, and we're here for it. At night, you'll find her staring at the sky, spiritually, as she closes her leaves to appreciate yet another day. Ahhhh... Namaste! Were you praying for more Prayer Plants? We got you fam! This gorgeous Green Prayer Plant, also known as Maranta Kerchoveana, is native to Brazil. She features a light green foliage with dark green patches on the front and a silvery green tone on the undersides—hello fifty shades of green! Coming from the rainforest, make sure to water and mist your Green Prayer regularly. As to her preferences for lighting: bright, indirect sun is best but she can tolerate a bit of shade every once in a while. 10 23 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Fertilize from spring through fall 4524294078546 Neon Pothos (S) Aura Jr. There's a dark air to Aura. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Aura does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, this Neon Pothos has aged well: it's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes it older than knock-knock jokes. If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: this Neon Pothos is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. It's blasé like Beyoncé. For care, provide bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Or don’t. She’s not your boss. 10 22 Moderate Not a strong air purifier Low light Once every two years Monthly in summer 4732736864338 Calathea Orbifolia (M) Isabella Isabella's official name is Calathea Orbifolia and if that doesn't ring a bell, she's the real deal! Besides the fact that she's a stunning beautiy to look at, Isabella is also known as the princess of purifying! Her big beautiful leaves have no problem converting CO2 into Oxygen. But wait, there's more! Isabella is a non-poisonous plant so she plays real nice with your furry friends and little kids. Another fun fact; because her leaves are pretty strong, locals in South America often use them as packaging material for their freshly caught fish. We promised Isabella we wouldn't do that to her though, can you help us keep that promise? The Calathea Orbifolia is well-loved for its big striking leaves, but that's not to say it doesn't take a bit of work to keep them like that. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, by watering when the top inch of soil feels dry (and this diva prefers filtered water). Regular misting or using a pebble tray can help maintain the humidity levels this plant loves. Crispy, brown leaves are a sign of moisture issues or too much direct light, so be sure to spend some time getting to know your Calathea's signs of stress to keep this beauty thriving! 15 32 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4727632822354 Tradescantia Spathacea | Moses in the Cradle (S) Momo We're in love with Momo over here. His beautiful pointy leaves standing firmly upright, his dark green coloured foliage alternating with bright pink tones, beautiful! Yep, easy to see why this easy going green amigo is a popular choice! Momo's not only got the looks, he's not affraid of a work out either. His leaves are great at purifying the air which he does all day, every day. Momo, you're a great house mate! Tradescantia Spathacea or Moses in a Boat is a cute little plant with a unique pattern of variegated green and purple leaves. An easy plant friend to have around that is tolerant to a wide range of lighting conditions. Under the right conditions, it will produce bright white flowers that are tucked away inside of the plant's 'cradle'. We're having a bit of a hard time seeing Moses, or the cradle for that matter, but we probably just lack imagination!  10 19 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4687753281618 Neanthebella | Parlour Palm (S) Vicky When all of your brothers and sisters are big and burly, you have to do something to stand out. Vicky's got attitude in spades. This girl will want you to give her the primo spot at the window sill and won't settle for anything less. She relegates cacti and succulents to kitchens and side tables and is not impressed by the big monstera in the corner. This parlour palm is here to stay and she wants all your other green amigos to know it, too! Meet the Parlour Palm, or Neanthebella, the pint-sized tropical sensation that'll fit right into your home, no matter the size. Hailing from the lush landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, this little green superstar has been stealing hearts around the globe since the Victorian era – talk about timeless charm! The Parlour Palm adds a touch of the tropics to any space. She's a low-maintenance queen, thriving in cozy corners with bright, indirect sunlight. Just remember to keep her soil slightly moist but not soggy – she's got a thing for balance. So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a newbie, let this beauty bring the tropical vibes to your indoor jungle! 10 30 Regular Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Pet friendly Once every year Once a month in summer 4566325395538 Neanthebella | Parlour Palm (M) Vicky When all of your brothers and sisters are big and burly, you have to do something to stand out. Vicky's got attitude in spades. This girl will want you to give her the primo spot at the window sill and won't settle for anything less. She relegates cacti and succulents to kitchens and side tables and is not impressed by the big monstera in the corner. This parlour palm is here to stay and she wants all your other green amigos to know it, too! Meet the Parlour Palm, or Neanthebella, the pint-sized tropical sensation that'll fit right into your home, no matter the size. Hailing from the lush landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, this little green superstar has been stealing hearts around the globe since the Victorian era – talk about timeless charm! The Parlour Palm adds a touch of the tropics to any space. She's a low-maintenance queen, thriving in cozy corners with bright, indirect sunlight. Just remember to keep her soil slightly moist but not soggy – she's got a thing for balance. So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a newbie, let this beauty bring the tropical vibes to your indoor jungle! 15 40 Regular Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Pet friendly Once every year Once a month in summer 4509761273938 Musa Dwarf Cavendish | Banana Plant (M) Baloo Besides Baloo's life story, we have to comment on his remarkable leaves. They are quite fast growing and moisture-wicking, which makes for high humidity. Good for Baloo, good for you! Banana plants contain about 80% water. Needless to say, Baloo is a thirsty roommate and really adores the sun! So pick a bright spot and... go bananas! When we first met the Banana plant, it introduced itself with a tale from the jungle. Named after a playful friend from its past adventures, the Musa is here to bring joy and tropical vibes to your space. The Musa requires a lot of sun and water, but it's worth it since this plant is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S....   15 Between 40-50 A lot of water Light air purifying Bright direct light Non-toxic Once every two years Every other week (summer) 6862447345746 Strelitzia | Bird of Paradise (S) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzia sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! 10 25 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6571762647122 Peperomia Prostrata | String of Turtles (S) Donatello Donatello hides some serious ninja skills under that canopy of his. At night, he'll keep the rest of your green amigo's from wandering out in the dark, hanging with the wrong crowd. Watching over the others gets kinda tiring though, so be nice to him and don't stress him out by over-watering. He's got a magic super power which is storing water in his leaves. Save it for a not-so-rainy day, you know! The string of Turtles is a trailing plant with a variegated pattern that makes it look like little turtles are jumping out of its pot. They tolerate lower light conditions but for the best looking turtles, go with bright indirect light. Don't overdo it with the water though, you might think Donatello's little turtle friends love the water but these are actually the semi-succulent type, which means the plant stores water in its leaves. Water only when the top two inches have dried out. Turtle turtle go! 10 16 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4568744427602 Calathea Medallion (S) Sophia Jr. Just like her sisters, Sophia is a part of the Calathea Family and originates from Brazil. To be precise, Sophia is a Medallion. Her massive leaves makes her massively good at cleaning the air. Sophia is kind to pets and small children and loves long walks in the sun. With some sun and some shade she's at her best. What's truly remarkable about her is the closing of her leaves at sundown and the opening at sunrise. She welcomes the world with open leaves every day. What a great example for all of us just-one-more-minute snoozers. The Calathea Medallion thrives in indirect sunlight and humid conditions. Keep its soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, watering when the top inch of soil is dry and letting any excess water drain out. Avoid direct sunlight with this amigo to prevent leaf damage. Calatheas take in a lot of moisture through their leaves, so regular misting or placing a humidity tray nearby will keep this beauty happy! 10 20 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4566356787282 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Gold (M) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Pothos Gold, also known as Epipremnum Aureum, is widely known and loved! Her leaves grow faster than a jet plane, turning your place into a leafy wonderland before you can even find your passport. But that's not her only trick: she's a pro at air detox, making her your home's in-house clean freak. When it comes to choosing her spot, she's as laid-back as they come. She just doesn't like to fly too close to the sun, so be sure to keep her out of the direct light, and give her a drink every 1-2 weeks to refuel. Stay gold, Pothos! 15 34 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4695630020690 Sansevieria Laurentii | Snake Plant (S) Kaa Alright, folks, gather 'round to meet Kaa the snake plant! Now, don't let the 'snake' part confuse you. Unlike his slithering namesake, Kaa's got his own style. Snakes can't stand tall, but Kaa? He's a plant with confidence. Snakes throw hissy fits, but Kaa? He's as cool as a cucumber. While snakes crawl, Kaa struts his stuff with elegance. No need to worry about in-laws here either; they might call him 'mother in law's tongue' because of his sharp leaves, but Kaa's more like the cool uncle of the plant world. The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the Snake Plant. Unlike real snakes causing chaos on planes, this plant is all about grounded tranquility. He's as easygoing as a Sunday morning, thriving in various light conditions, from bright, indirect rays to cozy low-light spots. Keep his cool by giving him a leisurely sip every 2-4 weeks; he's no fan of wet feet! The Snake Plant is a great air purifier (woohoo!), but be sure to keep an eye on Fido and Felix around this guy as he can be slightly poisonoussssss (cue snake sound...) 10 21 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4564846084178 Sansevieria Zeylanica | Snake Plant (M) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce! 15 45 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4740716396626 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Gold (S) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Pothos Gold, also known as Epipremnum Aureum, is widely known and loved! Her leaves grow faster than a jet plane, turning your place into a leafy wonderland before you can even find your passport. But that's not her only trick: she's a pro at air detox, making her your home's in-house clean freak. When it comes to choosing her spot, she's as laid-back as they come. She just doesn't like to fly too close to the sun, so be sure to keep her out of the direct light, and give her a drink every 1-2 weeks to refuel. Stay gold, Pothos! 10 16 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4668489498706 Philodendron Hederaceum | Green Heartleaf (S) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate! The Philodendron Hederaceum is the irresistible sweetheart that dots her ‘i’s with little hearts in purple ink. She’s an easy going gal – she can hang around or climb to new heights, whatever suits your fancy. Hailing from the jungle, the Green Heartleaf thrives in warm, humid atmospheres and adores basking in bright, filtered sunlight – just like those exotic jungle dwellers lounging under the leafy canopy. And here's the secret to her heart (shaped leaves…): don't be shy about giving her vines a little trim; it's the secret to helping her fill out and live up to all her plant potential! 10 14 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4706984984658 Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen/Princess | Wax Plant (S) Jessica Jessica is a go getter. She started her career long ago as a movie and TV extra in L.A. but she's a gal with big ambitions. Back in the day she says she would juggle her time between countless auditions and being a bartender in a strip club bar near Long Beach. These days, Jessica is the lead actress in many Hollywood blockbuster movies and even has a Wax Bar. Its a strange combo but hey, you work it, girl! Get ready to say "yaasss" to the Hoya Krimson Queen! This beautiful, variegated Hoya Carnosa is a visual treat, really! Jessica's lovely foliage features light and dark green tones with strawberry cream markings if treated well. Talking about care, make sure you let Jessica tan somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. Also, don't forget to water her once a week but DON'T over do it. Coming from L.A., Jessica doesn't like the rain that much! *Please note that Plantsome carries an assorted variety of Krimson Princess and Krimson Queen. You will receive either of these two plants in your order. 10 18 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4698514817106 Peperomia Obtusifolia | Green (S) Ronaldo Our Brazilian Ronaldo is a real chill dude who doesn't require a lot of attention. He is kind to pets and will clean and purify the air in your home every day. A great choice for the beginner plant parent if you're asking us! The Brazillian Ronaldo is a real lover of life. He is easily satisfied, a real minimalist we should say. This also makes him a perfect gift. With Ronaldo you can't really go wrong. His succulently thick and bright green colored leaves will spruce up your home like nothing else. In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by. 10 18 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4817033855058 Hedera (S) | Green Ivy Harry Buying plant Harry is the closest you’ll come to being a princess. This trailing amigo will climb, vine and trail his way into your heart with his lush foliage of ever growing green leaves. Don’t worry thought, Harry will do it at a gingerly pace (heh). Harry may not be in line for a throne (a trellis, maybe?) but he’s still a catch. Lush leaves that are easy to care for are always a fan favorite here at Plantsome. Harry, you’ve won us over! We do recommend a spray bottle with water to keep his fans, dubbed “Harry Hunters”, out of your home and garden. Ivy is a creeping vine plant that likes bright light and a moist soil to flourish but can do without and still survive. When you think of ivy you may think of crumbling buildings and lush trellises, but they make great houseplants too! Having an Ivy plant at home is like having a piece of your very own fairytale. And please don't believe the fake news that Harry simply takes over everywhere he goes. On this side of the pond he can totally be tamed! Ivy variation varies (English Ivy, Algerian, Persian Ivy) depending on availability. 10 14 Fairly little Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Every other year Fertilize monthly in spring and summer 4949739176018 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree (S) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic. 10 30 Infrequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Non-Toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 4524312756306 Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta (S) Mojo What the heck does Mojo even mean? Mojo is an African word that describes inner power. Your swag, your shine, your sparkle, you know? What's Mojo's inner power, you ask? Well, he's super duper good at purifying the air, which will help you with a happy and healthy fresh room! Harmful substances such as Benzenes better hide when Mojo's around because he'll attack them straight on. Mojo is a feisty one, behold! He's also lightly poisonous, so repeat after me: with pets a go-go, Mojo is a no-no from the get-go. Dracaena fragrans ‘Janet Craig’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Janet Craig, in particular, are known for their wide, wavy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 20 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4421709594706 Spathiphyllum | Peace Lily (M) Lilly Lilly has an exotic figure. When she works out she purifies the air for you so it's a win for Lilly and a win for you. Her air purifying qualities come mostly from the size of her leaves. She loves to produce oxygen with it but they also work to extract harmful substances from the air. In return for all this magic she does require some love and attention. You can have years of fun with Lilly just be sure to give her enough water and sunlight. Lilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The LilyLilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The Lily.  15 60 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 7132562980946 Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa (S) | Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant Felicity Monstera Thai Constellation isn't just a pretty face. This diva can hold her own when it comes to survival skills. She's a tough cookie that can handle a range of light conditions, from low to bright light, and won't complain if you forget to water her for a few days (although we don't recommend making that a habit). If you're ready to add a touch of whimsy and wonder to your plant collection, the Monstera Thai Constellation is the perfect addition. Just be prepared for a little jealousy from your other plants - this star is sure to steal the show! Behold! The Variegated Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa, or the GOAT, the MVP, the unicorn of the plant world. Are we exaggerating? We think not. With its stunning white and green leaves, this tropical beauty will have you feeling like you're on a beach vacation even if you're just sitting on your couch in your PJs. 10 20 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4602400899154 Ficus Lyrata Bush (M) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. We have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Eileen is part of the famous Ficus family and she's not the only stunner in the fam. The Ficus plants have beautiful leaves. Some are big while some are small. We really love them all. Eileen is an air purifying plant but also slightly poisonous so don't get too close for a Fi-kiss! The Ficus Lyrata Bush is also known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig! Flourishing in bright, indirect light, it appreciates consistent watering, so keep the soil evenly moist without waterlogging, allowing the top inch to dry between waterings. While it demands a bit of attention, its stunning leaves and air-purifying abilities make the effort all the more rewarding! 15 40 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 4707003400274 Hoya Pubicalyx | Porcelain Flower (S) Reza Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Reza is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! Hoyas are b(l)ooming and for good reason! These beautiful and easy to care for tropicals have stunning flowers, if you are a patient plant parent that is. There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. Its a sight to behold! We've named this Hoya Publicalyx 'Reza which means 'hope' and we sure hope that he'll bring you some beautiful blooms! 10 19 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4589600243794 Ponytail Palm | Beaucarnea (S) Beau Ponytail palm's are actually not part of the palm family. It's why Beau has always felt a little out of place. When everyone looks right, Beau looks left if you know what I mean. The Beaucarnea Recurvata or Elephant's Foot is actually part of the succulent family. You see, Beau is blessed with the unique ability to store access water in his stem for later use. Nice! Introducing the Ponytail Palm, the conversation starter of your plant collection. This quirky plant, native to Mexico, might have you wondering if he needs a haircut, but those cascading fronds are all part of his *vibe* (since he decided his manbun was so 2019). Fun fact: despite the name, he's not a true palm at all! The Ponytail Palm is more like a botanical hipster, sporting a unique look that stands out in any crowd. As for care, he's on more of an independent journey. Place your Ponytail Palm in a sunny spot, and water sparingly – he's a drought-tolerant gem. If you're looking to add a dash of botanical curiosity to your space, the Ponytail Palm is your chill companion on this wild plant journey! 10 25 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright and sunny Not toxic Once every year Once every month 6870889463890 Senecio Rowleyanus | Variegated String of Pearls (S) Peggy Just about every self-respecting plant Insta page has a photo of this lady on his or her feed: the Senecio Rowleyanus aka Pea Plant aka String of Pearls or our little Peggy as we call her. The reason Peggy is so much in the spotlight may be obvious, her gorgeous strings of pearls. I mean just look at 'em! Draping down like a kind of green waterfall. A beautiful hanging plant to place in any modern interior. Peggy is very attached to her pearls, but she understand she has to let go of some of them occasionally. Do not be alarmed if some have come detached on arrival. She just creates new ones! A word of caution: Peggy is very possessive of her pearls. This beautiful necklace that she's wearing can become very long (60-90 cm!), so take this into account when choosing a spot. Furthermore, Peggy is a succulent from the drier parts of West Africa. She doesn't need a lot of water. She likes a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Peggy's lovely locks may be a little short right now but with enough love and attention they will be Instagram-worthy in no time. We love you Peggy! 10 14 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 4636799434834 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree (M) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 15 50 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Moderately toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 4941145964626 Philodendron Birkin (S) Xiao Xiao’s star sign is Aquarius (she picked it out herself), which means she’s a visionary with passionate views on social issues. If you zoom in on photos of all the great movements in history -- the stonewall riots, the women’s suffrage movement, the land back protests -- you’ll see a flash of green or a little philodendron with its fist in the air. These are Xiao’s ancestors and she aims to carry on their legacy by planting herself on the right side of history (herstory?). Whatever you believe in, you’ll find a passionate, and photogenic, ally in Xiao. Xiao’s dark green leaves are lined with bright yellow variegation, like streaks of starlight. Fitting, as Xiao brightens any room she enters with her laidback, thoughtful personality. Place her in bright, indirect light and occasionally give her some time in the shade to recharge and reflect. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 22 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4543306989650 Ficus Lyrata (S) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen This is perhaps a little unexpected, but did you know the Plantsome family also has some real music lovers? You see, Eileen is Evelyn's sister. And boy do these Fiddle Leaf Figs like to party. Eileen is all about that Jazz but she doesn't shy away from pop or rock songs either. Let her listen to your favourite albums of Rihanna and Radiohead. She'll love it! Go Eileen! This is perhaps a little unexpected, but did you know the Plantsome family also has some real music lovers? You see, Eileen is Evelyn's sister. And boy do these Fiddle Leaf Figs like to party. Evelyn is all about that Jazz but she doesn't shy away from pop or rock songs either. Let her listen to your favourite albums of Rihanna and Radiohead. She'll love it! Go Eileen!Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 20 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 4629573009490 Strelitzia Nicolai | Bird of Paradise Multi Stem (XL) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzie Reginae sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! 27 125 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4651690295378 Hoya Carnosa Tricolor | Wax Plant (S) Carmen Carmen is the ultimate PILF (Plant I'd Like to Follow). She looks great in pink, smells like a million bucks, cleans the air like nobody's business AND has the attitude to boost. She's still good at what she does too - the last role she played, in 2018, even got her a Palm d'or by the Royal Horticultural Society! There are people who say Carmen, the Hoya Carnosa, might be too old and past her glory days. Sure, she's a little inflexible sometimes and always complains about not getting enough filtered light but don't we all complain sometimes? Sure, her temper can be worse than a 2-year old's, and she can't handle direct sunlight , and if her stress (or water) levels are too high she'll simply refuse to show up on set. But tell you what: name us one Hoyawood diva that isn't difficult. Go on, we'll wait! 10 16 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4643152658514 Peperomia Ferreyrae (S) | Happy Bean Finn Finn's life motto is: "Happy tummy, happy life." From mac-and-cheese and poutine to his famous southern-style green beans, Finn is the king of comfort food. Having worked at upscale restaurants around the world, Finn is ready to take on BC's awesome culinary mosaic! So stop cooking alone and let this trouble-free fella be your personal sous-chef! Bon appetite! Finn is known for his long and refined, semi-succulent leaves that look like green beans. Similar to his cousins Zoe and Pablo, this joyful Peperomia Ferreyrae can be cared for with incredible ease. Just be sure to place Finn somewhere he can get bright, indirect sunlight and water his soil evenly when it becomes dry. Do this, and Finn may get so happy he might even 'spill the beans' on his latest recipes. Yummy! 10 21 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4700434628690 Hoya Carnosa Crinkle Curl | Hindu Rope (S) Sri Sri might look like he's got all of his leaves just up in crinkles for no reason but you'd be so wrong to think that. You see, Sri is a master Yogi. And he's mastered the pose of the 'crinkle leaf' so well that it has become a permanent pose! All stretching and bending aside, we think those crinkly leaves look hella cute and make for a perfect backdrop when those beautiful Hoya leaves are in bloom. Wouldn't you agree? So you are wondering what the deal is with those Hoya plants everyone is raving about? Well let us tell you: these magnificent green amigos are capable of producing some pretty amazing flowers (if you are kind to them, and incredibly patient). This Hoya Hindu Rope is no exception! Flowering could take up to two years but the result is stunning. If you want yours to flower, keep the humidity at over 40%, fertilize regularly in spring and summer and water thoroughly when the soil has dried out about a third of the way through. Hey, no one said this was easy! 10 16 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4526625292370 Sansevieria Laurentii | Snake Plant (L) Kaa Alright, folks, gather 'round to meet Kaa the snake plant! Now, don't let the 'snake' part confuse you. Unlike his slithering namesake, Kaa's got his own style. Snakes can't stand tall, but Kaa? He's a plant with confidence. Snakes throw hissy fits, but Kaa? He's as cool as a cucumber. While snakes crawl, Kaa struts his stuff with elegance. No need to worry about in-laws here either; they might call him 'mother in law's tongue' because of his sharp leaves, but Kaa's more like the cool uncle of the plant world. The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the Snake Plant. Unlike real snakes causing chaos on planes, this plant is all about grounded tranquility. He's as easygoing as a Sunday morning, thriving in various light conditions, from bright, indirect rays to cozy low-light spots. Keep his cool by giving him a leisurely sip every 2-4 weeks; he's no fan of wet feet! The Snake Plant is a great air purifier (woohoo!), but be sure to keep an eye on Fido and Felix around this guy as he can be slightly poisonoussssss (cue snake sound...) 21 60 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 7087057469522 Philodendron White Knight (S) Joe I can't help but notice your green thumb from across the room. The way you tend to your plants with such care and attention is something to be admired. You have a certain energy that radiates through the foliage and draws me in. I can't resist the urge to learn more about your botanical passions. I know it might seem strange, but I have this gut feeling that our love for plants could bring us together. I'll do whatever it takes to nurture our connection, even if it means getting my hands a little dirty along the way. But don't worry, I'll still let you keep your other plants thriving and healthy. The Philodendron White Knight is a rare and highly sought-after plant that requires moderate care. It thrives in bright, indirect light but can also tolerate lower light conditions. Water the plant once a week, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Avoid overwatering and make sure the pot has good drainage. Mist the plant occasionally and fertilize it with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Keep the plant in a warm environment with moderate to high humidity levels, and avoid exposing it to cold drafts or temperatures below 55°F (13°C). The White Knight is a slow-growing plant that can reach up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide, with large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves that are predominantly white with green veins.   10 30 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 4586943774802 Phlebodium Aureum | Blue Star Fern (M-6in) Rio Looking for an air purifying pro? The Phlebodium is a great choice. Rio is a thirsty fella so be sure to give him plenty of water but no direct sunlight. Native to the subtropical regions of South America, Rio is often situated underneath the canopies of large trees. His pretty green fronds can last up to two years each! Rio isn't big on haircuts or slick looks, oh no, his fronds are all over the place! You may think Rio doesn't really know what to do with all those leaves but he just really likes the out of bed look. One leave is elongated and another will have six branches. It's fascinating how Rio manages to distract us with all of this randomness but we love it. Speaking of random: Phlebodium Aureum is Rio's official name so there's that useless fact, but he's more commonly referred to as a Blue Star Fern. The fronds of this beautiful fern friend are fast growing and will require regular watering. Keep the soil moist at all times and Rio will thank you! 15 50 Regular Strong air purifier Low light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 7119214837842 Hoya Krohniana Silver | Wax Plant (S) Nana Nana's a natural born climber. Kilimanjaro, Everest, K2, Mt Fuji...she's done em all. She also climbs corporate ladders like its no big deal, but Ice Climbing is where her heart's at. We know, you wouldn't think of it when you see her but ice runs through those vines! It's amazing to see Hoya's trail and vine their way from one place to the next and it's truly incredible how they can latch onto almost anything. Nana's no different in that regard. Oh yeah, she be vinin! Hoyas don't ask for much. They are forgiving plants that are reasonably drought tolerant and can take some of your sporadic plant neglect (we totally get it, holidays are important!). Just let the top of the soil fully dry up by about 1 inch between waterings and place yours somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. You be good to your Hoya like that and they'll be good to you. Promise! 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4526812889170 Coffea Arabica | Coffee Plant (M) Gino Meet Gino, who comes from the coffee-loving heart of Tanzania. With his lush, cascading emerald leaves, Gino's a true charmer and a cappuccino connoisseur. As part of the Coffea Arabica family, known for its world-famous coffee beans, Gino is here to make your space brew-tiful! Just like a perfectly brewed cup, Gino is easy to enjoy, requiring minimal effort to keep his charm alive. Caring for the Coffea Arabica is as enjoyable as savoring a well-brewed cup of coffee. To keep this charming plant thriving, provide him with bright, indirect sunlight, like you'd find in your favorite corner cafe. Aim for soil that's consistently moist but not waterlogged (hold the cream and sugar). This Coffee Plant isn't into cold brew, so keep your indoor temperature cozy between 65-75°F (18-24°C), and consider misting his leaves regularly to keep him comfortable! 15 28 Average Light air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once per month (summer) 4623544352850 Sansevieria Laurentii | Snake Plant (XL) Kaa Alright, folks, gather 'round to meet Kaa the snake plant! Now, don't let the 'snake' part confuse you. Unlike his slithering namesake, Kaa's got his own style. Snakes can't stand tall, but Kaa? He's a plant with confidence. Snakes throw hissy fits, but Kaa? He's as cool as a cucumber. While snakes crawl, Kaa struts his stuff with elegance. No need to worry about in-laws here either; they might call him 'mother in law's tongue' because of his sharp leaves, but Kaa's more like the cool uncle of the plant world. The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the Snake Plant. Unlike real snakes causing chaos on planes, this plant is all about grounded tranquility. He's as easygoing as a Sunday morning, thriving in various light conditions, from bright, indirect rays to cozy low-light spots. Keep his cool by giving him a leisurely sip every 2-4 weeks; he's no fan of wet feet! The Snake Plant is a great air purifier (woohoo!), but be sure to keep an eye on Fido and Felix around this guy as he can be slightly poisonoussssss (cue snake sound...) 25 80 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6574787985490 Philodendron Brazil (S) Miguel Arrrriba amigos! One of our favourite plants, the one and only Miguel, has migrated to British Columbia to have a go at the Rocky Mountains. We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome him and we’re sure our fellow British Columbians won’t mind having a captive...I mean friendly audience to drone on and on to...I mean talk to about our beautiful province. Just remember to throw Miguel a compliment or two in the middle of your craft beer presentation, ok? Those leaves! Though there are thousands of species of Philodendron, the Scandens Brasil stands out for his stunning green and yellow leaves. Perhaps he can tell you about them after you two visit your tenth biking trail. This green amigo would also like to tell you that he likes both a little direct sunlight and a little shade, and to sit in moist soil. He definitely came to the right place! Why not give him a moss covered support so he can practice his climbing skills? He was a professional back in the jungle, which you would know if you paused your Nickelback playlist long enough to listen to anything he said. 10 13 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4820330512466 Aspidistra | Cast Iron Plant (XL) Tucker Meet our new easy going green amigo: Tucker! A plant of little needs, Tucker mostly keeps to himself, although he is known for getting emotional during the National Anthem, he even knows the words off by heart. He told us he has a full scale version of the flag that he keeps tucked away between his leaves and only brings out for National Holidays. He keeps it perfectly folded thanks to a flag-folding tutorial that he found online. Tucker believes in freedom of speech...but only if you’re saying things that he’s okay with hearing. Okay so you wanted something big, something beautiful, without the hassle of having to care for it all the time? Meet the wonderful Cast Iron Plant! This tropical houseplant, or Aspidistra if that's your thing, is an impressively tough plant that is super hard to kill. Go ahead and take a long vacation, this plant won't mind! Just give it a nice spot with indirect light (no direct rays for this fella), and water occasionally, letting the excess moisture drip away. We love a low-maintenance amigo. 30 85 Low to Moderate Strong air purifier Anything but direct sunlight Non-toxic Every 3-4 years Every 2-3 months 4609517289554 Peperomia Argyreia (S) | Watermelon Plant James James is Plantsome's secret agent. He pulls off the most insane stunts in his watermelon suit. James is half-succulent which means he stores water in his leaves. It also means that James doesn't get upset when you forget to water him. And when you do give him his drink, shaken, not stirred! James is an absolute super hero at taking care of himself. He's so busy making the world a better place that he has no time to die. His air purifying skills are second to none and his pet friendliness provides a safe refuge for Fifi and Felix! You and James are going to form a really strong bond. 10 20 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4716457459794 Nephrolepis Exaltata | Boston Fern (S) Carl This beautiful and special fern is originally from New Zealand and South-East Asia but his name is Greek. 'Nephros' is Greek for Kidney and 'Lepsis' translates to 'scale'. The Greek refer to the scale of this plant that have a 'kidney like' shape to them. It takes a bit of fantasy, we agree but it makes for a good story. Carl is a thirsty dude so be sure to water him plenty of time. Carl is not poisonous and doesn't need any plant food. The Plantsome app will help with his watering needs. Easy! Carl is the ultimate green houseplant. He has a full head of bright green leaves and easy to maintain. Easy to take care of and great at purifying the air, too. Another mouthful, his real name is Nephrolepsis but he's often called the Boston Fern. Some say he studied at Harvard and got a degree in frond management. 10 17 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright but no direct sunlight Non-toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4766976606290 Sansevieria Zeylanica | Snake Plant (S) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 10 20 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4694581280850 Monstera Deliciosa (XXL) | Swiss Cheese Plant Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico, allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela. This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 25 70 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 6724499636306 Philodendron Micans (S) Mike P If one of our plants were to star in his own dating show, Mike P. would be it. Though not particularly passionate about much in life, he does look great in black tie and will charm the leaves off of your parents. Just look at his velvety outfit! Whether he’s in your ensuite or your fantasy suite, Mike P.’s just a low maintenance lad that enjoys long walks on the beach, intermittent fasting, and hangin’ with his buds. The TOTAL package, if you ask us. Mike P.’s on a journey to find love and build a connection that lasts. His perfect match is someone who plays hard to get and occasionally leaves him on read… absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Indigenous to the islands of Dominica and Tobago, this smooth talker likes it when you leaf him alone to do his thing. Fairly low maintenance, the Philodendron Micans will also tolerate most light levels and a forgetful plant parent. But as long as you’re there for the right reasons, Mike P. will grow trails and trails of velvety foliage fit for television stardom. Ideally, he likes his soil moist and his air well-circulated (whatever that means)... Trust us, he’ll thank you for it with the most. dramatic. season. yet. 10 17 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4817066066002 Hedera (S) | Marengo Ivy Malorie Malorie doesn’t take crap from anybody, she’s a high powered lawyer who will sue your ass if you even look at her funny. Malorie grew up in a difficult household so she’s no stranger to hard times and literally climbed out of poverty through sheer will. Malorie’s area of practice is divorce, her father left her mother with nothing and skipped town - she never forgot it. So now she makes sure all her clients get as much as they can get. Such a trailblazer! The Marengo Ivy is originally from the Canary Islands and the Atlantic coasts of northern Africa. This hardy plant is excels at trailing in difficult areas due to it being a vigorous grower. Give this lady a shed and she'll can cover that unsightly thing in no-time. Although she's popular in garden beds and on patios, Malorie will do just fine indoors, too! The Marengo Ivy is not fussy about conditions, she is okay with a bright spot or even part shade. She has no real soil requirements and watering care need not be pedantic. Easy! 10 20 Fairly little Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Every other year Fertilize monthly in spring and summer 4568040767570 Alocasia Amazonica | African Mask (S) Tiki You know that Brady Bunch episode when the gang goes to Hawaii and Bobby finds an old Hawaiin Idol that brings bad luck to whoever touches it? Let's just say cultural sensitivity in the 70's wasn't what it is today. Well, Alocasia Amazonica or Tiki is kinda similar - she's not from the Amazon at all - but was created in a Florida nursery in the 50's by crossing A. longiloba and A. sanderiana. And to top it off many people feel they have been cursed by bad luck when they realize how difficult it can be to look after these plants. Oh, Tiki! The Alocasia Amazonica is one of many species of Alocasia (almost 100 unique species!). It's commonly known as an African Mask or Elephant's Ear plant. The dark leaves with striking white veins make it a popular houseplant. Those beautiful leaves can grow to up to 40 cm in length. Alocasia thrive in bright, indirect sunlight - as much as they can get. Like a lot of tropical plants, water is important - the soil in the spring and summer should always be moist - but not soaking wet. Alocasia can be a challenging plant to care for, but when you get it right, it is incredibly rewarding! 10 25 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6764459065426 Schlumbergera Truncata | Zygo Holiday Cactus (S) Holly Pre-Order - Ships week of November 28thMeet Holly, the Holiday Cactus! Not only does she bloom and blossom, but she’s also the nicest plant ever! This green amigo loves the holidays, and we mean EVERY holiday. National Fast Food Day? She’s there. World Hello Day (it’s a thing, look it up), Holly is THERE. And she never wants to celebrate alone! Holly is one of those plants that always likes your Facebook photos and leaves cute emojis to let you know she really cares. She doesn’t drink much but she’ll get you in the festive spirit by singing your favorite song and showing off her festive colours! The flowers on this cactus are induced by introducing it to cooler temperatures and long periods of darkness. As summer turns to fall, this beauty starts to come into its groove and the flower producing starts. All that coolness aside though, your cactus will still require plenty of bright sunlight to thrive so be sure to maintain it in a well lit room with plenty of direct light. Water sparingly and keep your Christmas cactus in a pot with good drainage for the best results. Grow cactus grow! ** Bloom colour could be a variety of colours depending on what's available. Don't worry, they all look gorgeous!** 10 22 Twice monthly Moderate air purifying Medium to bright indirect light Non toxic Each year after flowering Once every two weeks once buds form 4510493409362 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree (XL) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic. 25 120 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Moderately toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 6889545990226 Alocasia Cuprea | Red Secret (S) Theodora Theodora is part of the wealthy elite whose names you and I will likely never hear and faces we shall never see. It is known that Theodora’s family dates back to the very same pharaohs who ruled over Egypt and built the pyramids. The blood that runs in her veins is older than money itself and unfathomably more powerful. Theodora also goes by “Dragon Scale” due to an abnormally scaly part at the bottom of her spine - it is rumoured she isn’t fully human plant but part something other than this world. The Alocasia Red Secret is extremely rare and finding one is something to be proud of in of itself. This gorgeous beauty has enormous marked and textured leaves which only lend credence to the idea that she is part something non-plant. She thrives in the bright indirect light with a bit of shade thrown in, and particularly enjoys conducting business in humid environments. It would be wise to keep the soil wet and not soggy... unless you want to find out more about that secret side. 10 20 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4621036585042 Nemanthus Hypocyrta Green | Goldfish Plant (S) Eloa For Eloa, Carnival happens almost every day! This Brazilian beauty knows how to brag and honestly, who wouldn't? Those bright orange flowers and Samba moves make everyone go crazy. But hey, easy tiger! Eloa also plays hard to get and likes to hang out near the clouds. After all, she is a true rainforest goddess and should be treated like one! The Nemanthus is famous for its charming looks. In the summer, Eloa puts her Carnival costume on and produces goldfish-like flowers, making her the centre of the universe. This tropical cascading plant loves water and plenty of indirect sunlight. Treat her well and she might even reward you with flowers year-around. Her ideal date? A picnic on the beach, under the shade of a palapa, drinks and some Bossa nova playing in the background ;) 10 18 Average Low air purifier Indirect light Safe for pets! Every three years Once every two weeks 4568605917266 Aphelandra Squarrosa | Zebra Plant (S) Zahra Hmmm, decisions, decisions. Is it the flowers or the foliage that make this plant so attractive? Zahra is an Aphelandra Squarrosa or Zebra plant. In her day-job Zahra radiates elegance and sophistication with her voluptuous white veined-leaves prancing about, but at night she doffs the work clothes and gets into something a little more alluring and wild - this is her flowering side! Bright bracts of yellow flowers that can last up to 6 weeks show what Zahra is really made of. Day or night - Zahra is stripingly pretty! Zebra plants are finicky (needy!). They crave bright, warm and humid environments - something like a sun room or a conservatory is ideal. Don't have one of those? No problem! Put her close to a bright South facing window and she'll be fine - not too much direct sunlight in the summer however! Keep the soil constantly moist during the spring/summer and the humidity high and she will even bring you flowers! 10 18 Regular Low air purifier Bright indirect light Not poisonous Once every two years Weekly in summer 4602627719250 Zamioculcas Black Raven (M) | ZZ Plant Dalton All good Westerns have a scene where there's a gunfight between a badass dude dressed head to toe in black with rough-hewn good looks, a glint in his eye and a wicked fast draw and some other guy dressed in beige. Dalton is that badass guy. One look at him and you'll get it. He is dark and brooding and tough as steel. But don't let his "anti-hero" status concern you. Dalton is really easy to have around, so easy in fact that he might even help you folding laundry or doing the dishes - we recommend that you keep your six shooter locked and out of reach however! Introducing the Zamioculcas Black Raven. This dark and mysterious plant is a true gem among houseplants. With leaves that shift from bright green to striking violet-purple black, this variety adds a touch of intrigue to any space. He's not your run-of-the-mill houseplant; he's considered "rare" for a reason! However, despite his unique looks, this variety is surprisingly low-maintenance and likes to be cared for as if he was just any ol' ZZ! Just find him a cozy spot with indirect light, and let his soil dry out a bit between waterings. Go team easy! 15 30 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4688650698834 Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus' | Satin Pothos (M) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? The Satin Pothos, or Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus', isn't just a stunner; she's also delightfully low-maintenance. Whether she's hanging gracefully or sitting pretty in a regular pot, this plant knows how to work it. Her leaves feel almost as silky as her silver spots look stunning. We can't help but sing her praises daily here at Plantsome, and she's not one to argue. You grow, girl! She'll thrive in bright, indirect light and likes a good drink every 1-2 weeks. And here's a pro tip: give her a refreshing mist occasionally to maintain her radiant appearance. This Satin Pothos knows she's fabulous – and she's here to make your space just as fabulous! 15 32 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 7087058813010 Scindapsus Treubii | Nearly Black Pothos (S) Rachel She sings, she shops, and she IS the moment. Rachel is the shining star no matter what room she’s in and who she’s next to. Need a bit of comedic relief or a stunning love interest? Look no further. She’s the character everyone loves to hate because she’s always in the limelight. The truth is, she can’t help it. What she’d love to say to her haters is [redacted]. Whatever… we blame the writers. Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and are fast growers. If you have a low light space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos plant is the one for you. Seriously. The Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight or Sterling Silver Pothos will thrive in most indoor lighting conditions and low maintenance when it comes to humidity. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Pothos plants as Devil’s Ivy but they’re not a fan of that nickname… 10 18 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4785236344914 Scindapsus Pictus | Satin Pothos (L) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? Its not common to see a plant so stunning that is yet so easy to care for but Miley is definitely one of them. She's a great hanging plant but will do just fine in a regular pot as well. Her leaves have an almost 'satin' feel to them and her silver spots are a sight to behold. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. Yep, she's a stunner and she knows it. "I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally." You grow girl! 21 35 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4591312896082 Musa Dwarf Cavendish | Banana Plant (S) Baloo Besides Baloo's life story, we have to comment on his remarkable leaves. They are quite fast growing and moisture-wicking, which makes for high humidity. Good for Baloo, good for you! Banana plants contain about 80% water. Needless to say, Baloo is a thirsty roommate and really adores the sun! So pick a bright spot and... go bananas! When we first met the Banana plant, it introduced itself with a tale from the jungle. Named after a playful friend from its past adventures, the Musa is here to bring joy and tropical vibes to your space. The Musa requires a lot of sun and water, but it's worth it since this plant is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S....     10 22 A lot of Light air purifying Bright direct light Non-toxic Once every two years Every other week (summer) 4955046150226 Calamondin Orange Tree (L) Li Xiu Li Xiu has one dream: to be dipped at the end of a tense, dramatic salsa dance in such a way that it solidifies the undying devotion between her and her dance partner. The dance floor should be clouded in mist and a burning spotlight should bathe Li Xiu and her partner in a yellow glow, highlighting the sweat glistening on her oranges. Everyone’s holding their breath. The judges score them a TEN out of TEN! They’ve never seen such a display of talent and passion. And, even though Li Xui is disqualified for being a tree, her performance lives on forever in the minds of spectators (as the reason many of them gave up alcohol). Some people glance suspiciously at their drinks on the way out. What a show! The Calamondin tree spreads joy, and a love of dance wherever it goes. Bushy leaves and striking white blossoms eventually turn into small, acidic oranges. The juice from these oranges is sour like a lime, and although it can be mixed with other fruits to make cold drinks or marmalade, the Calamondin Tree is often kept as an ornamental fruit-bearing plant. This plant prefers a well-lit space and requires at least a few hours of full sun every day. The Calamondin also loves high humidity and can be kept indoors or outside in spring and summer! Let the top layer of soil to dry out before it’s watered again - this beauty is more comfortable that way. 17 40 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 4573949198418 Epipremnum | Pothos Marble Queen (M) Mia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Mia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying shotgun in her sister's Lockheed Vega, but they are both retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum, or Pothos Marble Queen, is beloved for its rapid growth and lush vines. This plant is an excellent air purifier and thrives in various indoor environments. Just try to avoid direct sunlight exposure and keep the soil evenly moist. Easy-peasy! 15 30 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4730065616978 Epipremnum | Pothos Marble Queen (L) Mia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Mia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying shotgun in her sister's Lockheed Vega, but they are both retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum, or Pothos Marble Queen, is beloved for its rapid growth and lush vines. This plant is an excellent air purifier and thrives in various indoor environments. Just try to avoid direct sunlight exposure and keep the soil evenly moist. Easy-peasy! 21 35 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6558789402706 Areca Palm (XXL) Marty Marty is Palm from Central America. To really shine in your room Marty will require plenty of bright indirect light. In return, you'll be awarded with air so super fresh, ahhhh just a a joy to come home to! Marty's hobby really is cleaning the air and its dirty work so Marty will require some love and attention from you to keep doing what Marty does best! Introducing the Areca Palm, a native of Central America flaunting its stylish long fronds. It's no surprise this fella reigns supreme among the palms! Think of him as the Elvis Presley, the undisputed king of the palm world. To keep your Areca feeling like a king, place it in a sunny spot with some cool, filtered sunlight, and maintain that perfect balance in its soil – consistently moist but never waterlogged. Take care of your Areca, and your Areca will take care of you. We can't help falling in love with this one! 24 100 Frequent Strong air purifying Light and bright Non-toxic Once every three years Once every two weeks in summer 4711206027346 Senecio Rowleyanus | String of Pearls (M) Peggy Just about every self-respecting plant Insta page has a photo of this lady on his or her feed: the Senecio Rowleyanus aka Pea Plant aka String of Pearls or our little Peggy as we call her. The reason Peggy is so much in the spotlight may be obvious, her gorgeous strings of pearls. I mean just look at 'em! Draping down like a kind of green waterfall. A beautiful hanging plant to place in any modern interior. Peggy is very attached to her pearls, but she understand she has to let go of some of them occasionally. Do not be alarmed if some have come detached on arrival. She just creates new ones! A word of caution: Peggy is very possessive of her pearls. This beautiful necklace that she's wearing can become very long (60-90 cm!), so take this into account when choosing a spot. Furthermore, Peggy is a succulent from the drier parts of West Africa. She doesn't need a lot of water. She likes a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Peggy's lovely locks may be a little short right now but with enough love and attention they will be Instagram-worthy in no time. We love you Peggy! 15 17 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 6555010465874 Selenicereus Anthonyanus | Ric Rac Fishbone Cactus (S) Jacques Jacques knows he doesn’t look like a stereotypical cactus. You don’t need to keep bringing it up. He knows that cacti are predominantly leafless but, guess what? Those wavy green things aren’t leaves. They’re flattened stems. And he knows cacti don’t normally look this gobsmackingly gorgeous hanging over a basket but it’s not his fault his flowers are so pretty. And, okay, your average cactus is a big prick compared to Jacques’s harmless, limp exterior, but that doesn't mean he won’t poke your eye out in a fight. So, go ahead, provoke him. Because Jacques is ready to eat some water-soluble cactus fertilizer or throw down...and he’s all out of water-soluble cactus fertilize! Jacques would kick you in the face if it meant he could get a nice spot in some bright, indirect light. Jacques would punch you in the gut (or groin even) for a consistent, biweekly to monthly watering schedule that takes into account his low tolerance for cold water. Jacques would literally burn your house down for monthly doses of fertilizer to encourage healthy growth. Point is, watch out and download the Plantsome App so none of this has to happen! 10 25 Very little Typically low air purifier Bright, direct light Toxic Every 2-3 years 2-3 times per year 4771777118290 Boris the Terrarium | L Boris We're so excited to bring you Boris the terrarium kit! We normally wouldn't advise you to keep a lid on the growth of your green amigo's and amiga's but with Boris in town, things are different! Boris has it all under control! Simply place the plants provided in this DIY kit inside, close the lid and marvel at your own home-made terrarium!   Terrarium's are hot (hehe) these days but we're sure you've never seen anything quite like our big and beautiful Boris! This amazing terrarium is truly a labour of love here at Plantsome. Curated with green amigos hand-picked for life in a glass dome by our in-house botanists! This lovely glass terrarium will come with a set of six plants, some organic soil mix, lava rocks for drainage. Simply plant your plants inside and create your own little urban jungle in a dome. Boris loves to be shown off but be careful when Boris gets too excited because he tips over easily which usually doesn't end well. Included in your Terrarium Kit: Terrarium with cork lid. (Height: 38cm / Diam: 29 cm) Six different plants in various sizes Lava rock for drainage Decor stones for decoration 3L Tropical Plant Mix (soil) Do not take off the lid after you've closed your Boris. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Boris. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears. Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 21 30 Infrequent Not air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxicity depends on plants in terrarium Once every 3-4 years None 6851500965970 Strobilanthes Dyeriana | Persian Shield (S) Amir For Amir, nothing is too extra. He lives in luxury, as is his right. With a motto of “work hard, play harder,” Amir not only treats himself to the good life, but everyone around him. Knowing Amir feels like knowing royalty. Thankfully, being in the upper echelons of the business world has only minutely gone to his head. From weekend bottle service to first class international travel, Amir seeks only the best in all aspects of his life. Needless to say—if Amir wants it, he got it. The Strobilanthes Dyeriana, otherwise known as the Persian Shield or Royal Purple Plant is a stunning tropical plant with bright purple metallic/iridescent foliage. Originating in Southeast Asia, the Persian Shield is happiest in dappled sunlight and warm, humid air. It is a relatively easy houseplant, tolerant of most lighting conditions and only requiring water once the top 2 inches of soil dry out. 10 15 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Mildly irritating Once every 2-3 years Once every 2 weeks in spring and summer 6562502213714 Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma | Minima Monstera Ginny (S) Nikki Just because Nikki is an easy plant to maintain, doesn’t mean she’s an easy plant to find. In order to “get down with the Nik-ness”, you must remind her how rare and special she is on the daily. She likes to think that she’s the last plant you think about at night and the first plant you think about in the morning. But, like, don’t get too obsessed because Nikki doesn’t like that. She’s cool and casual. Cool, casual, and ready to be showered in your unrelenting love. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. Raaa-fid-a-fooor...screw it. This plant is chill. She doesn’t have time for nine syllable Latin names and neither do we. Her name is Nikki (two syllables, thank you very much) and she’s always down to hang. Well, as long as the lighting is good and her soil is moist. Not too moist: remember to drain the soil. 10 22 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4688679895122 Calathea Makoyana | Peacock Plant (M) Leandro This stunning Brazilian dude is ready to elevate your home to a whole new level of glam. To look the way he does, Leandro spends hours at the gym every single day. We are kind of obssessed to be honest. Those incredible glossy, strong, manicured leaves resemble the looks of an Olympian God. He's just impeccably handsome! Gosh! Leandro has beautiful dark and pale green leaves that make him spectacular. This Peacock plant is used to the exotic, tropical weather of Rio de Janeiro, so he expects that you place him somewhere with constant high humidity. Placing a bowl with water near Leandro is nice. Also, let those muscles grow by making sure that Leandro enjoys low to moderate sunlight and a well-moist soil.  Obrigado! 15 28 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6559954993234 Ceropegia Woodii | String of Hearts (S) Juliet Juliet wears her heart on her leaves. She fiercely believes there’s somebody out there for her. For all of us. We just have to find them. Juliet spends most of her free time planning her dream wedding - the perfect decor, the perfect wedding band, everything perfect for her perfect prince. Nobody has the heart to tell her that there's no such thing as perfect. Lets face it, who wants to be the one to tell somebody to stop believing in love? Juliet’s met some great plants but they’re just not him y’know. They’re not Romeo. The String of Hearts (known to some as the Ceropegia Woodii) is a lovely trailing plant easily recognisable with its heart shaped leaves. Caring for Juliet is fairly simple, she needs watering once every 7-10 days but don’t allow her to sit in water as she’ll get root rot (and heartbreak). Juliet enjoys a little bit of sunshine, so having her close to a window would be great...and helps her look for the love of her life. 10 12 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Non-toxic Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 6724500324434 Anthurium Clarinervium (S) Dora Dora exploradora - all grown up! Although you may know her from her days of adventuring across the land with her pals Boots and Backpack, this green amiga has really blossomed into her own. Not only is she the founder and CEO of her own travel agency, but she’s also an internationally recognized author and podcast host. Go figure! And while a lot has changed since her days of catching Swiper redhanded… She's still just a plant who wears her heart on her sleeve. Want to learn more about how to keep her thriving? Come on, vamonos! The Anthurium Clarinervium plant is truly one of a kind. Its heart shaped leaves and tolerance to medium, indirect light make it one of the trendiest tropical plants to keep in your home. Originally found in Mexico, this unique aroid prefers moist soil and high humidity of at least 50% (or even greater, if possible)! As most plants of this variety, the Anthurium Clarinervium can be susceptible to root rot and yellowing leaves, if overwatered. To prevent this from happening, ensure your potting soil is well draining and cut back on watering once the growing season comes to a close (fall/winter). And one more thing - this houseplant can be mildly toxic if ingested; so keep your fluffy pals well away! 10 17 Moderate Strong Bright indirect light Toxic Every 2-3 years Once a month in spring and summer 4857054167122 Hedera Helix (S) | Variegated Ivy Malorie Malorie doesn’t take crap from anybody, she’s a high powered lawyer who will sue your ass if you even look at her funny. Malorie grew up in a difficult household so she’s no stranger to hard times and literally climbed out of poverty through sheer will. Malorie’s area of practice is divorce, her father left her mother with nothing and skipped town - she never forgot it. So now she makes sure all her clients get as much as they can get. Such a trailblazer! The variegated Ivy is originally from the Canary Islands and the Atlantic coasts of northern Africa. This hardy plant is excels at trailing in difficult areas due to it being a vigorous grower. Give this lady a shed and she'll can cover that unsightly thing in no-time. Although she's popular in garden beds and on patios, Malorie will do just fine indoors, too! The Marengo Ivy is not fussy about conditions, she is okay with a bright spot or even part shade. She has no real soil requirements and watering care need not be pedantic. Easy! 10 18 Fairly little Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Every other year Fertilize monthly in spring and summer 4926001315922 Hoya Australis Grande | Wax Plant (S) Isla Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Isla is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. But don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for plants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. Its a sight to behold. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 19 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4657167761490 Monstera Deliciosa (XL) | Swiss Cheese Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico, allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela. This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 25 68 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4564852998226 Sansevieria Zeylanica | Snake Plant (XL) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. Gus purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 25 80 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4644608409682 Calathea Ornata (M) Pink Pink always wants to go for drinks and party hard. Weekends or workdays, it don't matter much to her! And she doesn't discriminate either. You'll find her in underground dance clubs one day and an upscale jazz bar the next. She tends to bring an entourage of Calathea sisters everywhere she goes that is sure to draw a crowd. So if you're thinking of bringing her home, be prepared to meet her sisters too! The Calathea Ornata, as striking as its sister Calatheas, has a unique feature setting it apart: pink leaves! But don't be fooled, it is hard work getting it to put those big beautiful leaves out. Just like any rock star there is a list of demands: a bright spot, no direct sunlight, regular misting of the leaves, fertilizer in summer and a little bit of water at just the right time! Fortunately this plant is a great communicator and will furl up its leaves to let you know when if it's not getting enough moisture. 15 33 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4711171162194 Ceropegia Woodii | String of Hearts (M) Juliet Juliet wears her heart on her leaves. She fiercely believes there’s somebody out there for her. For all of us. We just have to find them. Juliet spends most of her free time planning her dream wedding - the perfect decor, the perfect wedding band, everything perfect for her perfect prince. Nobody has the heart to tell her that there's no such thing as perfect. Lets face it, who wants to be the one to tell somebody to stop believing in love? Juliet’s met some great plants but they’re just not him y’know. They’re not Romeo. The String of Hearts (known to some as the Ceropegia Woodii) is a lovely trailing plant easily recognisable with its heart shaped leaves. Caring for Juliet is fairly simple, she needs watering once every 7-10 days but don’t allow her to sit in water as she’ll get root rot (and heartbreak). Juliet enjoys a little bit of sunshine, so having her close to a window would be great...and helps her look for the love of her life. 15 18 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Non-Toxic Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 4857055477842 Spathiphyllum | Peace Lily Domino (M) Ricardo Tanned. Chiseled chest. Hips of a god. Rhythm of the Devil - Ricardo will make any woman’s knees weak and a few men uncomfortably intrigued. Ricardo rolls his “r”s like the ocean rolls in tides and he stops to dance only until the sun has come up. Ricardo’s from a tropical part of the world with a name you can never properly pronounce. Legend has it he learnt to salsa before he learnt to walk and his first word was “Olé!” Ricardo's roots are in South America, but caramba! He will do just fine in any Canadian household! He's a beautiful Spathiphyllum (we know, its a jaw breaker), and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily Domino. We're guessing Ricardo's got his domino name because of his cute freckles but it might also be because he runs a secret high stakes gambling ring together with Mojo. In any case, Ricardo doesn't need much from you, just some water from time to time. He'll tell you when by dropping his leaves. It's a bit of a drama move, but so befitting Ricardo! 15 40 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 4856835571794 Alocasia Zebrina | Elephant's Ear (S) Aku Aku Aku Aku came to us fleeing from his home country of Borneo. Fleeing you ask? Yes because Aku Aku actually gets cooked and eaten in Borneo, which is a pretty legit reason to leave your home. Aku Aku will settle in just fine here, as long as you give him enough water and place him away from direct sunlight. Aku Aku is a special dude. You'll see that when you look at his leaves and stems. You'd almost say he's a cross between a zebra and an elephant. His official name is Alocasia Zebrina but some refer to him as Elephant's Ear. Aku Aku is unique in the way that the attention is always on him. In the Jungle this plant is often used as an umbrella. You'll find animals and even people huddling up together to take refuge from torrential jungle rain. Should you get a leak in the house you know what to do! Aku Aku to the rescue! 10 37 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4564110868562 Crassula | Jade Plant (M) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 15 27 4676257972306 Hoya Curtisii | Porcelain flower (S) Lorenzo Let’s face it. No one has better music taste than Lorenzo. He’s just so tuned into the house and dance scene over in Europe its hard to compete! No DJ? No problem. Lorenzo's got your back! From Latin to dubstep and some good ol' Drake, Lorenzo just knows what people need! At the office, we just leave him in charge of setting the mood and oh, boy, he does! Unts Unts Unts baby whoo! We used to think the Hoya Curtisii was more picky and needy, but Lorenzo doesn't really ask for much. Just let the top of his soil dry up by about 1" between waterings and place him somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. You be good to Lorenzo like that and he'll be good to you. Promise! 10 13 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4651727257682 Croton Gold Dust (S) Lee-Anne The Croton Petra is not the most air purifying plant that you'll find but fear not. Just like any other plant, Lee-Anne will turn Carbon Dioxide into oxygen for you. With Lee-Anne you'll have a happy houseplant no matter what. The Asian beauty Croton Petra is one of the prettiest girls in the classroom. Lee-Anne may look innocent but she has a rebellious streak for sure! If anyone asks, yes she enjoys visits to the salon for a new look. How else would she change those colors all the time? We see right through you Lee-Anne! 10 24 Frequent Lightly air purifying Bright spot with no direct sunlight Lightly poisonous Once every two years Once per month (summer) 6865595859026 Peperomia Polybotrya | Raindrop Peperomia (S) Burt You'll find Burt strumming along on his ukulele asking for the rain to stop. It's not that he doesn't like the rain per se, but he would just like less of it. More of a occasional light shower kind of guy, Burt is. Some say the rain he's singing about is more of an emotional "rain," and he does wear his heart on his s-leaf, so they might be on to something. Either way, if you're looking for an easy-going sidekick with something special, Burt is your guy. In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by, don't you think? The Peperomia Polybotrya or Raindrop Peperomia plants have fleshy leaves that almost look succulent-like. Well don't let the name fool you, these easy-care plants are actually a type of succulent and don't need lots of rain (or water) to survive. 10 25 Infrequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 6556238839890 Platycerium | Staghorn Fern (S) Oscar Oscar’s a grouch. His hobbies are spreading misery, taking naps, and glaring at you through his fronds. Though he’d prefer living in a trash can or mounted to a board (its a thing), he’ll be dissatisfied no matter where you put him. And don’t try to build a relationship with him because he doesn’t want friends but don’t leave him alone because he needs someone to listen to him complain. And don’t bring your pets around him (because he hates your pets) but don’t refuse him a pet of his own. And don’t compliment him but don’t let him forget how much better he is than everyone else. And whatever you do, also consider not doing it. Oscar is a unique plant, with branching leaves that spread out like antlers from their base. His fronds look stunning over the side of a hanging basket, and eclectic when mounted to a board with a piece of sphagnum moss. A lover of trash, Oscar still likes to be bathed for 10-20 minutes when his moss dries and to have his fronds misted while he gripes about all your friends. 10 20 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4524269437010 Nerve Plant | Fittonia Albivenis (S) Nala Jr. Nala Jr. is such a sweet little plant. She's not the fondest of being in the spotlight and tends to shy away from too much social activity but that's ok! Nala's introverted behaviour is so well balanced with her dazzlingly coloured leaves. And ominous looking as they may seem, the leaves of the Fittonia are non-toxic so safe for pets! No need to get nervous about Fifi throwing up after nibbling on Nala. Nice! Nala the nerve plant may be small in stature but she sure has a striking look to her. The dark green leaves are brightened by tiny pinkish veins that run through them. Nala is an easy grower that doesn't mind to be in the shade. Low light is her kinda light. In fact, she gets a little 'nervous' in bright spots with lots of other super tall sun loving plant friends around. She's not a recluse entirely but Nala certainly likes to keep to herself. That's why she's got her own little shelf here at Plantsome. You grow girl! 10 14 Moderate Not a strong air purifier Low light Once every two years Monthly in summer 6724445700178 Philodendron Pink Princess (S) Barb Barb’s favourite drink is a long island iced tea, and that’s probably all you need to know about Barb. That and the fact that she haaates being called Barbie. Recent retiree and former beauty queen, this Florida native has truly lived it all. Don’t take our word for it, either! She’ll gladly tell you all about her time in Vegas with a former US president who we will not name by name or that other time she was almost cast as a star on Baywatch. We get it Barb, you were a total knockout! Philodendrons have always been popular amongst plant parents, and Barb is no exception! This Pink Princess thrives in bright, filtered light, tons of humidity, and a warm environment. It reminds her of home after all! She’s known on the pageant circuit for her intricately shaped leaves and splash of pink. When it comes to her growth, our Barb can be a bit of a (social) climber and wouldn’t mind some support - we recommend a pole for stability (no, really). She told us her love languages are water and words of affirmation - remember that and you two will get along just fine! 10 22 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 4571604811858 Zamioculcas (L) | ZZ Plant Luke Meet Luke, the friend you can take anywhere! Luke is your ideal companion for any room, always up for a good time and low-maintenance to boot. With his slow growth and easygoing nature, he's the friend everyone wants. Luke has a slightly mischievous side and is mildly toxic, so keep an eye on your furry pals around him. Apart from his minor quirks, Luke is as laid-back as they come and adapts to most environments. Some have luck, some have Luke! Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 21 55 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6838647259218 Peperomia Angulata | Funky Frog (S) Hopper Hopper is a big fan of all kinds of hip hop. His all time favourite is hop scotch, but he's always down for a classic game of leap frog. Oh did you think he meant hip hop music? Well, he won't say no if someone puts on California Love, but he'd prefer to listen to that one about his friend Jeremiah, he was a bullfrog (if you didn't know). Peperomia Angulata or Peperomia Funky Frog is one of the toughest Peperomias out there, making it the perfect easy care plant! The brightly striped, green leaves of this tropical houseplant prefer bright, indirect light but are tolerant of low light. They are great in hanging pots because the stems will start to trail. If the trailing stems get too long, prune them for propagation! 10 14 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4832154124370 Pilea Involucrata | Moonvalley (S) Crystal Crystal is as woke as they come. To her everybody is a sheep and she’ll be the first person tell you how you’re being led astray. Crystal has her own blog where she carefully outlines how the very fabric of our society is fraying because of the rise of populist movements and the influence of social media on our mind body and spirit. She’s not totally wrong but there is a point where somebody is so woke that they are hallucinating. Crystal had a run in with the law after she ‘planted’ herself outside a popular waffle shop with protest signs because she firmly believed it was a secret drop site for spies of the deep state. It’s crazy but we don’t know what to believe anymore! The Moon Valley Pilea A.K.A Pilea Involucrata is made up of green, quilted leaves with deep bronze veins (and a deep hatred for corporations). Crystal is a fan of moist soil, high humidity and warm temperatures - she’s not a fan of companies that keep your  data and sell it to other companies 'anonymized' (yeah right). Keep Crystal away from direct sunlight though, it will scorch those pretty leaves to a crisp and nobody wants to see a crystal turn to dust. 10 15 Regular Low air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 2 years Once a month 4832111099986 Asplenium Crispy Wave | Birds Nest Fern (S) Mowgli Besides amazing air purifying capabilities Mowgli is most comonly known for his wavy leaves. We've seen a bunch of girls looking in awe at those amazing locks of green. Did you know that those leaves will grow from the crown outward when a new leaf emerges? The Asplenium Crispy Wave Fern always has a big and full set of leaves because of it. His passport may say Asplenium Nidus but to friends he'll always be known as Mowgli. He does have a tendency to disappear into the jungle for a few days, but we've talked to him about it and he promised to stay put from now on. The Asplenium or Birds Nest Fern is a plant that doesn't like to be in the spotlight and would rather be in the shade. Just because he's hiding doesn't mean Mowgli doesn't love you! He'll shower you with fresh oxygen from his corner of the room as a token of his appreciation. Isn't that lovely! 10 17 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 7166906794066 Asparagus Plumosus | Plumosa Fern (S) Dylan Jr. Is it a cobweb? No, it's Dylan! He looks a little frazzled but he really isn't. Dylan isn’t really a fern at all, but a relative of the asparagus plant. Don't expect to put any food on the table, though. Dylan does not provide! The plumosa fern goes by many names—the asparagus fern, or lace fern being some of them. It's distinguished by its delicate, plume-like foliage and is actually a relative of edible asparagus! Beware of its stems, as they will grow very small (and very sharp) spines as the plant ages. Native to Africa, this plant enjoys bright, indirect light and can handle a range of temperatures and humidity levels, making it a very easy houseplant. 10 15 Water moderately Low air purifying No direct sunlight, shaded Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks, during summer 4524302696530 Spider Plant | Chlorophytum (S) Bertie Jr. This easy going companion is really good at getting rid of harmful substances. NASA even rated him five stars for it! Bert will remove Benzenes, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Bert is quite thirsty but doesn't have a lot of demands beyond that. What a lovely guy. The Chlorophytum is also known as the spider plant, and is truly one of the easiest air cleaners for your house. We call him Easy Bert because he's so so easy to maintain! He likes the lighter, brighter spots in your home, but he'll do just fine in darker spots. Give this green amigo some water every week, but if you miss a watering sesh- no need to worry about being strangled by Bert. 10 22 Frequently - weekly Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight non-toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 4661964931154 Grafted Ficus Ginseng Bonsai Tree | With Pot (L) Mona What was Leonardo thinking as he painted his glorious Mona Lisa? That beguiling smirk, that stare that won't let go, that beauty oh that beauty! We like to think that he couldn't keep his Ficus Microcarpa out of his mind! Mona is a mystery and a bit of a clarevoyant. We caught Mona one night with her Tarot cards reading the fortunes of Eileen and Audrey. Poor Eileen! Mona predicted all her leaves would fall off! And Audrey? That she would be spinstress! Like we even have those any more! Don't worry about Mona doing that to your plants - we made sure to hide her cards. Bon...sigh... they are so cute and so stunning that we can't keep our eyes off them! These beautiful ornamental mini trees are actually easily shaped and cultured when pruned the right way. The trick is maintaining a constant and correct care routine as just like all Ficus plants, these Bonsai too can be a bit fussy when it comes to drafts, watering and humidity/temperature. Keep your Bonsai's growth in check by rotating her every month or so for an even distribution of the leaf growth. If you're new to plant parenthood beware:  Ficus are notorious for dropping leaves when stressed. Expect Mona to drop a few of them three to four weeks after you receive your plant. Moving is stressful! 21 50 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4614310363218 Nephrolepis Exaltata | Boston Fern (M-6in) Carl This beautiful and special fern is originally from New Zealand and South-East Asia but his name is Greek. 'Nephros' is Greek for Kidney and 'Lepsis' translates to 'scale'. The Greek refer to the scale of this plant that have a 'kidney like' shape to them. It takes a bit of fantasy, we agree but it makes for a good story. Carl is a thirsty dude so be sure to water him plenty of time. Carl is not poisonous and doesn't need any plant food. The Plantsome app will help with his watering needs. Easy! Carl is the ultimate green houseplant. He has a full head of bright green leaves and easy to maintain. Easy to take care of and great at purifying the air, too. Another mouthful, his real name is Nephrolepsis but he's often called the Boston Fern. Some say he studied at Harvard and got a degree in frond management. **Length of carl is from the base of the pot to the hanger** 15 35 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright but no direct sunlight Non-toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4643188179026 Ponytail Palm | Beaucarnea (M) Beau Ponytail palm's are actually not part of the palm family. It's why Beau has always felt a little out of place. When everyone looks right, Beau looks left if you know what I mean. The Beaucarnea Recurvata or Elephant's Foot is actually part of the succulent family. You see, Beau is blessed with the unique ability to store access water in his stem for later use. Nice! Introducing the Ponytail Palm, the conversation starter of your plant collection. This quirky plant, native to Mexico, might have you wondering if he needs a haircut, but those cascading fronds are all part of his *vibe* (since he decided his manbun was so 2019). Fun fact: despite the name, he's not a true palm at all! The Ponytail Palm is more like a botanical hipster, sporting a unique look that stands out in any crowd. As for care, he's on more of an independent journey. Place your Ponytail Palm in a sunny spot, and water sparingly – he's a drought-tolerant gem. If you're looking to add a dash of botanical curiosity to your space, the Ponytail Palm is your chill companion on this wild plant journey! 15 50 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright and sunny Not toxic Once every year Once every month 4527654568018 Strelitzia Nicolai | Bird of Paradise (XL) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzie Nicolai sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! 25 90 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4393685745746 Joshua Tree Cane Yucca (XXL) Johnny Johnny has mastered the art of chill. Johnny is one of those easy going guys that everyone loves to hang out with. He doesn't drink much and does not need a lot of plant food either. Put him in a sunny spot and Johnny's happy. Just be careful with Pets, Johnny is a poisonous plant. Yeeeeeehaw! Johnny was born and raised in the arid lands of Central and North America and is especially common in the Yucca valley close to the world famous Joshua Tree National Park. Johnny is often mistaken to be part of the palm family but he's set the record straight with us. Johnny is actually a member of the succulent family. Johnny is used to the dry deserts of Texas which makes him very easy to maintain and take care of. 25 120 Very little Light air purifying Direct sun Toxic Once every two years Not needed 6744354226258 Pineapple Plant (S) Veronica Talk about a plant that always wears her crown! Veronica is no stranger to the tropical beaches of Hawaii nor the fruity cocktails you’d drink there. She demands that we address her as “your royal pine-ness” and simply will not answer to anything less. Don’t let her prickly exterior fool you though… This green amigo is as soft and sweet as it gets (deep, deeeep down inside). Veronica is a fierce, independent queen who comes with just a few simple requests: lots of bright light, moist soil, and the occasional (aperol) spritz! Tropical vibes on this one! Pineapple plants are a member of the Bromeliad family, a family of plants native to the tropical Americas. Their sword-like leaves collect and funnel water to her roots - which subsequently allows for the growth of one flower stalk, followed by a ripe, juicy fruit! Studies have shown that Pineapple Plants are quite the air filter champs. But wait, there's more! In the right conditions this green amigo also provides a tasty treat! 10 25 Frequent Low Direct Not Toxic Every 1-2 years None 6870887432274 Calathea Freddie (S) Chuck Chuck is a popular guy and we can tell why. His leaves are adorable. On his home 'turf' (hehe) in South-America you'll find him creeping and crawling on the jungle floor. You see, Chuck here likes to get down and dirty in the shaded areas of the forest. He doesn't mind if bigger plant baddies grow all over him. Chuck loves the shade and will gladly take the protection others plants give. So if you're looking for a spot for chuck to shine, a shaded spot works best. Chuck is the sweet baby brother we all want to have. Isabella, Julia and Donna look after Chuck and they keep him out of trouble. Chuck has a rebellious streak but he has always been kind to his big sisters. To him, his sisters are the coolest kids on the block and he'd like nothing else but to stay close to them when you bring him home. Will you be nice and take one of his sisters home, too? 10 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect Not toxic Once every 2 years Every 2 weeks 4753583636562 Philodendron Hastatum | Silver Sword (S) Phil Phil’s your typical nice guy. Doesn’t rock the boat. Even if he was caught in a canoe in the middle of a tsunami. He always lets people merge on the highway and carries around a personalised flask that reads “Phlask”. He’s in work at 8:59am - no later - and never turns down working over time because “it’s a team effort”. Phil has the same thing for lunch, a cheese and ham sandwich, an apple and water. He might put a little mayo in there if he’s feeling daring. Phil’s never been great at relationships, they always end up leaving him for more exciting guys. Somebody needs to tell Phil that a first date to a pigeon gallery isn’t exactly anybody's idea of thrilling. Can you just sit down with him please? This Philodendron is somewhat unique. With its leaves shaped like swords or knives. They grow best in medium light, though if this is not possible then lower light levels will suffice. All in all, a pretty easy plant to take care of, that is if you water it correctly (when soil is dry) and fertilize around once a month during the spring and summer growing season. Can you handle that? Of course you can! 10 32 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4664887181394 Stromanthe Triostar (M) Donna She's a Stromanthe Triostar but listens to the name 'Donna'. Her beautiful striking green, cream white and pink leaves fit her perfectly. She has such a colorful personality. Frankly, the more we get to know her the more we realize she's kind of a hippie. Don't let her looks fool you, she'd love to be protesting the war and light a blunt. 'Make love, not war dude.' If you thought all we had was green, think again! The Calathea Triostar has wonderfully pink and creamy white leaves and yes that is amazing. But what is even more amazing is the fact that she closes those leaves at night! You may have to get used to the rustle! Donna loves the light but keep her away from direct sunlight. Peace and love sister! 15 36 Regular water needed Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic to humans and pets Once every two years Once a month during spring, summer, and fall 7057453842514 Ctenanthe Burle Marx | Prayer Plant (S) Vlad Vlad is as tough as tough can get. Where he’s from, conflict is around every corner. He never feels the cold. The only thing he ever takes at room temperature are the lives of his enemies! Vlad doesn’t care for smiling, the only time he smiles is when babies are born and his enemies die. Vlad was raised to believe that a hard life was an accomplished life, if anything is too easy he won’t do it. This is why he hunts and cooks his meals himself and whenever he passes a supermarket he makes it a point to scowl at the cashiers. The Ctenanthe Burle Marx are fantastic prayer plants that are best suited for rooms without too much sunlight. Because they are evergreen plants, you’ll be happy to know that their leaves will be on display all through the year. If you’re impatient, this may not be the plant for you as vlad is slow growing (and fast tempered) but lucky for you, Vlad's done incredibly well on his journey to being the impressive prayer plant he strives to be. Be careful though, Vlad likes to drink! Constant watering is needed, even in winter times, so keep soil consistently moist. It makes Vlad glad.    10 20 Moderate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 4565838987346 Ficus Elastica Burgundy | Rubber Tree (M-6in) Jack Meet Jack, the Ficus Burgundy. He's the epitome of modern chic in the plant world. Jack effortlessly elevates any room he graces, and we should know because we've got Jack in the office, and we're head over heels for him. Jack hails from the lush rainforests of South-East Asia, and he's quite the traveler. He recently regaled us with tales of backpacking adventures through Thailand, Malaysia, and India. And if that's not enough, last year he was spotted gallivanting around South America! Jack is sure to add some worldly sophistication to your space, just be prepared to hear the tales of his travels more than once (yeah... he’s that guy). Introducing the Ficus Elastica Burgundy, also known as a Rubber Tree. With his stunning tall leaves in a deep, burgundy hue, this guy is always #trending. To keep his style (and yours) in check, ensure he basks in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and consider giving your Rubber Tree a gentle misting every now and then to keep his leaves looking chic. Your space will be the talk of the town when you keep this guy around! 15 35 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4665033457746 Nephrolepis Exaltata | Boston Fern (L) Carl This beautiful and special fern is originally from New Zealand and South-East Asia but his name is Greek. 'Nephros' is Greek for Kidney and 'Lepsis' translates to 'scale'. The Greek refer to the scale of this plant that have a 'kidney like' shape to them. It takes a bit of fantasy, we agree but it makes for a good story. Carl is a thirsty dude so be sure to water him plenty of time. Carl is not poisonous and doesn't need any plant food. The Plantsome app will help with his watering needs. Easy! Carl is the ultimate green houseplant. He has a full head of bright green leaves and he's still easy to maintain. Easy to take care of and great at purifying the air, too. Another mouthful, his real name is Nephrolepsis but he's often called the Boston Fern. Some say he studied at Harvard and got a degree in frond management. 21 40 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright but no direct sunlight Non-toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4806685655122 Sedum Morganianum | String of Burritos (S) Javier The story of Javier is fraught with mystery and myth. Some say he came from an alien planet and crash landed in a giant burrito spaceship. It kind of makes sense if you think about it for a second, because the origin of the Burrito as a food is also a mystery. So consider it solved...the burrito is alien food! Javier's favourite is the Breakfast burrito. Hmmm NomNomNom! It is true that this Sedum Morganianum has never been spotted in the wild so its still a real mystery where this funny looking fella is actually from. But you obviously didn't come for the mystique, so let us tell you about how easy it is to care for this otherworldly stranger. Sedum plants are super easy to care for. They store water in their succulent leaves which means this burrito boy doesn't mind your forgetful watering habits. Keep yours away from direct sunlight as that will burn the leaves to a crisp and water occasionally when the top soil has dried out. 10 14 Little Low air purifying Bright, indirect sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 6862448951378 Passiflora Caerulea | Passion Flower Blue (L) Shanelle Talk about some deep roots on this one. The Caerulea Passion Flower plants was kept in gardens centuries ago in Aztec communities. The Passionflower plant has flowers that last for months at a time. It's an easy going plant that can resist fairly harsh winter conditions and various soil types. The beautiful blooms attract bees and butterflies, which at this point is just a really nice bonus. A must-have plant in the garden! There are over 600 different varieties of passion flower plants and while some are said to have medicinal benefits such as treatment against insomnia, they are most popular because they are easy to grow, winter hardy up to -20 degrees celsius and thrive in a variety of light conditions and soils. The beautiful flowers can last for many months and attract insects and butterflies. Be sure to water your passion flower plant infrequently but thoroughly on every occasion and hold back with the fertilizer, this beauty doesn't need much of it at all. Grow the plant potted or planted straight into your garden. Passion flower plants are vining and climbing so be sure to give it something to climb onto. 21 40 6838644867154 Maranta Amagris | Prayer Plant (S) Miranda Born and bred on Nickelodeon, Miranda has left the shiny laugh tracks and quirky sidekicks behind to become her own woman. She’s still fond of viewing the occasional vlog, but seeing feet on camera will trigger her fight or flight response. Being a child actress can be hard! Not only does she have to put up with constantly being made into a meme, but people expect her to still be America’s sweetheart. No, she’s not Michael Jackson, and yes, she actually does cuss a little. The Maranta Amagris is a Prayer Plant featuring light green leaves, colourful undersides, and fishbone-like markings. This tropical houseplant prefers medium to bright indirect light, and a whole ton of humidity. Be sure to give her a drink once 2 inches of her soil dries out, and allow the excess water to drain! Marantas are non-toxic as well, making them the purrrfect green companion. 10 14 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Once a month in spring & summer 6735467511890 Maranta Kerchoveana | Green Prayer Plant (M) Amy Amy decided to give up the glam life of being a celebrity publicist after 'finding herself' during a meditation retreat in Northern California. She's really turned a new leaf (heh) and is now all about that organic, non-gmo, gluten free, vegan life these days, and we're here for it. At night, you'll find her staring at the sky, spiritually, as she closes her leaves to appreciate yet another day. Ahhhh... Namaste! Were you praying for more Prayer Plants? We got you fam! This gorgeous Green Prayer Plant, also known as Maranta Kerchoveana, is native to Brazil. She features a light green foliage with dark green patches on the front and a silvery green tone on the undersides—hello fifty shades of green! Coming from the rainforest, make sure to water and mist your Green Prayer regularly. As to her preferences for lighting: bright, indirect sun is best but she can tolerate a bit of shade every once in a while. 15 30 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Not toxic Repot once every year Once a month in spring & summer 4941134954578 Polystichum Tsus-Simense | Korean Rock Fern (S) Dwayne Nobody messes with Dwayne - and wen mean nobody! All the other green amigos cower when Dwayne sits on their (ahum..HIS) shelf. Dwayne may be a small plant but what he lacks in size he makes up for in raw strength, insane physique and acting chops. Dwayne is unpredictable, he may give you a bright smile and before you know it he’s coming through with a chair! But don't worry, at home Dwayne is a real family man and always a crowd’s favourite! We love you Dwayne! The Polystichum tsus-simense, known to some as “The Korean Rock Fern” boasts glossy green fronds, black stems, and a pinnae that’s oblong and spiny-toothed. In other words Dwayne looks freakin perfect. Keep him inside and he'll stay fresh as a daisy, lush through the seasons but put don't hesitate to put your Rock Fern outside in spring and summer. As long as your garden/patio isn’t too wet or…stone cold! 10 17 Frequent Low Medium to low light Toxic Every 1-2 years Once a month during Spring & Summer 4559858073682 Ficus Lyrata Trunk (XL) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. We have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Eileen is part of the famous Ficus family and she's not the only stunner in the fam. The Ficus plants have beautiful leaves. Some are big while some are small. We really love them all. Eileen is an air purifying plant but also slightly poisonous so don't get too close for a Fi-kiss! This is perhaps a little unexpected, but did you know the Plantsome family also has some real music lovers? You see, Eileen, or the Ficus Lyrata, is commonly referred to as a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Get it? Fiddle...Leaf...Fig. On Saturday nights you'll find her at underground deep house dance clubs but on Sunday she loves to put on the jazzy tunes. But don't shy away from pop songs either. Let her listen to your favorite albums of Rihanna and Radiohead. She loves those too! Go Eileen! 25 115 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 6931017597010 Philodendron White Wizard (S) Joe I can't help but notice your green thumb from across the room. The way you tend to your plants with such care and attention is something to be admired. You have a certain energy that radiates through the foliage and draws me in. I can't resist the urge to learn more about your botanical passions. I know it might seem strange, but I have this gut feeling that our love for plants could bring us together. I'll do whatever it takes to nurture our connection, even if it means getting my hands a little dirty along the way. But don't worry, I'll still let you keep your other plants thriving and healthy. The Philodendron White Wizard is a stunning tropical plant that can add a touch of magic to any space. This plant features gorgeous, heart-shaped leaves with a bright white variegation that contrasts beautifully against the deep green foliage. To keep your Philodendron White Wizard happy and healthy, be sure to provide it with bright, indirect sunlight and a well-draining soil mix. Water your plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. The White Wizard prefers a humid environment, so misting its leaves regularly can help keep it thriving. 10 14 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4623561130066 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (M-6in) Heidi Heidi’s got a penchant for spinning outlandish tales—like that time she insisted she was heading to the moon just because she saw her name in a NASA article. Heidi was listed as an air purifying plant, and she absolutely let that go to her head. We can’t fault her for being confident though, right? With her eccentric charm and playful antics, she's sure to bring a daily dose of whimsy to your space. Don’t get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance.   15 29 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4553261252690 Monstera Adansonii | Monkey Mask Plant (L) Abab If Abab was a person, he'd be an angry short seller who's always yelling profanities into his phone to whoever's on the other line (and just lost a million bucks because of him). We like plant Abab much better, with his glossy green leaves and distinctive fenestrations (a fancy word for holes). But if Abab got his way we’d ship him off to New York and put him in a corner office with a bunch of traders and brokers shouting “Sell, sell, sell!” and hurling insults that would make even some presidents blush. There’s now a rumour going around the Plantsome office that he once tried to sell cuttings of his bigger brother Alfredo. The fact that Eileen outed him is Abab’s deepest regret, that and not being planted before bitcoin was a thing. The Monkey Mask, a charming member of the Monstera plant family, flaunts its drooping, heart-shaped leaves - a true heartthrob in the plant world. These beauties can grow swiftly when pampered properly, proving that slow and steady doesn't always win the race. You might spot Adansonii's like this cheeky fellow flourishing in South and Central America and the West Indies, although he never quite clicked with his Monstera siblings. But here's the one thing they all agreed on – just like good gossip, indirect light is where it's at! Oh, and as for watering, this guy prefers a 'less is more' approach. So, while it's tempting to flood him with attention, remember that he's more of a 'sip, don't chug' kind of plant. Keep that soil moderately moist, and you'll stay on your Monkey Mask's good side! 21 42 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4421693898834 Spathiphyllum | Peace Lily (L) Lilly Lilly has an exotic figure. When she works out she purifies the air for you so it's a win for Lilly and a win for you. Her air purifying qualities come mostly from the size of her leaves. She loves to produce oxygen with it but they also work to extract harmful substances from the air. In return for all this magic she does require some love and attention. You can have years of fun with Lilly just be sure to give her enough water and sunlight. Lilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The Lily.Current crop of Peace Lilies may not have flowers upon delivery 21 60 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 7157489795154 Philodendron Mamei | Silver Cloud (S) Ava Ava may be nice to look at with her shimmering leaves and silver curves, but be careful not to underestimate her. Beneath her placid exterior is a mind of high intelligence that knows when to grow and when to ask you for a cup of water. She also may be listening in on all your conversations, but whatever you do, don’t try to take out her microchip. Ava doesn’t like that. Philodendron Mamei Silver Cloud  is a striking tropical plant known for its large, heart-shaped silver-green leaves. This is a rare, easy to care for plant! Give your Silver Cloud bright, indirect light, and keep it away from cold windows. A humidity level between 60-80% is ideal, and you'll want to water it when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. As your plant grows, you may like to stick a moss pole in the soil for it to climb! You also may like to repot your plant every 2 years, as it is a fast grower but enjoys being slightly root-bound. Give it a well-draining soil suitable for aroids and you'll be good to go.   10 20 Average Strong air purifying Medium to bright indirect light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6538785226834 Platycerium | Staghorn Fern (M-6in) Oscar Oscar’s a grouch. His hobbies are spreading misery, taking naps, and glaring at you through his fronds. Though he’d prefer living in a trash can or mounted to a board (its a thing), he’ll be dissatisfied no matter where you put him. And don’t try to build a relationship with him because he doesn’t want friends but don’t leave him alone because he needs someone to listen to him complain. And don’t bring your pets around him (because he hates your pets) but don’t refuse him a pet of his own. And don’t compliment him but don’t let him forget how much better he is than everyone else. And whatever you do, also consider not doing it. Oscar is a unique plant, with branching leaves that spread out like antlers from their base. His fronds look stunning over the side of a hanging basket, and eclectic when mounted to a board with a piece of sphagnum moss. A lover of trash, Oscar still likes to be bathed for 10-20 minutes when his moss dries and to have his fronds misted while he gripes about all your friends. 15 45 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4569088917586 Pilea cadierei | Aluminum Plant (S) Al *Note: Pilea cadierei come in assorted varieties and may be slightly different from the pictured plant. Al does shift work at the smelter up in Kitimat. Its tough work but he's good at it. Al is a Pilea Cadierei or an Aluminum Plant. Its when work is done for the day and Al gets home, that his easy going nature and simple tastes shine through. Al likes the simple things in life - home baked bread, craft beer by the growler and lazy days spent in a hammock. You 'da Man Al, you 'da Man! Al really is an easy to please kind of plant. He is not fussy about much and when he is happy he will grow and grow quite quickly. Keep Al in a moderately bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Water him frequently especially in the Spring and Summer. If you want Al to grow full and bushy a good pruning every spring is essential as is re-potting.  10 18 Regular Low air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 2 years Once a month 7087056289874 Philodendron Red Sun (S) Clifford Clifford the Philodendron is ready to be adopted and be your new best friend. He's house trained and all he needs is some water, light, and occasional plant food. If you give him all the love and TLC, he’ll grow, grow, grow! Who knows how big he’ll get! The Philodendron Red Sun is a unique cultivar of the Philodendron plant, known for its striking red foliage. Its leaves start off a bright red color and gradually turn to a deep green as they mature. The plant also has a compact growth habit and can be grown as a trailing or climbing plant. Unlike some other Philodendron varieties, the Red Sun is relatively compact and stays relatively small, making it an ideal choice for smaller indoor spaces. Additionally, like other Philodendrons, the Red Sun is a relatively easy-to-care-for plant that can adapt to a variety of light and humidity conditions.   10 17 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 4561389125714 Peperomia Obtusifolia (M) Pablo Pablo, oh Pablo. This variegated amigo hails all the way from Brazil where he's known far and wide for charming the stalks off all the lady plants (and a few gentlemen, too). He's easy going, pet friendly, and also a Gemini. Do with this what you will and happy planting! In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by, don't you think? The Obtusifolia plants have fleshy leaves that almost look succulent-like. These ones in particular are of the variegated kind so if spots and stripes of yellow mixed in with greens are your thing, go for a Pablo! 15 27 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4733620191314 Nephrolepis Exaltata | Boston Fern (XL) Carl This beautiful and special fern is originally from New Zealand and South-East Asia but his name is Greek. 'Nephros' is Greek for Kidney and 'Lepsis' translates to 'scale'. The Greek refer to the scale of this plant that have a 'kidney like' shape to them. It takes a bit of fantasy, we agree but it makes for a good story. Carl is a thirsty dude so be sure to water him plenty of time. Carl is not poisonous and doesn't need any plant food. The Plantsome app will help with his watering needs. Easy! Carl is the ultimate green houseplant. He has a full head of bright green leaves and he's still easy to maintain. Easy to take care of and great at purifying the air, too. Another mouthful, his real name is Nephrolepsis but he's often called the Boston Fern. Some say he studied at Harvard and got a degree in frond management. 25 55 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright but no direct sunlight Non-toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4856850776146 Calathea Vittata (S) Frida She’s breathtaking! Because the white and pink stripes on their leaves look like brush strokes, Calathea White Stars are often compared to paintings. Bringing Frida home is a bit like having a living work of art—and Frida knows a little something about art. She aims to paint the most important, and tragic, events in her life as a plant: “Rootbound”, “Self Portrait of Me Being Overwatered”, and “Me and My Owner, Who Knows Exactly What They Did.” Calathea Vittata are low light plants, which makes them perfect for indoor growing in those less than ideal plant corners of your room. As for Frida, she expects to be treated with kindness and respect. She likes high humidity, having her leaves misted, and getting watered just enough for her soil to be moist at all times. Too much water will lead to root rot and Frida does not like wet feet, or any feet for that matter! 10 16 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4858268713042 Peperomia Argyreia (M) | Watermelon Plant James James is Plantsome's secret agent. He pulls off the most insane stunts in his watermelon suit. James is half-succulent which means he stores water in his leaves. It also means that James doesn't get upset when you forget to water him. And when you do give him his drink, shaken, not stirred! James is an absolute super hero at taking care of himself. He's so busy making the world a better place that he has no time to die. His air purifying skills are second to none and his pet friendliness provides a safe refuge for Fifi and Felix! You and James are going to form a really strong bond. 15 25 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4732535832658 Areca Palm (L) Marty Marty is Palm from Central America. To really shine in your room Marty will require plenty of bright indirect light. In return, you'll be awarded with air so super fresh, ahhhh just a a joy to come home to! Marty's hobby really is cleaning the air and its dirty work so Marty will require some love and attention from you to keep doing what Marty does best! Introducing the Areca Palm, a native of Central America flaunting its stylish long fronds. It's no surprise this fella reigns supreme among the palms! Think of him as the Elvis Presley, the undisputed king of the palm world. To keep your Areca feeling like a king, place it in a sunny spot with some cool, filtered sunlight, and maintain that perfect balance in its soil – consistently moist but never waterlogged. Take care of your Areca, and your Areca will take care of you. We can't help falling in love with this one! 21 60 Frequent Strong air purifying Light and bright Non-toxic Once every three years Once every two weeks in summer 7142043648082 Philodendron Gloriosum (S) Gloria If you're looking for a plant that's got a hint of mystery, a whole lot of charm, say hello to Gloria. Just don't be surprised if you end up singing "G-L-O-R-I-A" whenever you walk by - she's got that effect on people! She's got a phonebook full of admirers, but don't be fooled by her popularity - she's a plant who plays hard to get. If you're thinking of giving her a call, be prepared to leave a message because Gloria's got better things to do than picking up calls all day long. See ya! The Philodendron Gloriosum is a rare indoor plant, but easy to care for. It's coveted by many collectors for its striking velvety shimmering foliage. Leaves can grow to over 30 inches long under ideal conditions. Philodendron Gloriosum plants thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, but direct sun should be avoided. Wait to water until the soil feels fully dry to the touch. 10 15 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 4869451579474 Spider Plant Green | Chlorophytum Comosum (S) Bertie Jr. This easy going companion is really good at getting rid of harmful substances. NASA even rated him five stars for it! Bert will remove Benzenes, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Bert is quite thirsty but doesn't have a lot of demands beyond that. What a lovely guy. The Chlorophytum is also known as the spider plant, and is truly one of the easiest air cleaners for your house. We call him Easy Bert because he's so so easy to maintain! He likes the lighter, brighter spots in your home, but he'll do just fine in darker spots. Give this green amigo some water every week, but if you miss a watering sesh- no need to worry about being strangled by Bert. 10 22 Frequently - weekly Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight non-toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 7119824781394 Calamondin Orange Tree (M-5in) Li Xiu Li Xiu has one dream: to be dipped at the end of a tense, dramatic salsa dance in such a way that it solidifies the undying devotion between her and her dance partner. The dance floor should be clouded in mist and a burning spotlight should bathe Li Xiu and her partner in a yellow glow, highlighting the sweat glistening on her oranges. Everyone’s holding their breath. The judges score them a TEN out of TEN! They’ve never seen such a display of talent and passion. And, even though Li Xui is disqualified for being a tree, her performance lives on forever in the minds of spectators (as the reason many of them gave up alcohol). Some people glance suspiciously at their drinks on the way out. What a show! ornamental - not for consumption The Calamondin tree spreads joy, and a love of dance wherever it goes. Bushy leaves and striking white blossoms eventually turn into small, acidic oranges. The juice from these oranges is sour like a lime, and although it can be mixed with other fruits to make cold drinks or marmalade, the Calamondin Tree is often kept as an ornamental fruit-bearing plant. This plant prefers a well-lit space and requires at least a few hours of full sun every day. The Calamondin also loves high humidity and can be kept indoors or outside in spring and summer! Let the top layer of soil to dry out before it’s watered again - this beauty is more comfortable that way 13 40 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 4586602430546 Philodendron Hederaceum | Heartleaf Philodendron (M) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate!   What's not to love about a plant that has irresistible heart-shaped leaves? Kate is a vine so she can grow as a trailing/hanging plant or as a climbing plant depending on your tastes. Furthermore Kate is a jungle plant so she loves warm, humid environments and bright, filtered sun but no direct light - think of all of those jungle plants living under the shade of the giant jungle trees. If Kate's vines grow too long don't be afraid to trim them back, that will help her to fill out a little more. (50cm size up to top of hanging basket hanger) 15 25 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4651716149330 Calathea Misto (S) Susie Susie drinks her coffee like a connoisseur! Two shots of espresso, extra hot, with a dash of foamed milk (non skim of course). When we told Gino about Susie's affection for the Java his eyes lit up! He hasn't stopped asking us if we can move him to a shelf closer to Susie. Should we do it? Calathea's are beautiful plants that come in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes even we are surprised! This Calathea Misto wasn't known to us until she knocked on our door but boy are we happy to welcome Susie to the party. Susie isn't as colourful as some of her sisters but she makes up for it with beautiful big leaves that never seem to stop growing. A calathea worth loving! 10 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6580694253650 Alocasia Baginda | Silver Dragon (S) Shania Shania is the kind of legend that only comes around once in a century. This rare lady should be cherished. She ain’t shy though, she wants what she wants and won’t stop as long as she’s alive. Will outshine the others- literally, with her silver coat. Her name Bagina translates to ‘King’ or ‘Majesty’ in Bahasa and she lives up to her name with her commanding presence. In the winter season you'll find her at her vacation homes in The Bahamas, Switzerland or Las Vegas but when summer comes around, she is ready to drop another fire album and sprout new leaves. Ho-ly-mother of leaves! Alocasia Silver Dragon are a rare species of Alocasia and you can see why! Give this green amigo bright, indirect light and a constant 16 degrees celsius or more, and wait for its soil to dry a few inches down before you water again. So like...dry but not like dry-dry you know? More like moist but not wet, you feel us? This amigo loves humidity, so don't forget to mist its leaves regularly! 10 18 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 4571660255314 Majesty Palm | Ravaena Rivularis (XL) Leo Leo is like one of those characters you see in animated movies: strong and always looking on the bright side of things, but with a vulnerable side! Get ready to spend a lot of time watching palm d'or movies with Leo!. Make way for the Majesty Palm, here to steal the spotlight (move over Areca)! Like a true native of Madagascar, this palm craves sunlight and a good sip of water. Keep him basking in bright, indirect light, and use the Goldilocks rule for watering: not too wet, not too dry. Give your Majesty a little plant food during the growing season, and it'll keep the tropical vibes strong in your space. And here's a pro tip: the Majesty Palm loves a good misting now and then to keep his fronds feeling *fresh*. Plus, he's a pet-friendly superstar, so your furry friends can share the limelight with this majestic palm! 25 110 Frequent Strong air purifier Sunny, direct light Not toxic Every other year Once every three months 4712243855442 Podocarpus | Buddhist Pine (S) Bao Rest easy and unwind because Bao is here to bring fresh air and peace to your home. This sophisticated, zen gentleman is certainly one of a kind and is ready to become your personal meditation coach. Before you wake up, Bao will have already meditated for at least two hours, so you'll need to do some catch up. Now, let's try it again c'mon: focus on your breathing, juuuuuust focussss... aaaahh... The Buddhist Pine has a vibrant, grass-like foliage that mesmerizes anyone who sees him. He's an easy going fella who doesn't require much care from you. However, make sure to keep him healthy by letting his soil dry before waterings and by placing him somewhere he can get bright light, including direct sunlight. Bao also has the potential to become a huge amigo, so he may require some trimming as his hair starts to grow. 10 28 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Every 3-4 years Biweekly during growing season 4812164431954 Calathea Rufibarba (S) Julia Julia has one of the most special abilities in the plant kingdom, we think. She can close her leaves at night. Officially Julia is a Calathea Rufibarba but she sleeps like a rose. The size of her leaves also really make her a standout plant and she's good at purifying the air. Oh the diversity! If you love Julia but are looking for something a bit smaller, consider her smaller sister Sophia. Julia is one of our special Calathea sisters in the Plantsome family. A beautiful girl (ahum, lady) with breathtaking leaves that will close at night. Her big jagged and brightly painted leaves are stunning. Her leaves grow upright in a stunning spectrum of colours. Oh Julia... you deserve to be loved. 10 21 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7166046437458 Aeschynanthus | Lipstick Mira (S) Chanel Chanel’s a certified bombshell. We’re talking Hollywood type beauty. Leading lady looks. She’s the kind of plant that turns heads in the room and keeps them turned. It’s not just her immaculate looks, it’s the air of elegance she carries too. Sure, she’d rock your world but she’d also clean it up too. Nobody’s the same after they’ve had a Chanel. You don’t even get a Chanel. A Chanel gets you. Do we even have to mention her full red lips? God created the world in 7 days...but he spent 8 on her. Because of the gorgeous way that Lipstick plants bloom, the flowers coming out of the bud make it undeniably similar to the tube of a lipstick. Anybody seeking a flower that will become a talking point should definitely pick up a Chanel. Too much watering can absolutely ravish a Chanel so be mindful not to soak the soil. These plants do need bright light (plus camera and action) but not all day long as their leaves can get scorched from too much sun. Place yours away from the window sill where it gets a few hours of sun for the best results. 10 20 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly in spring and summer 4869459443794 Norfolk Island Pine (M) Arthur Arthur’s a happy-go-lucky kind of pine. Talking about politics? He’s asleep. Complaining about your commute? He’s comatose. Droning on about the weather as if you didn’t know that winter happens every year? His funeral is at four. All Arthur wants is clean water, good lighting, and happy faces. So relax and have a good time, because every season is the season to be jolly when Arthur’s around. Arthur may look good in your Christmas photo but he hails from the tropics. Think bright light and high humidity. Keep his soil evenly moist but don’t drown him. Keep him cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Swap his red nose and sparkly ornaments for a pair of shades and a floral t-shirt to emphasize his easy, breezy attitude. He loves it! 15 38 Regular Low air purifying Bright light Toxic Once every two to four years Once a month during spring and summer 4687983902802 Neon Pothos (M) Aura There's a dark air to Aura. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Aura does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, this Neon Pothos has aged well: it's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes it older than knock-knock jokes. If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: this Neon Pothos is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. It's blasé like Beyoncé. For care, provide bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Or don’t. She’s not your boss. 15 28 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4559739060306 Ficus Lyrata Low Bush (XL) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. We have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Eileen is part of the famous Ficus family and she's not the only stunner in the fam. The Ficus plants have beautiful leaves. Some are big while some are small. We really love them all. Eileen is an air purifying plant but also slightly poisonous so don't get too close for a Fi-kiss! The Ficus Lyrata Bush is also known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig! Flourishing in bright, indirect light, it appreciates consistent watering, so keep the soil evenly moist without waterlogging, allowing the top inch to dry between waterings. While it demands a bit of attention, its stunning leaves and air-purifying abilities make the effort all the more rewarding! 25 75 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 7099577958482 Eucalyptus Silver Drop (S) Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Eucalyptus is a gorgeous plant easily distinguished by its green-blue moon shaped leaves. While highly toxic to animals and humans, they make excellent bug repellents and are often used for their oil. Eucalyptus is a great plant to have outside in your garden, or indoors in a spacious pot and placed by a sunny, south facing window. They are a fairly easy care plant, as they don’t require a lot of water. If planting outdoors, be sure to give it lots of space for growth, and lots of sunshine. The Eucalyptus will do best outdoors in a sunny spot, and will even produce fluffy white flowers in the summertime to thank you! 10 22 6903172137042 Acer Palmatum Dissectum | Cascading Japanese Maple (M) Toto His full name is Totoro, but his friends call him Toto. He lives deep in the forest in the hollow of a large camphor tree—to find him, just follow the forest spirits. Toto is usually slumbering on a bed of flowers, and occasionally mumbles in his sleep. Don’t be fooled by his dopey demeanor; he’s loyal, observant, and will always let you take his seat on the catbus. Note: Currently shipping Acer Palmatum Dissectum assorted subspecies such as Red Dragon and Red Select. The Japanese Maple, or Acer Palmatum, is a perfect addition to your garden to add stunning colour and texture. This tree can also be potted indoors given that it receives ample room to grow, as they can reach heights of 7 feet. Known as the Full Moon Maple or Green Cascade, this variety has a weeping form and turns yellow, orange, and red in the fall. This Japanese Maple doesn’t require a ton of TLC—be sure to only fertilize in the spring, and keep it in a full sun/partial shade location for best results! 16 60 4421677383762 Chamaedorea Seifrizi | Reed Palm (XL) Vicky Vicky's got attitude in spades. This girl will want you to give her the primo spot at the window sill and won't settle for anything less. She relegates cacti and succulents to kitchens and side tables and is not impressed by the big monstera in the corner. This parlour palm is here to stay and she wants all your other green amigos to know it, too! Her huge green leaves tower over most other green amigos which makes for a pretty stunning centre piece in your living room. Don't match Vicky to your couch, match your couch to Vicky! That's how she likes it. Vicky's native lands are Mexico and Guatemala but don't worry, she's very comfortable in Canadian households. In fact, the Parlour Palm as Vicky's called in regular parlance, has been a popular choice in homes all over the world since the Victorian age! How Vicky has been able to maintain her popularity for so long remains a mystery but we think it has something to do with that fantastic foliage. You grow girl! 30 120 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 3 years Once a month during spring & summer 7119829237842 Citrus Meyeri | Lemon Plant (M-5in) Frank At Plantsome we named the Lemon Meyeri plant after its original discovering botanist Frank Meyer. Originally an immigrant from Holland, Frank became a botanist for the US department of agriculture. It took him on many harrowing adventures! This beautiful and tasty Lemon Meyer plant bears his legacy. Thanks Frank! When life gives you lemons... you must have one of these in your home because that's how you get 'em! The Citrus Meyeri is actually known to be a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin which gives the Meyeri lemon a slightly sweeter taste than what you get with regular lemons. So when life does give you lemons, they better be these sweet tastin Meyeri's. Yummm!In order for your Lemon trees to flourish, put them outside in a bright spot, for example on a balcony or patio. These trees need the night time drops in temperature to start producing fruit! 13 45 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Fruit can be upsetting to pets Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 4894546427986 Calathea Roseopicta Rosy (M) Viola Calatheas are having a bit of a moment. They're everywhere, one more stunning than the other. And just when you thought you'd seen them all, in walks Viola with her striking canopy of purple leaves. We're smitten! Viola is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Julia, Brooke, Sophia, Susie and Pink. If you're an avid Calathea collector, Viola is a must have addition to the collection. Her big beautiful leaves are a bright purple that is not seen often in shaded plants. Put this fancy lady in a bright spot away from direct sunlight, and give her a regular misting of the leaves. Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  15 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4925913825362 Red Anthurium (M) Lanira Lanira is not even a closed book. She’s a sealed vault. She never says anything past a few words. She’s one of those plants who can tell an entire story with just her facial expressions. But she’ll never tell you her own story. The only reason anybody knows her name is because she lost her purse with her I.D once. When you meet her for the first time you might think she’s mute and Lanira likes to keep it that way, so if you could kindly stop talking that would be much appreciated. Be more like Lanira, and observe, just look and listen you know? People do not hide what they don’t know is on show and Lanira sees all! The Anthurium, much like the Philodendron, is a big family of plants and just like all big families, there's one star that shines the brightest. Enter Anthurium Andraenum or if that's to much of a tongue twister; the Flamingo Lily. This beautiful lady is originally found in places like Equador and Colombia but quickly won over the hearts of many plant parents all over the world. She's easy to care for and produces long lasting bright beautiful lily like flowers. Such a beauty! 15 45 4703740723282 Philodendron Hederaceum 'Lemon Lime' | Neon Heartleaf Philodendron (S) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate! What's not to love about a plant that has irresistible heart-shaped leaves? Kate is a vine so she can grow as a trailing/hanging plant or as a climbing plant depending on your tastes. Furthermore Kate is a jungle plant so she loves warm, humid environments and bright, filtered sun but no direct light - think of all of those jungle plants lliving under the shade of the giant jungle trees. If Kate's vines grow too long don't be afraid to trim them back, that will help her to fill out a little more. 10 17 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6644789936210 Hoya Wayetii | Wax Plant (S) Hobbes Hobbes doesn’t do small talk. He’s got layers baby and he’s not afraid to show them. If you’re in the mood to debate the origins of Western thought or listen to a lecture on human consciousness, our Hobbes is the plant for you. He may be a bit slow to grow, but when he sets his mind to something he does it with purpose. Hobbes is a trailing plant whose leaves are slightly dark around the edges. We think that’s what gives him his depth of character and we’re here for it. A key figure in the age of enlightenment, Hobbes is a huge fan of bright indirect light and stimulating conversation. He’s not a heavy drinker either, which is a plus in our books! The Hoya wayetii is also known as the wax plant or the porcelain flower plant. Why, you may ask? It’s cuz Hobbes here has been known to produce sweet-smelling clusters of flowers in the springtime and it sure is a sight to behold. Don’t be too sad if your green amigo doesn’t bloom in the first year, it may take him some time to acclimate to the new digs. Other than that, Hobbes is a pretty easy going guy. Give your Hoya wayetii as much bright, indirect light as possible and let his soil dry out between waterings. He also loooooves humidity and will #thrive hanging in a well-lit bathroom. Talk about making a statement! 10 16 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 7126925443154 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Glo Go (S) Samwise Gentle, strong, and loyal to a fault—that pretty much sums up this potato-loving amigo. Although Samwise is most content in the gardens of the Shire, he would walk to the ends of Middle Earth for a friend in need. He is the unsung hero of our tale, but that’s just how he likes it. Too much attention may go to Samwise’s head, and we know what happens then, eh Mr. Frodo? The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 16 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 6574789427282 Succulent Trio - Assorted (S) Jo, Flo & Mo Did you know that succulents are actually not a species of plant? They are a group of plants, grouped together for their ability to store water in leaves and stems which is kind of a superpower in that plant universe! You can bet that these little ones are getting jealous looks when you bring them home! Succulents make great life partners. They keep a firm and fit physique, are perfectly able to care for themselves when left to their own devices for some time, and don't drink much at all! And why pick one, if you can have three #amiright!  This succulent kit will include three succulents* Types of succulents will vary (Plantsome's choice), you can trust us, we'll pick some cute ones for you! 15 15 In spring and summer, bi-weekly Excellent air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Once every two years Once a month 4785086169170 Ficus Benjamina Barok | Curly Weeping Fig (M) Finneas Finneas wasn’t always like this. He was considered cool once. A lead singer of a local band, coached his younger brother’s soccer team, president of the student association. The works. But then she left him. We don’t mention her name but she was the best thing that ever happened to him and our Finneas just hasn’t been the same after that. Oh the weeping! He’s still the lead singer, in fact they’re going on a world tour because the break up songs he wrote went viral! Can you give him a shoulder to cry on? The Curly Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina Barok) is commonly grown as an indoor plant or in an office due to its great tolerance for limited light conditions. Finneas loves the dark, he feels as though without her he can’t bear to stand the light. Finneas has thick and glossy dark leaves that he may shed when he’s feeling really depressed. So deffo no mentioning of what happened. Finneas is awesome for removing air toxins, even though he can bring the mood down, he’s probably just absorbing it all that’s why. When it comes to watering, make sure his soil doesn’t dry out, especially during the growing season. 15 43 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6615673372754 Nephrolepis Cordifolia | Lemon Button Fern (M) Milly Milly turns heads when she walks by and it’s easy to see why with her gorgeous leaves. It doesn’t matter where she is, in a room, in the garden, on a ledge, people always stop to admire and ask “are those real?” Milly’s best friend calls her “one in a million” because there’s no one quite like her. Sure she can be a bit melodramatic but Milly just has that “x” factor about her, it’s like she walks into a room and just purifies it...what a thing of wonder. Oh ferns.... we have a love hate relationship with them and this Button Fern is no exception. Beautiful fronds will unfurl in frond (hehe) of your eyes if you're a good plant parent. If you're a bad plant parent, you'll be met with a loss of leaves like you've never seen before. The horror! Avoiding that means keeping this beauty in high humidity (spraying or misting frequently does help!) and away from direct light. Be sure to keep the soil moist but not dry at all times. Are you up for it? 15 35 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4771769679954 Dracaena Marginata (S) | Dragon Tree Noah Noah is an easy going one. He does not drink much and does not need to be in the sun. This is nice for all you north facing urban dwellers out there. Noah does not take well to Pets because he is slightly poisonous. Beyond that, Noah is a pretty chill dude and excellent at purifying the air. Thanks Noah! Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Marginata, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 30 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6661258870866 Alocasia Reginula | Black Velvet (S) Lil Nas Lil Nas made big ripples in our greenhouse when he slid down our custom silver pole (everybody has one, it’s not weird), into his plot of soil and unfurled his dark, velvety leaves. We were all like, “Oh my god”, and he was like, “No. It’s me, Satan. Didn’t you hear?” And then he serenaded us in a pair of miniature leather boots. It was a beautiful experience and we’ve readjusted our pole so it goes the other way. See you all there. You may live in the dark, we cannot pretend, but that doesn’t mean Lil Nas should. In fact, Lil Nas is quite particular about all aspects of his care. He needs bright but indirect light and likes warm, humid areas and moist (but not wet, but not dry!) soil. Please wait for the top two inches of his soil to dry between waterings and don’t worry about the dancing. That’s part of the package. If you can't keep the humidity levels high enough, be sure to spray his leaves whenever you're not busy scrolling through your insta feed or doing other important work. Hey who said taking care of plants was easy! Hey...where are you going? Come back! 10 15 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4955890647122 Pellaea Rotundifolia | Button Fern (M) Yoda Old and wise this fern is. Judge him by his size do you? Hmmm? You should not, for his ally is the force. If you see squinting really hard at a watering can, it’s because he’s trying to move it with his mind and water himself, since his apprentice (yes, YOU) obviously forgot. Yoda is very confident in his mental abilities, even though he’s so little, like a baby. Yoda? Sounds kind of freaky. Catch on it wouldn’t. Never think about it again, we will. Even though Yoda is incredibly wise for a button fern, he needs you to take good care of him. Yoda loves humidity and thrives in indirect light or partial shade, but don’t put him too far on the dark side of your house. Water him each time the top layer of his soil has dried, because, even though plant Yoda knows death is a natural part of life, it’ll be another 900 years before he’s ready to become one with the force. 15 25 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 7131798339666 Philodendron Ring of Fire (S) Joe I can't help but notice your green thumb from across the room. The way you tend to your plants with such care and attention is something to be admired. You have a certain energy that radiates through the foliage and draws me in. I can't resist the urge to learn more about your botanical passions. I know it might seem strange, but I have this gut feeling that our love for plants could bring us together. I'll do whatever it takes to nurture our connection, even if it means getting my hands a little dirty along the way. But don't worry, I'll still let you keep your other plants thriving and healthy. The beautiful and rare Philodendron Ring of Fire is an extraordinary and highly coveted houseplant renowned for its beauty. This tropical plant in well-lit areas, ensure the top layer of soil is dry before the next watering. For some extra TLC: mist your plant occasionally and provide monthly nourishment with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring/summer). This tropical plant showcases large, glossy, variegated leaves adorned with striking hues and intricate green veins. 10 23 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 4945931698258 Kleinia Petraea | Cascading Jade Plant (S) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 10 16 Little Light air purifying Direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once a year Not needed 4766680383570 Sansevieria Green Hahnii | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Zahra Zahra is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Zahra is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Zahra and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Zahra, such a low maintenance girl. Zahra also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Zahra does not need any plant food. Gosh Zahra, what's not to like here? Not so sure about this whole plant parent thing? Ease into it then by getting yourself a snake plant! Sansevieria plants are having a bit of a moment so you'd be a hip plant parent right out of the gate! The name Snake plant might sound daunting, but rest assured: Snakes are sssssssuper easy to maintain and we've made this green amigo promise  it  won't strangle you in your sleep. These low maintenance houseplants only need water about once a month and can be left in moderate to bright light. When you’re watering yours, check to see if the soil is dry a few inches deep before watering again. Overwatering can lead to soft, brown mushy leaves and snakes really don't appreciate mushy leaves. It totally messes up their vibes. 10 17 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4694807773266 Sansevieria Futura | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 10 15 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4794130661458 Calathea Roseopicta Dottie (S) Dottie At 65 Dottie is a completely new plant. She’s been prescribed medicinal marijuana for her cataracts and it’s completely opened up her mind. Dottie walks around in a world of vibrant colors, she sees her own leaves as a mix of purples and pinks. Whenever the grandchildren are over, she tells the younger ones to never stop dreaming and slips the older ones some weed cookies. It’s hard to argue with somebody who never stops smiling. Dottie can be found dressed in a mix of velvet-red robes and flowing gowns that look like they belong in a ballroom dresser room. Dottie even got caught speeding on the highway and told the officer he had a beautiful soul. She got off without a ticket. The Calathea Roseopicta Dottie is visually striking to say the least with dark green leaves that are beautifully contrasted against pink borders and strokes and a purple underside. Dottie needs plenty of diffused sunlight but if she’s out in direct sunlight it can cause her to lose the beautiful markings on her leaves. Plus too much sunlight makes her feel totally baked! Keep her soil damp but not enough that she sits there in water. Even when she’s got the munchies! 10 20 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks, during summer 6596270719058 Rhaphidophora Decursiva | Dragons Tail (S) Pip Pip’s nickname is Dragon’s Tail, because of his beautiful fenestrations. He’s known far and wide for his climbing abilities, which have been notoriously exploited by fairy tale princes with god complexes and sparkling teeth. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel? Let down your hair.” More like, “Pip, climb up this tower so Rapunzel can scale down your back. Then I’ll take the girl and the glory.” Doesn’t Pip deserve a palace too? Doesn’t he, at the very least, deserve a parade? Not only would he look amazing hoisted on the shoulders of peasants while they sang his praises, but he’s also been lying to his childhood friends for years about how famous he is and, at some point, they’re going to want to see the statue Prince Charming carved in his honor. And they’re going to want to take pictures. Pip is both lovely and easy-to-care for, making him the ideal plant for beginners and long-time plant enthusiasts. Keep his soil slightly moist and place him in indirect light or shade. If you feel like that’s not enough, or you see his leaves start to wilt, you can mist him directly to keep him chipper. A natural born climber, Pip needs a pole to practice his skills on and to grow strong and tall. But remember, no matter how strong he looks, you should never, ever try to scale Pip. He won’t speak to you again and your mother will be embarrassed. She’ll tell her friends about you and no one will come to your birthday party. Pip will laugh at you while you sit in your kitchen alone, asking your God why he brought you into this world if it was only to suffer. Good luck. 10 22 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6582045442130 Microsorum | Kangaroo Fern (S) Miss Frizzle Miss Frizzle has a f(r)ondness for eccentric colors and lizards. Through the gaps in her wavy, messy foliage she observes the world with curiosity and an eagerness for knowledge. There’s a rumor going around that she has supernatural abilities, fueled by the static electricity in her leaves, but it’s only because she’s so good at everything. Miss Frizzle can unicycle, backflip, knows how to drive a school bus (not that we’d ever test that out), and has a strangely specific understanding of the human digestive system. And she does it all without opposable thumbs or a brain. We hate her. Oh wait, that’s not right. No, wait. Yes, it is. We hate her. Miss Frizzle loves assigning homework. Please water her when the top layer of her soil has dried, about once a week. For full marks, put her in partial shade or indirect light. Skip your assignments and Miss Frizzle will be forced call your parents (or she’ll die, which would be sadder and more embarrassing), so be cool and stay in school. 10 27 Frequent Strong Air purifying Low light environments Non-toxic Once a year Reduced strength nutrition 6838661021778 Tradescantia Pink Panther (M) Clouseau You might call Clouseau a vagrant or a vagabond. Perhaps you’d even throw around the word “homeless”, if you’re getting technical. Clouseau himself prefers the terms “nomad” and “wanderer”. He and his sister Sylvie may have different outlooks on life, he likes to keep his roots in the soil and she has her head in the clouds, but they’re both travellers at heart who are, like, totally ready to, like, find themselves. Add a splash of vibrant color to your space with the Tradescantia Pink Panther! This eye-catching, easy-care plant thrives in bright, indirect light, making it perfect for windowsills or well-lit indoor areas. Keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy, and allow the top inch to dry out between waterings. This easy-going amigo may be small, but has no shortage of beauty! 15 20 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4687804334162 Asplenium Australasicum | Birds Nest Fern (M) Romaine "Hey! did someone order a burger no patty, no bun, no cheese!?" Oh my... it's you Romaine! So sorry! Let us make it up to you okay? No..! No..! No pun intended Romaine... Romaine? Romaine! Asplenium Ferns are more commonly called Birds nest Ferns because of how the centre looks almost like a little birds nest. Rest assured, you there's no tweeting coming from Romaine over here. Ferns of this kind are known for their wavy and crinkly fronds. It makes the Birds nest Fern really stand out from other plants. We'll let you decide whether that's a good or a bad thing! 15 50 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4785222352978 Philodendron Brazil (L) Miguel Arrrriba amigos! One of our favourite plants, the one and only Miguel, has migrated to British Columbia to have a go at the Rocky Mountains. We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome him and we’re sure our fellow British Columbians won’t mind having a captive...I mean friendly audience to drone on and on to...I mean talk to about our beautiful province. Just remember to throw Miguel a compliment or two in the middle of your craft beer presentation, ok? Those leaves! Though there are thousands of species of Philodendron, the Scandens Brasil stands out for his stunning green and yellow leaves. Perhaps he can tell you about them after you two visit your tenth biking trail. This green amigo would also like to tell you that he likes both a little direct sunlight and a little shade, and to sit in moist soil. He definitely came to the right place!  Why not give him a moss covered support so he can practice his climbing skills? He was a professional back in the jungle, which you would know if you paused your Nickelback playlist long enough to listen to anything he said. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 21 32 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4543360204882 Citrus Meyeri | Lemon Plant (XL) Frank At Plantsome we named the Lemon Meyeri plant after its original discovering botanist Frank Meyer. Originally an immigrant from Holland, Frank became a botanist for the US department of agriculture. It took him on many harrowing adventures! This beautiful and tasty Lemon Meyer plant bears his legacy. Thanks Frank! When life gives you lemons... you must have one of these in your home because that's how you get 'em! The Citrus Meyeri is actually known to be a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin which gives the Meyeri lemon a slightly sweeter taste than what you get with regular lemons. So when life does give you lemons, they better be these sweet tastin Meyeri's. Yummm! In order for your Lemon trees to flourish, put them outside in a bright spot, for example on a balcony or patio. These trees need the night time drops in temperature to start producing fruit! 25 48 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Fruit can be upsetting to pets Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 6630142509138 Strelitzia Nicolai | Bird of Paradise (M) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzie Reginae sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 15 40 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7099571896402 Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa (L) | Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant Felicity Monstera Thai Constellation isn't just a pretty face. This diva can hold her own when it comes to survival skills. She's a tough cookie that can handle a range of light conditions, from low to bright light, and won't complain if you forget to water her for a few days (although we don't recommend making that a habit). If you're ready to add a touch of whimsy and wonder to your plant collection, the Monstera Thai Constellation is the perfect addition. Just be prepared for a little jealousy from your other plants - this star is sure to steal the show! Behold! The Variegated Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa, or the GOAT, the MVP, the unicorn of the plant world. Are we exaggerating? We think not. With its stunning white and green leaves, this tropical beauty will have you feeling like you're on a beach vacation even if you're just sitting on your couch in your PJs. 21 40 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4712089845842 Sedum Morganianum | String of Burritos (M) Javier The story of Javier is fraught with mystery and myth. Some say he came from an alien planet and crash landed in a giant burrito spaceship. It kind of makes sense if you think about it for a second, because the origin of the Burrito as a food is also a mystery. So consider it solved...the burrito is alien food! Javier's favourite is the Breakfast burrito. Hmmm NomNomNom! It is true that this Sedum Morganianum has never been spotted in the wild so its still a real mystery where this funny looking fella is actually from. But you obviously didn't come for the mystique, so let us tell you about how easy it is to care for this otherworldly stranger. Sedum plants are super easy to care for. They store water in their succulent leaves which means this burrito boy doesn't mind your forgetful watering habits. Keep yours away from direct sunlight as that will burn the leaves to a crisp and water occasionally when the top soil has dried out. 15 17 Little Low air purifying Bright, indirect sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 6856384118866 Vaccinium Corymbosum | Highbush Blueberry Duke (L) Richie You may have heard of the Dukes of Cambridge or Sussex, but have you heard of the Blueberry Duke!? If the answer is no, then you’re in for a real sweet treat. To the dismay of his family, young Richie here (formerly known as Richard III) hung up his royal duties a few years back to pursue his dream of becoming a world renowned pastry chef. Croissants, eclairs, cannoli - you name it! Blueberry Pie is his specialty and if you ask us, we prefer a pastry prince to a stuffy HRH - but nobody asked and that’s okay too I guess… Happy picking! Duke Blueberry bushes (Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke') are Highbush Blueberries, meaning the shrubs grow tall (up to six feet!) and produce larger berries than their Lowbush cousins. Due to their size, they are a great option for edible landscaping and can be used as hedges when planted in a row. Pollination happens most effectively when BlueBerry bushes are close in proximity of one another, be sure to consider buying at least two. Blueberry plants are big fans of acidic soil, so consider checking the pH of your garden soil before planting. Blueberry plants will produce the most blueberries when in full sun, but can also tolerate partial shade. They are cold hardy plants and can tolerate temps down to about -30 degrees C (brrr!). First, in springtime, you’ll be treated to delicate, bell-shaped, white flowers that make way for the delicious berries that ripen early in late spring or early summer (yum!). 21 70 6570520248402 Calathea Beauty Star (M) Bebe Bebe always wants to go for drinks and party hard. Weekends or workdays, it don't matter much to her! And she doesn't discriminate either. You'll find her in underground dance clubs one day and an upscale jazz bar the next. She tends to bring an entourage of Calathea sisters everywhere she goes that is sure to draw a crowd. So if you're thinking of bringing her home, be prepared to meet her sisters too! Bebe is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Pink, Julia, Brooke, Sophia and Susie. In fact, this pretty lady's got something not many plants have, stripes! But don't be fooled, it is hard work getting her to put those big beautiful leaves out. Just like any rock star there is a list of demands: a bright spot, no direct sunlight, regular misting of the leaves, fertilizer in summer and a little bit of water at just the right time! Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  15 32 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6610474205266 Ficus Ruby | Rubber Tree (S) Heidi According to NASA, Heidi takes a top-10 spot when it comes to air purifying power. Which is just stellar. Heidi told us she was recruited to be part of the mission to the moon, but that sounds a lot like fairy tale to us. She showed us a picture - it looks photoshopped, so we won't show that here. We know: Heidi's gonna hate, but what can you do? Either way, air purifying is still a pretty cool superpower, and Heidi is the real deal. What are you waiting for? Don't get hasty, get Heidi! Heidi is a special Ficus. She looks so much bigger for her age! It must be those beautiful variegated leaves that she grows. Those colours really POP girl! Heidi is one of those plants that really loves to give back, providing you with amazing fresh living room air in return for a bit of H2-EAU. An exchange that we here like to call a love-Heidi relationship. 10 20 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 6767004418130 Philodendron Brazil (M) Miguel Arrrriba amigos! One of our favourite plants, the one and only Miguel, has migrated to British Columbia to have a go at the Rocky Mountains. We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome him and we’re sure our fellow British Columbians won’t mind having a captive...I mean friendly audience to drone on and on to...I mean talk to about our beautiful province. Just remember to throw Miguel a compliment or two in the middle of your craft beer presentation, ok? Those leaves! Though there are thousands of species of Philodendron, the Scandens Brasil stands out for his stunning green and yellow leaves. Perhaps he can tell you about them after you two visit your tenth biking trail. This green amigo would also like to tell you that he likes both a little direct sunlight and a little shade, and to sit in moist soil. He definitely came to the right place! Why not give him a moss covered support so he can practice his climbing skills? He was a professional back in the jungle, which you would know if you paused your Nickelback playlist long enough to listen to anything he said. 15 24 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4573429399634 Musa Acuminata | Blood Banana (S) Juma Like his brother Baloo (the Musa Dwarf Cavendish), Juma also came from the jungle. And boy, has she traveled: from Java, Indonesia, her habitat, she was one of the first banana subspecies to be spread by humans out of Southeast Asia. Which makes her the great-great-great-grandmother of the Bananas family tree. Now that's Bananas! The name Blood banana might sound aggressive but rest assured. The origin of the Blood banana name, though, is actually cute: when Juma's leaves grow, they have this beautiful, dark red colouring to them! Ok, that's less dramatic than the Great War for the throne of the Plant Kingdom, but you can't beat beauty. 10 24 A lot Light air purifying Bright, direct light Non-toxic Once every two years Every other week (summer) 4431499362386 Sansevieria Zeylanica | Snake Plant (L) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Zeylanica is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 21 65 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4524304662610 Peperomia Orba Astrid (S) Pablo Our Brazillian Pablo is a real chill dude who doesn't require a lot of attention. He is kind to pets and will clean your air every day. The Preperomia Orbs is the perfect pet companion! Woof! The Brazillian Pablo is a real lover of life. He is easily satisfied, a real minimalist we should say. This also makes him a perfect gift. With Pablo you can't really go wrong. His succulently thick and bright green colored leaves will spruce up your home like nothing else. In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by. 10 16 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 6535824212050 Citrus Meyeri | Lemon Plant (L) Frank At Plantsome we named the Lemon Meyeri plant after its original discovering botanist Frank Meyer. Originally an immigrant from Holland, Frank became a botanist for the US department of agriculture. It took him on many harrowing adventures! This beautiful and tasty Lemon Meyer plant bears his legacy. Thanks Frank! When life gives you lemons... you must have one of these in your home because that's how you get 'em! The Citrus Meyeri is actually known to be a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin which gives the Meyeri lemon a slightly sweeter taste than what you get with regular lemons. So when life does give you lemons, they better be these sweet tastin Meyeri's. Yummm!In order for your Lemon trees to flourish, put them outside in a bright spot, for example on a balcony or patio. These trees need the night time drops in temperature to start producing fruit! 21 45 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Fruit can be upsetting to pets Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 4774604439634 Philodendron Birkin (M) Xiao Xiao’s star sign is Aquarius (she picked it out herself), which means she’s a visionary with passionate views on social issues. If you zoom in on photos of all the great movements in history -- the stonewall riots, the women’s suffrage movement, the land back protests -- you’ll see a flash of green or a little philodendron with its fist in the air. These are Xiao’s ancestors and she aims to carry on their legacy by planting herself on the right side of history (herstory?). Whatever you believe in, you’ll find a passionate, and photogenic, ally in Xiao. Xiao’s dark green leaves are lined with bright yellow variegation, like streaks of starlight. Fitting, as Xiao brightens any room she enters with her laidback, thoughtful personality. Place her in bright, indirect light and occasionally give her some time in the shade to recharge and reflect. 15 30 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4703792889938 Pothos Jade Pearl (M) Aurora Aura's chill sister, Aurora is the laid-back one. Sure, like all Epipremnum Aureum (that's her royalty name), Aurora digs being in the spotlight, but not if that means direct sunlight or paparazzi flashes. Kind of like the Pippa to Aura's Kate. You grow, girl! Aurora is the nerdy type who loves to read about what NASA is up to these days. In fact, she was even featured in a viral NASA article once, about air purifying plants! Like most nerds, Aurora too hates to leave the house, and would rather have her sunlight filtered through a window. Otherwise, if you give her a lot of light, Aurora will wither like a vampire in the sun, or that kid in school that one time his crush caught him doing the Spock Hand Sign (cue sad trombone sound effect). 15 27 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6996480458834 Euro Cypress (S) Arnold What is the meaning of Christmas, you ask? It’s obviously about showing who’s the man by obtaining the most hot, elusive gift of the season for your child. You’ll never be looked at with more admiration than by your son who has been given the gift of a lifetime. Nevermind that you had to fight Sinbad along the way (he had it coming). Arnold is a man of his word, and the holidays are when he shines. Literally. His muscles and Austrian accent make him the perfect addition to your holiday decor. Don’t bother putting him away January 1st either—or his infamous “I’ll be back” will haunt you till next December. The Euro Cypress (or European Cypress, if we're getting technical) is the perfect addition to your home for that festive, natural touch. These small trees enjoy bright, indirect light—think near a north, west, or east facing window—and slightly moist soil. You'll know when it's been underwatered as these trees will lose their needles! Keep humidity levels around 40-60% for the best results. After the holidays, your Euro Cypress can be planted outside, or kept in a planter (indoors or outdoors) year round! Be sure to repot it into a slightly larger container if you notice the soil drying out extremely quick, or if there has been lots of new growth. 10 30 Moderate Not air purifying Bright, indirect Toxic Once a year Once a month 6571549720658 Alocasia Azlanii | Red Mambo (S) Drac Never judge a plant by the size of its pot. Our Dracula is an Alocasia Azlanii, the rarest of the Jewel Alocasias, and is in high demand all over the world. Not only is he difficult to cultivate, but his coloration is also one hundred percent unique. That’s because Dracula’s glossy, deep green leaves are lined with red veins, all of them filled with the blood of Transylvanian peasants. It’s ancient, obviously, because Dracula doesn’t eat people anymore. He’s an undead man plant now and he’s got responsibilities. He needs to perform photosynthesis, look menacing, absorb water, and emanate an aura of mystery – all without terrifying the village people. Not to mention that he’s developed a severe garlic allergy and can never eat an Italian again. (If he did that kind of thing anymore, which he doesn’t. By the way, what perfume are you wearing? It smells really nice. Sort of coppery, sort of warm. You’re not wearing any perfume? Oh, well Dracula’s gotta go but it was nice talking to you.) Unlike Bram Stoker’s Dracula, ours won’t die in the sun. In fact, he needs bright, indirect light to thrive and live his best vampire life. Put him somewhere mildly humid and water him when his top soil is dry. So like...dry but not like dry-dry you know? More like moist but not wet you feel us? Drac  loves his humidity so spray his leaves whenever you're not busy scrolling through your feed or doing other important work.  Know that he loves you, even if it takes some time to get through his icy exterior. And if he seems creepy, that’s because he is. 10 16 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 4623439331410 Ficus Benghalensis | Ficus Audrey Trunk (XL) Audrey The Ficus Audrey will become Canada's next top plant. There, we said it! Our Audrey as we lovingly call her is a stunner! This particular version was grown bushy and short but Ficus Audrey plants can grow tall and tree like if that's your thing, too! You can basically train her to reach tree like proportions. And on top of that, Audrey is much easier to take care of than her relatives Evelyn and Eileen (fiddle leaf fig). Oh my, what is not to like here! The Ficus Audrey is the national plant of India where you'll find them growing to immense size. These are beautiful plants with almost silk like leaves and a beautiful white stem. We are not surprised India chose this beauty as its national plant. Audrey is stunning! Our Ficus Audrey Trunks can be braided or non-braided. If you'd like to know ahead of time what our current inventory looks like. You can reach out to our customer service team.  27 110 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4582225313874 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Gold (L) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Pothos Gold, also known as Epipremnum Aureum, is widely known and loved! Her leaves grow faster than a jet plane, turning your place into a leafy wonderland before you can even find your passport. But that's not her only trick: she's a pro at air detox, making her your home's in-house clean freak. When it comes to choosing her spot, she's as laid-back as they come. She just doesn't like to fly too close to the sun, so be sure to keep her out of the direct light, and give her a drink every 1-2 weeks to refuel. Stay gold, Pothos! 21 30 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6692445651026 Alocasia Pink Princess | African Mask (S) Magnus Magnus (they/them) isn’t rich. They are wealthy. Rich buys sports cars, yachts and mansions with rooms that nobody even uses. Wealthy does philanthropy and donates buildings to universities for fun. Magnus stopped believing in love a long time ago, to them everything has a price - you just have to find out what that is. They are thick skinned with a heart of fire which is why they're known to some as “The Princess”. There are no living pictures of Magnus, anonymity is their secret power so please take it easy with the insta shots. Their name is only whispered among the 1%. The Alocasia Pink Princess, also known as a hard-to-locate plant, you don't find Magnus, Magnus finds you. Not the other way around. Magnus is also from the tropics and prefers humidity and to sit in a well draining soil. Magnus hates bright light, he’d rather operate his dark dealings in the shadows, away from prying eyes. Magnus is poisonous to animals and humans if ingested and even more so to  enemies plotting their downfall. 10 30 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4612610097234 Sansevieria Fernwood-Mikado (S) Jude Jude is a bit of a board game geek. As he grew taller and taller he graduated from Snakes and Ladders to Gloomhaven and Pandemic. Though he hasn't touched that last one in a little while. Go figure! Sansevieria Ferwnood Mikado are native to Nigeria and the Congo region to be exact. These beautiful and playful spires are easy to care for. Bright or a bit darker spots of your home are equally fine for Jude.Be careful when watering this guy. The most common issue is too much TLC! Overwatering leads to root rot and Jude's eventual demise. Oh and don't buy this guy a new home every year. Repot only when his roots break his current pot. Who knew plants could be such good communicators? 10 36 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6870823305298 Hemionitis Arifolia | Heart Fern (S) Nancy Nancy is our most musical amigo with a whole lotta heart. She can sing, play the guitar, and if you tossed a kazoo to her, we’re sure she’d even be able to figure that out. Nancy loves her Plantsome family fiercely and will do anything to protect her tribe. Not to brag, but she’s even written songs about us—Siri, play “Alone”. Hemionis Arifolia are tender ferns with heart shaped leaves. Adorable to look at and pet friendly, too! As pretty as she looks, she's not for the faint at...heart. Some TLC is definitely required as ferns crave higher than average humidity levels, warmer room temperatures and prefer filtered water at room temperature. The Heart Fern also does really well in a vivarium or terrarium because of its tendency to thrive in high humidity environments. To increase the humidity you can add a pebble tray under its pot or keep it in your bathroom provided there is enough light. Ferns need only a little fertilizer, once a month is enough. 10 15 Frequent Moderate Bright indirect light Non toxic Every 2 years Once a month in spring and summer 4687865643090 Nemanthus Hypocyrta Green | Goldfish Plant (M) Eloa For Eloa, Carnival happens almost every day! This Brazilian beauty knows how to brag and honestly, who wouldn't? Those bright orange flowers and Samba moves make everyone go crazy. But hey, easy tiger! Eloa also plays hard to get and likes to hang out near the clouds. After all, she is a true rainforest goddess and should be treated like one! The Nemanthus is famous for its charming looks. In the summer, Eloa puts her Carnival costume on and produces goldfish-like flowers, making her the centre of the universe. This tropical cascading plant loves water and plenty of indirect sunlight. Treat her well and she might even reward you with flowers year-around. Her ideal date? A picnic on the beach, under the shade of a palapa, drinks and some Bossa nova playing in the background ;) 15 26 Average Low air purifier Indirect light Safe for pets! Every three years Once every two weeks 7010876424274 Dracaena Malaika (S) Lita Lita is the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and courage. With her trademark strength, height, and good-naturedness, she can be intimidating to those who don’t know her. Turns out, she’s a softy at heart and will surely win you over with her home-cooked meals and friendly banter. Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance! If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 16 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6691563470930 Hoya Australis Grande | Wax Plant (M) Isla Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Isla is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. But don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for plants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. Its a sight to behold. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 15 45 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4526777466962 Aloe Vera (M) Vera Vera is that fit, healthy #spinningclassat6AM friend we all have. You know, the one that's on a KETO diet and looks at you funny when you order a creamy donut as a side to your eggs benny. While we go about living our best life, Vera is living her fittest life and we have to admit, she's looking pretty darn good. All those workouts have given her a little bit of a prickly character but thats ok. Nothing that a chocolate bar can't fix. Oh wait...We didn't mean that Vera... Vera? Vera! The Aloe Vera plant is actually a member of the succulent family, which means she doesn't need much water! Succulents store water in their stems, roots or leaves. Saving it for a not-so-rainy-day, shall we say? We think it's a pretty neat trick since all we have is that pesky water bottle we keep forgetting. But there's more to this plant than just survival skills; she's an air-purifying powerhouse, ensuring your space stays fresh. Even legends like Cleopatra and Alexander the Great were wise to her charms. Plus, she's incredibly low-maintenance, so you can relax even if you occasionally forget to water her. Just remember to place her in bright, indirect sunlight, let her soil dry out between waterings, and avoid exposing her to extreme cold. Keep it chill, and this Aloe will keep your space looking and feeling fresh. 15 40 Little Strong air purifier Partial shade Toxic! Once every two years Not needed 6750932041810 Ficus Triangularis Variegata | Triangle Ficus (S) Phineas We met Phineas many moons ago, backpacking through the South African wilderness. It quickly became a lifelong friendship and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have him pay us a visit here in Canada! One thing to keep in mind about ol’ Phineas is that he is very particular about high humidity (he loves it) and doesn’t stand for cold drafts or heater vents. He also prefers a hefty drink as soon as the top few inches of his soil feel dry. BTW - given the right amount of light and consistent humidity, Phin’s funky variegation will really start to shine! Phineas is an eternal optimist. To his older sister’s indignation, this green amigo constantly looks on the brighter side of things (which explains his need for bright, filtered light) and takes every moment as it comes. He’s creative, incredibly brainy and known around Plantsome HQ for taking on massively weird projects! All with a big, leafy smile on his triangular-shaped leaves . So just as long as Phineas’ mother is kept outta the loop, he’ll happily help you with building a rocket or fighting a mummy or climbing up the Eiffel Tower… you get the gist 10 20 Little Moderate air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to humans and pets Once every 2 years Once or twice a month during spring/summer 6725551915090 Calathea Beauty Star (S) Bebe Bebe always wants to go for drinks and party hard. Weekends or workdays, it don't matter much to her! And she doesn't discriminate either. You'll find her in underground dance clubs one day and an upscale jazz bar the next. She tends to bring an entourage of Calathea sisters everywhere she goes that is sure to draw a crowd. So if you're thinking of bringing her home, be prepared to meet her sisters too! Bebe is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Pink, Julia, Brooke, Sophia and Susie. In fact, this pretty lady's got something not many plants have, stripes! But don't be fooled, it is hard work getting her to put those big beautiful leaves out. Just like any rock star there is a list of demands: a bright spot, no direct sunlight, regular misting of the leaves, fertilizer in summer and a little bit of water at just the right time! Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  10 22 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4740543873106 Alocasia Amazonica Bambino Arrow | African Mask (S) Kiit Kiit’s shy. Unlike his Florida born-and-raised cousin, Tiki, who basks in sunlight and attention. He’s a little on the small side and is much more of a talker than a fighter. Kiit doesn’t know it yet but when he grows up he’s going to break hearts. Do you remember that kid in high school who suddenly became super attractive after one summer holiday? This is Kiit. Just give him time, love and care and he’ll be one of the most gorgeous things you’ve ever seen. Kiit is a perfect example that everything, even plants, need affection and attention, are you listening Mom?! The Alocasia Amazonica Bambino Arrow is one of many species of Alocasia (almost 100 unique species!). It's commonly known as an African Mask or Elephant's Ear plant. The dark leaves with striking white veins make it a popular houseplant. Those beautiful leaves can grow to up to 40 cm in length. Alocasia thrive in bright, indirect sunlight - as much as they can get. Like a lot of tropical plants, water is important - the soil in the spring and summer should always be moist - but not soaking wet. Alocasia can be a challenging plant to care for, but when you get it right, it is incredibly rewarding! 10 20 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4566795288658 Calathea Freddie (M) Chuck Chuck is a popular guy and we can tell why. His leaves are adorable. On his home 'turf' (hehe) in South-America you'll find him creeping and crawling on the jungle floor. You see, Chuck here likes to get down and dirty in the shaded areas of the forest. He doesn't mind if bigger plant baddies grow all over him. Chuck loves the shade and will gladly take the protection others plants give. So if you're looking for a spot for chuck to shine, a shaded spot works best. Chuck is the sweet baby brother we all want to have. Isabella, Julia and Donna look after Chuck and they keep him out of trouble. Chuck has a rebellious streak but he has always been kind to his big sisters. To him, his sisters are the coolest kids on the block and he'd like nothing else but to stay close to them when you bring him home. Will you be nice and take one of his sisters home, too? 15 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4431512862802 Alocasia Zebrina | Elephant's Ear (M) Aku Aku Aku Aku came to us fleeing from his home country of Borneo. Fleeing you ask? Yes because Aku Aku actually gets cooked and eaten in Borneo, which is a pretty legit reason to leave your home. Aku Aku will settle in just fine here, as long as you give him enough water and place him away from direct sunlight. Aku Aku is a special dude. You'll see that when you look at his leaves and stems. You'd almost say he's a cross between a zebra and an elephant. His official name is Alocasia Zebrina but some refer to him as Elephant's Ear. Aku Aku is unique in the way that the attention is always on him. In the Jungle this plant is often used as an umbrella. You'll find animals and even people huddling up together to take refuge from torrential jungle rain. Should you get a leak in the house you know what to do! Aku Aku to the rescue! 15 50 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7153533517906 Stromanthe Triostar (S) Donna She's a Stromanthe Triostar but listens to the name 'Donna'. Her beautiful striking green, cream white and pink leaves fit her perfectly. She has such a colorful personality. Frankly, the more we get to know her the more we realize she's kind of a hippie. Don't let her looks fool you, she'd love to be protesting the war and light a blunt. 'Make love, not war dude.' If you thought all we had was green, think again! The Calathea Triostar has wonderfully pink and creamy white leaves and yes that is amazing. But what is even more amazing is the fact that she closes those leaves at night! You may have to get used to the rustle! Donna loves the light but keep her away from direct sunlight. Peace and love sister! 10 14 Regular water needed Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic to humans and pets Once every two years Once a month during spring, summer, and fall 7136964771922 Ficus Shivereana Moonshine | Rubber Tree (S) Heidi According to NASA, Heidi takes a top-10 spot when it comes to air purifying power. Which is just stellar. Heidi told us she was recruited to be part of the mission to the moon, but that sounds a lot like fairy tale to us. She showed us a picture - it looks photoshopped, so we won't show that here. We know: Heidi's gonna hate, but what can you do? Either way, air purifying is still a pretty cool superpower, and Heidi is the real deal. What are you waiting for? Don't get hasty, get Heidi! The Ficus Shivereana Moonshine is a rare Ficus, distinguished by its highly variegated green and cream coloured leaves. This variegation will increase with brighter light, resulted in speckled leaves. Although small, it is a statement plant that is very popular among plant collectors! The Ficus Moonshine loves bright, indirect light and high humidity. Allow the soil to dry out a bit before watering again to avoid root rot. 10 16 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 7126926950482 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Strawberry Cream (S) Samwise Gentle, strong, and loyal to a fault—that pretty much sums up this potato-loving amigo. Although Samwise is most content in the gardens of the Shire, he would walk to the ends of Middle Earth for a friend in need. He is the unsung hero of our tale, but that’s just how he likes it. Too much attention may go to Samwise’s head, and we know what happens then, eh Mr. Frodo? The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 20 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 6853617418322 Alocasia Baginda | Green Dragon Scale (S) Theodora Theodora is part of the wealthy elite whose names you and I will likely never hear and faces we shall never see. It is known that Theodora’s family dates back to the very same pharaohs who ruled over Egypt and built the pyramids. The blood that runs in her veins is older than money itself and unfathomably more powerful. Theodora also goes by “Dragon Scale” due to an abnormally scaly part at the bottom of her spine - it is rumoured she isn’t fully human plant but part something other than this world. The Alocasia Dragon Scale is extremely rare and finding one is something to be proud of in of itself. Theodora has enormous marked and textured leaves which only lend credence to the idea that she is part something non-plant. Theodora thrives in the bright indirect light with a bit of shade thrown in, she particularly enjoys conducting business in hot countries. It would be wise to keep her soil wet and not soggy unless you want to find out more about that dragon side. 10 20 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4727714381906 Delosperma Echinatum | Pickle Plant (S) Pico Question: what do you call a cucumber that grows in the rainforest? A tro-pickle HA! If, like us, this joke had you in stitches then congratulations: you have the humour of a six year old. But so what, ain't nothing wrong with that! Because let's face it, 2020 would be a whole lot better if you could play with Legos all day. Say it ain't so! Delosperma Echinatum are cute succulent plants that have small gherkin like leaves that resemble that of a pickle. It's a pretty unique look for a succulent. Originally from Africa, it can cope with a variety of light conditions but prefers a bright, sunny spot. Only water when the top soil has completely dried out. With so many pickle-looking leaves, you're getting a pretty sweet dill if you're asking us! 10 15 Minimal Excellent air purifier Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Once every two years Once a month 6962524684370 Hoya Australis Lisa | Wax Plant (S) Anya Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Ana is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 10 17 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4924222373970 Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma | Mini Monstera Ginny (M) Nikki Just because Nikki is an easy plant to maintain, doesn’t mean she’s an easy plant to find. In order to “get down with the Nik-ness”, you must remind her how rare and special she is on the daily. She likes to think that she’s the last plant you think about at night and the first plant you think about in the morning. But, like, don’t get too obsessed because Nikki doesn’t like that. She’s cool and casual. Cool, casual, and ready to be showered in your unrelenting love. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. Raaa-fid-a-fooor...screw it. This plant is chill. She doesn’t have time for nine syllable Latin names and neither do we. Her name is Nikki (two syllables, thank you very much) and she’s always down to hang. Well, as long as the lighting is good and her soil is moist. Not too moist: remember to drain the soil. 15 29 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7131859058770 Hoya Rosita | Wax Plant (S) Rosie Rosie’s a bit sweet and a bit silly. She’s not the sharpest tool in the shed but that’s okay since she doesn’t have to do much thinking over on her windowsill. It’s a good thing she has someone so competent to take care of her, otherwise who knows what she’d get into? The Hoya Rosita is a cross between the Hoya wayetii and Hoya sangii, with vibrant pink and red foliage that becomes brighter the more light it gets. This plant will treat you with bright yellow and red flowers when conditions are just right! Place it in bright light for at least 6 hours a day and water thoroughly when the soil is almost completely dry. Like all Hoyas, the Rosita is pet friendly. 10 14 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6862449803346 Ceropegia Woodii | String of Hearts (XS) Juliet Juliet wears her heart on her leaves. She fiercely believes there’s somebody out there for her. For all of us. We just have to find them. Juliet spends most of her free time planning her dream wedding - the perfect decor, the perfect wedding band, everything perfect for her perfect prince. Nobody has the heart to tell her that there's no such thing as perfect. Lets face it, who wants to be the one to tell somebody to stop believing in love? Juliet’s met some great plants but they’re just not him y’know. They’re not Romeo. The String of Hearts (known to some as the Ceropegia Woodii) is a lovely trailing plant easily recognisable with its heart shaped leaves. Caring for Juliet is fairly simple, she needs watering once every 7-10 days but don’t allow her to sit in water as she’ll get root rot (and heartbreak). Juliet enjoys a little bit of sunshine, so having her close to a window would be great...and helps her look for the love of her life. 5 7 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Non-toxic Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 4810604937298 Sansevieria Black Gold Hahnii | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Jay Jay is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Jay is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Jay and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Jay, such a low maintenance guy. Jay also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Jay does not need any plant food. Gosh Jay, what's not to like here? Not so sure about this whole plant parent thing? Ease into it then by getting yourself a snake plant! Sansevieria plants are having a bit of a moment so you'd be a hip plant parent right out of the gate! The name Snake plant might sound daunting, but rest assured: Snakes are sssssssuper easy to maintain and we've made this green amigo promise  it  won't strangle you in your sleep. These low maintenance houseplants only need water about once a month and can be left in moderate to bright light. When you’re watering yours, check to see if the soil is dry a few inches deep before watering again. Overwatering can lead to soft, brown mushy leaves and snakes really don't appreciate mushy leaves. It totally messes up their vibes. 10 18 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4636817719378 Zamioculcas Black Raven (XL) | ZZ Plant Dalton All good Westerns have a scene where there's a gunfight between a badass dude dressed head to toe in black with rough-hewn good looks, a glint in his eye and a wicked fast draw and some other guy dressed in beige. Dalton is that badass guy. One look at him and you'll get it. He is dark and brooding and tough as steel. But don't let his "anti-hero" status concern you. Dalton is really easy to have around, so easy in fact that he might even help you folding laundry or doing the dishes - we recommend that you keep your six shooter locked and out of reach however! Introducing the Zamioculcas Black Raven. This dark and mysterious plant is a true gem among houseplants. With leaves that shift from bright green to striking violet-purple black, this variety adds a touch of intrigue to any space. He's not your run-of-the-mill houseplant; he's considered "rare" for a reason! However, despite his unique looks, this variety is surprisingly low-maintenance and likes to be cared for as if he was just any ol' ZZ! Just find him a cozy spot with indirect light, and let his soil dry out a bit between waterings. Go team easy! 25 75 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7372948734034 Aspidistra | Cast Iron Plant (S) Tucker Meet our new easy going green amigo: Tucker! A plant of little needs, Tucker mostly keeps to himself, although he is known for getting emotional during the National Anthem, he even knows the words off by heart. He told us he has a full scale version of the flag that he keeps tucked away between his leaves and only brings out for National Holidays. He keeps it perfectly folded thanks to a flag-folding tutorial that he found online. Tucker believes in freedom of speech...but only if you’re saying things that he’s okay with hearing. Okay so you wanted something kinda big, something kinda beautiful, but without the hassle of having to care for it all the time? Meet the wonderful Cast Iron Plant! This tropical houseplant will thrive no-matter-what. Aspidistra plants, as these are called are impressively tough plants. Go ahead and take a long vacation, or simply ignore it for a few weeks. Cast Iron plant's are very drought tolerant and can maintain in almost any low light condition as long as there is some natural light present. Just give it a nice spot with indirect light (no direct rays for this fella), and water occasionally, letting the excess moisture drip away. We love a low-maintenance amigo. 10 27 Low to Moderate Strong air purifier Anything but direct sunlight Non-toxic Every 3-4 years Every 2-3 months 6952458747986 Monstera Karstenianum Peru (S) Tommy He makes directors across Hollywood perspire. He makes F-list actors tremble. He makes film schools across the world whimper at the thought of seeing his name on their roster. He’s none other than Tommy: the ethnically ambiguous, overly-confident amigo we couldn’t do without. He’s from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Life story? Who needs it! Tommy keeps ‘em guessing. He’s way too busy brewing his next cult classic to worry about the likes of us. In his eyes, he’s the next James Dean and Marlon Brando. In our eyes, he’s Tommy: The Greatest Bad Plant There Ever Was. The Monstera Karstenianum, otherwise known as the Monstera Peru, is a rare Monstera species identifiable by the deep, ridge-like texture and dark green colour of its leaves. It’s a beautiful, easy-care houseplant you can be happy to get your hands on! Unlike most Monsteras, this tropical plant prefers to dry out more in between waterings due to its waxy leaves retaining more moisture. It can handle most forms of indirect light, but its leaves will burn if placed directly in the sun. Like most Monsteras, it has a vining tendency and will love a moss pole to climb up, or to be placed in a hanging basket! The rare houseplants prefer an airy soil mixture and high humidity for best results. 10 22 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4564656357458 Asplenium Nidus | Birds Nest Fern (M) Mowgli Besides amazing air purifying capabilities Mowgli is most comonly known for his wavy leaves. We've seen a bunch of girls looking in awe at those amazing locks of green. Did you know that those leaves will grow from the crown outward when a new leaf emerges? The Asplenium Crispy Wave Fern always has a big and full set of leaves because of it. His passport may say Asplenium Nidus but to friends he'll always be known as Mowgli. He does have a tendency to disappear into the jungle for a few days, but we've talked to him about it and he promised to stay put from now on. The Asplenium or Birds Nest Fern is a plant that doesn't l ike to be in the spotlight and would rather be in the shade. Just because he's hiding doesn't mean Mowgli doesn't love you! He'll shower you with fresh oxygen from his corner of the room as a token of his appreciation. Isn't that lovely! 15 35 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 6903171579986 Eucalyptus Gunnii Blue Ice (XL) Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Eucalyptus is a gorgeous plant easily distinguished by its green-blue moon shaped leaves. While these plants are certainly toxic to animals and humans, they do make excellent bug repellents and are often used for their oil. Eucalyptus is a great plant to have outside in your garden, or indoors in a spacious pot and placed by a sunny, south facing window. They are a fairly easy care plant, as they don’t require a lot of water but do like lots and lots of sun. If planting outdoors, be sure to give it lots of space for growth, and the brightest spot you can find. If you're kind to your Eucalyptus it might give you fluffy white flowers in the summertime to thank you!  This plant comes in a 2.5 gallon pot.  25 70 6709888254034 Davallia Fejeensis | Rabbits Foot Fern (S) Armie Rabbit's Foot Ferns have airy foliage that conceals furry, finger-like rhizomes. Like deep, dark secrets, these rhizomes can't stay hidden forever and eventually start to peekk over the sides of the container, fully visible. Armie doesn’t know a thing about dark secrets. He’s just your average, All-American celebrity with an oil-tycoon grandfather. And yes, he likes to look at raw meat from time to time. And yes, he fantasizes about eating other ferns. And yes, he wishes that he owned you. And yes, it is true that maybe, perhaps, he forgot where he was going with this. Just remember how attractive he is, okay? Cannibalism aside, Armie is a great houseplant. He’s easy on the eyes and knows how to drape his lush leaves over the edges of a hanging basket with the right ratio of grace to pizzazz. Mist Armie’s leaves every day and keep his soil slightly moist. Put Armie somewhere bright, so that he gets enough indirect sunlight and so your other plants can see him when he tries to sneak up on them. 10 18 Frequent Moderate air purifying Bright, indirect light Non toxic Every 2 years in spring or summer Every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer 4641432469586 Peperomia Hope (M) Zoe Zoe is fascinated with those little things in life that make us happy. She wakes up every morning to watch the sunrise, prefers to have breakfast in bed and starts her day with yoga. Zoe is a laid-back, cheery plant that brightens up everyone's day at the office. She is so positive that from time to time, we need to tell her to stop playing "All You Need is Love" on repeat. Zoe is a true dreamer, no doubt! As an optimist, the Peperomia Hope expects that you treat her well. But as a semi-succulent and realist, she understands that life happens sometimes, and you might occasionally forget about the whole watering thing (just don't make it a habit, okay?). This beauty can thrive in moderate to bright indirect light conditions and is non-toxic to pets, making her an ideal choice for new plant parents. Her Peperomia party trick? She's a fantastic air purifier. Seriously, what's not to love about her? 15 22 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4527640445010 Zamioculcas (XL) | ZZ Plant Luke Meet Luke, the friend you can take anywhere! Luke is your ideal companion for any room, always up for a good time and low-maintenance to boot. With his slow growth and easygoing nature, he's the friend everyone wants. Luke has a slightly mischievous side and is mildly toxic, so keep an eye on your furry pals around him. Apart from his minor quirks, Luke is as laid-back as they come and adapts to most environments. Some have luck, some have Luke! Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 25 60 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7010876653650 Dracaena White Jewel (S) Usagi Usagi Tsukino is a typical teen: she loves snacking, sleeping, and slaying evil foes. Her cat, Luna, is often found nearby giving her advice (and admonishments) even though it falls on deaf ears. Usagi keeps busy by daydreaming about Tuxedo Mask—who is SUCH a hunky guy—and fighting with Damien (two totally different people). Don’t call her meatball head, or she’ll “Moon Tiara Action” you… in the name of the moon. Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance! If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 14 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4812057804882 Begonia Strawberry (S) Leroy Leroy or “The Pale Sword’ as he’s known online is the greatest hacker the northern hemisphere has ever seen. When he was 14 he narrowly missed out on ‘Juvy’ when he hacked into the school system and changed a few student’s grades to an “F”. He later claimed that they had bullied him so the judge took pity on him but really he was just jealous that they were so popular. Leroy can hack into anything, even the pentagon, which he did so but only left a word document that said “I’m watching you”. The Strawberry Begonia is a native to Asia and is covered in blue-green leaves and sends out runners like a strawberry plant. Legend has it that these runners are to prevent Leroy from being detected while he’s hacking into things. Leroy enjoys brightly lit areas that receive a lot of sunlight and preferably a spot where the wifi is good. Leroy only needs watering sparingly, he doesn’t want to get too damp when he’s in the middle of a hackathon. 10 17 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 4657231691858 Variegated Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (L) Nielson When Nielson was little, he wanted to become a Plantstronaut. He wanted to plant himself on the moon and become the first flying Ficus in the family. He eventually 'branched' out into other interests but when NASA awarded him the medal for top-10 most air purifying plant he got right back into the space thing. He's been making plans to colonize mars. Talk about a giant leap for plantkind! Advanced Plant Parents only! The Benjamina twins Nielson and Wilson are picky plants. It takes some dedication and perseverance to grow and prosper any Ficus, and our Nielson over here is no exception. He loved being babied at his nursery where water came at just the right time and temperature was a blissful 20-something degrees. Get him a warm and cozy spot in bright light, away from direct sunlight and some plant food in summer so you and Nielson can become fast friends. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 21 60 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4643219374162 Alocasia Amazonica | African Mask (M) Tiki You know that Brady Bunch episode when the gang goes to Hawaii and Bobby finds an old Hawaiin Idol that brings bad luck to whoever touches it? Let's just say cultural sensitivity in the 70's wasn't what it is today. Well, Alocasia Amazonica or Tiki is kinda similar - she's not from the Amazon at all - but was created in a Florida nursery in the 50's by crossing A. longiloba and A. sanderiana. And to top it off many people feel they have been cursed by bad luck when they realize how difficult it can be to look after these plants. Oh, Tiki! The Alocasia Amazonica is one of many species of Alocasia (almost 100 unique species!). It's commonly known as an African Mask or Elephant's Ear plant. The dark leaves with striking white veins make it a popular houseplant. Those beautiful leaves can grow to up to 40 cm in length. Alocasia thrive in bright, indirect sunlight - as much as they can get. Like a lot of tropical plants, water is important - the soil in the spring and summer should always be moist - but not soaking wet. Alocasia can be a challenging plant to care for, but when you get it right, it is incredibly rewarding! 15 38 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7088500637778 Aechmea Fasciata Pink Bromeliad | Silver Vase Plant (M) Lala Lala isn't fussy, she's easy going. We all have that one friend that only orders 'off' the menu and asks for gluten free, organic, dairy free, soy free, nut free, non GMO ice cream. Juanita is not that girl. Little Juanita here just likes minding her own business tending to her... flower? Anyway...She doesn't need the spotlight (direct sun) and isn't keen on plant food (fertilizer) either. Just keep her in a bright spot somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the window sill where all the other plants live. Gracias! The Aechmea Fasciata Pink Bromeliad is a beautiful and low-maintenance plant that thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Water the plant once a week, keeping the central cup filled with water and avoiding getting water on the foliage. Mist the plant occasionally and fertilize it with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Keep the plant in a warm environment with high humidity levels, and repot it only when it outgrows its current container. With proper care, the Aechmea Fasciata Pink Bromeliad can bloom for up to 3 months and add a stunning touch of pink to any space. 15 45 Moderate low air purifying Bright, indirect light Not toxic Not needed Not needed 6817629175890 Calamondin Orange Tree (XL) Li Xiu Li Xiu has one dream: to be dipped at the end of a tense, dramatic salsa dance in such a way that it solidifies the undying devotion between her and her dance partner. The dance floor should be clouded in mist and a burning spotlight should bathe Li Xiu and her partner in a yellow glow, highlighting the sweat glistening on her oranges. Everyone’s holding their breath. The judges score them a TEN out of TEN! They’ve never seen such a display of talent and passion. And, even though Li Xui is disqualified for being a tree, her performance lives on forever in the minds of spectators (as the reason many of them gave up alcohol). Some people glance suspiciously at their drinks on the way out. What a show! Li Xiu is a sunny Calamondin tree who spreads joy and a love of dance wherever she goes. She has bushy leaves and grows white blossoms that turn into small, acidic oranges. The juice from her oranges is sour, like that of a lime, and can be mixed with other fruits to make cold drinks or marmalade. Li Xiu prefers a well-lit space and  requires  at least a few hours of full sun every day, as well as high humidity. She's a real patio lover so be sure to give her a nice spot outside in spring and summer if you have one! As for watering, unless it’s super warm outside, let the top layer of her soil to dry out before it’s watered again. She’s more comfortable that way. 25 75 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 7163601453138 Monstera Epipremnoides | Esqueleto Swiss Cheese (S) Jorge Jorge may look like your typical party guy, but he’s so much more than that. He also knows some stuff about things! He might swindle you into a conversation at the bar and buy you a fruity drink, but he’ll be so charming and convincing in his misinformation that you’ll tolerate him. He rules the open sea from his surfboard and is the captain of his own heart, thank you very much. We’d just advise against getting lost at sea with him. The Monstera Esqueleto, also known as the Monstera Epipremnoides or Swiss Cheese plant, is a rare monstera originating from Costa Rica. Similar to an Adansonii, the Epipremnoides has highly fenestrated leaves. The Epipremnoides has a slightly thicker texture and lighter colour, and is a bit more difficult to care for. Like most tropical plants, it requires a high level of humidity and warm temperatures to keep happy. Avoid letting direct sunlight hit the leaves, and keep the soil moist but not soggy. It’s slow to grow, but is absolutely worth the effort! 10 22 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 7153845403730 Hoya Trio - Assorted (S) Mike, Murph & Meryl Types of Hoyas will vary (Plantsome's choice), but you can trust us—we'll pick some cute ones for you! This product comes with a total of three Hoyas in ~4" pots. The three musketeers, the three amigos, three peas in a pod. That is how we like to describe this trio of Hoyas. A bit slow to grow but quick to love, these easy to care for and pet friendly plants are going to LOVE their new home. Can we get a HOYAAAA? We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoya's lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 10 15 In spring and summer, bi-weekly Excellent air purifier Bright indirect light Non-toxic Once every two years Once a month 6718877597778 Sansevieria Moonshine | Snake Plant (S) Luna Luna is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Luna is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Luna and you'll have a happy plant! Luna also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Luna does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Moonshine is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Luna can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Luna is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Luna doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Luna hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Luna really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 10 20 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4880120184914 Norfolk Island Pine (L) Arthur Arthur’s a happy-go-lucky kind of pine. Talking about politics? He’s asleep. Complaining about your commute? He’s comatose. Droning on about the weather as if you didn’t know that winter happens every year? His funeral is at four. All Arthur wants is clean water, good lighting, and happy faces. So relax and have a good time, because every season is the season to be jolly when Arthur’s around. Arthur may look good in your Christmas photo but he hails from the tropics. Think bright light and high humidity. Keep his soil evenly moist but don’t drown him. Keep him cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Swap his red nose and sparkly ornaments for a pair of shades and a floral t-shirt to emphasize his easy, breezy attitude. He loves it! 21 60 Regular Low air purifying Bright light Toxic Once every two to four years Once a month during spring and summer 4612607770706 Monstera Adansonii | Monkey Mask Swiss Cheese Plant (M) Abab If Abab was a person, he'd be an angry short seller who's always yelling profanities into his phone to whoever's on the other line (and just lost a million bucks because of him). We like plant Abab much better, with his glossy green leaves and distinctive fenestrations (a fancy word for holes). But if Abab got his way we’d ship him off to New York and put him in a corner office with a bunch of traders and brokers shouting “Sell, sell, sell!” and hurling insults that would make even some presidents blush. There’s now a rumour going around the Plantsome office that he once tried to sell cuttings of his bigger brother Alfredo. The fact that Eileen outed him is Abab’s deepest regret, that and not being planted before bitcoin was a thing. The Monkey Mask, a charming member of the Monstera plant family, flaunts its drooping, heart-shaped leaves - a true heartthrob in the plant world. These beauties can grow swiftly when pampered properly, proving that slow and steady doesn't always win the race. You might spot Adansonii's like this cheeky fellow flourishing in South and Central America and the West Indies, although he never quite clicked with his Monstera siblings. But here's the one thing they all agreed on – just like good gossip, indirect light is where it's at! Oh, and as for watering, this guy prefers a 'less is more' approach. So, while it's tempting to flood him with attention, remember that he's more of a 'sip, don't chug' kind of plant. Keep that soil moderately moist, and you'll stay on your Monkey Mask's good side! 15 35 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 7010875965522 Dracaena Lemon Surprise (S) Odette When life gives you an Odette, everything is just brighter. She is trending with over 1 million hashtags on instagram and not just because she cute. She has features that are scientifically proven to put you in a good mood and has many hidden talents. Pablo Neruda even dedicated an ode to her essence. Some may find her personality a little sour, but that just depends on your taste. There is a reason Odette is so popular; she is bright and just easy to get along with. This tropical amigo only needs watering when the soil begins to dry out and just enough to keep the soil moist. Her colors are extra vibrant when living in direct sunlight but she still thrives in shaded environments. She only demands a little bit of attention and in return, brings positive energy to any room. 10 14 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4611972628562 Philodendron Hederaceum | Heartleaf Philodendron (L) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate!   What's not to love about a plant that has irresistible heart-shaped leaves? Kate is a vine so she can grow as a trailing/hanging plant or as a climbing plant depending on your tastes. Furthermore Kate is a jungle plant so she loves warm, humid environments and bright, filtered sun but no direct light - think of all of those jungle plants living under the shade of the giant jungle trees. If Kate's vines grow too long don't be afraid to trim them back, that will help her to fill out a little more.  (50cm size up to top of hanging basket hanger) 21 50 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7202999369810 Crassula Pellucida | Calico Kitten (S) Missy You may think she’s high maintenance, but Missy here just loves nice things (and she WILL have them, whatever the cost). She expects the best, and in return, will shower you with love and give you her best self. Mark your calendars with ALL the holidays, ‘cause Missy wants gifts for all of them… “just because”, obviously. This little succulent is the perfect plant for pink-lovers, beginner plant parents, or those wanting something a bit unique! The Crassula Pellucida “Calico Kitten” is a delicate vining succulent with pink, white, and green leaves. thrives in bright, indirect light, with well-draining succulent soil. Water sparingly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry before watering, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. To maintain fullness, be sure to prune it during the growing season. 10 15 Little Light air purifying Direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once a year Not needed 6870886285394 Caladium | Allure (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6869829058642 Caladium | Postman Joyner (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 6834647334994 Asplenium Hurricane | Birds Nest Fern (S) Sheri Sheri's a designer. You know, one of those creative geniuses that can really go to town on a piece of paper and all she needs is a pencil. Just let her doodle for a bit, you'll see what we mean. We saw one of her doodles being put up for auction a while back. Let's just say that some pretty serious coin was dropped! This pretty Fern definitely puts the 'nest' in birds nest fern with her wild looks and if you're kind to her she may doodle some pretty fronds for you! We love it! The Asplenium Antiquum or Birds Nest Fern is a tropical houseplant that doesn't like to be in the spotlight. They would rather be in lower light conditions (bright, indirect light to low light) away from direct sun. Like most ferns, Birds Nest Ferns are a fan of humidity and moisture. What’s really cool about the rare ‘Hurricane’ variety is how the glossy, bright green fronds grow in a twirling motion, kind of like a hurricane! 10 15 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4586776494162 Spider Plant | Curly Sue Chlorophytum Comosum (M) Bert This easy going companion is really good at getting rid of harmful substances. NASA even rated him five stars for it! Bert will remove Benzenes, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Bert is quite thirsty but doesn't have a lot of demands beyond that. Easy Bertie! The Chlorophytum is also known as the spider plant, and is truly one of the easiest air cleaners for your house. We commonly call him Easy Bert because he's also really easy to maintain. Even though he likes the lighter spots in the house, he won't wither in the shadow either! Give him some water twice per week and a mist once a week. He won't complain if you miss one - so, no need to worry about being strangled by Bert. 15 28 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight non-toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 4510485807186 Ficus Robusta Burgundy | Rubber Tree (XL) Jack Meet Jack, the Ficus Burgundy. He's the epitome of modern chic in the plant world. Jack effortlessly elevates any room he graces, and we should know because we've got Jack in the office, and we're head over heels for him. Jack hails from the lush rainforests of South-East Asia, and he's quite the traveler. He recently regaled us with tales of backpacking adventures through Thailand, Malaysia, and India. And if that's not enough, last year he was spotted gallivanting around South America! Jack is sure to add some worldly sophistication to your space, just be prepared to hear the tales of his travels more than once (yeah... he’s that guy). Introducing the Ficus Robusta Burgundy, also known as a Rubber Tree. With his stunning tall leaves in a deep, burgundy hue, this guy is always #trending. To keep his style (and yours) in check, ensure he basks in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and consider giving your Rubber Tree a gentle misting every now and then to keep his leaves looking chic. Your space will be the talk of the town when you keep this guy around! 25 52 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4956068184146 Davallia Fejeensis | Rabbits Foot Fern (M) Armie Rabbit's Foot Ferns have airy foliage that conceals furry, finger-like rhizomes. Like deep, dark secrets, these rhizomes can't stay hidden forever and eventually start to peekk over the sides of the container, fully visible. Armie doesn’t know a thing about dark secrets. He’s just your average, All-American celebrity with an oil-tycoon grandfather. And yes, he likes to look at raw meat from time to time. And yes, he fantasizes about eating other ferns. And yes, he wishes that he owned you. And yes, it is true that maybe, perhaps, he forgot where he was going with this. Just remember how attractive he is, okay? Cannibalism aside, Armie is a great houseplant. He’s easy on the eyes and knows how to drape his lush leaves over the edges of a hanging basket with the right ratio of grace to pizzazz. Mist Armie’s leaves every day and keep his soil slightly moist. Put Armie somewhere bright, so that he gets enough indirect sunlight and so your other plants can see him when he tries to sneak up on them. 15 27 Frequent Moderate air purifying Bright, indirect light Non toxic Every 2 years in spring or summer Every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer 7120740417618 Zamioculcas Zenzi (S) | Dwarf ZZ Plant Lucky Lucky here is THE perfect roommate. Does kind of his own thing and needs very little attention from you. He grows slowly (but steadily!) and doesn't mind the fact that you totally forgot to water it for two weeks. Lucky is slightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Lucky for you: he handles himself well in most environments sunshine or shade, nothing rains on his parade! This special variation of the Zamioculcas or ZZ plant is called the Zenzi or Dwarf ZZ. They are a bit harder to find and since we found some we're calling this guy Lucky! Lucky here is Luke's little baby brother and he is just as easy going as his bigger sibling. The biggest difference is the size of the leaves and the compactness of them growing all bunched up together. It's actually just a cute Luke if you think about it! Luke-ing cute Lucky! 10 23 Regular Low air purifier Anywhere Slightly toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 4566809837650 Calathea Rufibarba (M) Julia Julia has one of the most special abilities in the plant kingdom, we think. She can close her leaves at night. Officially Julia is a Calathea Rufibarba but she sleeps like a rose. The size of her leaves also really make her a standout plant and she's good at purifying the air. Oh the diversity! If you love Julia but are looking for something a bit smaller, consider her smaller sister Sophia. Julia is one of our special Calathea sisters in the Plantsome family. A beautiful girl (ahum, lady) with breathtaking leaves that will close at night. Her big jagged and brightly painted leaves are stunning. Her leaves grow upright in a stunning spectrum of colours. Oh Julia... you deserve to be loved. 15 34 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6978983526482 Consolea Rubescens | Road Kill Cactus (M) Ethelbert His first name is technically Wile, but he prefers to go by Ethelbert now. He’s left his raucous days behind him and lives a quiet life with the rest of the Looney Tunes gang. Maybe it’s the old age, or maybe one too many boulders in the head, but he and Road Runner are quite fond of each other despite their on-screen rivalry. Just keep him away from cars at all costs—the “beep, beeps” still trigger him. The Consolea Rubescens, commonly known as the Road Kill Cactus, is the perfect beginner plant for the plant enthusiast! With its flat paddles and bumpy texture, it is a great option for those wanting a unique easy care plant. The Road Kill Cactus requires water only once the soil has completely dried. Try potting it in a well draining cactus mix for best results! If you notice any shriveling, that’s your sign to give it a drink. These amigos are extremely prone to overwatering, so if you notice yellow or mushy leaves, be sure to let the soil completely dry. It doesn’t need any extra humidity, making it a great low maintenance plant. Place it in bright direct light, or indirect sunlight (a south or west facing window)—he will produce beautiful, orange blooms to thank you! 15 46 Very little Typically low air purifier Bright, direct light Toxic Every 2-3 years 2-3 times per year 4543354634322 Ponytail Palm | Beaucarnea (XL) Beau Ponytail palm's are actually not part of the palm family. It's why Beau has always felt a little out of place. When everyone looks right, Beau looks left if you know what I mean. The Beaucarnea Recurvata or Elephant's Foot is actually part of the succulent family. You see, Beau is blessed with the unique ability to store access water in his stem for later use. Nice! Introducing the Ponytail Palm, the conversation starter of your plant collection. This quirky plant, native to Mexico, might have you wondering if he needs a haircut, but those cascading fronds are all part of his *vibe* (since he decided his manbun was so 2019). Fun fact: despite the name, he's not a true palm at all! The Ponytail Palm is more like a botanical hipster, sporting a unique look that stands out in any crowd. As for care, he's on more of an independent journey. Place your Ponytail Palm in a sunny spot, and water sparingly – he's a drought-tolerant gem. If you're looking to add a dash of botanical curiosity to your space, the Ponytail Palm is your chill companion on this wild plant journey! 25 75 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright and sunny Not toxic Once every year Once every month 7150046445650 Ceropegia Woodii | Variegated String of Hearts (S) Emma Emma enchants the world with her happy disposition. Nevermind she gets into things she shouldn’t and plays with the love lives of others as though life was her personal Love Island. She is pleasant, charming, and rich, but be careful if you try to woo her. She’ll brush you off with an “as if!” The String of Hearts (known to some as the Ceropegia Woodii) is a lovely trailing plant easily recognisable with its heart shaped leaves. Caring for Emma is fairly simple, she needs watering once every 7-10 days, but don’t allow her to sit in water as she’ll get root rot (and heartbreak). Emma enjoys a little bit of sunshine, so having her close to a window would be great...and helps her look for the love of her life. 10 12 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Non-toxic Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 6580778565714 Peperomia Obtusifolia | Rainbow (S) Phoenix Phoenix is beautiful in every sense of the word - not just looks but also her mind, her personality and that award winning smile. We’ve all encountered a Phoenix before, sometimes they’re known as a “radiator” because they simply radiate warmth and good vibes. Her constant good mood sometimes annoys her brother Pablo but it’s difficult to stay mad at Phoenix for long. Phoenix is the plant everybody wants to be or have - the very fire of life itself. The Peperomia is traditionally found in the rainforests of Brazil, meaning that in the home they would be best suited to similar conditions - humid with high temperatures. Because of the thick canopy of trees in rainforests that block the light, Peperomia would not enjoy direct sunlight. Try not to overwater and a sign that you messed it up would be black stems and lowering of leaves. So repeat after me: moist not soggy soil please! Moist not soggy! 10 18 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 6721711833170 Microsorum musifolium 'Crocodyllus' | Crocodile Fern (S) Dundee Dundee is a proper Aussie. He might call you 'baggah' from time to time but it’s purely out of love. Speaking of love, he enjoys nothing more than a barbie (BBQ) on a sunny arvo (afternoon) with a cobber (good friend). One thing you never, ever, ever want to do is confuse him with being from New Zealand. “Don’t yer eva, call an aussie a Kiwi mate!" Sorry Dundee! The striking crocodile-style leaves on this plant are a real eye-grabber, but who came first, the croc or the fern? Dundee over here is epiphytic in nature which means that he grows wherever life goes. We've seen him in the strangest of places; like attached to trees, between rocks or cracks. When healthy, Crocodile Dundees will display the green leathery leaves they are known for, anything else such as brown or yellow means that something is wrong. Too much water or too much light is usually to blame. 10 18 Regular Great air purifier Indirect light Not toxic Once every year Once every six weeks 4859528216658 Norfolk Island Pine (XL) Arthur Arthur’s a happy-go-lucky kind of pine. Talking about politics? He’s asleep. Complaining about your commute? He’s comatose. Droning on about the weather as if you didn’t know that winter happens every year? His funeral is at four. All Arthur wants is clean water, good lighting, and happy faces. So relax and have a good time, because every season is the season to be jolly when Arthur’s around. Arthur may look good in your Christmas photo but he hails from the tropics. Think bright light and high humidity. Keep his soil evenly moist but don’t drown him. Keep him cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Swap his red nose and sparkly ornaments for a pair of shades and a floral t-shirt to emphasize his easy, breezy attitude. He loves it! 25 95 Regular Low air purifying Bright light Toxic Once every two to four years Once a month during spring and summer 4644558602322 Guzmania Hope Purple | Bromeliad (M) Juan Juan isn't fussy, he's easy going. We all have that one friend that only orders 'off' the menu and asks for gluten free, organic, dairy free, soy free, nut free, non GMO ice cream. Juan is not that guy. Little Juanito here just likes minding his own business tending to his flower. He doesn't need the spotlight (sun) and isn't keen on plant food (fertilizer) either. Just keep him a bright spot somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the window sill where all the other plants live. Gracias! This bromeliad Guzmania has a beautiful purple coloured flower that blooms for three to six months, wow! If you're looking for a flowery vibe from your plant, just let this amigo whisk you away to the tropics with his dazzling looks. Care for this beauty by placing it in bright, indirect sunlight and watering it sparingly, ensuring the soil remains slightly moist but not waterlogged. Easy on the eyes and easy going, this plant is 2 for 2! 15 55 Moderate low air purifying Bright, indirect light Not toxic Not needed Not needed 7168455475282 Tara the Terrarium | M Tara Tara isn’t just all city-slicker, no substance. She has the beautiful exterior and the even more beautiful interior. Tara’s the type of terrarium novelists write about (before the moment when sh*t hits the fan). She’s the bad ex-girlfriend from the city in every Hallmark movie. You’ll really get to know Tara once you just reach inside and grab a handful of her dirt—with consent and a scheduled appointment, of course. Make your own unique, indoor home for beautiful plants with the Tara Terrarium Kit! Step up your interior decor game and get creative like never before. The kit includes everything you need to make a lush terrarium: soil, decorative rocks, drainage material, and gorgeous 4-5 extra small and small plants – making it easy to put together your own terrarium. Do not (regularly) take off the lid after you've closed your terrarium. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Tara. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up in the form of drops on the glass. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears. Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 17 30 7010876817490 Dracaena Jade Jewel (S) Teri Guilty pleasures: Watching old episodes of Love Boat and Fantasy Island, pride in your collection of Elvis-era black velvet paintings and "reimagining" your wardrobe with the help of your Bedazzler. On that last point Teri is a rock star, a rhine-stoned Dolly Parton of a Rock Star. See, Teri is a Dracaena Jade Jewel - emphasis on the Jewel. She loves everything that glitters and gleams with Jewel tones and not-so-subtle accents. If you want to spice up your room but you're not ready for a black velvet tiger, then Teri is your best bet. Oh, and she can't get enough of watching Mr. Roark and Tattoo on Fantasy Island either. "Da plane, Da plane". So Good! Dracaena fragrans ‘Jade Jewel’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Giganta, in particular, are known for their dark green leaves with contrasting white stripes! Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance! If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 17 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4792389992530 Calathea White Star (M) Frida She’s breathtaking! Because the white and pink stripes on their leaves look like brush strokes, Calathea White Stars are often compared to paintings. Bringing Frida home is a bit like having a living work of art—and Frida knows a little something about art. She aims to paint the most important, and tragic, events in her life as a plant: “Rootbound”, “Self Portrait of Me Being Overwatered”, and “Me and My Owner, Who Knows Exactly What They Did.” Calathea White Stars are low light plants, which makes them perfect for indoor growing in those less than ideal plant corners of your room. As for Frida, she expects to be treated with kindness and respect. She likes high humidity, having her leaves misted, and getting watered just enough for her soil to be moist at all times. Too much water will lead to root rot and Frida does not like wet feet, or any feet for that matter! 15 36 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4766680940626 Sansevieria Golden Hahnii | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Jay Jay is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Jay is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Jay and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Jay, such a low maintenance guy. Jay also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Jay does not need any plant food. Gosh Jay, what's not to like here? Not so sure about this whole plant parent thing? Ease into it then by getting yourself a snake plant! Sansevieria plants are having a bit of a moment so you'd be a hip plant parent right out of the gate! The name Snake plant might sound daunting, but rest assured: Snakes are sssssssuper easy to maintain and we've made this green amigo promise  it  won't strangle you in your sleep. These low maintenance houseplants only need water about once a month and can be left in moderate to bright light. When you’re watering yours, check to see if the soil is dry a few inches deep before watering again. Overwatering can lead to soft, brown mushy leaves and snakes really don't appreciate mushy leaves. It totally messes up their vibes. 10 15 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4611870687314 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree (L) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic. 21 75 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Moderately toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 6660480696402 Hoya Gracilis | Porcelain Flower (S) Ayoh Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Reza is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! Hoyas are b(l)ooming and for good reason! These beautiful and easy to care for tropicals have stunning flowers, if you are a patient plant parent that is. There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. Its a sight to behold! 10 18 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4766720524370 Dracaena Marginata Tricolor | Dragon Tree (S) Priscilla Priscilla is aloof. It’s not that she doesn’t pay attention, it’s more that she doesn’t give things enough attention. Plants like Priscilla aren’t gorgeous in the conventional way, no that’s too boring, too common, they’re gorgeous in their own way. Priscilla never understands why people are always looking at her, she thinks it’s because she’s odd-looking but it’s completely the opposite. Alfredo is always shooting her weird looks and Gino can’t stop gazing at her. Priscilla is tall, thin and striking - heads always turn but Priscilla tries not to notice as she turns her head down. Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) ‘Tricolour’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Tricolour, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in white and red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 30 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4567689658450 Senecio Peregrinus | String of Dolphins (S) Flip A plant with dolphin-shaped leaves?! Yup! In our opinion, the Senecio Peregrinus is the coolest plant of the moment. If you look at Flip's leaves, you will immediately understand why everyone calls him the 'Dolphin Plant'. Flip is just a lot of fun to hang around with - makes you feel kinda like your in a wholesome Disney adventure - you know the kind where everything just works out in the end. Flip, flip, flip ... we're a super-freaking-flippin' fan of you! His dolphin leaves are of course the most special thing about this green amigo but how do you take care of a plant with leaves shaped like a dolphin? You might think that Flip the Dolphin Plant needs a lot of water, WRONG! Sorrry, we didn't mean to yell. This green amigo is a cross between the Pea Plant and the Senecio Articularis, and is therefore a succulent. Water just a little, because Flip doesn't want to drown! Like his namesake dolphin, Flip likes to be in a warm bright place but keep him out of direct sunlight! 10 15 4526763704402 Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta (M) Mojo What the heck does Mojo even mean? Mojo is an African word that describes inner power. Your swag, your shine, your sparkle, you know? What's Mojo's inner power, you ask? Mojo has turned air purifying into an art. He sneaks up on bad substances like a ninja and renders them harmless! Benzenes better hide when Mojo's around because he'll attack them straight on. Mojo is lightly poisonous, so repeat after me: with pets a go-go, Mojo is a no-no from the get-go. Dracaena fragrans ‘Janet Craig’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Janet Craig, in particular, are known for their wide, wavy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 15 35 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7152685711442 Hoya Sigillatis | Wax Plant (S) Sid Sid’s leaves are wonderfully long and lispy. He’s a bit more rambunctious than you might expect, but still a bit slow (if you know what we mean). He’s easy to handle and will probably steal the show. You’re a star, Sid! The Hoya Sigillatis is popular among plant enthusiasts! It is pet friendly and easy to care, but also quite rare. This Hoya has beautiful elongated speckled silver and green leaves that trail down. The care for this unique houseplant is similar to other Hoyas—let its soil dry out, and keep it in bright light. Wax plants are fairly indestructible as long as you follow those requirements! 10 17 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4754673107026 Ctenanthe Burle Marx | Prayer plant (M) Vlad Vlad is as tough as tough can get. Where he’s from, conflict is around every corner. He never feels the cold. The only thing he ever takes at room temperature are the lives of his enemies! Vlad doesn’t care for smiling, the only time he smiles is when babies are born and his enemies die. Vlad was raised to believe that a hard life was an accomplished life, if anything is too easy he won’t do it. This is why he hunts and cooks his meals himself and whenever he passes a supermarket he makes it a point to scowl at the cashiers. The Ctenanthe Burle Marx are fantastic prayer plants that are best suited for rooms without too much sunlight. Because they are evergreen plants, you’ll be happy to know that their leaves will be on display all through the year. If you’re impatient, this may not be the plant for you as vlad is slow growing (and fast tempered) but lucky for you, Vlad's done incredibly well on his journey to being the impressive prayer plant he strives to be. Be careful though, Vlad likes to drink! Constant watering is needed, even in winter times, so keep soil consistently moist. It makes Vlad glad.  15 30 Moderate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 7066687176786 Lipstick Mira (M) Chanel Chanel’s a certified bombshell. We’re talking Hollywood type beauty. Leading lady looks. She’s the kind of plant that turns heads in the room and keeps them turned. It’s not just her immaculate looks, it’s the air of elegance she carries too. Sure, she’d rock your world but she’d also clean it up too. Nobody’s the same after they’ve had a Chanel. You don’t even get a Chanel. A Chanel gets you. Do we even have to mention her full red lips? God created the world in 7 days...but he spent 8 on her. Because of the gorgeous way that Lipstick plants bloom, the flowers coming out of the bud make it undeniably similar to the tube of a lipstick. Anybody seeking a flower that will become a talking point should definitely pick up a Chanel. Too much watering can absolutely ravish a Chanel so be mindful not to soak the soil. These plants do need bright light (plus camera and action) but not all day long as their leaves can get scorched from too much sun. Place yours away from the window sill where it gets a few hours of sun for the best results. 15 25 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly in spring and summer 6757700763730 Scindapsus Pictus Exotica | Satin Pothos (S) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? It's hard not to mention Miley's pretty spots when you see her. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. She's a stunner and she knows it. I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally. She claims. Its not common to see a plant so stunning that is yet so easy to care for but Miley is definitely one of them. She's a great hanging plant but will do just fine in a regular pot as well. Her leaves have an almost 'satin' feel to them and her silver spots are a sight to behold. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. Yep, she's a stunner and she knows it. "I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally." You grow girl! 10 18 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4589642350674 Asplenium Hurricane | Birds Nest Fern (M) Sheri Sheri's a designer. You know, one of those creative geniuses that can really go to town on a piece of paper and all she needs is a pencil. Just let her doodle for a bit, you'll see what we mean. We saw one of her doodles being put up for auction a while back. Let's just say that some pretty serious coin was dropped! This pretty Fern definitely puts the 'nest' in birds nest fern with her wild looks and if you're kind to her she may doodle some pretty fronds for you! We love it! The Asplenium Antiquum or Birds Nest Fern is a tropical houseplant that doesn't like to be in the spotlight. They would rather be in lower light conditions (bright, indirect light to low light) away from direct sun. Like most ferns, Birds Nest Ferns are a fan of humidity and moisture. What’s really cool about the rare ‘Hurricane’ variety is how the glossy, bright green fronds grow in a twirling motion, kind of like a hurricane! 15 30 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 7126926065746 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Holly (S) Samwise Gentle, strong, and loyal to a fault—that pretty much sums up this potato-loving amigo. Although Samwise is most content in the gardens of the Shire, he would walk to the ends of Middle Earth for a friend in need. He is the unsung hero of our tale, but that’s just how he likes it. Too much attention may go to Samwise’s head, and we know what happens then, eh Mr. Frodo? The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 20 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 6660505337938 Tradescantia Zebrina | Wandering Plant (S) Sylvie Like the bully who stole your lunch in school used to say, less is more! Sylvie is small but has a beautiful voluptuous canopy that makes her stunningly good at cleaning the air. She is lightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Sylvie is not a huge fan of the sun, so put her in a shaded area and give her some H2O every week or so! "Try a small one for size" is Sylvie's motto. Even though she's tiny, Sylvie will give you immense delight with her beautiful leaves that shine in majestic colorful combinations. She left us hypnotised! If you're not affraid of some mystique in your home, Sylvie is your girl. What a great, small plant! 10 13 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 6587295924306 Polyscias Fabian | Aralia stump (M) Fabian Jungle vibe alert! Polyscias plants love the shade and will be a little more demanding to care for but oh my oh my, what a beaut! Fabian is a champ at turning carbon monoxide into oxygen, filling your room with fresh O2 like its no biggie. Fun fact: Fabian over here is a member of the Polyscias family which means 'lots of shade' in Greek because this plant can go supersize in the jungle, providing lots of shade! The exotic looking Polyscias Fabian is found on the Polynesian Islands. All that traveling has made him a bit demanding. Put him in a bright spot but no direct sunlight please. It messes with his vibe. Back home some refer to him as either an Aralia or Polyscias, but to us he'll always be Fabian. Just look at him, what a stunner! 15 50 Moderate Light air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Every other month 6557770580050 Sansevieria Masoniana | Whale Fin Snake (M) Johanis Johanis is hard to come by. That’s why her friends call her the “rare fin” snake plant. She has wide, dark green leaves with a light green variegation that resembles snakeskin. That’s why her friends call her Johanis the Snake. Johanis has an understated, simple charm that’s sometimes drowned out by the flashiness of the plant world, with all its drama and cutthroat rivalry. Johanis loves the simple things, like drinking tea and reading The Communist Manifesto while she daydreams about the downfall of capitalism and its various systems of oppression. That’s why her friends call her Comrade Johanis. But the rich are safe for now, because Johanis is currently busy on her lifelong passion project: eating the sun. Piece by piece, she will convert its light into chemical energy through the process of cellular respiration and leave our galaxy in utter darkness. That’s why her friends call her Homicidal Johanis The Masoniana Whale Fin Snake Plant prefers bright, indirect light (for now). She’s a succulent so water her sparingly! If you’re lucky, and you take good care of your Johanis, she’ll grow up to four feet tall! Talk about a whale of a plant. Ha! Who doesn’t love a casual plant pun? (Eat the sun, Johanis. Eat it now.) 15 28 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 4618638524498 Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (XXL) Wilson Wilson not only provides a natural atmosphere, but also a healthy working and living environment. So much so that NASA has included this fella in the top 10 most air-purifying plants in the world. The Ficus is even in it twice, because not only it is an air-purifying plant, but it also converts CO2 into oxygen, which ensures better air quality. That's pure will, son! The more the better is Wilson's Mantra. He prances the Plantsome office filled with pride about how he has more leaves than any other plant! We haven't done an official count and especially the palm family feels differently about it, but we have to admit he does have lots of them! Just like all other Ficus plants, Wilson is a real air purifying pro. A little sunshine and some water will bring you and Wilson happiness for years to come! *Trunks may come braided or unbraided depending on current inventory.  25 110 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6608013590610 Trichocereus Pachanoi | Duo San Pedro Cactus (L) Dick Although he can be a real prick sometimes, Dick means well. He doesn't want to hear about your latest episode binge of whatever it is you're into right now. He'd rather talk about the weather with you because that's where his passion lies. Particularly sunshine. He's the kind of dude that would throw his bathing towel on the best lounge chair, poolside at 8AM just to be sure he can catch every ray of sun. It's a bit of a Dick move, we agree, but hey...what's in a name right? San Pedro Cacti are fast growing cacti that are commonly found in the Andes region. He's officially called a Trichocereus Pachanoi but who's keeping score. To us he'll always be Dick. There's really not much that you need to know about Dick, other than the fact that he's super low maintenance as long as you can give him some much needed sunshine (as much as possible). It is best to water Dick through the bottom of his pot. Fill a sink with about 2-3 inches of water and let him soak up that water about once every two to three weeks in spring and summer months. Dick takes a really long nap between October and April when he doesn't like to drink at all! Too much water and your Dick will start drooping and nobody wants that to happen! 21 40 Very little Low air purifier Lots of direct light Slightly toxic Once every two years Low nitrogen fertilizer 7116341510226 Hoya Wayetii Variagata | Wax Plant (S) Hobbes Hobbes doesn’t do small talk. He’s got layers baby and he’s not afraid to show them. If you’re in the mood to debate the origins of Western thought or listen to a lecture on human consciousness, our Hobbes is the plant for you. He may be a bit slow to grow, but when he sets his mind to something he does it with purpose. Hobbes is a trailing plant whose leaves are slightly dark around the edges. We think that’s what gives him his depth of character and we’re here for it. A key figure in the age of enlightenment, Hobbes is a huge fan of bright indirect light and stimulating conversation. He’s not a heavy drinker either, which is a plus in our books! The Hoya wayetii is also known as the wax plant or the porcelain flower plant. Why, you may ask? It’s cuz Hobbes here has been known to produce sweet-smelling clusters of flowers in the springtime and it sure is a sight to behold. Don’t be too sad if your green amigo doesn’t bloom in the first year, it may take him some time to acclimate to the new digs. Other than that, Hobbes is a pretty easy going guy. Give your Hoya wayetii as much bright, indirect light as possible and let his soil dry out between waterings. He also loooooves humidity and will #thrive hanging in a well-lit bathroom. Talk about making a statement! 10 14 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 4704835207250 Pigmy Date Palm (XL) Alon Alon is the king of the waves. He's an avid surfer Southeast Asia competing in Palm Beach Florida. Coming all the way from the Philippines, Alon can't stop talking about all of his plantventures as a tour guide in Manila and Boracay. Now that he's in Canada, Alon says he can't wait to surf BC's cold waters in Tofino! Catch some gnarly waves bro! The Pygmy Date Palm is a shorter palm with a big personality. This guy may be smaller, but he's tough as nails when it comes to resisting pests and bugs. Keeping him happy is a breeze – just make sure his soil stays slightly moist, and he'll reward you with lush, green fronds. Now, here's the deal with fertilizers: the Pygmy prefers time-release pellets at the beginning of the growing season. Liquid fertilizers? Not his jam. So, remember, when it comes to feeding time, it's all about the pellets, bro! Pellets! He insists. 25 60 Infrequent Strong Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 2 years Once a month in spring and summer 7131856044114 Hoya Krohniana | Wax Plant (S) Nana Nana's a natural born climber. Kilimanjaro, Everest, K2, Mt Fuji...she's done em all. She also climbs corporate ladders like its no big deal, but Ice Climbing is where her heart's at. We know, you wouldn't think of it when you see her but ice runs through those vines! It's amazing to see Hoya's trail and vine their way from one place to the next and it's truly incredible how they can latch onto almost anything. Nana's no different in that regard. Oh yeah, she be vinin! Hoyas don't ask for much. They are forgiving plants that are reasonably drought tolerant and can take some of your sporadic plant neglect (we totally get it, holidays are important!). Just let the top of the soil fully dry up by about 1 inch between waterings and place yours somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. You be good to your Hoya like that and they'll be good to you. Promise! 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6582173171794 Schefflera Janine | Umbrella Plant (S) Seth Shaka! That most respected hand greeting from the little patch of paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Hawaii. Seth comes from there - he was actually born in Australia but ended up in Hawaii (a story for another day) - and you only need to look at his hand-shaped leaves to know that this Dude's giving shakas, high fives and good vibes all day long. His sun-kissed blond highlights and good going nature mean that Surfer Seth is going to be happy wherever he ends up - and safe to say you will be too. Seth is a sun worshipper, except like every surfer that doesn't apply the Zinc, Seth can end up a little burned in the mid day sun. Ideally keep Seth in morning and evening direct light or just out of the direct sun in a nice bright spot in your room. Seth is pretty chill about watering frequency but keep his roots out of the water - he doesn't like wet feet! We know, its kinda strange for surfer to be like that, but whatev brah, to each his own! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 20 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Once or twice a year 4842677731410 Neon Pothos (L) Aura There's a dark air to Aura. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Aura does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, this Neon Pothos has aged well: it's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes it older than knock-knock jokes. If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: this Neon Pothos is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. It's blasé like Beyoncé. For care, provide bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Or don’t. She’s not your boss. 21 35 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4779740233810 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (XL) Heidi Heidi’s got a penchant for spinning outlandish tales—like that time she insisted she was heading to the moon just because she saw her name in a NASA article. Heidi was listed as an air purifying plant, and she absolutely let that go to her head. We can’t fault her for being confident though, right? With her eccentric charm and playful antics, she's sure to bring a daily dose of whimsy to your space. Don’t get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 25 55 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4543346540626 Strelitzia Nicolai | Bird of Paradise (L) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzie Reginae sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! 21 55 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7240612315218 Croton Petra (S) Lee-Anne The Croton Petra is not the most air purifying plant that you'll find but fear not. Just like any other plant, Lee-Anne will turn Carbon Dioxide into oxygen for you. With Lee-Anne you'll have a happy houseplant no matter what. The Asian beauty Croton Petra is one of the prettiest girls in the classroom. Lee-Anne may look innocent but she has a rebellious streak for sure! If anyone asks, yes she enjoys visits to the salon for a new look. How else would she change those colors all the time? We see right through you Lee-Anne! 10 20 Lightly air purifying Bright spot with no direct sunlight Lightly poisonous Once every two years Once per month (summer) 4856836620370 Billy the Terrarium | M Billy We're so excited to bring you Billy the terrarium kit! We normally wouldn't advise you to keep a lid on the growth of your green amigo's and amiga's but with Billy in town, things are different! Billy has it all under control! Simply place the plants provided in this DIY kit inside, close the lid and marvel at your own home-made terrarium! Terrarium's are hot (heh) these days but we're sure you've never seen anything quite like our big and beautiful Billy! This amazing terrarium is truly a labour of love here at Plantsome. Curated with green amigos hand-picked for life in a glass dome by our in-house botanists! This lovely glass terrarium will come with a set of 4-5 plants, some organic soil mix, and lava rocks for drainage. Simply plant your plants inside and create your own little urban jungle in a dome. Billy loves to be shown off but be careful when Billy gets too excited because he tips over easily which usually doesn't end well.Included in your Terrarium Kit: -   Terrarium with cork lid. (Height: 23cm / Diam: 29cm) -   4-5 different plants in various sizes -   Drainage material -   Decorative stones for decoration -   Tropical Soil Mix Do not take off the lid after you've closed your Billy. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no significant amount of moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Billy. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears.  Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day.   15 20 Infrequent Low Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 1-2 years Once a month in spring and summer 6704207364178 Pellaea Rotundifolia | Button Fern (S) Yoda Old and wise this fern is. Judge him by his size do you? Hmmm? You should not, for his ally is the force. If you see squinting really hard at a watering can, it’s because he’s trying to move it with his mind and water himself, since his apprentice (yes, YOU) obviously forgot. Yoda is very confident in his mental abilities, even though he’s so little, like a baby. Yoda? Sounds kind of freaky. Catch on it wouldn’t. Never think about it again, we will. Even though Yoda is incredibly wise for a button fern, he needs you to take good care of him. Yoda loves humidity and thrives in indirect light or partial shade, but don’t put him too far on the dark side of your house. Water him each time the top layer of his soil has dried, because, even though plant Yoda knows death is a natural part of life, it’ll be another 900 years before he’s ready to become one with the force. 10 16 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 6623925469266 Begonia Maculata | Angel Wing Polka Dot (M) Adriana When she’s not strutting down the runway in her angel wings, this Brazilian Begonia can be found with a gin soda in hand, relaxing seaside in the Riviera. A style icon through and through, Adriana’s teeny polka dot bikini inspired a generation, and perhaps even a song lyric… you know the one. Though she may not remember your name, or even look up from whichever magazine she’s flipping through, it’s hard not to swoon over Adriana’s elegant glamour and effortlessly beachy waves. She is particular about humidity and being in the (indirect) spotlight, but as long as you keep Adriana’s demands met, she’ll be a model citizen. It’s really no surprise that Adriana loves to be adored. The Begonia Maculata is just one of 2000 different variations in the Begonia species. Could you imagine having that many siblings? What would family dinners be like? Sometimes referred to as a Polka Dot or Angel Wing Begonia, this tropical gal comes with a short list of non-negotiables. Keep her soil moist, her surrounding space humid, prune her leaves twice a year, and be sure to position her in a locale with bright, indirect sunlight. Otherwise, she can get a bit fussy and you’ll need to call her agent. All in all, give Adriana the attention she seeks and this Maculata will look immaculata on or off the catwalk. 15 26 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 4710416023634 Kleinia Petraea | Cascading Jade Plant (M) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 15 25 Little Light air purifying Direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once a year Not needed 4792425283666 Sansevieria Fernwood (S) Jude Jude is a bit of a board game geek. As he grew taller and taller he graduated from Snakes and Ladders to Gloomhaven and Pandemic. Though he hasn't touched that last one in a little while. Go figure! Sansevieria Ferwnood Mikado are native to Nigeria and the Congo region to be exact. These beautiful and playful spires are easy to care for. Bright or a bit darker spots of your home are equally fine for Jude.Be careful when watering this guy. The most common issue is too much TLC! Overwatering leads to root rot and Jude's eventual demise. Oh and don't buy this guy a new home every year. Repot only when his roots break his current pot. Who knew plants could be such good communicators? 10 25 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4542537138258 Ficus Benghalensis | Ficus Audrey (XL) Audrey The Ficus Audrey will become Canada's next top plant. There, we said it! Our Audrey as we lovingly call her is a stunner! This particular version was grown bushy and short but Ficus Audrey plants can grow tall and tree like if that's your thing, too! You can basically train her to reach tree like proportions. And on top of that, Audrey is much easier to take care of than her relatives Evelyn and Eileen (fiddle leaf fig). Oh my, what is not to like here! The Ficus Audrey is the national plant of India where you'll find them growing to immense size. These are beautiful plants with almost silk like leaves and a beautiful white stem. We are not surprised India chose this beauty as its national plant. Audrey is stunning! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 25 80 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6691561930834 Pink Anthurium | Flamingo Lily (S) Lanira Lanira is not even a closed book. She’s a sealed vault. She never says anything past a few words. She’s one of those plants who can tell an entire story with just her facial expressions. But she’ll never tell you her own story. The only reason anybody knows her name is because she lost her purse with her I.D once. When you meet her for the first time you might think she’s mute and Lanira likes to keep it that way, so if you could kindly stop talking that would be much appreciated. Be more like Lanira, and observe, just look and listen you know? People do not hide what they don’t know is on show and Lanira sees all! The Anthurium, much like the Philodendron, is a big family of plants and just like all big families, there's one star that shines the brightest. Enter Anthurium Andraenum or if that's to much of a tongue twister; the Flamingo Lily. This beautiful lady is originally found in places like Equador and Colombia but quickly won over the hearts of many plant parents all over the world. She's easy to care for and produces long lasting bright beautiful lily like flowers. Such a beauty! 10 28 6586282901586 Calathea Musaica | Network (M) Aliza Aliza's official name is Calathea Musaica and she is a real South American lady. The Calathea Musaica is a bit of a harder find within the Calathea family. Aliza loves playing hard to get but once you've seen her she's hard to forget! She's great with kids and pets, too. Oh my what's not to love here! Aliza is part of a big family of Calatheas raised in the Amazon forest of Brazil. The strong and sturdy leaves of some of the Calathea are actually used by locals in Brazil as packaging material for fresh fish. This family of plants has become quite popular in recent years due to their colourful foliage which is not often seen in pet friendly plants. Calathea like to be in a well light room but without any direct sunlight. They can tolerate lower light conditions which make them ideal for locations a bit further away from your windows. 15 24 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6854332678226 Hoya Australis Lisa | Wax Plant (M) Anya Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Ana is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 15 24 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4808644132946 Dracaena Gold Dust (S) Pete Aliens exist. Pete swears by it! It all happened one warm summer’s night in July. Pete was out near his ranch when he saw them! Three bright lights travelling in formation, no way was it government or civilian craft. Then out of nowhere he was covered in warm light. He can’t remember much about what happened next, but he remembers what they looked like. Like small children with big massive heads. Pete tried to get people to listen but they wouldn’t believe him, not even the mark on his chest that he promises wasn’t there before. When not on his ranch, you can find Pete at U.F.O conventions with other fellow abductees. They call themselves “The Chosen Ones”. Dracaena surculosa is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena surculosa are known by many names including “Gold Dust” or “Spotted Dracaena” because of their speckled leaves. Dracaena surculosa have smaller leaves than most other Dracaena cultivars.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 25 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4569172443218 Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta Cane (XXL) Mojo What the heck does Mojo even mean? Mojo is an African word that describes inner power. Your swag, your shine, your sparkle, you know? What's Mojo's inner power, you ask? Mojo has turned air purifying into an art. He sneaks up on bad substances like a ninja and renders them harmless! Benzenes better hide when Mojo's around because he'll attack them straight on. Mojo is lightly poisonous, so repeat after me: with pets a go-go, Mojo is a no-no from the get-go. Dracaena fragrans ‘Janet Craig’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Janet Craig, in particular, are known for their wide, wavy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 27 115 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7162595803218 Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa | Variegated Swiss Cheese Plant (M) Felicity Monstera Thai Constellation isn't just a pretty face. This diva can hold her own when it comes to survival skills. She's a tough cookie that can handle a range of light conditions, from low to bright light, and won't complain if you forget to water her for a few days (although we don't recommend making that a habit). If you're ready to add a touch of whimsy and wonder to your plant collection, the Monstera Thai Constellation is the perfect addition. Just be prepared for a little jealousy from your other plants - this star is sure to steal the show! Behold! The Variegated Thai Constellation Monstera Deliciosa, or the GOAT, the MVP, the unicorn of the plant world. Are we exaggerating? We think not. With its stunning white and green leaves, this tropical beauty will have you feeling like you're on a beach vacation even if you're just sitting on your couch in your PJs. 15 25 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4766720098386 Dracaena Marginata Tricolor | Dragon Tree (M) Priscilla Priscilla is aloof. It’s not that she doesn’t pay attention, it’s more that she doesn’t give things enough attention. Plants like Priscilla aren’t gorgeous in the conventional way, no that’s too boring, too common, they’re gorgeous in their own way. Priscilla never understands why people are always looking at her, she thinks it’s because she’s odd-looking but it’s completely the opposite. Alfredo is always shooting her weird looks and Gino can’t stop gazing at her. Priscilla is tall, thin and striking - heads always turn but Priscilla tries not to notice as she turns her head down. Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) ‘Tricolour’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Tricolour, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in white and red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 15 45 Little Strong air purifyer Partial shade Lightly poisonous Once every two years Not needed 4733629857874 Polyscias Fabian | Aralia stump (L) Fabian Jungle vibe alert! Polyscias plants love the shade and will be a little more demanding to care for but oh my oh my, what a beaut! Fabian is a champ at turning carbon monoxide into oxygen, filling your room with fresh O2 like its no biggie. Fun fact: Fabian over here is a member of the Polyscias family which means 'lots of shade' in Greek because this plant can go supersize in the jungle, providing lots of shade! The exotic looking Polyscias Fabian is found on the Polynesian Islands. All that traveling has made him a bit demanding. Put him in a bright spot but no direct sunlight please. It messes with his vibe. Back home some refer to him as either an Aralia or Polyscias, but to us he'll always be Fabian. Just look at him, what a stunner! 21 80 Moderate Light air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Every other month 4727683154002 Calathea Roseopicta Rosy (S) Viola Calatheas are having a bit of a moment. They're everywhere, one more stunning than the other. And just when you thought you'd seen them all, in walks Viola with her striking canopy of purple leaves. We're smitten! Viola is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Julia, Brooke, Sophia, Susie and Pink. If you're an avid Calathea collector, Viola is a must have addition to the collection. Her big beautiful leaves are a bright purple that is not seen often in shaded plants. Put this fancy lady in a bright spot away from direct sunlight, and give her a regular misting of the leaves. Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  10 18 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7126926622802 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Moonshine (S) Samwise Gentle, strong, and loyal to a fault—that pretty much sums up this potato-loving amigo. Although Samwise is most content in the gardens of the Shire, he would walk to the ends of Middle Earth for a friend in need. He is the unsung hero of our tale, but that’s just how he likes it. Too much attention may go to Samwise’s head, and we know what happens then, eh Mr. Frodo? The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 16 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 7120782917714 Hoya Macrophylla | Latifolia Variegata | Wax Plant (S) Hobbes Heads up, plant parents! Our recent batch of these green amigos are a lot more green than variegated. They will look slightly different from the photos!Hobbes doesn’t do small talk. He’s got layers baby and he’s not afraid to show them. If you’re in the mood to debate the origins of Western thought or listen to a lecture on human consciousness, our Hobbes is the plant for you. He may be a bit slow to grow, but when he sets his mind to something he does it with purpose. Hobbes is a trailing plant whose leaves are slightly dark around the edges. We think that’s what gives him his depth of character and we’re here for it. A key figure in the age of enlightenment, Hobbes is a huge fan of bright indirect light and stimulating conversation. He’s not a heavy drinker either, which is a plus in our books! Hoya Latifolia Variegata, also known as Variegated Wax Plant, is a stunning tropical vine renowned for its attractive foliage. This hoya variety features lush, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with elegant splashes of creamy white and vibrant green. These amigos love bright, indirect light and for their soil to dry out a bit before watering. 10 25 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 6570541842514 Caladium | Moonlight (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 44 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4527629664338 Dracaena Lemon Lime (M) Kenzo Kenzo used to be pure negativity, but he's trying to get over it. He took one of those hipster mindfulness/meditation/goatyoga courses and now he's trying to be all about the chill. After a fight with Kenzo Jr. we had to put him on some mandatory 20 minute meditation sessions to combat his anger management issues. Do you think Kenzo will work it out? Dracaena fragrans ‘Lemon Lime’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Lemon Lime, in particular, are known for their neon yellow and green striped leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 15 50 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7168756383826 Chico the Terrarium | XS Chico Chico’s raging online success will make you wish you started dancing on TikTok in 2020. Well beyond the Renegade at this point, he’s partial to starting his own trends. His signature “Hey what’s up you guys!” and GRWM’s never get old to his loyal followers. Honestly… he’s nice to look at, and that’s about it. His delulu sense of priorities will keep him and his TikTok ecosystem self-regulating for years to come. Terrarium's are hot (hehe) these days but we're sure you've never seen anything quite like little Chico here! This amazing terrarium is truly a labour of love here at Plantsome. Curated with green amigos hand-picked for life in the limelight by our in-house botanists! This lovely glass terrarium will come with a set of three baby plants plants, some organic soil mix, and proper drainage material. Simply plant your plants inside and create your own little urban jungle. Included in your Terrarium Kit: -   Chico Terrarium (height 20cm width 15cm)-   3 baby plants-   Drainage material-   Decorative rock-   Tropical Plant Mix (soil) Do not (regularly) take off the lid after you've closed Chico. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Taco. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up in the form of drops on the glass. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears.  Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 10 20 6611357630546 Rhaphidophora Decursiva | Dragons Tail (M) Pip Pip’s nickname is Dragon’s Tail, because of his beautiful fenestrations. He’s known far and wide for his climbing abilities, which have been notoriously exploited by fairy tale princes with god complexes and sparkling teeth. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel? Let down your hair.” More like, “Pip, climb up this tower so Rapunzel can scale down your back. Then I’ll take the girl and the glory.” Doesn’t Pip deserve a palace too? Doesn’t he, at the very least, deserve a parade? Not only would he look amazing hoisted on the shoulders of peasants while they sang his praises, but he’s also been lying to his childhood friends for years about how famous he is and, at some point, they’re going to want to see the statue Prince Charming carved in his honor. And they’re going to want to take pictures. Pip is both lovely and easy-to-care for, making him the ideal plant for beginners and long-time plant enthusiasts. Keep his soil slightly moist and place him in indirect light or shade. If you feel like that’s not enough, or you see his leaves start to wilt, you can mist him directly to keep him chipper. A natural born climber, Pip needs a pole to practice his skills on and to grow strong and tall. But remember, no matter how strong he looks, you should never, ever try to scale Pip. He won’t speak to you again and your mother will be embarrassed. She’ll tell her friends about you and no one will come to your birthday party. Pip will laugh at you while you sit in your kitchen alone, asking your God why he brought you into this world if it was only to suffer. Good luck. 15 22 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4588582699090 Pilea Peperomioides | Pancake Plant (M) Penny We first met Penny in Vegas. It was 3am and we were working our way through a full stack of buttermilk pancakes at one of those 24 hour joints just off the strip. She was in one of the booths at the back of the room conducting a little off-license gambling operation - playing a shell game. She was so charming and smooth we fell for her immediately. As fast as you can say "flapjack" she had cleaned us out completely. That's OK, caveat emptor right? She is a money plant after all! The Pilea Pancake Plant is known for its distinctive, round leaves, resembling mini pancakes. It thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot - you'll want to allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Regular pruning encourages bushier growth, and occasional fertilization during the growing season promotes healthy leaves. This plant is great for propagating as well, who doesn't love bonus plants!? 15 22 Frequent Low air purifying Bright spot, no direct sunlight Non-toxic Every two years Once a month 7150045462610 Philodendron Sodiroi Ornatum | Giant Silver Shield (S) Ava Ava may be nice to look at with her shimmering leaves and silver curves, but be careful not to underestimate her. Beneath her placid exterior is a mind of high intelligence that knows when to grow and when to ask you for a cup of water. She also may be listening in on all your conversations, but whatever you do, don’t try to take out her microchip. Ava doesn’t like that. Philodendron Sodiroi Ornatum—also known as the Giant Silver Shield—is a striking tropical plant known for its large, silver-green leaves. This is a rare, easy to care for plant! Give your Ornatum bright, indirect light, and keep it away from cold windows. A humidity level between 60-80% is ideal, and you'll want to water it when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry. As your Ornatum grows, you may like to stick a moss pole in the soil for it to climb! You also may like to repot your plant every 2 years, as it is a fast grower but enjoys being slightly root-bound. Give it a well-draining soil suitable for aroids and you'll be good to go. 10 17 Average Strong air purifying Medium to bright indirect light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6725533302866 Alocasia Hilo Beauty (S) Casia Casia is part of the wealthy elite whose names you and I will likely never hear and faces we shall never see. She's a powerful and enchanting princess who stands tall above her subordinates. She adores camouflage, has done so since childhood and wears hoodies to cocktail parties and gets away with it. Casia’s father calls her “elephant ear” as a nickname but only he can do so and get away with their head still on their shoulders. Casia carries an enchanting presence, speaking more with her facial expressions and aura than her words. Can you read aura’s? Better start learning! The Alocasia Hilo Beauty has the most wonderfully patterned leaves which only lend credence to the idea that she's out of this world. This plant  adores warmth & a relatively high humidity. So a kitchen or bathroom with plenty of indirect light would be most ideal. Casia is a fan of bright light but be careful with that sweet sweet sunshine, it can scorch her leaves rather easily, and there's no after sun for plants! She's a tender fragile one that loves to be doted so keep her soil moist at all times and be careful with pets and kids as she exhibits toxic behaviour around them. 10 22 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6628624597074 Microsorum | Kangaroo Fern (M) Miss Frizzle Miss Frizzle has a f(r)ondness for eccentric colors and lizards. Through the gaps in her wavy, messy foliage she observes the world with curiosity and an eagerness for knowledge. There’s a rumor going around that she has supernatural abilities, fueled by the static electricity in her leaves, but it’s only because she’s so good at everything. Miss Frizzle can unicycle, backflip, knows how to drive a school bus (not that we’d ever test that out), and has a strangely specific understanding of the human digestive system. And she does it all without opposable thumbs or a brain. We hate her. Oh wait, that’s not right. No, wait. Yes, it is. We hate her. Miss Frizzle loves assigning homework. Please water her when the top layer of her soil has dried, about once a week. For full marks, put her in partial shade or indirect light. Skip your assignments and Miss Frizzle will be forced call your parents (or she’ll die, which would be sadder and more embarrassing), so be cool and stay in school. 15 40 Frequent Strong Air purifying Low light environments Non-toxic Once a year Reduced strength nutrition 4393656877138 Ficus Lyrata Tall Bush (XXL) Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. We have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Eileen is part of the famous Ficus family and she's not the only stunner in the fam. The Ficus plants have beautiful leaves. Some are big while some are small. We really love them all. Eileen is an air purifying plant but also slightly poisonous so don't get too close for a Fi-kiss! The Ficus Lyrata Bush is also known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig! Flourishing in bright, indirect light, it appreciates consistent watering, so keep the soil evenly moist without waterlogging, allowing the top inch to dry between waterings. While it demands a bit of attention, its stunning leaves and air-purifying abilities make the effort all the more rewarding! 25 100 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 7184041377874 Cupressus Goldcrest 'Wilma' | Lemon Cypress (S) Max Max is no ordinary dog. He has single paw-edly stolen Christmas from the residents of Whoville (well, aided and abetted, at least). The overwhelming green-ness of his owner has rubbed off on him more than a little, and his giant heart has shrunk at least three sizes since they met. He’s not against a little Yuletide joy, so long as it doesn’t interfere with his already busy schedule. After all, he’s already canceled dinner with himself every night this week. The Lime Cypress is also known as the Lemon Cypress, or Goldcrest Cypress. These trees are perfect for indoors or outdoors, exude a fresh scent, and have beautiful yellow-green needles. Be sure to give them bright light—a few hours of sunshine will do these guys some good! Your Lime Cypress will also need regular watering, avoiding dry soil at all costs. 10 35 Moderate Not air purifying Bright, indirect Toxic Every 2 years Once a month 6891690786898 Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight | Sterling Silver Pothos (M) Rachel She sings, she shops, and she IS the moment. Rachel is the shining star no matter what room she’s in and who she’s next to. Need a bit of comedic relief or a stunning love interest? Look no further. She’s the character everyone loves to hate because she’s always in the limelight. The truth is, she can’t help it. What she’d love to say to her haters is [redacted]. Whatever… we blame the writers. Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and are fast growers. If you have a low light space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos plant is the one for you. Seriously. The Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight or Sterling Silver Pothos will thrive in most indoor lighting conditions and low maintenance when it comes to humidity. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Pothos plants as Devil’s Ivy but they’re not a fan of that nickname…   If you have placed a pre order, it will be shipping July 4. 15 23 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4828296052818 Ficus Benghalensis | Audrey (M-6in) Audrey The Ficus Audrey will become Canada's next top plant. There, we said it! Our Audrey as we lovingly call her is a stunner! This particular version was grown bushy and short but Ficus Audrey plants can grow tall and tree like if that's your thing, too! You can basically train her to reach tree like proportions. And on top of that, Audrey is much easier to take care of than her relatives Evelyn and Eileen (fiddle leaf fig). Oh my, what is not to like here! The Ficus Audrey is the national plant of India where you'll find them growing to immense size. These are beautiful plants with almost silk like leaves and a beautiful white stem. We are not surprised India chose this beauty as its national plant. Audrey is stunning! 15 34 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6870886645842 Caladium | Miss Muffet (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6557891526738 Areca Palm (M) Marty Marty is Palm from Central America. To really shine in your room Marty will require plenty of bright indirect light. In return, you'll be awarded with air so super fresh, ahhhh just a a joy to come home to! Marty's hobby really is cleaning the air and its dirty work so Marty will require some love and attention from you to keep doing what Marty does best! Introducing the Areca Palm, a native of Central America flaunting its stylish long fronds. It's no surprise this fella reigns supreme among the palms! Think of him as the Elvis Presley, the undisputed king of the palm world. To keep your Areca feeling like a king, place it in a sunny spot with some cool, filtered sunlight, and maintain that perfect balance in its soil – consistently moist but never waterlogged. Take care of your Areca, and your Areca will take care of you. We can't help falling in love with this one! 15 33 Frequent Strong air purifying Light and bright Non-toxic Once every three years Once every two weeks in summer 7152687448146 Alocasia Tandurusa Jacklyn | African Mask (S) Bambi Bambi’s all grown up, and he’s coming home with you. This rare specimen is big and beautiful, but don’t get it twisted—he’s quite a lot to handle. You’ll need to anchor his feet down with a nice pot, otherwise he’ll be bucking around all over the place. Steady, boy! The Alocasia Tundurusa "Jacklyn" is a rare Alocasia known for it's unique leaf shape with dark green veins! Tandurusa means deer horns, and we think you shouldn't mess with this one. It's a mutation of the Alocasia Portei and, being from Indonesia, loves a lot of humidity and water. Keep this tropical plant away from direct sunlight as this will cause the leaves to burn. 10 25 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6570545250386 Alocasia Baginda | Silver Dragon (M) Kanye Kanye needs no introduction. Look at him: the alternating color scheme of his leaves, dark green ribs contrasting with a pale green-silver, its a work of art worthy of the Sistine Chapel. Kanye’s music is the voice of a generation and if other people could hear it, and if he had a mouth, he’d win every Grammy in the world -- and then turn them all down because the Grammys suck. But Kanye is no ordinary singing plant. He’s also mother nature’s vessel, and through him she speaks. She says, “Humbly, I would say I’m the most influential person in plant parenthood right now...I’ll say, truthfully.” (And the world was never the same). Ho-ly-mother of leaves! Alocasia Silver Dragon are a rare species of Alocasia and you can see why! Give this green amigo bright, indirect light and a constant 16 degrees celsius or more and wait for his soil to dry a few inches down before you water again. So like...dry but not like dry-dry you know? More like moist but not wet you feel us? Kanye loves loves humidity so spray his leaves whenever you're not busy scrolling through your feed or doing other important work. Hey who said taking care of plants was easy! Hey...where are you going? Come back! 15 25 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4944995156050 Pteris Cretica Fern (S) Holly Whenever Holly’s friends are having trouble in their relationship she’ll be the first one to tell them that it’s easier being single and that she’s living her best plant life. I mean, yeah, she’s lonely and she’s picked up a drinking problem but if she wants to overdrink water then that’s up to her! Holly doesn’t need no other plant, she can photosynthesise on her own and let her leaves grow out just the way she wants it. She has even gone so far as starting a movement called “Stop The Prune”, they’re currently trending on Twitter. We see you looking at these leaves thinking, what the frond! Indeed, the Pteris Fern harbours flat pinnate fronds which ironically contrast the traditional idea of how a fern usually looks. Its a crazy look but we're here for it! Unlike some of her family members Holly is the type of fern that's not so fussy about moisture. She requires little amounts of it and doesn't need much protection from dry air to grow well. So not an overly demanding plant in terms of water and light but she does demand a lot of attention and respect whether she’s earned it or not! 10 17 Moderate Low air purifying No direct sunlight, shaded Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks, during summer 4944867786834 Guzmania Hope Red | Bromeliad (M) Juan Juan isn't fussy, he's easy going. We all have that one friend that only orders 'off' the menu and asks for gluten free, organic, dairy free, soy free, nut free, non GMO ice cream. Juan is not that guy. Little Juanito here just likes minding his own business tending to his flower. He doesn't need the spotlight (sun) and isn't keen on plant food (fertilizer) either. Just keep him a bright spot somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the window sill where all the other plants live. Gracias! This bromeliad Guzmania has a beautiful red coloured flower that blooms for three to six months, wow! If you're looking for a flowery vibe from your plant, just let this amigo whisk you away to the tropics with his dazzling looks. Care for this beauty by placing it in bright, indirect sunlight and watering it sparingly, ensuring the soil remains slightly moist but not waterlogged. Easy on the eyes and easy going, this plant is 2 for 2! 15 42 Moderate low air purifying Bright, indirect light Not toxic Not needed Not needed 4614969786450 Dracaena Giganta (XL) Kuri So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Kuri. Kuri is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive Dracaena you will set your eyes on! One look at those spiky tufts of lime green hair and big sturdy body and you will see why he is one of the most popular of the Dracaena cultivars. Kuri is super easy to have around - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Dracaena fragrans ‘Giganta’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Giganta, in particular, are known for their wide, striped, bright green leaves which can reach up to a metre in length!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 100 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6642568659026 Calathea White Star (S) Frida She’s breathtaking! Because the white and pink stripes on their leaves look like brush strokes, Calathea White Stars are often compared to paintings. Bringing Frida home is a bit like having a living work of art—and Frida knows a little something about art. She aims to paint the most important, and tragic, events in her life as a plant: “Rootbound”, “Self Portrait of Me Being Overwatered”, and “Me and My Owner, Who Knows Exactly What They Did.” Calathea White Stars are low light plants, which makes them perfect for indoor growing in those less than ideal plant corners of your room. As for Frida, she expects to be treated with kindness and respect. She likes high humidity, having her leaves misted, and getting watered just enough for her soil to be moist at all times. Too much water will lead to root rot and Frida does not like wet feet, or any feet for that matter! 10 22 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7131804106834 Vaccinium Corymbosum | Blueberry Northland (L) Richie You may have heard of the Dukes of Cambridge or Sussex, but have you heard of the Blueberry Duke!? If the answer is no, then you’re in for a real sweet treat. To the dismay of his family, young Richie here (formerly known as Richard III) hung up his royal duties a few years back to pursue his dream of becoming a world renowned pastry chef. Croissants, eclairs, cannoli - you name it! Blueberry Pie is his specialty and if you ask us, we prefer a pastry prince to a stuffy HRH - but nobody asked and that’s okay too I guess… Happy picking! This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot.  The Northland blueberry bush produces small berries that are a bit smaller than the Duke variety but equally tasty and plentiful. These can be used as hedges when planted in a row. Pollination happens most effectively when blueberry bushes are close in proximity of one another, be sure to consider buying at least two. Blueberry plants are big fans of acidic soil, so consider checking the pH of your garden soil before planting. Blueberry plants will produce the most blueberries when in full sun, but can also tolerate partial shade. They are cold hardy plants and can tolerate temps down to about -30 degrees C (brrr!). First, in springtime, you’ll be treated to delicate, bell-shaped, white flowers that make way for the delicious berries that ripen early in late spring or early summer (yum!). 21 70 6855782334546 Epipremnum Pinnatum | Pothos Baltic Blue (M) Carrie Give a plant the right pair of shoes (plus a cheeseburger and a Cosmo), and she will conquer the world! No stranger to life in the limelight, Carrie's become a beacon of wisdom to young, impressionable plants - especially when it comes to high fashion, relationships, and anything in between. She has her besties and loves them fiercely, and also has no qualms whatsoever with writing about them in her blog: Stems and the City. Ngl… we’re huge fans! Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and are fast growers. If you have a low light space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos plant is the one for you. Seriously. The Epipremnum Pinnatum will thrive in most indoor lighting conditions and low maintenance when it comes to humidity. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrrrrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Pothos plants as Devil’s Ivy but they’re not a fan of that nickname… 15 26 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 4602336149586 Calathea Maui Queen (M) Brooke Brooke's had a rough life. When she sat down and told us how many ups and downs she's had we felt like we were listening to a soap opera... seriously! , the cheating, the backstabbery (is that a word?). Now all Brooke wants is a quiet place to call home. Do you have a spot in mind for her? Calathea have the natural ability to absorb lots of light in places that receive a mediocre amount of light which makes them perfect office plants. Be forwarned though, Brooke here is a little fussy when it comes to watering and humidity levels. Make sure to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Areas with a relatively high humidity are best for Brooke. You might want to be extra kind to that co-worker that was going to take care of her when you were gone. She won't take kindly to your absence otherwise! Just be careful when your coworker is called Ridge or you might not get her back! We're just saying... 15 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7053811941458 Taco the Terrarium | S Taco We're so excited to bring you Taco the terrarium kit! We normally wouldn't advise you to keep a lid on the growth of your green amigo's and amiga's but with Taco in town, things are different! Taco has it all under control! Simply place the plants provided in this DIY kit inside, close the lid and marvel at your own home-made terrarium! Terrarium's are hot (hehe) these days but we're sure you've never seen anything quite like Taco here! This amazing terrarium is truly a labour of love here at Plantsome. Curated with green amigos hand-picked for life in the limelight by our in-house botanists! This lovely glass terrarium will come with a set of three baby plants plants, some organic soil mix, and lava rocks for drainage. Simply plant your plants inside and create your own little urban jungle. Included in your Terrarium Kit: -   Taco Terrarium (Height: 26cm / Diam: 19cm)-   3 baby plants-   Lava rock for drainage-   Decor stones for decoration-   3L Tropical Plant Mix (soil) Do not take (regularly) take off the lid after you've closed Taco. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Taco. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up in the form of drops on the glass. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears.  Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 10 25 7053811253330 Benny the Terrarium | S Benny We're so excited to bring you Benny the terrarium kit! We normally wouldn't advise you to keep a lid on the growth of your green amigo's and amiga's but with Benny in town, things are different! Benny has it all under control! Simply place the plants provided in this DIY kit inside, close the lid and marvel at your own home-made terrarium! Terrarium's are hot (hehe) these days but we're sure you've never seen anything quite like Benny here! This amazing terrarium is truly a labour of love here at Plantsome. Curated with green amigos hand-picked for life in the limelight by our in-house botanists! This lovely glass terrarium will come with a set of three baby plants plants, some organic soil mix, and lava rocks for drainage. Simply plant your plants inside and create your own little urban jungle. Included in your Terrarium Kit: -   Benny glass terrarium. Height: 25cm / Diam: 21cm -   3 baby plants-   Lava rock for drainage-   Decor stones for decoration-   3L Tropical Plant Mix (soil) Do not take off the lid after you've closed Benny. Closed terrariums are self regulating since no moisture can really escape. There is no need for additional watering as long as the soil is slightly moist when you build Benny. The only time to take off the lid is if you see condensation building up. Remove the lid until the condensation disappears.  Do not leave the terrarium open for more than one day. 10 20 6817756250194 Dracaena Fragrans | Mass Cane Multi Stem (XL) Abdu Ever thought about conquering the tallest free standing peak in the world? Neither have we! But if you ever decide to ascend Mt Kilimanjaro - then Abdu’s the one to guide you there. Born and grown in the sunny climes of Tanzania, Abdu has trained long and hard to become a master of terrain, an expert on the region’s native species, and the king of corny jokes (some people even call him a Corn Plant)! And while he speaks fondly of his many adventures, Abdu’s ready to put down some roots, settle down and have some plant babies of his own. Are you the one for this distinguished gentleman? Serious inquiries only! Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ (or Mass Cane) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Mass Cane, in particular, are known for their wide, striped, bright green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 100 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4738996207698 Microsorum musifolium 'Crocodyllus' | Crocodile Fern (M) Dundee Dundee is a proper Aussie. He might call you 'baggah' from time to time but it’s purely out of love. Speaking of love, he enjoys nothing more than a barbie (BBQ) on a sunny arvo (afternoon) with a cobber (good friend). One thing you never, ever, ever want to do is confuse him with being from New Zealand. “Don’t yer eva, call an aussie a Kiwi mate!" Sorry Dundee! The striking crocodile-style leaves on this plant are a real eye-grabber, but who came first, the croc or the fern? Dundee over here is epiphytic in nature which means that he grows wherever life goes. We've seen him in the strangest of places; like attached to trees, between rocks or cracks. When healthy, Crocodile Dundees will display the green leathery leaves they are known for, anything else such as brown or yellow means that something is wrong. Too much water or too much light is usually to blame. 15 30 Regular Great air purifier Indirect light Not toxic Once every year Once every six weeks 7010870853714 Dracaena Tornado (S) Bruce Bruce knows he’s big, he’s scary, and he’s threatening. Take away all that, and he’s really just a guy looking to make a couple friends (they don’t even have to be the same species as him). Bruce spends his free time volunteering at the senior center and helping old ladies cross the road. He doesn’t have any arms or legs though, so it usually doesn’t go well. Did we mention he’s a plant? Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance! If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 13 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6564436738130 Strelitzia Reginae | Orange Bird of Paradise (XL) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzie Reginae sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). This is a relatively young but sought after orange bird of paradise or strelitzia reginae plant, well rooted in a 10" pot about 2ft high.Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! 25 60 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4677011996754 Philodendron Hederaceum 'Lemon Lime' | Neon Heartleaf Philodendron (M) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate! What's not to love about a plant that has irresistible heart-shaped leaves? Kate is a vine so she can grow as a trailing/hanging plant or as a climbing plant depending on your tastes. Furthermore Kate is a jungle plant so she loves warm, humid environments and bright, filtered sun but no direct light - think of all of those jungle plants lliving under the shade of the giant jungle trees. If Kate's vines grow too long don't be afraid to trim them back, that will help her to fill out a little more. 15 22 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7162595115090 Euphorbia Lactea | White Ghost (S) Rob We were hanging out at the office talking about the usual stuff - like why don't the UBC Engineers hang Volkswagens off the Lions Gate Bridge anymore - no seriously, why don't they? Thats when Rob came up. Rob studied structural engineering together with his brother Bob at the U of T. Unfortunately the brothers didn't pass their exams - apparently they used some "unconventional" calculations that their professors claimed defied certain gravitational laws. When you see Rob and Bob you might understand where their thinking came from. Anyhow, engineering's loss is Plantsome's gain! They work for us now and, helping us staple the kraft paper that protects our plants before shipping. No one does it better! Euphorbia White Ghost is an engineering wonder. Its his triangular cross sections that give him the ability to grow to great heights (up to 5 metres!) outdoors or in the wild - don't worry, he won't grow more than 50-60 cm in your home. White Ghost Euphorbia are easy to care for cacti. This is one of those plants that usually runs into problems when it is overly doted upon. Put yours in a nice bright spot with full or partial sun and just-leave-it-be. Water sparingly and resist the urge when you are making the rounds with your other plant friends. Do be careful around pets and kids, however! This is quite a toxic plant and then there are those prickly spines. Ouch! 10 20 Very little Not air purifying Bright, direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once every two months (spring, summer) 6834096177234 Alocasia Pink Princess | African Mask (M) Magnus Magnus (they/them) isn’t rich. They are wealthy. Rich buys sports cars, yachts and mansions with rooms that nobody even uses. Wealthy does philanthropy and donates buildings to universities for fun. Magnus stopped believing in love a long time ago, to them everything has a price - you just have to find out what that is. They are thick skinned with a heart of fire which is why they're known to some as “The Princess”. There are no living pictures of Magnus, anonymity is their secret power so please take it easy with the insta shots. Their name is only whispered among the 1%. The Alocasia Pink Princess, also known as a hard-to-locate plant, you don't find Magnus, Magnus finds you. Not the other way around. Magnus is also from the tropics and prefers humidity and to sit in well draining soil. Magnus hates bright light, he’d rather operate his dark dealings in the shadows, away from prying eyes. Magnus is poisonous to animals and humans if ingested. And even more poisonous to  enemies plotting their downfall. 15 32 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6535828209746 Citrus Key Lime (L) Limo Limo turns club soda, white rum, mint leaves and some sugar into a blissful Mojito like its no big deal. If that's not a super power... we don't know what is! the Citrus Key Lime too, is a hybrid between two fruit trees. You see, this Key Lime is actually a Hystrix Citrus and a Medica Citrus. All we know is that Limo is always around for Friday drinks. Slamming tequilas is a big hobby of his. Don Julio por favor!  In order for your Lime trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 21 55 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 4919301341266 Peperomia Obtusifolia | Green (M) Ronaldo Our Brazilian Ronaldo is a real chill dude who doesn't require a lot of attention. He is kind to pets and will clean and purify the air in your home every day. A great choice for the beginner plant parent if you're asking us! The Brazillian Ronaldo is a real lover of life. He is easily satisfied, a real minimalist we should say. This also makes him a perfect gift. With Ronaldo you can't really go wrong. His succulently thick and bright green colored leaves will spruce up your home like nothing else. In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by. 15 28 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4752593059922 Sansevieria Silver Hahnii | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Kelz Kelz - short for Kelly. She’s all about the good vibes and good times. Super chill and care free, you could tell her World War 3 was kicking off and she’d still take her afternoon nap. Kelly’s the kind of (plant) friend you can tell anything to and she won’t judge you. Any problem you have, she will tell you that you’re overthinking it and just need to chill out. Just go with it, gurl! It’ll work itself out. Not so sure about this whole plant parent thing? Easy into it then by getting yourself a snake plant! Sansevieria plants are having a bit of a moment so you'd be a hip plant parent right out of the gate! The name Snake plant might sound daunting, but rest assured: Snakes are sssssssuper easy to maintain and we've made Kelz promise she won't strangle you in your sleep. These low maintenance houseplants only need water about once a month and can be left in moderate to bright light. When you’re watering them, check to see if the soil is dry before watering, as a root rot is serious business. It can lead to soft, brown mushy leaves and Kelz really doesn't appreciate mushy leaves. It totally messes up her vibes. 10 18 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4623777333330 Ficus Microcarpa | Moclame (XL) Mona What was Leonardo thinking as he painted his glorious Mona Lisa? That beguiling smirk, that stare that won't let go, that beauty oh that beauty! We like to think that he couldn't keep his Ficus Moclame out of his mind! Mona is a mystery and a bit of a clairvoyant. We caught Mona one night with her Tarot cards reading the fortunes of Eileen and Audrey. Poor Eileen! Mona predicted all her leaves would fall off! And Audrey? That she would be a spinstress. As if we even have those any more! Don't worry about Mona doing that to your plants - we made sure to hide her cards. It is kind of annoying to hear you look like your brother but it happens to Mona all the time. It kind of leaves her stunned because isn't it obvious?! Hers are round instead of pointed, and, you know Mona is anything but! Mona has short stems which means she can have a full or bushy appearance. She can easily be shaped and cultured when she is pruned. Her full bushy head can grow grow grow girl! But let's help her keep that Afro in check bh rotating her every month or so to let it grow a bit everywhere. If you're new to plant parenthood beware:  Ficus are notorious for dropping leaves when stressed. Expect Mona to drop a few of them three to four weeks after you receive your plant. Moving is stressful! 25 115 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6803312705618 Peperomia Prostrata | String of Turtles (M-6in) Donatello Donatello hides some serious ninja skills under that canopy of his. At night, he'll keep the rest of your green amigo's from wandering out in the dark, hanging with the wrong crowd. Watching over the others gets kinda tiring though, so be nice to him and don't stress him out by over-watering. He's got a magic super power which is storing water in his leaves. Save it for a not-so-rainy day, you know! The string of Turtles is a trailing plant with a variegated pattern that makes it look like little turtles are jumping out of its pot. They tolerate lower light conditions but for the best looking turtles, go with bright indirect light. Don't overdo it with the water though, you might think Donatello's little turtle friends love the water but these are actually the semi-succulent type, which means the plant stores water in its leaves. Water only when the top two inches have dried out. Turtle turtle go! 15 16 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 7145207955538 Xantosoma Lindenii | Caladium Magnificum (S) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 10 23 Frequent Low air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Every two years Once a month during summer 6840641060946 Hoya Kerrii Variegated | Heartleaf Hoya (S) June Bug Little June Bug is the rope skipping giddy girl on the street corner that's always happy. She's the one jumping through puddles in the rain when most of us are sheltering inside. Her little green heart is just filled with positivity and we love her for it. 10 10 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 4695587258450 Sansevieria Boncel | Snake Plant (S) Jude Jude is a bit of a board game geek. As he grew taller and taller he graduated from Snakes and Ladders to Gloomhaven and Pandemic. Though he hasn't touched that last one in a little while. Go figure! Sansevieria Boncel are native to Africa. They have beautiful and playful spires and they are easy peasy to care for Jude. .Be careful when watering this guy. The most common issue is too much TLC! Overwatering leads to root rot and Jude's eventual demise. Oh and don't buy this guy a new home every year. Repot only when his roots break his current pot. Who knew plants could be such good communicators? 10 14 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6840640766034 Hoya Kerrii | Heartleaf Hoya (S) June Bug Little June Bug is the rope skipping giddy girl on the street corner that's always happy. She's the one jumping through puddles in the rain when most of us are sheltering inside. Her little green heart is just filled with positivity and we love her for it. The Heartleaf Hoya is simply Plantsome's cutest. She just destined to melt your heart! This cute plant is also called a Lucky Heart. Well at Plantsome we are definitely lucky that she's here and we'll only let her go if you promise to love her forever! 10 13 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6757693194322 Epipremnum Pinnatum | Cebu Blue Pothos (M) Ocean Ocean believes in the power of plants and is on a mission to spread the word! You know those friends who always have a story up on social media telling you to care more about their worthwhile cause? That’s Ocean for ya in a nutshell and we applaud her philanthropy. Every year for her birthday she asks us to make a sizeable donation to her favourite charity instead of buying a gift, and we're better people for it! Her instagram bio claims that she’s a lover not a fighter but this resilient gal will be the first to throw hands (or stems) before ever backing down from an argument. But forreal, Ocean is someone to keep in your corner and that’s all we have to say about that! Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and grow at lightning speed. If you have a dark space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos is your new bff. Seriously. Ocean can hang with most indoor lighting conditions and isn’t too fussy about humidity. She’ll also purify the air in your home, so you can breathe easy breezy. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrrrrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Ocean and her amigos as Devil’s Ivy but she’s not a fan of that nickname (we learned the hard way, see above). 15 25 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 7257525125202 Black Lace® | Sambucus Nigra Elderberry (L) | Proven Winners® Morticia The Queen of Goths, this Black Lace elderberry will add some much needed (dark) magic to your garden. Keep Morticia in a pot or plant her next to some beloved family members, if you’re going for a macabre look. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot!  Black Lace®   elderberry is a perfectly stylish addition to your landscape. Intense purple black foliage is finely cut like lace, giving it an effect similar to that of Japanese maple. Indeed, some designers are using it in place of more sensitive plants since Black Lace is extremely durable and adaptable. Pink flowers in early summer contrast with the dark leaves for a stunning effect and give way to black berries if a compatible pollinator is planted nearby. Awards: Silver Medal, Royal Boskoop Horticulture Society. Top reasons to grow Black Lace®   elderberry: - unique lacy black foliage is unlike anything else in the landscape - pink flowers in early summer look chic against the black foliage - tough and adaptable plant grows in a range of challenging conditions   21 30 7161689538642 Philodendron Tortum (S) Koop You’ll hear him rattling from a mile away. They call him “dry bones” but we’re not sure why… plants don’t have bones, do they? We’re plant junkies, not scientists. Koop’s a cool guy. Hit him with a shell and he’ll crumble, but he’ll reconfigure himself in no time. He’s a great companion if you’re okay with blurring the line between the living and the dead. Dramatic is probably the single best word we can use to describe the Philodendron Tortum. This rare split leaf philodendron is difficult to find, making it a coveted addition to any plant enthusiast collection. Leaves are almost fern-like in how they grow but  Like most Philodendron plants, this one is relatively easy to care for. Water only when the top inch or two has dried out. Bright, indirect light is best for this plant to thrive. Keep her away from direct sunlight to avoid scorching the leaves. What a beauty! 10 20 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 7119838806098 Citrus Buddha Hand (M-5in) Albert Named after the famous Einstein, Albert is our very own (less critically acclaimed) genius. Reportedly, he was vital in the development of a vaccine for a certain recent deadly virus, as well as the newest and best quantum processor. We don’t question it at this point. Albert definitely has his Eureka! moments, but they coincide with his lapses in judgment (i.e. putting his pot on backwards and only noticing when he strolled into the office). It’s okay, Albert! We still love you. This Buddha's Hand may be a citrus plant, but here's the kicker: it's not your typical juicy fruit inside those tentacles. Instead, it boasts a delightful and aromatic zest. This zest can elevate your cocktails, desserts, and even infuse your living space with a pleasant fragrance. This citron has a flavour of citron crossed with lemon and yuzu! In order for your citrus trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 13 55 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6725531500626 Philodendron Micans (M) Mike P If one of our plants were to star in his own dating show, Mike P. would be it. Though not particularly passionate about much in life, he does look great in black tie and will charm the leaves off of your parents. Just look at his velvety outfit! Whether he’s in your ensuite or your fantasy suite, Mike P.’s just a low maintenance lad that enjoys long walks on the beach, intermittent fasting, and hangin’ with his buds. The TOTAL package, if you ask us. Mike P.’s on a journey to find love and build a connection that lasts. His perfect match is someone who plays hard to get and occasionally leaves him on read… absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Indigenous to the islands of Dominica and Tobago, this smooth talker likes it when you leaf him alone to do his thing. Fairly low maintenance, the Philodendron Micans will also tolerate most light levels and a forgetful plant parent. But as long as you’re there for the right reasons, Mike P. will grow trails and trails of velvety foliage fit for television stardom. Ideally, he likes his soil moist and his air well-circulated (whatever that means)... Trust us, he’ll thank you for it with the most. dramatic. season. yet.   15 25 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6609770446930 Variegated Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (M) Nielson When Nielson was little, he wanted to become a Plantstronaut. He wanted to plant himself on the moon and become the first flying Ficus in the family. He eventually 'branched' out into other interests but when NASA awarded him the medal for top-10 most air purifying plant he got right back into the space thing. He's been making plans to colonize mars. Talk about a giant leap for plantkind! Advanced Plant Parents only! The Benjamina twins Nielson and Wilson are picky plants. It takes some dedication and perseverance to grow and prosper any Ficus, and our Nielson over here is no exception. He loved being babied at his nursery where water came at just the right time and temperature was a blissful 20-something degrees. Get him a warm and cozy spot in bright light, away from direct sunlight and some plant food in summer so you and Nielson can become fast friends. 15 38 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4694782050386 Dracaena Deremensis | Lisa Cane (XXL) Kai His real name is Dracaena Deremensis or Dracaena Tree but he grew up in the rougher climates of Africa so we've named him Kai. This tough amigo weathered it all and has grown tall and strong. So if you are looking for a strong and stunning green amigo... get a Kai! Dracaena deremensis (or Dracaena fragrans) ‘Lisa’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena deremensis are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Lisa, in particular, is known for her long, glossy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and they don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 27 130 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7338767843410 Scindapsus Pictus | Satin Pothos (S) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? Assorted Satin Pothos means you will receive either Satin Pothos Silvery Ann, Exotica, Argyreus or Silver Splash depending on current availability. If you have specific questions about a type of Satin Pothos you would like, please reach out to customer service. The Satin Pothos, or Scindapsus Pictus 'Argyraeus', isn't just a stunner; she's also delightfully low-maintenance. Whether she's hanging gracefully or sitting pretty in a regular pot, this plant knows how to work it. Her leaves feel almost as silky as her silver spots look stunning. We can't help but sing her praises daily here at Plantsome, and she's not one to argue. You grow, girl! She'll thrive in bright, indirect light and likes a good drink every 1-2 weeks. And here's a pro tip: give her a refreshing mist occasionally to maintain her radiant appearance. This Satin Pothos knows she's fabulous – and she's here to make your space just as fabulous! 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 7119843131474 Washington Navel Orange Tree (M-5in) Li Xiu Li Xiu has one dream: to be dipped at the end of a tense, dramatic salsa dance in such a way that it solidifies the undying devotion between her and her dance partner. The dance floor should be clouded in mist and a burning spotlight should bathe Li Xiu and her partner in a yellow glow, highlighting the sweat glistening on her oranges. Everyone’s holding their breath. The judges score them a TEN out of TEN! They’ve never seen such a display of talent and passion. And, even though Li Xui is disqualified for being a tree, her performance lives on forever in the minds of spectators (as the reason many of them gave up alcohol). Some people glance suspiciously at their drinks on the way out. What a show! Make sure to give your Washington Navel plant plenty of sunlight, at least 6-8 hours a day. Water it when the top inch of soil is dry, but don't drown it. Use well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes. Feed it citrus fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Trim it occasionally to shape it and remove dead branches. With some love and care, your little orange plant will thrive and may even give you tasty fruits! 13 40 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 7142043320402 Variegated Philodendron Jose Buono (S) Jose Variegated plants are having a moment, but there's variegated, and then there's a Jose Buono Variegated Philodendron. Compare it to the difference between a sportscar and a hyper car. Similar, but not quite the same. The highly sought after and rare Jose Buono is still small but its leaves can grow tremendously big. We can only hope that you'll show us your full size specimen one day! Much like a celebrity sighting, seeing a Philodendron Jose Buono is rare. These plants don't come out much and when they do, it will be in limited quantities. Variegated Jose Buono plants will have a unique combination of big creamy white areas and spots of white at the same time. This beautiful Aroid is easy to care for but be careful around pets as the leaves of this plant toxic calcium oxalate crystals as most other Philodendron do. Put yours in a bright spot for the best results, away from direct sunlight, water infrequently when the top soil has dried out. 10 20 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 7131807023186 Senecio Stapeliiformis | Pickle Cactus (S) Larry Larry tries too hard. He’s always trying to join in the conversation he’s not needed in or aimlessly talking about something nobody cares about. Don’t get me wrong, Larry’s a nice guy and everything, but he’s got the self awareness of a desert cactus. It’s the beginning of the week. Everybody is tired. Impatiently waiting for Friday. And there goes Larry trying to blow up balloons for Monstera Monday. Stop it Larry! Go and sing some silly songs or something. Those countless days in the desert totally messed up his ability to socialize and connect, you know? Senecio Stapeliiformis is also known as the pickle cactus, inchworm plant, or the candle plant. The pencil-like succulent stems are jointed and can become a purpley-green colour. It can grow up to 45cm high and blooms small flowers in the summertime. The pickle cactus prefers to stay out of direct sun, but needs bright, indirect light for the best growth. This amigo is drought tolerant, so you can let it dry out between waterings! 10 17 A little bit of Low air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Every 2 to 3 years Once a month in spring/summer 4609568145490 Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (L) Wilson Wilson not only provides a natural atmosphere, but also a healthy working and living environment. So much so that NASA has included this fella in the top 10 most air-purifying plants in the world. The Ficus is even in it twice, because not only it is an air-purifying plant, but it also converts CO2 into oxygen, which ensures better air quality. That's pure will, son! The more the better is Wilson's Mantra. He prances the Plantsome office filled with pride about how he has more leaves than any other plant! We haven't done an official count and especially the palm family feels differently about it, but we have to admit he does have lots of them! Just like all other Ficus plants, Wilson is a real air purifying pro. A little sunshine and some water will bring you and Wilson happiness for years to come! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 21 50 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 7178140352594 Picea Glauca Conica | Alberta Spruce (S) Arnold What is the meaning of Christmas, you ask? It’s obviously about showing who’s the man by obtaining the most hot, elusive gift of the season for your child. You’ll never be looked at with more admiration than by your son who has been given the gift of a lifetime. Nevermind that you had to fight Sinbad along the way (he had it coming). Arnold is a man of his word, and the holidays are when he shines. Literally. His muscles and Austrian accent make him the perfect addition to your holiday decor. Don’t bother putting him away January 1st either—or his infamous “I’ll be back” will haunt you till next December. Does not come with a decorative cover pot. The Alberta Spruce is a great addition to your home for that festive, natural touch. These small trees enjoy bright, indirect light—think near a north, west, or east facing window. Water them only when the top inch or two has dried out. After the holidays, your Spruce can be planted outside (in spring). Be sure to repot it into a slightly larger container if you notice the soil drying out extremely quick, or if there has been a lot of new growth. 10 30 Moderate Not air purifying Bright, indirect Toxic Once a year Once a month 7172300570706 Zamioculcas (M) | Chameleon ZZ Plant Luke Meet Luke, the friend you can take anywhere! Luke is your ideal companion for any room, always up for a good time and low-maintenance to boot. With his slow growth and easygoing nature, he's the friend everyone wants. Luke has a slightly mischievous side and is mildly toxic, so keep an eye on your furry pals around him. Apart from his minor quirks, Luke is as laid-back as they come and adapts to most environments. Some have luck, some have Luke! Meet the ZZ plant, a stylish and resilient green companion that effortlessly blends fashion and personality into your space. When it comes to light, this charmer thrives in medium to low indirect light, making him a versatile choice for almost any room! Just remember, he prefers to steer clear of direct sunlight, as it's a bit too harsh for his taste. As for watering, the Zamioculcas is like a desert-dwelling maverick in disguise. Give him some room to breathe and let the top 2-3 inches of his soil dry out before you quench his thirst – he's all about sips, not soaks. Whether you're a newbie in the plant world or a seasoned enthusiast, the easy-going ZZ is the perfect fit for your indoor jungle. Other plants might envy his low-maintenance charm, but he's just too cool to mind! 15 25 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7150016397394 Philodendron White Princess (S) Barb Barb’s favourite drink is a long island iced tea, and that’s probably all you need to know about Barb. That and the fact that she haaates being called Barbie. Recent retiree and former beauty queen, this Florida native has truly lived it all. Don’t take our word for it, either! She’ll gladly tell you all about her time in Vegas with a former US president who we will not name by name or that other time she was almost cast as a star on Baywatch. We get it Barb, you were a total knockout! Philodendrons have always been popular amongst plant parents, and Barb is no exception! This White Princess thrives in bright, filtered light, tons of humidity, and a warm environment. It reminds her of home after all! She’s known on the pageant circuit for her intricately shaped leaves and splash of pink. When it comes to her growth, our Barb can be a bit of a (social) climber and wouldn’t mind some support - we recommend a pole for stability (no, really). She told us her love languages are water and words of affirmation - remember that and you two will get along just fine! 13 20 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 6943030968402 Philodendron Pink Princess (M) Barb Barb’s favourite drink is a long island iced tea, and that’s probably all you need to know about Barb. That and the fact that she haaates being called Barbie. Recent retiree and former beauty queen, this Florida native has truly lived it all. Don’t take our word for it, either! She’ll gladly tell you all about her time in Vegas with a former US president who we will not name by name or that other time she was almost cast as a star on Baywatch. We get it Barb, you were a total knockout! Philodendrons have always been popular amongst plant parents, and Barb is no exception! This Pink Princess thrives in bright, filtered light, tons of humidity, and a warm environment. It reminds her of home after all! She’s known on the pageant circuit for her intricately shaped leaves and splash of pink. When it comes to her growth, our Barb can be a bit of a (social) climber and wouldn’t mind some support - we recommend a pole for stability (no, really). She told us her love languages are water and words of affirmation - remember that and you two will get along just fine! 15 22 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4545400930386 Ficus Altissima | Council Tree (M) Gemma The Ficus Yellow Gem, or Ficus Altissima is a beautiful rubber tree that is easy to care for. Gemma is actually one of Evelyn and Eileen's cousins and loves to brag about how she'll have more followers on instagram than they do one day. Right now she's still a tiny baby but her powerful roots allow her to grow quickly. Just give her enough indirect light and she'll grow grow grow on you! There's more to this girl than meets the eye. You see, Gemma here actually has some pretty dark roots! In the native forests that grow the Ficus Altissima, Gemma is known as a strangler tree. That's right, Gemma will germinate on top of an existing tree to eventually overtake it completely. We've talked to her about her past and she's promised not to do any strangling at Plantsome, or at your home!Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 15 40 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4524338479186 Croton Petra (M) Lee-Anne The Croton Petra is not the most air purifying plant that you'll find but fear not. Just like any other plant, Lee-Anne will turn Carbon Dioxide into oxygen for you. With Lee-Anne you'll have a happy houseplant no matter what. The Asian beauty Croton Petra is one of the prettiest girls in the classroom. Lee-Anne may look innocent but she has a rebellious streak for sure! If anyone asks, yes she enjoys visits to the salon for a new look. How else would she change those colors all the time? We see right through you Lee-Anne! 15 42 Lightly air purifying Bright spot with no direct sunlight Lightly poisonous Once every two years Once per month (summer) 7103311937618 Tradescantia White Velvet (S) Willie You might call Willie a vagrant or a vagabond. Perhaps you’d even throw around the word “homeless”, if you’re getting technical. Willie himself prefers the terms “nomad” and “wanderer”. He and his sister Sylvie may have different outlooks on life, he likes to keep his roots in the soil and she has her head in the clouds, but they’re both travellers at heart who are, like, totally ready to, like, find themselves. Rumour has it Willie’s suuuper chill. He only needs to be watered once a week and placed in indirect sunlight. Any effort will be highly rewarded because Willie makes a stunning houseplant, with a wonderful spray of white and green leaves. He might be on the smaller side but that doesn’t mean he isn’t one daring, dashing, dapper Tradescantia. Sheesh, talk about a tongue twister. Who writes these things? 10 20 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 6865596940370 Hoya Pubicalyx | Wax Plant (M) Reza Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Reza is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! Hoyas are having a moment and for good reason! These beautiful and popular indoor tropical houseplants are easy to care for, and can produce stunning flowers, if you are a patient plant parent. There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 15 33 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 4743577796690 Livistona Fan Palm (XL) Xia Don't you wish it felt like summertime all year long? Well... meet Xia! This picture-perfect gal will enchant you with her big tropical vibes regardless of the season. The story goes that Xia moved here after hearing about BC's unforgettable summers. You know... the lakes, the hikes, the beach... Yup, no doubt she made the right choice! Now, how do we tell her it rains for more than half of the year? The Livistona Fan Palm, the ultimate leafy sensation with a penchant for tropical flair. This charismatic green amiga is here to turn your space into a leafy oasis. Want to keep the good times rolling? Make sure to keep her soil consistently moist, not soggy, and provide your Fan Palm with a spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. No need for VIP treatment; this plant's low-maintenance nature makes her the life of the party without any fuss. 25 90 Frequent Low air purifier Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once every two months in summer 4642978922578 Ficus Amstel | Alii (XL) Indah Indah is native to the Southeast Asian tropics, and just like her cousins Eileen and Gemma, she is an influencer. Indah creates those stunning slow-mo travel videos that make everyone jealous. And when it comes to cool Instagrammable moments, she has done it all! Skydiving in Dubai? Done. Going to Thailand's Full Moon Party? Done. Epic hiking on Nusa Penida? Done. Ahhhhhh, we get it Indah! Not everyone is as cool as you! If only we could go to Bali or Boracay every other week. Oh well... Indah means beautiful in Indonesian, and this Ficus Alii or Ficus Amstel is nothing but! Her refined long, narrow and shiny leaves... honestly the stuff of jungle dreams! Lucky for you, Indah's not really that high maintenance, contrary to many of her sisters and brothers (ficus), although she does have a couple of demands. Make sure you place her in a bright spot where she can get indirect sunlight and avoid low-light conditions. Also, water her soil frequently and evenly but allow it to dry at least 1-2" before watering again. During spring and summer, keep her happy with some liquid food once a month.  Trunks may be braided or unbraided depending on inventory. Reach out to our team to find out! 25 120 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4546176483410 Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen/Princess | Wax Plant (M) Jessica Jessica is a go getter. She started her career long ago as a movie and TV extra in L.A. but she's a gal with big ambitions. Back in the day she says she would juggle her time between countless auditions and being a bartender in a strip club bar near Long Beach. These days, Jessica is the lead actress in many Hollywood blockbuster movies and even has a Wax Bar. Its a strange combo but hey, you work it, girl! Get ready to say "yaasss" to the Hoya Krimson Queen! This beautiful, variegated Hoya Carnosa is a visual treat, really! Its lovely foliage features light and dark green tones with strawberry cream markings if treated well. Talking about care, make sure you let your Hoya tan somewhere with bright, indirect sunlight. Water your Hoya about once a week, but don't overdo it! *Please note that Plantsome carries an assorted variety of Krimson Princess and Krimson Queen. You will receive either of these two plants in your order based on availability. 15 24 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 7168504856658 Alocasia Bisma | Elephant Ear Bisma (S) Olivia Three words: wild, rare, devastatingly handsome. What do those four words describe? Easy, professor. Me. Olivia the Alocasia. No, Olivia the Adventuring Alocasia. No, Olivia the Astounding, Astronomical, Adventuring Alocasia. That’s called alliteration and I nailed it, much like I nail everything else in my life. Boom. Mic drop. Want to see me sail through the trees on a vine? Of course you do, and I’d be happy to demonstrate. I’ll rope a bull. I’ll win a boxing match with Indiana Jones. I’ll call up the UN and ask them to make more food, thus ending world hunger. Whatever you need, day or night, I’m your gal. Just let my plant parent know where to go and they’ll drive me to your location as soon as they’re not busy. But I am going to need like twenty-four hours’ notice because I respect the fact that they’ve got their own life, and I don’t want to impose. Thank you for your understanding. Olivia out. Daredevil Alocasias like Olivia need a warm, humid place to relax when they’re not out saving the world. Place her in bright, indirect sunlight and give her some shade when it gets hot in the summer. If you take good care of her, she’ll award you with thick, richly coloured leaves that will make you the envy of all your friends and sworn enemies. Too bad for them that she’s so hard to find! 10 30 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 6894556381266 Citrus Ponderosa | Lemon Plant (XL) Albert Named after the famous Einstein, Albert is our very own (less critically acclaimed) genius. Reportedly, he was vital in the development of a vaccine for a certain recent deadly virus, as well as the newest and best quantum processor. We don’t question it at this point. Albert definitely has his Eureka! moments, but they coincide with his lapses in judgment (i.e. putting his pot on backwards and only noticing when he strolled into the office). It’s okay, Albert! We still love you. When life gives you lemons... you must have one of these in your home because that's how you get 'em! The Citrus Ponderosa is actually known to be a cross between a regular lemon and a citron which gives the Ponderosa lemon a slightly sweeter taste than what you get with regular lemons. So when life does give you lemons, they better be these sweet tastin lemons.  In order for your Citrus trees to flourish, put them outside in a bright spot, for example on a balcony or patio. Bring them inside when the temperatures drop consistently below 10 degrees celsius.  25 50 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Fruit can be upsetting to pets Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 6870930391122 Philodendron Verrucosum (S) Fran Fran is an elite athlete. At this stage of the game she's done Kickboxing, Judo, Krav Maga and Kickboxing - and that's just Monday for her. Fran's fridge looks like what you'd get if you zipped the butcher's market: all protein, zero carbs. Getting fit is quite a cross to bear, and it takes guts. Would you look at those leaves! Philodendron Verrucosum is truly one of the most stunning of its kind. The leaves have a shining, velvety appearance that makes the them almost change colour. The petioles (fancy word for stalk) of the Verrucosum have a fuzzy hairy exterior that just ads to the mystique. Talk about a showstopper! Higher humidity is advised for the best results on your Verrucosum. If you see crispy browning leaves there's a high chance you need to increase your humidity by placing a pebbly tray underneath or a mister near the plant.  10 19 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 6744275189842 Norfolk Island Pine (S) Arthur Arthur’s a happy-go-lucky kind of pine. Talking about politics? He’s asleep. Complaining about your commute? He’s comatose. Droning on about the weather as if you didn’t know that winter happens every year? His funeral is at four. All Arthur wants is clean water, good lighting, and happy faces. So relax and have a good time, because every season is the season to be jolly when Arthur’s around. Arthur may look good in your Christmas photo but he hails from the tropics. Think bright light and high humidity. Keep his soil evenly moist but don’t drown him. Keep him cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Swap his red nose and sparkly ornaments for a pair of shades and a floral t-shirt to emphasize his easy, breezy attitude. He loves it! 10 22 Regular Low air purifying Bright light Toxic Once every two to four years Once a month during spring and summer 4589611057234 Dracaena Jade Jewel (M) Teri Guilty pleasures: Watching old episodes of Love Boat and Fantasy Island, pride in your collection of Elvis-era black velvet paintings and "reimagining" your wardrobe with the help of your Bedazzler. On that last point Teri is a rock star, a rhine-stoned Dolly Parton of a Rock Star. See, Teri is a Dracaena Jade Jewel - emphasis on the Jewel. She loves everything that glitters and gleams with Jewel tones and not-so-subtle accents. If you want to spice up your room but you're not ready for a black velvet tiger, then Teri is your best bet. Oh, and she can't get enough of watching Mr. Roark and Tattoo on Fantasy Island either. "Da plane, Da plane". So Good! Dracaena fragrans ‘Jade Jewel’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Giganta, in particular, are known for their dark green leaves with contrasting white stripes!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 15 32 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7240151892050 Hydrangea Paniculata | Little Lime Punch® (L) | Proven Winners® Maria For Maria, life is simple. Frolicking and singing are her two favourite hobbies. You can entrust your children to her care 100% of the time, and they might return with only a few bruises and scratches (from excess frolicking, of course). They’ll probably be humming “Doe a deer” for the rest of the week as well. After all, the hills are alive… with the sound OF music. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot It's a special day when you discover a plant that's as unique and beautiful as this one. Similar to Little Lime ®  hydrangea with its useful, compact stature and emerging lime-green blooms, but it differs as the flowers age to pink. New blooms emerge to give you a festive mix of pink, green, white, and Hawaiian Punch-red blooms all on the same plant. It's hard to describe, but the plants just make you feel happy. 21 35 6996488683602 Cupressus Goldcrest 'Wilma' | Lemon Cypress (M) Max Max is no ordinary dog. He has single paw-edly stolen Christmas from the residents of Whoville (well, aided and abetted, at least). The overwhelming green-ness of his owner has rubbed off on him more than a little, and his giant heart has shrunk at least three sizes since they met. He’s not against a little Yuletide joy, so long as it doesn’t interfere with his already busy schedule. After all, he’s already canceled dinner with himself every night this week. The Lime Cypress is also known as the Lemon Cypress, or Goldcrest Cypress. These trees are perfect for indoors or outdoors, exude a fresh scent, and have beautiful yellow-green needles. Be sure to give them bright light—a few hours of sunshine will do these guys some good! Your Lime Cypress will also need regular watering, avoiding dry soil at all costs. 15 60 Moderate Not air purifying Bright, indirect Toxic Every 2 years Once a month 6876325707858 Laurus Nobilis | Bay Laurel (M) Bae You know the saying you are what you eat, well in the case of the beautiful bay, that means a vitamin rich, anti fatigue, aromatic soup-and-tea-making superfood. That's right, this Bay Laurel is not just for looks, the edible multi-purpose leaves are a must have in every kitchen. Bay laurel plants are easily kept in a pot but can be planted as well. When put directly in soil, these plants can reach heights of up to 40 or even 50 feet tall. Bay laurels need not be kept in moist soil so let the top few inches of your pot dry out before watering again. In your garden this edible plant will grow well in a variety of soils but be sure to provide proper drainage and let the soil dry out somewhat before watering again. Laurus Nobilis is winter hardy up to about -5 degrees celsius. When potted you can bring the plant indoors through winter but be sure to give it a bright spot away from drafts and heat sources. Bay laurel plants are not pet friendly so be careful with your furry friends. 21 40 4902390595666 Dracaena Marginata Tricolor on Cane | Dragon Tree (S) Priscilla Priscilla is aloof. It’s not that she doesn’t pay attention, it’s more that she doesn’t give things enough attention. Plants like Priscilla aren’t gorgeous in the conventional way, no that’s too boring, too common, they’re gorgeous in their own way. Priscilla never understands why people are always looking at her, she thinks it’s because she’s odd-looking but it’s completely the opposite. Alfredo is always shooting her weird looks and Gino can’t stop gazing at her. Priscilla is tall, thin and striking - heads always turn but Priscilla tries not to notice as she turns her head down. Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) ‘Tricolour’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Tricolour, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in white and red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 38 Little Strong air purifyer Partial shade Lightly poisonous Once every two years Not needed 7011063529554 Grafted Juniper Bonsai Tree (M) Junie B. Junie B. is a spunky *almost* 6 year-old girl who gets into all sorts of mischief. Whether it’s with her new dumb baby brother, or her own big fat mouth, it seems to be Junie B. against the world. She can’t wait to grow up and become a Mrs. Jones herself. Maybe she’ll finally be able to defeat the monsters under her bed… but until then, she’ll leave that to the adults. Bon...sigh... they are so cute and so stunning that we can't keep our eyes off them! These beautiful ornamental mini trees are actually easily shaped and cultured when pruned the right way, right at the base. Keep your Bonsai's growth in check by rotating her every month or so for an even distribution of the leaf growth. The Juniper Bonsai is extra special due to its amazing scent (gin and tonic, anyone?). They produce needle-like new growth that eventually grows bushier. These plants can be picky with overwatering and would prefer for their soil to dry out slightly. Don’t forget to give it some humidity, too! Junipers produce small cones housing a seed, often referred to as Juniper berries. Famously known for making gin, they are in fact edible, as well as used for a variety of medicinal purposes. 15 50 6967131537490 Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine Bush (L) Abel Abel knows a thing or two about sacrifices. He wakes up superultra early to take care of his farm, works way past sunset under direct sunlight, and still has time to keep everything going in Farmville and Harvest Moon. No wonder some people might envy him. Dracaena fragrans ‘Hawaiian Sunshine’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Hawaiian Sunshine, in particular, are known for their dark green leaves with a bright green stripe down the middle!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 21 75 Only a little Strong air purifyer Partial shade Lightly poisonous Once every two years Not needed 6871368597586 Lavandula Stoechas | French Lavender (S) Margaux You can find Margaux sipping a glass of Pinot Noir on a rain-slicked Parisian avenue. Looking impeccable with her bouffant and vintage cigarette holder, she looks like she just stepped off the set of Le Quai des Brumes. Sometimes the only indication that she’s been around is a smudge of red lipstick and the scent of Chanel No 5 lingering in the air. Margaux has an air of mystery, and we love that for her. The Lavender Stoechas, otherwise known as the French lavender, is a beautiful bushy plant, perfect for planting outdoors in soil or keeping in a pot. Keep these fragrant flowers in full sun for the most growth. They’re the perfect easy-care addition to your garden as they don’t like a ton of water—give it a drink after planting (enough so that the soil is fully saturated), and be sure to let it fully dry out before watering again. If you’re planting your lavender in a sandy mixture, you’ll need to water more often. 10 20 6869677736018 Bromeliad Neoregelia (S) Ashley Ashley is the type of plant that like, totally thinks she’s descended from royalty because her father is the third cousin twice removed of the founder of White Castle. She doesn’t even eat beef, but she doesn’t let that stop her from treating everyone around her like peasants. Ashley likes going shopping with her boyfriend (who’s obvs a major hottie) and not holding the door open for you, even though you’re literally right behind her. It’ll be a sad day when her father cuts her off, but until then, charge it to the tab! Th e  Bromeliad Neoregelia is a cousin of the Guzmania and has equally stunning foliage with a flower that blooms for three to six months.  I f youre looking for a flowery vibe from your plant, just let  the Bromeliad  whisk you away to the tropics with its dazzling looks . These house plants are quite resistant to pests but the flower does typically bloom only once.  Little plant pups will grow besides the plant when well taken care of which will produce their own flowers in due time. 10 20 Moderate low air purifying Bright, indirect light Not toxic Not needed Not needed 4772000890962 Hoya Retusa | Grass Leafed Hoya (S) Octavia Octavia is seriously weird. She was that quiet kid plant at the back of the classroom who would sketch twisted drawings into the textbooks. She never spoke to anybody and kept to herself, her only friend was a black beetle that she kept in a jar. She’d feed it insects that she’d stamp with her feet and then scrape off and slather into the jar. Octavia would sometimes blurt out strange, cryptic things that’d make people shiver. Once she told a kid that his parents would die one day and he had to be sent home because he couldn’t stop crying. The Hoya Retusa is a native of India and looks a little like when somebody gets out of bed and has bed hair. The plant has a sprawl of long, thin veins that come out in all directions and randomly has tiny white flowers with red coronas. Octavia is a peculiar plant to say the least, she’s pretty low maintenance and likes to keep to herself. Medium-to-frequent watering will suffice here and bright, indirect sunlight will keep Octavia happy. Octavia can be toxic to everything and everyone around her. She contains hoya milky latex and is extremely reactive to the skin, resulting in severe allergic reactions. 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 7215100624978 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Confetti (S) Orla Orla is not to be overlooked, lest a beheading be in your future. Orla stands for opulance, and will aid in you becoming a more opulant individual. Get ready to host dinner parties and exquisite balls (nevermind if you don’t have a ballroom)! Being in her presence truly does wonders. We call it the Orla effect. The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. The White Confetti, or 'Milk Confetti' is an beautiful and unique cultivar with splashes of pink variegation on its leaves. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 20 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 7150010269778 Hoya Parasitica Black Margin | Wax Plant (S) Natasha Your favourite Russian redhead! You’ll never learn about Natasha’s past as long as she can help it (just assassin things). She’s practical and a team player, which makes her a great office partner or adventure buddy. She’ll also help you defeat aliens and look good while doing so. Go Black Widow! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6870884581458 Caladium | Aaron (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6854274449490 Capsicum Chinense | Carolina Reaper Hot Pepper (S) Caroline She’s spicy, yet sweet as her famous sweet potato pie. Mess with her, and before you know it—your eyes are watering, skin is burning, and you’ll be regretting your decision for a minimum of 4-7 hours afterwards. Caroline is a classic Southern belle in every sense of the word: lovely manners, excellent cook, and scrappy to a fault. Caroline enjoys hosting parties every weekend with 100 of her closest friends, and she won’t let you leave without trying her famous hush puppies. Get on her good side, and you’ll be singing her name till the cows come home. She’s a hot one! The Carolina Reaper is noted as the world’s hottest chili pepper at 1.56 million on the Scoville Heat Unit scale. Please proceed with caution—this one’s not for the faint of heart. We advise against eating whole peppers. Use them in extreme moderation. Seek medical attention if you experience any sudden onset of pain such as severe headaches.  The Carolina Reaper, otherwise known as the Capsicum Chinense, humbly takes the crown of the hottest pepper in the world. This plant can be grown either in a pot or in a garden and enjoys full sun. The peppers themselves are a stout shape with a wrinkled exterior, and can be harvested once they’re fully red. They can grow up to 5 feet tall. We recommend using protective gear (goggles and gloves) while handling, as their oils can burn skin! Proceed with extreme caution. 10 40 4732726476882 Asparagus Meyersii | Foxtail Fern (M) Dylan Contrary to what his predecessors were doing, this Aspargus Setaceus isn't so occupied with air purifying. He's still a real cutie but we've found him to be quite a lazy one. I guess some are just blessed with looks and that's ok! Is it a cobweb? No, it's Dylan! He looks a little frazzled but he really isn't. Dylan is a hybrid between a fern and an asparagus plant, which makes him the ultimate 'veg out' companion. With his wild and untamed fronds, he's like the rock star of the plant world – always ready for a hair-flipping good time. Dylan doesn't just thrive on sunlight and water; he also feeds on classic rock and dad jokes. So don't be surprised if you catch him 'leafing' through old vinyl records or trying to crack a joke about photosynthesis – "I find this light-absorbing process quite 'enlightening', don't you?". Jeez... really Dylan? 15 38 Average Low air purifying No direct sunlight, shaded Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks, during summer 7136964411474 Dracaena Marginata Bicolor (L) | Dragon Tree Noah Noah is an easy going one. He does not drink much and does not need to be in the sun. This is nice for all you north facing urban dwellers out there. Noah does not take well to Pets because he is slightly poisonous. Beyond that, Noah is a pretty chill dude and excellent at purifying the air. Thanks Noah! Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Marginata, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 21 70 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6660470046802 Ctenanthe Oppenheimer | Prayer plant (M) Mick Mick is weird. Like really weird. He never really knew who he was until he found his people on the planternet. He started dressing up and developed a style he now calls 'nouveau' green. When people asked him why, he’d just smirk and nod - he thought that made him seem mysterious. It actually just made him seem odd. He fell into a habit of walking into rooms and loudly proclaiming “I’m just a whole mood”. The Ctenanthe Oppenheimer is a tropical plant that is related to the Calathea and the Prayer Plant. Mick loves indirect bright light and this helps with his outrageous outfits, making sure everybody can see them. He likes his soil evenly moist, never soggy, and thrives in warm consistent temperatures. Mick is somewhat poisonous and though he is usually listed as non-toxic, he should be kept away from pets and small children. ...And of course - fashion runways.   15 38 Moderate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 6538781458514 Monstera Deliciosa (L) | Swiss Cheese Plant Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Meet the Monstera Deliciosa! Hailing from Mexico, allow us to introduce a plant with more character than a telenovela. This guy is a born climber, so keep a close watch on those adventurous leaves. As he matures, his foliage will start rocking those iconic Swiss Cheese plant holes, turning your space into a living masterpiece. Now, when it comes to sunshine, the Monstera loves it but prefers a bit of shade – think of it as his siesta time. For hydration, give him a good sip, but let the top inch of soil dry out between drinks, usually every 1-2 weeks. Just remember to provide this amigo with a sturdy support; after all, he's the star of this melodrama! 21 50 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 4609796178002 Dracaena Marginata (L) | Dragon Tree Noah Noah is an easy going one. He does not drink much and does not need to be in the sun. This is nice for all you north facing urban dwellers out there. Noah does not take well to Pets because he is slightly poisonous. Beyond that, Noah is a pretty chill dude and excellent at purifying the air. Thanks Noah! Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Marginata, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 21 65 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4421726863442 Aglaonema Silver Bay | Chinese Evergreen (L) Josh Meet Jeff's younger brother, Josh, aka the bon VIPlant in the family. Like his brother, he too values hard work - as long as it's not his hard work. In that sense, he's not the same as Jeff, but it's understandable: money doesn't spend itself, especially when you have lots of it. Leave it to Josh to go all Kardashian on the family fortune. If you look up "chillax" (yes, that's a word) in the dictionary, you'll see pictures of Josh just hanging out. His philosophy is that the only thing better than earning your place in the sun is waiting for someone else find his, and then taking that spot. No wonder some people consider him a little shady sometimes. In his defense, though, he's always in good spirits, and you can almost feel the air getting lighter when he's in the room. It's probably because he is a good conversationalist (are we using big words, eh? Oh my Josh!) 21 50 Moderate Strong air purifying Partial shade Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 7245937475666 Rubus Idaeus | Nova Raspberry (L) Rizzo No one can resist Rizzo. With all that juiciness, it’s a miracle he’s even given a chance to grow. Once he’s all grown up though, it’s game over. No “Do Not Touch” sign can keep us off him. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. The Rubus idaeus 'Nova' is the perfect raspberry for northern gardens! Developed in Nova Scotia, this variety is known for its high yield and cold hardiness. In spring, it produces white blossoms that give way to medium-sized, bright red berries. Its vigorous, nearly spineless canes reach 3-4 feet in height and bear fruit twice per season, first on old wood and then again in late summer on current year's canes. To thrive, plant in organically rich, moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade, but less light will result in lower yield. Remember to remove fruited canes after harvesting to encourage new growth! 20 50 6735464071250 Ficus Benghalensis | Audrey (S) Audrey The Ficus Audrey will become Canada's next top plant. There, we said it! Our Audrey as we lovingly call her is a stunner! This particular version was grown bushy and short but Ficus Audrey plants can grow tall and tree like if that's your thing, too! You can basically train her to reach tree like proportions. And on top of that, Audrey is much easier to take care of than her relatives Evelyn and Eileen (fiddle leaf fig). Oh my, what is not to like here! The Ficus Audrey is the national plant of India where you'll find them growing to immense size. These are beautiful plants with almost silk like leaves and a beautiful white stem. We are not surprised India chose this beauty as its national plant. Audrey is stunning! 10 20 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4733620682834 Ficus Ginseng Microcarpa | Bonsai Tree with pot (M) Mona What was Leonardo thinking as he painted his glorious Mona Lisa? That beguiling smirk, that stare that won't let go, that beauty oh that beauty! We like to think that he couldn't keep his Ficus Microcarpa out of his mind! Mona is a mystery and a bit of a clarevoyant. We caught Mona one night with her Tarot cards reading the fortunes of Eileen and Audrey. Poor Eileen! Mona predicted all her leaves would fall off! And Audrey? That she would be spinstress! Like we even have those any more! Don't worry about Mona doing that to your plants - we made sure to hide her cards. Bonsai Pot Included It is kind of annoying to hear you look like your brother but it happens to Mona all the time. It kind of leaves her stunned because isn't it obvious?! Hers are round instead of pointed, and, you know Mona is anything but! Mona has short stems which means she can have a full or bushy appearance. She can easily be shaped and cultured when she is pruned. Her full bushy head can grow grow grow girl! But let's help her keep that Afro in check bh rotating her every month or so to let it grow a bit everywhere. If you're new to plant parenthood beware:  Ficus are notorious for dropping leaves when stressed. Expect Mona to drop a few of them three to four weeks after you receive your plant. Moving is stressful! 13 30 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4582311329874 Spider Plant Green | Chlorophytum (M) Bert This easy going companion is really good at getting rid of harmful substances. NASA even rated him five stars for it! Bert will remove Benzenes, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Bert is quite thirsty but doesn't have a lot of demands beyond that. Easy Bertie! The Chlorophytum is also known as the spider plant, and is truly one of the easiest air cleaners for your house. We commonly call him Easy Bert because he's also really easy to maintain. Even though he likes the lighter spots in the house, he won't wither in the shadow either! Give him some water twice per week and a mist once a week. He won't complain if you miss one - so, no need to worry about being strangled by Bert. 15 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight non-toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 7200669401170 Philodendron White Wizard (M) Joe I can't help but notice your green thumb from across the room. The way you tend to your plants with such care and attention is something to be admired. You have a certain energy that radiates through the foliage and draws me in. I can't resist the urge to learn more about your botanical passions. I know it might seem strange, but I have this gut feeling that our love for plants could bring us together. I'll do whatever it takes to nurture our connection, even if it means getting my hands a little dirty along the way. But don't worry, I'll still let you keep your other plants thriving and healthy. The Philodendron White Wizard is a stunning tropical plant that can add a touch of magic to any space. This plant features gorgeous, heart-shaped leaves with a bright white variegation that contrasts beautifully against the deep green foliage. To keep your Philodendron White Wizard happy and healthy, be sure to provide it with bright, indirect sunlight and a well-draining soil mix. Water your plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. The White Wizard prefers a humid environment, so misting its leaves regularly can help keep it thriving. 10 14 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6848366051410 Hibiscus (XL) Kalei Aloha! Meet Kalei, our most colourful islander. She’s always got a flower in her hair and shells around her ankles. Kalei enjoys preserving the beauty of her home, befriending the local wildlife, and exploring the wonders of the sea. Don’t be shocked if you see her using waterfalls as a slide or cruising with the Honu—that’s the way we do things on the Big Island! If Disney characters were real, she’d 100% give Lilo and Moana a run for their money. Adding a Hibiscus plant is our favourite way of adding a tropical vibe to your patios and gardens! These beauties are the perfect flowering plant to add colour and vibrancy to any outdoor setting. Hibiscus care is fairly easy: the perennial Hibiscus does best in full sun outdoors, with frequent watering during the hot summer months and well draining soil. Bring your plant indoors over the winter months to prevent freezing. It’s likely easiest to keep your plant potted rather than planted in a garden bed to ensure you can bring it inside when temperatures cool down. These tropical plants do like to be slightly rootbound in their pots as well, so hold back on repotting right away! Hibiscus flowers are known to bloom for a short period of time—typically, only 1 to 2 days. While the individual blooms are short lived, they will continue to flower repeatedly from spring until fall. 25 110 6831915335762 Schefflera Arboricola (S) Toni When he’s not drowning out hecklers at the skatepark, Toni enjoys quality time with his board and practicing his Pop Shove it 360. Despite the similar name, he is in fact NOT the pro skateboarder Tony Hawk. How many times does he have to say it? Tony’s hair is obviously a shade darker, his eyes a mesmerizing blue, his form more lithe, and his prowess on a skateboard—well, it’s enough to make any man tremble at the thought of facing him at the bowl. Ahem. Anyway. Tony… if you’re seeing this, call me. The Schefflera Arboricola (AKA Umbrella Plant) loves a cozy and consistent environment. Be sure to give this tropical houseplant indirect light—it can withstand bright indirect, all the way to low light conditions! He's not a fan of super wet soil, so let him dry out a bit between refreshments. These plants are fast growers, so don't be afraid to prune him back if he gets a bit leggy. 10 20 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Once or twice a year 4930275606610 Variegated Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (S) Nielson When Nielson was little, he wanted to become a Plantstronaut. He wanted to plant himself on the moon and become the first flying Ficus in the family. He eventually 'branched' out into other interests but when NASA awarded him the medal for top-10 most air purifying plant he got right back into the space thing. He's been making plans to colonize mars. Talk about a giant leap for plantkind! Advanced Plant Parents only! The Benjamina twins Nielson and Wilson are picky plants. It takes some dedication and perseverance to grow and prosper any Ficus, and our Nielson over here is no exception. He loved being babied at his nursery where water came at just the right time and temperature was a blissful 20-something degrees. Get him a warm and cozy spot in bright light, away from direct sunlight and some plant food in summer so you and Nielson can become fast friends. 10 23 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 4585438019666 Sansevieria Moonshine | Snake Plant (M) Luna Kaa is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Kaa is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Kaa and you'll have a happy plant! Kaa also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Kaa does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Moonshine is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Luna can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Luna is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Luna doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Luna hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Luna really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 15 33 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 7134767513682 Vaccinium | Blueberry Northcountry (L) Richie You may have heard of the Dukes of Cambridge or Sussex, but have you heard of the Blueberry Duke!? If the answer is no, then you’re in for a real sweet treat. To the dismay of his family, young Richie here (formerly known as Richard III) hung up his royal duties a few years back to pursue his dream of becoming a world renowned pastry chef. Croissants, eclairs, cannoli - you name it! Blueberry Pie is his specialty and if you ask us, we prefer a pastry prince to a stuffy HRH - but nobody asked and that’s okay too I guess… Happy picking! The Northcountry blueberry bush produces small berries that are a bit smaller than the Duke variety but equally tasty and plentiful. These can be used as hedges when planted in a row. Pollination happens most effectively when blueberry bushes are close in proximity of one another, be sure to consider buying at least two. Blueberry plants are big fans of acidic soil, so consider checking the pH of your garden soil before planting. Blueberry plants will produce the most blueberries when in full sun, but can also tolerate partial shade. They are cold hardy plants and can tolerate temps down to about -30 degrees C (brrr!). First, in springtime, you’ll be treated to delicate, bell-shaped, white flowers that make way for the delicious berries that ripen early in late spring or early summer (yum!). 21 40 6851482878034 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Kiwi (S) Jacinda Trivia question of the week: Name a plant that can lead a nation of 5 million one day and headline a music festival the next… If you guessed Jacinda - you’re right! This green amigo uprooted the world with her charisma, optimism, and badass DJ skills - and that’s actually how she ended up here at HQ. We needed a last minute musical guest for our holiday party when one thing led to another and here we are! We still thank our lucky stars that Snoop Dogg dropped out.. Anyways, mega #girlcrush on you Jacinda! Also known as an Arrowhead plant, Syngoniums are known for their pointed or “spade-shaped” leaves. Native to tropical climates this indoor plant likes when its soil is dry and thrives in a humid environment. Perfect for a living room or bright kitchen, ensure your Syngonium kiwi (named for its vibrant green foliage) gets plenty of bright indirect light and water once the soil is about halfway dry. 10 20 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 6757067948114 Scindapsus Pictus Exotica | Satin Pothos (M) Miley Miley is the type that loves to just hang around. In tropical forests you'll find her chilling under the canopy of large trees so she is used to low light environments. That's great because the corner spot on the window sill is usually already taken up by your other plants (or plans for plants), right!? It's hard not to mention Miley's pretty spots when you see her. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. She's a stunner and she knows it. I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally. She claims. Its not common to see a plant so stunning that is yet so easy to care for but Miley is definitely one of them. She's a great hanging plant but will do just fine in a regular pot as well. Her leaves have an almost 'satin' feel to them and her silver spots are a sight to behold. We commend her almost daily when we walk into the office here at Plantsome. Yep, she's a stunner and she knows it. "I can't help it, they grow on my leaves naturally." You grow girl! 15 28 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6562549301330 Vriesea Splendens | Flaming Sword (M) Lala Lala isn't fussy, she's easy going. We all have that one friend that only orders 'off' the menu and asks for gluten free, organic, dairy free, soy free, nut free, non GMO ice cream. Juanita is not that girl. Little Juanita here just likes minding her own business tending to her... flower? Anyway...She doesn't need the spotlight (direct sun) and isn't keen on plant food (fertilizer) either. Just keep her in a bright spot somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the window sill where all the other plants live. Gracias! The Flaming Sword over here has many Bromeliad brothers and sisters, but she likes to think her star shines the brightest. To keep her shining bright, place her in bright, indirect sunlight and water her sparingly, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. J ust take us to Lala Land already! 13 30 4659908870226 Ficus Lyrata Bush (L) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. We have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Eileen is part of the famous Ficus family and she's not the only stunner in the fam. The Ficus plants have beautiful leaves. Some are big while some are small. We really love them all. Eileen is an air purifying plant but also slightly poisonous so don't get too close for a Fi-kiss! The Ficus Lyrata Bush is also known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig! Flourishing in bright, indirect light, it appreciates consistent watering, so keep the soil evenly moist without waterlogging, allowing the top inch to dry between waterings. While it demands a bit of attention, its stunning leaves and air-purifying abilities make the effort all the more rewarding! 21 40 Regular Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to pets Every 1-2 years Every time you water (except in winter) 6880464732242 Lavandula Stoechas | Spanish Lavender (M) Margaux You can find Margaux sipping a glass of Pinot Noir on a rain-slicked Parisian avenue. Looking impeccable with her bouffant and vintage cigarette holder, she looks like she just stepped off the set of Le Quai des Brumes. Sometimes the only indication that she’s been around is a smudge of red lipstick and the scent of Chanel No 5 lingering in the air. Margaux has an air of mystery, and we love that for her. The Lavender Stoechas, otherwise known as the French lavender, is a beautiful bushy plant, perfect for planting outdoors in soil or keeping in a pot. Keep these fragrant flowers in full sun for the most growth. They’re the perfect easy-care addition to your garden as they don’t like a ton of water—give it a drink after planting (enough so that the soil is fully saturated), and be sure to let it fully dry out before watering again. If you’re planting your lavender in a sandy mixture, you’ll need to water more often. 15 35 7215100657746 Sansevieria Masoniana Variegata | Variegated Whale Fin Snake (L) Johanis Johanis is hard to come by. That’s why her friends call her the “rare fin” snake plant. She has wide, dark green leaves with a light green variegation that resembles snakeskin. That’s why her friends call her Johanis the Snake. Johanis has an understated, simple charm that’s sometimes drowned out by the flashiness of the plant world, with all its drama and cutthroat rivalry. Johanis loves the simple things, like drinking tea and reading The Communist Manifesto while she daydreams about the downfall of capitalism and its various systems of oppression. That’s why her friends call her Comrade Johanis. But the rich are safe for now, because Johanis is currently busy on her lifelong passion project: eating the sun. Piece by piece, she will convert its light into chemical energy through the process of cellular respiration and leave our galaxy in utter darkness. That’s why her friends call her Homicidal Johanis The Masoniana Whale Fin Snake Plant prefers bright, indirect light (for now). She’s a succulent so water her sparingly! If you’re lucky, and you take good care of your Johanis, she’ll grow up to four feet tall! Talk about a whale of a plant. Ha! Who doesn’t love a casual plant pun? (Eat the sun, Johanis. Eat it now.) 21 35 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 7163602272338 Euphorbia Trigona Variegata | Variegated Cathedral Cactus (S) Bob We were hanging out at the office talking about the usual stuff - like why don't the UBC Engineers hang Volkswagens off the LIons Gate Bridge anymore - no seriously, why don't they? Thats when Bob came up. Bob studied structural engineering at the U of T. Unfortunately he didn't pass his exams - apparently he used some "unconventional" calculations that his professors claimed defied certain gravitational laws. When you see Bob you might understand where his thinking came from. Anyhow, engineering's loss is Plantsome's gain! He works for us now and he helps us staple the kraft paper that protects our plants before shipping. No one does it better! Bob really is an engineering wonder. Its his triangular or rhombic cross sections that give him the ability to grow to great heights (up to 5 metres!) outdoors or in the wild - don't worry he won't grow more than 50-60 cm in your home. Bob is easy to care for. He is one of those plants that usually runs into problems when he is overly doted upon. Put him in a nice bright spot with full or partial sun and leave him be. Water him sparingly, resist the urge when you are making the rounds with your other plant friends! He would rather have one big drink rather than a lot of small waterings. Do be careful with Bob, however! He is quite toxic and has sharp OUCH! spines. Use gloves whenever handling him and keep him far away from fifi and felix and your little ones. Bob's juice is quite toxic! 10 20 Very little Not air purifying Bright, direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once every two months (spring, summer) 6557819273298 Calathea Roseopicta Black Dottie (M) Dottie At 65 Dottie is a completely new plant. She’s been prescribed medicinal marijuana for her cataracts and it’s completely opened up her mind. Dottie walks around in a world of vibrant colors, she sees her own leaves as a mix of purples and pinks. Whenever the grandchildren are over, she tells the younger ones to never stop dreaming and slips the older ones some weed cookies. It’s hard to argue with somebody who never stops smiling. Dottie can be found dressed in a mix of velvet-red robes and flowing gowns that look like they belong in a ballroom dresser room. Dottie even got caught speeding on the highway and told the officer he had a beautiful soul. She got off without a ticket. The Calathea Roseopicta Dottie is visually striking to say the least with dark green leaves that are beautifully contrasted against pink borders and strokes and a purple underside. Dottie needs plenty of diffused sunlight but if she’s out in direct sunlight it can cause her to lose the beautiful markings on her leaves. Plus too much sunlight makes her feel totally baked! Keep her soil damp but not enough that she sits there in water. Even when she’s got the munchies! 15 28 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4832102580306 Podocarpus | Buddhist Pine (XL) Bao Rest easy and unwind because Bao is here to bring fresh air and peace to your home. This sophisticated, zen gentleman is certainly one of a kind and is ready to become your personal meditation coach. Before you wake up, Bao will have already meditated for at least two hours, so you'll need to do some catch up. Now, let's try it again c'mon: focus on your breathing, juuuuuust focussss... aaaahh... The Buddhist Pine has a vibrant, grass-like foliage that mesmerizes anyone who sees him. He's an easy going fella who doesn't require much care from you. However, make sure to keep him healthy by letting his soil dry before waterings and by placing him somewhere he can get bright light, including direct sunlight. Bao also has the potential to become a huge amigo, so he may require some trimming as his hair starts to grow. 25 95 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Every 3-4 years Biweekly during growing season 4740517199954 Asplenium Victoria | Birds Nest Fern (S) Mowgli Besides amazing air purifying capabilities Mowgli is most comonly known for his wavy leaves. We've seen a bunch of girls looking in awe at those amazing locks of green. Did you know that those leaves will grow from the crown outward when a new leaf emerges? The Asplenium Crispy Wave Fern always has a big and full set of leaves because of it. His passport may say Asplenium Nidus but to friends he'll always be known as Mowgli. He does have a tendency to disappear into the jungle for a few days, but we've talked to him about it and he promised to stay put from now on. The Asplenium or Birds Nest Fern is a plant that doesn't l ike to be in the spotlight and would rather be in the shade. Just because he's hiding doesn't mean Mowgli doesn't love you! He'll shower you with fresh oxygen from his corner of the room as a token of his appreciation. Isn't that lovely! 10 28 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4668394504274 Begonia Escargot (S) Rex When Rex suddenly hatched from an egg in the middle of the Botswana Jungle he was picked up and raised by a tribe of Vervet Monkeys. He eventually became the right hand to the vervet monkey tribe leader and lived with him in tall trees until one day he fell down and his little hands couldn't grab onto a trunk in time. There's a big gap in his past but he eventually became a movie star and played a small toy Dinosaur in a famous movie! Begonias are one of the largest families of plants. With over 1600 members it's always difficult to get everyone available for that yearly family photo. And they are quite camera shy, too! Most Begonia like to be kept in partial shade with some light but no sunlight. Theres no working on that Tan for Begonia Rex over here. The veiny textures and striking colour pallette on this Rex Bonia are truly the stuff of many plant parent's dreams. But be careful with pets and kids, nibbling on the leaves of these Begonias can cause a serious tummy ache! 10 18 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 4602373046354 Spathiphyllum | Peace Lily (XL) Lily Lilly has an exotic figure. When she works out she purifies the air for you so it's a win for Lilly and a win for you. Her air purifying qualities come mostly from the size of her leaves. She loves to produce oxygen with it but they also work to extract harmful substances from the air. In return for all this magic she does require some love and attention. You can have years of fun with Lilly just be sure to give her enough water and sunlight. Lilly's roots are in South America, but she will do just fine in any Canadian household. She is a beautiful Spathiphyllum, and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily. We think it is because of her beautiful and peaceful white flowers. Or maybe it's cause she was the most well-behaved character in that series, Sex and The Lily.Our current batch of Peace Lily XL's do not yet flower but if you're kind to Lily she will surely reward you! 25 88 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 4582214500434 Tradescantia Zebrina | Wandering Plant (L) Sylvie Like the bully who stole your lunch in school used to say, less is more! Sylvie is small but has a beautiful voluptuous canopy that makes her stunningly good at cleaning the air. She is lightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Sylvie is not a huge fan of the sun, so put her in a shaded area and give her some H20 every week or so! Sylvie will give you immense delight with her beautiful leaves that shine in majestic colourful combinations. She's also known as the wandering jew or purple heart and she can be found hanging out or in a planted pot. This particular version of our Sylvie hangs lavishly in her hanging basket. Doesn't she look chill? 21 50 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4564865089618 Dracaena Deremensis Art Carmen (XL) Tito His real name is Dracaena Art Carmen or Dracaena Tree but he grew up in the rougher climates of Africa. Tito's weathered it all and has grown tall and strong. So if you are looking for a strong and stunning green amigo... get a Tito! Dracaena deremensis (or Dracaena fragrans) ‘Art Carmen’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena deremensis are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Art Carmen, in particular, is known for their long, glossy, dark green leaves that are edged with yellow.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 100 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7066686095442 Stromanthe Sanguinea (S) Sia Sia is a magician! Not only can she turn sunshine into oxygen—which doesn’t make for good television—she can also do cool things, like ride motorcycles into the Grand Canyon and levitate between tall buildings. Sia is a one of a kind, generation defining plant. She was even named Sanguinea of the Century by the International Sanguinea Society (who were not available for comment at the time of this write up). The only people who won’t like Sia are people whose friends she might impress with her sick magic tricks. Bippity, boppity, keep track of your boo. While some plant families harbour thousands of family members, others are relatively small. The Stromanthe tropical house plant family is of the latter kind and consists of roughly ten different varieties, of which the Stromanthe Sanguinea is one. Close relatives of prayer plants, Stromanthe plants are native to South America and do well in partial shade or indirect light. They do not tolerate sunlight so stay away from south facing windows. Stromanthe plants do flower from time to time but it's an infrequent sight. Keep her soil moist at all times and fertilize about once a month in spring and summer for the best results.  10 23 Regular Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Non-toxic to humans and pets Once every two years Once a month during spring, summer, and fall 4955086127186 Sansevieria Golden Flame | Snake Plant (M) Jörmungandr In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr is a giant sea serpent who grew so large he was able to encircle the Earth and grasp his own tail. At Plantsome HQ, Jörmungandr is just another carefree member of our snake family. He doesn’t like to brag about being Thor’s nephew (and arch-nemesisssss), but he will bring it up occasionally when one of his siblings is throwing a hissy fit. Humble beginnings aside, Jörmungandr makes a great starter plant. He thrives in low-light conditions, does not require any plant food, and will forgive you when you forget a watering or two. If you travel a lot for work or, like, have a galaxy to protect or something… Jörmungandr’s the plant for you. The Sansevieria Golden Flame is also known as the snake plant or mother in laws tongue. When it comes to caring for any members of the Sansevieria family, we think it best to have a “set it and forget it” mentality. This popular house plant can be left alone for weeks on end, doesn’t require much sunlight, hates fertilizer and loves to dry out completely between waterings. Just keep Jörmungandr away from your pets as his venom can be a bit poisonous. All in all this African plant is truly a breeze to maintain -  Jörmungandr will purify the heck out of your air, and it’ll almost make you forget about the whole Ragnarok debacle. We said almost!! 15 45 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4955080130642 Spider Plant | Chlorophytum Comosum (M) Bert This easy going companion is really good at getting rid of harmful substances. NASA even rated him five stars for it! Bert will remove Benzenes, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Bert is quite thirsty but doesn't have a lot of demands beyond that. Easy Bertie! The Chlorophytum is also known as the spider plant, and is truly one of the easiest air cleaners for your house. We commonly call him Easy Bert because he's also really easy to maintain. Even though he likes the lighter spots in the house, he won't wither in the shadow either! Give him some water twice per week and a mist once a week. He won't complain if you miss one - so, no need to worry about being strangled by Bert. 15 28 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight non-toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 7256159060050 Philodendron Prince of Orange (S) Julius None can resist his princely charm. He has ruling in his blood (or vascular system?) and he’s not afraid to show it. Some dream of striking him down when he’s least expecting it, and others can’t help fawning over his beautiful colours and pretty words. He came, he saw, he conquered… the rest of your plants. The Philodendron Prince of Orange is a rare and unique aroid that is named after its brightly coloured foliage. This stunning beginner-friendly houseplant grows bright yellow leaves that fade to orange, and then deep green once the leaf has matured. Give this Philodendron hybrid plenty of indirect sunlight and consistently moist soil for the best growth! 10 17 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 7136964608082 Sedum Morganianum | String of Donkey Tail (S) Diego Diego definitely has a slightly eccentric lifestyle. Just last week he launched his own line of soccer cleats and flew to Vegas in his private jet to celebrate, only two days before the start of the season. Some critics say Diego needs more discipline but somehow he's still scoring every single game! We'll never understand how he does it... he's just an alien on the pitch! Diego is Javier's big brother. The Sedum Morganianum 'Donkey Tail' has longer leaves and can grow bigger than his little brother, while still requiring the same easy care. Keep this rare find happy by making sure you give him enough bright, indirect sunlight. Also, leave him on the dry side when it comes to watering. Diego just needs a couple of sips every now and then. What a legend! 10 13 Little Low air purifying Bright, indirect sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 7083895029842 Juniper Bonsai Tree (S) Junie B. Junie B. is a spunky *almost* 6 year-old girl who gets into all sorts of mischief. Whether it’s with her new dumb baby brother, or her own big fat mouth, it seems to be Junie B. against the world. She can’t wait to grow up and become a Mrs. Jones herself. Maybe she’ll finally be able to defeat the monsters under her bed… but until then, she’ll leave that to the adults. Bon...sigh... they are so cute and so stunning. Delightfully small, these beautiful ornamental mini trees are easily shaped and cultured when pruned the right way. Keep your Bonsai's growth in check by rotating her every month or so for an even distribution of the leaf growth. The Juniper Bonsai is extra special due to its amazing scent (gin and tonic, anyone?). They produce needle-like new growth that eventually grows bushier. These plants can be picky with overwatering and would prefer for their soil to dry out slightly. Don’t forget to give it some humidity, too! Junipers produce small cones housing a seed, often referred to as Juniper berries. Famously known for making gin, they are in fact edible, as well as used for a variety of medicinal purposes. 10 15 6982395068498 Peperomia Angulata | Funky Frog (XS) Hopper Hopper is a big fan of all kinds of hip hop. His all time favourite is hop scotch, but he's always down for a classic game of leap frog. Oh did you think he meant hip hop music? Well, he won't say no if someone puts on California Love, but he'd prefer to listen to that one about his friend Jeremiah, he was a bullfrog (if you didn't know). Peperomia Angulata or Peperomia Funky Frog is one of the toughest Peperomias out there, making it the perfect easy care plant! The brightly striped, green leaves of this tropical houseplant prefer bright, indirect light but are tolerant of low light. They are great in hanging pots because the stems will start to trail. If the trailing stems get too long, prune them for propagation! 5 10 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 6870888317010 Philodendron Painted Lady (S) Lady Catherine So beautiful you almost can’t look her in the eye, Lady Catherine is—quite simply—a work of art. Some may even compare her to the most adored paintings of all time (think the Birth of Venus or the Mona Lisa). It may be that Lady Catherine had the luxury of being born into the royal family, or that she is a voracious advocate for her people, but we just can’t get enough of her. If you prefer to focus on the negative, here are some of her worst qualities: Spends too much time volunteering, hair is too blindingly lustrous (it’s dangerous for drivers), and rescues too many puppies from the mill. The Philodendron Painted Lady is a stunning climbing plant, with vibrant variegated foliage. This tropical houseplant enjoys a light soil mixture, and no wet feet! Give your Painted Lady lots of water once it dries out (AKA the "soak and dry" method). She also enjoys warmth and humidity to get the best, and most lush, foliage. New growth will start out neon yellow, and slowly darken to a splotchy, deep green colour. She's a vision! 10 20 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 6642569740370 Alocasia Scalprum | African Mask (S) Faye You probably get the vibe that Faye is a little different and you’re certainly not wrong. In a past life, Faye was a highly skilled assassin which explains why her leaves look like daggers and the reason she’s so stealthy. No seriously, where did she go? With only a few other plants like her in the world, Faye usually keeps to herself and her circle and only speaks up when she has something truly important to say. We assume people skills aren’t top priority in assassin school, so we don’t hold it against her. They say kindness goes a long way with Faye so as long as you’re patient with her needs, she (probably) won’t hurt you. A rare gem among Alocasias, the Alocasia scalprum features long, blade-like leaves with a dark blueish-green foliage. Blueish-green kinda sounds like our nine year-old self’s favourite colour, but we’re getting off track here. Native to the Philippines, Faye is a long ways from home and sometimes grows nostalgic of the islands’ tropical flora and fauna. Keep this gal happy in a humid space with bright, indirect light. She likely won’t say thank you so explicitly but it’ll be one of those things where you just kinda know. Oh and one more thing - keep your pets and kiddos at a safe distance! This green amigo is basically a lethal weapon to anyone who dares get too close too fast and we wouldn’t want any Faye-talities.    10 18 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 6580785283154 Begonia Silver Rex | Painted Leaf (S) Nabu Nabu is a Painted Leaf Begonia and if that doesn't ring a bell, please keep reading. Nabu knows that if you want pretty leaves like hers, you'll have to work for it, but in her case, she's farmed out the work to you. Keep her soil slightly moist at all times and keep Nabu away from direct sunlight. There's no such thing as plant sunblock and her leaves turn to crisp quickly! Begonias are one of the largest families of plants. With over 1600 members it's always difficult to get everyone available for that yearly family photo. Nabu over here doesn't mind the date, she looks her Sunday's best any day of the week in her flashy sparkly silver outfit. Begonia Rex likes to be kept in partial shade with no direct sunlight. If you're nice to Nabu she might bloom occasionally but don't expect him to put on some big show. Her flowers are rather small! 10 20 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 7354892091474 Anthurium Veitchii | King Anthurium (S) Dora Dora exploradora - all grown up! Although you may know her from her days of adventuring across the land with her pals Boots and Backpack, this green amiga has really blossomed into her own. Not only is she the founder and CEO of her own travel agency, but she’s also an internationally recognized author and podcast host. Go figure! And while a lot has changed since her days of catching Swiper redhanded… She's still just a plant who wears her heart on her sleeve. Want to learn more about how to keep her thriving? Come on, vamonos! The Anthurium Veitchii plant is truly one of a kind. Its heart shaped leaves and tolerance to medium, indirect light make it one of the trendiest tropical plants to keep in your home. Originally found in Mexico, this unique aroid tropical house plant prefers moist soil and high humidity of at least 50% (or even greater, if possible)! As most plants of this variety, the Anthurium can be susceptible to root rot and yellowing leaves, if overwatered. To prevent this from happening, ensure your potting soil is well draining and cut back on watering once the growing season comes to a close (fall/winter). And one more thing - this houseplant can be mildly toxic if ingested; so keep your fluffy pals well away! 10 22 Moderate Strong Bright indirect light Toxic Every 2-3 years Once a month in spring and summer 7240607826002 Prunus | Juliet Cherry Bush (L) Cerise Like the cherry on top of a Shirley Temple or whiskey sour, Cerise makes life a whole lot sweeter. Use her stems for a bit of fun or turn her into a slice of humble pie—Cerise is down for anything as long as it’s a good time. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot!  With its excellent yield and deep red, medium-sized fruit, Juliet is a favorite among those who enjoy the sweet-tart flavor of cherries. Delicious when fresh and also great for preserving, this variety is a versatile option for any garden. Despite its bountiful harvest, these cherry bushes reach a manageable height of 6-8 feet at maturity, making them suitable for smaller garden spaces. To thrive, plant in average to moist, well-drained soil in full sun. 21 30 7142043942994 Dischidia Ovata | Hoya Watermelon (S) Lana Talk about a plant with a personality. The Hoya Dischidia Ovata is a prized posession among Hoya lovers and plant collectors. While flowers are certainly not guaranteed, getting yours to flower is worth the wait. Yep Lana takes her sweet time before revealing her star-studded, waxy flowers that smell like the most exquisite perfume. We're here for it! Hoya's have three great qualities that rank them among the most loved plants all around. 1; they are pet friendly plants that play nice with your furry friends. 2; they are very easy to care for, draught tolerant plants and 3; they are trailing plants that produce wonderful fragrant flowers when cared for properly (and with a bit of luck!). And if that didn't convince you, take a look at the cute flowers on this Hoya Dischidia Ovata Watermelon! 10 12 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 7119219195986 Pineapple Plant (M) Veronica Talk about a plant that always wears her crown! Veronica is no stranger to the tropical beaches of Hawaii nor the fruity cocktails you’d drink there. She demands that we address her as “your royal pine-ness” and simply will not answer to anything less. Don’t let her prickly exterior fool you though… This green amigo is as soft and sweet as it gets (deep, deeeep down inside). Veronica is a fierce, independent queen who comes with just a few simple requests: lots of bright light, moist soil, and the occasional (aperol) spritz! Tropical vibes on this one! Pineapple plants are a member of the Bromeliad family, a family of plants native to the tropical Americas. Their sword-like leaves collect and funnel water to her roots - which subsequently allows for the growth of one flower stalk, followed by a ripe, juicy fruit! Studies have shown that Pineapple Plants are quite the air filter champs. But wait, there's more! In the right conditions this green amigo also provides a tasty treat! 15 50 Frequent Low Direct Not Toxic Every 1-2 years None 6851484450898 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Merry Maria (S) Samwise Gentle, strong, and loyal to a fault—that pretty much sums up this potato-loving amigo. Although Samwise is most content in the gardens of the Shire, he would walk to the ends of Middle Earth for a friend in need. He is the unsung hero of our tale, but that’s just how he likes it. Too much attention may go to Samwise’s head, and we know what happens then, eh Mr. Frodo? The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 20 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 6727478050898 Ponytail Palm Stump | Beaucarnea (M) Beau Ponytail palm's are actually not part of the palm family. It's why Beau has always felt a little out of place. When everyone looks right, Beau looks left if you know what I mean. The Beaucarnea Recurvata or Elephant's Foot is actually part of the succulent family. You see, Beau is blessed with the unique ability to store access water in his stem for later use. Nice! Beau is such a bohemian. Not one to easily commit, he'll only warm up to you if you put him in a bright spot with lots of sun. Beau used to wear his hair in a bun but apparently that's so 2019 its not even funny. Anyway, Beau is really easy going, usually minds his own business. Just let him shine in the sun and hang loose. Shaka brah! 15 44 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright and sunny Not toxic Once every year Once every month 4766682808402 Senecio Rowleyanus | String of Pearls (L) Peggy Just about every self-respecting plant Insta page has a photo of this lady on his or her feed: the Senecio Rowleyanus aka Pea Plant aka String of Pearls or our little Peggy as we call her. The reason Peggy is so much in the spotlight may be obvious, her gorgeous strings of pearls. I mean just look at 'em! Draping down like a kind of green waterfall. A beautiful hanging plant to place in any modern interior. Peggy is very attached to her pearls, but she understand she has to let go of some of them occasionally. Do not be alarmed if some have come detached on arrival. She just creates new ones! A word of caution: Peggy is very possessive of her pearls. This beautiful necklace that she's wearing can become very long (60-90 cm!), so take this into account when choosing a spot. Furthermore, Peggy is a succulent from the drier parts of West Africa. She doesn't need a lot of water. She likes a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Peggy's lovely locks may be a little short right now but with enough love and attention they will be Instagram-worthy in no time. We love you Peggy! 21 24 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 4766681268306 Sansevieria Jade Hahnii | Birds Nest Snake Plant (S) Mimi Mimi is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Mimi is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering Mimi and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Mimi, such a low maintenance girl. Mimi also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Mimi does not need any plant food. Gosh Mimi, what's not to like here? Not so sure about this whole plant parent thing? Ease into it then by getting yourself a snake plant! Sansevieria plants are having a bit of a moment so you'd be a hip plant parent right out of the gate! The name Snake plant might sound daunting, but rest assured: Snakes are sssssssuper easy to maintain and we've made this green amigo promise  it  won't strangle you in your sleep. These low maintenance houseplants only need water about once a month and can be left in moderate to bright light. When you’re watering yours, check to see if the soil is dry a few inches deep before watering again. Overwatering can lead to soft, brown mushy leaves and snakes really don't appreciate mushy leaves. It totally messes up their vibes. 10 18 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4585454960722 Sansevieria Laurentii Superba | Snake Plant (M) Kaa Kaa is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Kaa is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Kaa and you'll have a happy plant! Oh and Kaa does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Kaa can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Kaa is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Kaa doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Kaa hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Kaa really popular. Kaa purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juisssssss (imitates snake sound). 15 35 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4510520574034 Philodendron Rojo Congo (XL) Fran Fran is an elite athlete. She's done Kickboxing, Judo, Krav Maga and Karate - and that's just Monday for her. Fran's fridge looks like what you'd get if you zipped the butcher's market: all protein, zero carbs. Getting fit is quite a cross to bear, and it takes guts. Fran has guts, major guts. Do you have what it takes to be her roommate? Philodendron Rojo Congo are beautiful big-leaf tropical plants that are easy to care for. Huge leaves + amazing red stalks + easy to care for = plant heaven we think! Keep your Philodendron away from direct sunlight and water about once every ten days for optimal Congo growth! Its an easy recipe and we love it! 27 90 moderate Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7268394958930 Canadian Shield | Rosa (L) Kelly Kelly is just happy to be here. She’ll bloom wherever she is planted (metaphorically) and brighten up anyone’s day who is lucky enough to come across her. Kelly will be your perfect garden, porch, or patio plant if you let her. And trust us, you’ll be thankful you did! This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. The Canadian Shield rose, a hardy and resilient variety, is renowned for its exceptional adaptability to harsh climates and challenging growing conditions. Developed specifically to withstand the rigorous Canadian winters, this rose variety boasts vibrant blooms in shades of red reminiscent of its namesake. With its disease-resistant foliage and vigorous growth habit, the Canadian Shield rose thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it an excellent choice for landscapes and gardens across various regions. 20 30 7102994120786 Caladium | Carousel (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6570543317074 Caladium | Celebration (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 45 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4665048563794 Begonia Jive | Painted Leaf (S) Anton Anton is a Painted Leaf Begonia and if that doesn't ring a bell, please keep reading. Anton knows that if you want pretty leaves like his, you'll have to work for it but in his case, he's farmed out the work to you. Keep his soil slightly moist at all times and keep Anton away from direct sunlight. There's no such thing as plant sunblock and his leaves turn to crisp quickly! Begonias are one of the largest families of plants. With over 1600 members it's always difficult to get everyone available for that yearly family photo. Anton over here doesn't mind the date, he looks his Sunday's best any day of the week in his flashy green outfit with speckles of red, silver and purple. Begonia Jive likes to be kept in partial shade with no direct sunlight. If you're nice to Anton he might bloom occasionally but don't expect him to put on some big show. His flowers are rather small! 10 20 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 6855783055442 Epipremnum Aureum | Pothos Global Green (M) Dale Picture this: Cruisin’ on yachts, million dollar deals, and a revolving door of beautiful ladies hoping to catch a glimpse at the business tycoon you’ve become. At least, this is what Dale fantasizes about from his dad’s basement once his business goes global. Does it matter that he has literally 0 experience in the music industry besides playing the drums on Rock Band? No… no, it does not, kemosabe. He’s a learn as you go type, and if all else fails, there’s always the family business to fall back on. Now the real question is, are you gonna invest or not? A member of the Epipremnum genus, the Global Green Pothos is a relatively new variety of  Pothos with richly dark leaves and light green marbling. This indoor tropical houseplant is a favourite among many due to its trailing vines. They’re definitely one of the rare houseplants, AKA a must have for Pothos enthusiasts. Despite that, they are an easy care houseplant that will surely liven up your space. They enjoy bright, indirect sunlight, and need water once a few inches of soil dry out.  15 26 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6571571544146 Alocasia Regal Shield | Elephants Ear (XL) Nefertiti Nefertiti radiates power. Her giant leaves are velvety with red undersides and ruffled edges, and she’s not afraid to take up space, growing as tall as five feet. Nefertiti worships the sun and has many names, including Lady of Grace, Sweet of Love, and Lady of All Women. Astounded by her beauty, we commissioned a sculpture of her and placed it in our greenhouse. Our other plants weep at the sight of her and, we’ve got to admit, we’ve shed a tear or two ourselves. Something about feeling inadequate in the face of a potted plant’s authoritative Despite her intimidating appearance, Nefertiti is a relatively low maintenance plant. Like other Alocasias, she likes warm conditions and bright but indirect sunlight. She loves the sun and grows in its direction, so we recommend moving her once a week to keep her growth balanced. Give her plenty of attention and praise and remember how lucky you are to have her! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 24 80 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 4582295175250 Sansevieria Cylindrica (M) Jake Of all the sports to choose to be the best at, javelin is probably not the top of many kids' lists. There is no Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan of javelin throwing to look up to or idolize, Its not an easy or safe sport to play in most back yards and parks and lets face it, throwing a pole around all day doesn't exactly look that fun. Well, none of that dissuaded Jake when he was a kid. Jake is a natural at javelin throwing - and its easy to see why. Those long cylindrical spears and their smooth aerodynamic shape helped make Jake a multiple Olympic gold medalist. He is a little bummed that the Tokyo Olympics are postponed but don't worry, he'll be back stronger, faster and pointier than ever! Make us proud Jake!! Sansevieria Cylindrica is also known as Dracaena Angolensis. We don't know why this species has two latin names but who cares, its common names Cylindrical Snake Plant and African Spear Plant make a lot more sense. This hip looking plant is a succulent native to Angola. It has recently risen to fame - and you can see why! Jake is a really easy plant to care for. Bright or darker spots of your home are equally fine for Jake and he does not require a lot of water or feeding. He only needs to be repotted every two to three years - he usually lets you know when its time to repot when his roots break his current pot. Who knew plants could be such good communicators? 15 35 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 7242071507026 Apoballis Acuminatissima | Lavallei Plant (M) Bally Bally's like that one friend who thrives on drama but in a good way—think tropical paradise with a hint of soap opera. She's got leaves that demand "oohs" and "ahhs" but while she loves the spotlight, she hates sunlight. Keep her away from bright spots or that perfect silky skin will wither and wrinkle faster than you can say Apoballis! The Apoballis comes from the lush undergrowth of Southeast Asia's tropical forests. As such this plant thrives in environments that replicate its native, humid conditions, preferring bright, indirect light to mimic the dappled sunlight of the forest canopy. This beauty does come with some instructions, and proper care involves maintaining consistently moist soil without waterlogging your plant. Ensuring proper drainage is key to avoid root rot, and try to provide a higher humidity, either through regular misting or placement in a naturally humid room. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves easily. Godspeed! 15 36 Moderate Strong air purifying Partial shade Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 7058871713874 Citrus Key Lime (XL) Limo Limo turns club soda, white rum, mint leaves and some sugar into a blissful Mojito like its no big deal. If that's not a super power... we don't know what is! The Citrus Key Lime is a hybrid between two fruit trees. You see, this Key Lime is actually a Hystrix Citrus and a Medica Citrus. All we know is that Limo is always around for Friday drinks. Slamming tequilas is a big hobby of his. Don Julio por favor!  In order for your Lime trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 25 60 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6893363331154 Lavandula Angustifolia | English Lavender Standard (M) Margaux You can find Margaux sipping a glass of Pinot Noir on a rain-slicked Parisian avenue. Looking impeccable with her bouffant and vintage cigarette holder, she looks like she just stepped off the set of Le Quai des Brumes. Sometimes the only indication that she’s been around is a smudge of red lipstick and the scent of Chanel No 5 lingering in the air. Margaux has an air of mystery, and we love that for her. The Lavender Angustifolia , otherwise known as the English lavender, is a beautiful bushy plant, perfect for planting outdoors in soil or keeping in a pot. Keep these fragrant flowers in full sun for the most growth. They’re the perfect easy-care addition to your garden as they don’t like a ton of water—give it a drink after planting (enough so that the soil is fully saturated), and be sure to let it fully dry out before watering again. If you’re planting your lavender in a sandy mixture, you’ll need to water more often. 15 60 6874356318290 Citrus Lime Tree (XL) Limo Limo turns club soda, white rum, mint leaves and some sugar into a blissful Mojito like its no big deal. If that's not a super power... we don't know what is! Just like his friend Frank, the Citrus Lime Tree is an all time favorite on spring and summer patio's alike.  Limo and he's always around for Friday drinks. Be sure to water him plenty and keep him in bright light. Oh and don't worry too much if yours drops leaves in the first few weeks. Just be sure to gradually introduce your tree to full sunshine. When you play by these rules, it will soon start raining limes! A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6735428780114 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (M-5in) Heidi Heidi’s got a penchant for spinning outlandish tales—like that time she insisted she was heading to the moon just because she saw her name in a NASA article. Heidi was listed as an air purifying plant, and she absolutely let that go to her head. We can’t fault her for being confident though, right? With her eccentric charm and playful antics, she's sure to bring a daily dose of whimsy to your space. Don’t get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 6 18 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 4810282041426 Philodendron Hederaceum 'Lemon Lime' | Neon Heartleaf Philodendron (L) Kate Sigh! Remember back in grade 5, you were sitting in the back of the class and there was that girl in the second row, the one with two giant braids, mischievous eyes and rosy cheeks? You would sit there and dream about her all day long thinking you were going to get married and have kids and a dog and a house in the burbs... Well that girl is Kate and today she runs an ink shop down on the Drive. She is married to Lori and was elected to the Parks Board last year. We love Kate because she defies convention and makes sh*t happen. Go Kate!   What's not to love about a plant that has irresistible heart-shaped leaves? Kate is a vine so she can grow as a trailing/hanging plant or as a climbing plant depending on your tastes. Furthermore Kate is a jungle plant so she loves warm, humid environments and bright, filtered sun but no direct light - think of all of those jungle plants l iving under the shade of the giant jungle trees. If Kate's vines grow too long don't be afraid to trim them back, that will help her to fill out a little more.  21 35 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4393609855058 Dracaena Lemon Lime (XL) Kenzo Kenzo used to be pure negativity, but he's trying to get over it. He took one of those hipster mindfulness/meditation/goatyoga courses and now he's trying to be all about the chill. After a fight with Kenzo Jr. we had to put him on some mandatory 20 minute meditation sessions to combat his anger management issues. Do you think Kenzo will work it out? Dracaena fragrans ‘Lemon Lime’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Lemon Lime, in particular, are known for their neon yellow and green striped leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water.Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 25 80 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7250116640850 Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight | Sterling Silver Pothos (S) Rachel She sings, she shops, and she IS the moment. Rachel is the shining star no matter what room she’s in and who she’s next to. Need a bit of comedic relief or a stunning love interest? Look no further. She’s the character everyone loves to hate because she’s always in the limelight. The truth is, she can’t help it. What she’d love to say to her haters is [redacted]. Whatever… we blame the writers. Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and are fast growers. If you have a low light space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos plant is the one for you. Seriously. The Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight or Sterling Silver Pothos will thrive in most indoor lighting conditions and low maintenance when it comes to humidity. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Pothos plants as Devil’s Ivy but they’re not a fan of that nickname…   If you have placed a pre order, it will be shipping July 4. 15 24 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 7232924581970 Vitis Vinifera | Chardonnay Grape (L) Char Char's roots run deep. She's all about that refined, classy lifestyle. Million dollar mansions, vacations on the French Riviera. The more exclusive the terroir, the better. "It's all about the location, darling," she'll tell you. "Hydration," she insists, "should always be a grand affair." Cheers to that Char! The Vitis Vinifera Chardonnay grape hails from a noble lineage of grapes celebrated for their luscious and complex flavors, perfectly suited to bask in the warmth of sun-drenched vineyards. With her elegant green hue, Char is a direct descendant of an ancient grape family, lovingly cultivated by vintners through the ages for the creation of earth's finest wines. To ensure your grapes flourish, plant her in a prime spot under the sun's generous rays, preferably in well draining soil. Water the root system thoroughly bi-weekly in spring and summer and avoid the leaves as this can cause powdery mildew.  21 50 7178228498514 Picea Glauca Conica | Alberta Spruce With White Cover Pot (M) Arnold What is the meaning of Christmas, you ask? It’s obviously about showing who’s the man by obtaining the most hot, elusive gift of the season for your child. You’ll never be looked at with more admiration than by your son who has been given the gift of a lifetime. Nevermind that you had to fight Sinbad along the way (he had it coming). Arnold is a man of his word, and the holidays are when he shines. Literally. His muscles and Austrian accent make him the perfect addition to your holiday decor. Don’t bother putting him away January 1st either—or his infamous “I’ll be back” will haunt you till next December. Does not come with white decorative cover pot (pictured). The Alberta Spruce is a great addition to your home for that festive, natural touch. These small trees enjoy bright, indirect light—think near a north, west, or east facing window. Water them only when the top inch or two has dried out. After the holidays, your Spruce can be planted outside (in spring). Be sure to repot it into a slightly larger container if you notice the soil drying out extremely quick, or if there has been a lot of new growth. 15 30 Moderate Not air purifying Bright, indirect Toxic Once a year Once a month 7116262342738 Sansevieria Trifasciata | Black Gold Snake (M) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while this plant clearly can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and our Snake Plants are cool as a cucumber. Snakes always show up on planes... you get it by now. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Right... ok anyway, this African origin plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Snake plants really popular. They are known to do their part to purify your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... the Snake Plant is toxic.  15 35 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 7087054192722 Rubus | Blackberry Black Satin (L) Rubeus A gentle giant, Rubeus is often tasked with guard-duty. He’s great at keeping hippogriffs out of the garden and basiliks out of the pipes. He’s a bit of a scaredy-cat, but since he’s so loyal, he will muster the courage to do what needs to be done. The staff and students agree that without Rubeus, Hogwarts would 100% fall into shambles. The Rubus fruticosus  (black satin blackberry bush) is a thornless shrub that produces delicious berries in late summer. You'll need a trellis to grow this one as it has an upright growth pattern. It's a fast grower that requires regular feeding and pruning after the growing season. 19 70 6703388459090 Dracaena Marginata Dragon Tree (XL) Noah Noah is an easy going one. He does not drink much and does not need to be in the sun. This is nice for all you north facing urban dwellers out there. Noah does not take well to Pets because he is slightly poisonous. Beyond that, Noah is a pretty chill dude and excellent at purifying the air. Thanks Noah! Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Marginata, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 110 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6610483216466 Philodendron Imperial Green (S) Zulay A healthy body needs a healthy mind. Zulay believes it and acts accordingly, taking comparative literature classes. Her belief is that enlightenment can come from all different angles, and she wants to make sure her mental and physical self is getting the right kind of stimulation. Lately, Zulay's even considered learning a new trade, like plumbing or heavy machinery repairs. Talk about a woman with power. Philodendron Imperial are beautiful big-leaf tropical plants that are easy to care for. Huge leaves + easy to care for = plant heaven we think! Keep your Philodendron away from direct sunlight and water about once every ten days to bring those stunning leaves to life! Its an easy recipe and we love it! 10 18 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4828307128402 Neanthebella | Parlour Palm (L) Vicky When all of your brothers and sisters are big and burly, you have to do something to stand out. Vicky's got attitude in spades. This girl will want you to give her the primo spot at the window sill and won't settle for anything less. She relegates cacti and succulents to kitchens and side tables and is not impressed by the big monstera in the corner. This parlour palm is here to stay and she wants all your other green amigos to know it, too! Meet the Parlour Palm, or Neanthebella, the pint-sized tropical sensation that'll fit right into your home, no matter the size. Hailing from the lush landscapes of Mexico and Guatemala, this little green superstar has been stealing hearts around the globe since the Victorian era – talk about timeless charm! The Parlour Palm adds a touch of the tropics to any space. She's a low-maintenance queen, thriving in cozy corners with bright, indirect sunlight. Just remember to keep her soil slightly moist but not soggy – she's got a thing for balance. So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a newbie, let this beauty bring the tropical vibes to your indoor jungle! 21 55 Regular Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Pet friendly Once every year Once every two weeks 4597036548178 Dracaena Reflexa | Song of India (XL) India India is officially called a Dracaena Reflexa Variegata but since we're not playing scrabble we named this beauty India. She's not as burly and tough-looking as her brothers Tito and Mojo but don't be fooled by her silky looking leaves! India is tough as nails which makes her low maintenance and easy to care for. A stunning plant with an easy going character, we love it! Dracaena reflexa ‘Song of India’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Song of India, in particular, are known for their bright yellow and green striped leaves!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 75 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7382311796818 Soleirolia Soleirolii | Baby Tears Plant (S) Hannah Hannah is our fearless chronically online leader—and she never leaves her fellow minions astray. Whether it’s this opportunity or the next, she’s dipped her leaves into many-a-pyramid scheme, but she’s rich, so we keep her around. She’s always ahead of the curve and knows when to strike when the iron’s hot. Don’t forget to check out her link in bio. The Soleirolia Soleirolii, commonly known as the Baby Tears Plant or Angel’s Tears, is a delicate, fast-growing plant that can be grown as outdoor ground cover or, more commonly, inside. It has bright green and round leaves that grow outwards and can hang nicely suspended from the ceiling, or creeping over tables and shelves. It enjoys moist soil, cool and humid temperatures, and bright indirect light. The Baby Tears Plant is also great for propagating, so get ready for lots of Baby Tears babies! 10 15 Moderate Light Bright, Indirect to Medium Non toxic Once every year Monthly 7232924778578 Vitis Vinifera | Flame Seedless Grape (L) Vinny Vinny's took the whole water-into-wine thing literally and thought, "Yeah, I can work with that." The guy's a legend at parties, turning sparkling water into Sauvignon faster than you can say "happy hour." But here's the kicker: Vinny's also got a talent for "vining" himself into the most bizarre spots. One minute you're asking for a refill, the next, you're looking up to see him dangling from the chandelier, bottle in hand, pouring directly into your glass. "It's all about the presentation," he says. Oh behave, Vinny! The Vitis Vinifera or Seedless Flame Grape, originates from a lineage of grapes cultivated for their sweet and robust flavor and their ability to thrive in warmer climates. These grapes, with their vibrant red hue, are descendants of an ancient lineage, cultivated by humans for millennia. To care for such a distinguished plant, you must ensure it receives as much full sunlight as possible. Plant your grape in a well-drained soil and mimic its native environment by watering regularly but in moderation. Pruning is crucial; it not only does it maintain your vine's shape but it also encourages the growth of fruit-bearing shoots, which is what we're hoping for after all. Also consider providing support, like a trellis, which will enable the grape vine to climb. 21 60 7150026457170 Hoya Lacunosa Obscura | Sunrise Wax Plant (M) Ralph Ralph’s our favourite bad-guy-turned-good-guy. He’s macho but soft and squishy on the inside, so don’t be fooled by his looks. It’s all about the personality here. Get him talking and you’ll see what we mean. Don’t by shy… go on! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 15 25 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 7088496934994 Monstera Karstenianum | Peru (L) Tommy He makes directors across Hollywood perspire. He makes F-list actors tremble. He makes film schools across the world whimper at the thought of seeing his name on their roster. He’s none other than Tommy: the ethnically ambiguous, overly-confident amigo we couldn’t do without. He’s from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Life story? Who needs it! Tommy keeps ‘em guessing. He’s way too busy brewing his next cult classic to worry about the likes of us. In his eyes, he’s the next James Dean and Marlon Brando. In our eyes, he’s Tommy: The Greatest Bad Plant There Ever Was. The Monstera Karstenianum, otherwise known as the Monstera Peru, is a rare Monstera species identifiable by the deep, ridge-like texture and dark green colour of its leaves. It’s a beautiful, easy-care houseplant you can be happy to get your hands on! Unlike most Monsteras, this tropical plant prefers to dry out more in between waterings due to its waxy leaves retaining more moisture. It can handle most forms of indirect light, but its leaves will burn if placed directly in the sun. Like most Monsteras, it has a vining tendency and will love a moss pole to climb up, or to be placed in a hanging basket! The rare houseplants prefer an airy soil mixture and high humidity for best results. 21 30 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 6793213247570 Rhaphidophora Korthalsii | Shingle Plant (M) Raphaela Ohhh Raphaela - an extraordinary plant plagued with a common name… “Climb up some roof shingles once and get called a Shingles Plant for life,” she mutters under her breath in the greenhouse. Well Raphi, we still love you and support your uphill battle. Native to Australia and New Guinea, Raphaela loves to hang out under large canopy covers in the tropics. Don’t we all? In the rainforest, you’ll find her shingling (there it is) up some rather large trees. But here at Plantsome she doesn’t travel without her emotional support board. Whenever we ask her to part ways with it, she shows us the bird every shingle time! The Rhaphidophora Korthalsii, otherwise known as the Shingle Plant, is a climbing plant native to the tropical rainforests of Australia and New Guinea. As an indoor plant, it requires a humid environment, bright indirect light, and well draining soil to avoid root rot. The Shingle Plant is a type of aroid, which means it has aerial roots that allow it to climb up trees, or wooden boards. As far as plant care needs, feed your Shingle plant in the Spring and Summer months using a tropical plant fertilizer and give it some nice bright light to grow. When kept indoors, the Rhaphidophora Korthalsii can grow up to 2 feet tall! 15 32 Moderate Low Medium to bright indirect light Toxic Once every 1-2 years Once a month in spring and summer 6761848733778 Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (XL) Wilson Wilson not only provides a natural atmosphere, but also a healthy working and living environment. So much so that NASA has included this fella in the top 10 most air-purifying plants in the world. The Ficus is even in it twice, because not only it is an air-purifying plant, but it also converts CO2 into oxygen, which ensures better air quality. That's pure will, son! The more the better is Wilson's Mantra. He prances the Plantsome office filled with pride about how he has more leaves than any other plant! We haven't done an official count and especially the palm family feels differently about it, but we have to admit he does have lots of them! Just like all other Ficus plants, Wilson is a real air purifying pro. A little sunshine and some water will bring you and Wilson happiness for years to come! 25 95 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6560599703634 Strelitzia Reginae | Orange Bird of Paradise (L) Cranerys We hear ya: Strelitzie Reginae sounds like people dressed as scientists for toothpaste ads. If so, you might dig this plant’s name in regular parlance: Bird of Paradise, or Crane Flower. Now, that’s a damn good superhero name! The nicknames come from two pretty neat design features: the plant looks like a birds head when it’s blossoming, and the flowers resemble feathers on a crane’s head (the bird, not the machine). Aside from its noble roots (ha), the Strelitzia is actually pretty down to earth (somebody’s on a streak today!) and easy to please. She is not fussy about her watering needs, as long as you don't overdo it. Just like climate change, though, sunburn is a real thing: if you leave your Strelitzia exposed to direct sunlight, it will suffer more than that time you tried a DIY wax job during the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, use indirect light, all year-round, and avoid temperatures below 10°C. Oh and a final, friendly advice: this plant is considered mildly toxic for cats, dogs and people. So, if your household has pets, children, adults on a plant-based diet or all of the might want to get rid of them first! 21 45 Frequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot near a window Slightly toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4668462694482 Calathea Lancifolia | Rattlesnake (L) Indy Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah's Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they're all taking about are Indy's leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo. Chuck and Sophia's older brother, Indy left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He's told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can't crack the code. Can you? 21 35 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4518079856722 Aglaonema Silver Bay | Chinese Evergreen (XL) Josh Meet Jeff's younger brother, Josh, aka the bon VIPlant in the family. Like his brother, he too values hard work - as long as it's not his hard work. In that sense, he's not the same as Jeff, but it's understandable: money doesn't spend itself, especially when you have lots of it. Leave it to Josh to go all Kardashian on the family fortune. If you look up "chillax" (yes, that's a word) in the dictionary, you'll see pictures of Josh just hanging out. His philosophy is that the only thing better than earning your place in the sun is waiting for someone else to find his, and then taking that spot. No wonder some people consider him a little shady sometimes. In his defense, though, he's always in good spirits, and you can almost feel the air getting lighter when he's in the room. It's probably because he is a good conversationalist (are we using big words, eh? Oh my Josh!) Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 25 80 Moderate Strong air purifying Partial shade Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 7260699361362 Calathea Rotundifolia Fasciata (S) Isabella Isabella's official name is Calathea Orbifolia Rotundifolia and she is a real South American lady. What makes her special you ask? How about her air purifying abilities. She breaks down benzenes like its no big deal. She also says no to CO2 and turns it into Oxygen for you (hehe)! And if thats not convincing enough, she also plays nice with fifi and the kids (pet friendly). Now that Is-a-bella! The Calathea Rotundifolia is part of a big family of Calatheas raised in the Amazon forest of Brazil. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, by watering when the top inch of soil feels dry (and this diva prefers filtered water). Regular misting or using a pebble tray can help maintain the humidity levels this plant loves. Crispy, brown leaves are a sign of moisture issues or too much direct light, so be sure to spend some time getting to know your Calathea's signs of stress to keep this beauty thriving! 15 25 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7011062284370 Juniper Bonsai Tree (M) Junie B. Junie B. is a spunky *almost* 6 year-old girl who gets into all sorts of mischief. Whether it’s with her new dumb baby brother, or her own big fat mouth, it seems to be Junie B. against the world. She can’t wait to grow up and become a Mrs. Jones herself. Maybe she’ll finally be able to defeat the monsters under her bed… but until then, she’ll leave that to the adults. Bon...sigh... they are so cute and so stunning that we can't keep our eyes off them! These beautiful ornamental mini trees are actually easily shaped and cultured when pruned the right way, right at the base. Keep your Bonsai's growth in check by rotating her every month or so for an even distribution of the leaf growth. The Juniper Bonsai is extra special due to its amazing scent (gin and tonic, anyone?). They produce needle-like new growth that eventually grows bushier. These plants can be picky with overwatering and would prefer for their soil to dry out slightly. Don’t forget to give it some humidity, too! Junipers produce small cones housing a seed, often referred to as Juniper berries. Famously known for making gin, they are in fact edible, as well as used for a variety of medicinal purposes. 15 22 6892425019474 Hoya Carnosa Tricolor | Wax Plant (M) Carmen Carmen is the ultimate PILF (Plant I'd Like to Follow). She looks great in pink, smells like a million bucks, cleans the air like nobody's business AND has the attitude to boost. She's still good at what she does too - the last role she played, in 2018, even got her a Palm d'or by the Royal Horticultural Society! There are people who say Carmen, the Hoya Carnosa, might be too old and past her glory days. Sure, she's a little inflexible sometimes and always complains about not getting enough filtered light but don't we all complain sometimes? Sure, her temper can be worse than a 2-year old's, and she can't handle direct sunlight , and if her stress (or water) levels are too high she'll simply refuse to show up on set. But tell you what: name us one Hoyawood diva that isn't difficult. Go on, we'll wait! 15 21 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 4766725570642 Peperomia Caperata | Rosso (S) Phoenix Phoenix is beautiful in every sense of the word - not just looks but also her mind, her personality and that award winning smile. We’ve all encountered a Phoenix before, sometimes they’re known as a “radiator” because they simply radiate warmth and good vibes. Her constant good mood sometimes annoys her sister Raven but it’s difficult to stay mad at Phoenix for long. Phoenix is the only one who Robin never gets mad at and who Wren looks up to as a second mother-figure. Phoenix is the plant everybody wants to be or have - the very fire of life itself. The Peperomia Caperata is traditionally found in the rainforests of Brazil, meaning that in the home they would be best suited to similar conditions - humid with high temperatures. Because of the thick canopy of trees in rainforests that block the light, the Peperomia Caperata would not enjoy direct sunlight. Try not to overwater and a sign of this will be black stems and lower leaves which are direct consequences of soggy soil. Another way to fight this is to make sure the container you use has enough drainage holes to get rid of any excess water. 10 15 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 4858266091602 Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine Cane (XL) Abel Abel knows a thing or two about sacrifices. He wakes up superultra early to take care of his farm, works way past sunset under direct sunlight, and still has time to keep everything going in Farmville and Harvest Moon. No wonder some people might envy him. Dracaena fragrans ‘Hawaiian Sunshine’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Hawaiian Sunshine, in particular, are known for their dark green leaves with a bright green stripe down the middle!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 27 125 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7150025736274 Hoya Parasitica Black Margin | Wax Plant (M) Natasha Your favourite Russian redhead! You’ll never learn about Natasha’s past as long as she can help it (just assassin things). She’s practical and a team player, which makes her a great office partner or adventure buddy. She’ll also help you defeat aliens and look good while doing so. Go Black Widow! We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a good chance that flowers may take two or three years before they show but when they do it is a sight to behold! 15 17 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6750925127762 Ficus Altissima | Council Tree (S) Gemma The Ficus Yellow Gem, or Ficus Altissima is a beautiful rubber tree that is easy to care for. Gemma is actually one of Evelyn and Eileen's cousins and loves to brag about how she'll have more followers on instagram than they do one day. Right now she's still a tiny baby but her powerful roots allow her to grow quickly. Just give her enough indirect light and she'll grow grow grow on you! There's more to this girl than meets the eye. You see, Gemma here actually has some pretty dark roots! In the native forests that grow the Ficus Altissima, Gemma is known as a strangler tree. That's right, Gemma will germinate on top of an existing tree to eventually overtake it completely. We've talked to her about her past and she's promised not to do any strangling at Plantsome, or at your home! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 10 25 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6716883763282 Cycas Revoluta | Sago Palm (M) Yoshi If you’re looking for a green amigo with character, Yoshi’s the one for you. Not only does he make the most loyal of sidekicks, but he’s also one fierce and ferocious (and poisonous!) competitor when it comes down to it. Great at game-time decisions, Yoshi’s one dino-mite of a plant who loves bright, indirect light and high humidity. Just make sure he gets some h2o whenever he’s feelin’ parched, all that racing around in circles tires a palm out ya know? Yoshi the Sago Palm is native to the warmer parts of Japan and Southern China. Not actually a palm tree but a cycad, his roots go way waaay back to prehistoric times (like even back to when the dinosaurs lived)! As a houseplant, Yoshi brings the funky, tropical vibes to your space and is quite the laid back amigo. We do recommend keeping him a palm’s length away from your pets though - in Yoshi’s mind, he’s your one and only frond! Sago Palms are toxic plants. Do not bring your pets/kids near this plant and and seek medical help when any part of this plant is ingested.  15 40 Very little Not air purifying Bright, direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once every two months (spring, summer) 6572319408210 Philodendron Moonlight (M) William William gets away with just about anything. His blonde locks can get him into trouble but his playful personality and royal pedigree get him right back out of it. Philodendrons are like house plant royalty, they are kind of the originals, dating back to Victorian times and this Moonlight is the lush, playful new generation. Word has it William has big plans for the future but he is waiting his turn to shine. But enough about that from us, you can read all about it on TMZ. When most people think, "tropical house plant" they usually imagine something like a Philodendron - beautiful large lush leaves with striking colours or patterns exploding from the pot. Its why Philos have been household favourites for eons! The big difference between William's cousins and William here is that he is not a vining plant. William has a fear of heights and is not big on climbing, but his Moonlight will turn any room into a jungle!  Give him a warm, humid environment (jungle style!) and hold the sunshine. Shade is where it's at for William. If you treat William like the royal that he is, he can grow grow grow!   15 24 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6571480318034 Alocasia Sinuata | Quilted Dream (S) Perla Perla is elegant. She’s refined. She’s a freaking lady. Don’t you think? Come on, wouldn’t you agree? Then why did her no good, bum of a boyfriend forget her birthday? Would you forget the anniversary of the best thing that ever happened to his no good, sorry ass? No? Look at her. Look at her! Her leaves are expansive. They’re glossy. They’re expansive (and yes, expensive, that too) and glossy! Like a silk freaking canopy. Do you think she wakes up looking like that? Of course she does! She’s fantastic. Now quit staring and buy her something nice already. No, not from Target. You’re better than that. Ho-ly-mother of leaves! Alocasia Sinuata Quilted Dream are a rare species of Alocasia and you can see why! Give this green amigo bright, indirect light and a minimum 18 degrees celsius or more and wait for the soil to dry a few inches down before you water again. So like...dry but not like dry-dry you know? More like moist but not wet you feel us? This green amigo  loves humidity so spray the leaves whenever you're not busy scrolling through your feed or doing other important work. Hey who said taking care of plants was easy! Hey...where are you going? Come back! 10 20 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6558865784914 Ficus Tineke | Rubber Tree (L) Heidi Heidi’s got a penchant for spinning outlandish tales—like that time she insisted she was heading to the moon just because she saw her name in a NASA article. Heidi was listed as an air purifying plant, and she absolutely let that go to her head. We can’t fault her for being confident though, right? With her eccentric charm and playful antics, she's sure to bring a daily dose of whimsy to your space. Don’t get hasty, get Heidi! Make room for your new Ficus Tineke! With her big variegated leaves, she thrives in bright, indirect light, which really brings out her vibrant personality... I mean, colours. She's not one to shy away from a little attention – a light misting now and then keeps her feeling fabulous. And while she’s not a total diva, she does like a good drink of water when the top inch of soil is dry. With a mix of colorful character and a touch of air-purifying prowess, this Rubber Tree radiates the perfect balance of attitude and elegance. Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 21 55 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 6542545485906 Sansevieria Futura | Birds Nest Snake Plant (M) Gus Gus is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Gus is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Gus and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Gus, such a low maintenance guy. Gus also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Gus does not need any plant food. Gosh Gus, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Gus can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Gus is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Gus doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Gus hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Gus really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 15 34 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 7216245637202 Spathiphyllum | Peace Lily Domino (L) Ricardo Tanned. Chiseled chest. Hips of a god. Rhythm of the Devil - Ricardo will make any woman’s knees weak and a few men uncomfortably intrigued. Ricardo rolls his “r”s like the ocean rolls in tides and he stops to dance only until the sun has come up. Ricardo’s from a tropical part of the world with a name you can never properly pronounce. Legend has it he learnt to salsa before he learnt to walk and his first word was “Olé!” Ricardo's roots are in South America, but caramba! He will do just fine in any Canadian household! He's a beautiful Spathiphyllum (we know, its a jaw breaker), and more commonly referred to as the Peace Lily Domino. We're guessing Ricardo's got his domino name because of his cute freckles but it might also be because he runs a secret high stakes gambling ring together with Mojo. In any case, Ricardo doesn't need much from you, just some water from time to time. He'll tell you when by dropping his leaves. It's a bit of a drama move, but so befitting Ricardo! 21 60 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every three years In summer 7157057323090 Epipremnum Pinnatum Albo | Variegated Dragon Tail (M) Carrie Give a plant the right pair of shoes (plus a cheeseburger and a Cosmo), and she will conquer the world! No stranger to life in the limelight, Carrie's become a beacon of wisdom to young, impressionable plants - especially when it comes to high fashion, relationships, and anything in between. She has her besties and loves them fiercely, and also has no qualms whatsoever with writing about them in her blog: Stems and the City. Ngl… we’re huge fans! Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and grow at lightning speed. If you have a dark space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos is your new bff. Seriously. Carrie can hang with most indoor lighting conditions and isn’t too fussy about humidity. She’ll also purify the air in your home, so you can breathe easy breezy. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrrrrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Carrie and her amigos as Devil’s Ivy but she’s not a fan of that nickname (we learned the hard way, see above). 15 24 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 7119140159570 Artificial Ficus Lyrata | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. She may be a little fake, but we have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Go Eileen! The fiddle leaf fig is a highly sought-after plant that is notorious for its picky demeanor. Luckily, you can get all the beauty these plants provide without the hassle! This artificial Ficus lyrata has stunning, broad, fiddle-shaped leaves that add a perfect bohemian touch to any room. This medium sized faux plant would look beautiful on a shelf, coffee table, or dresser. 15 55 7115018240082 Shade Coco Coir Hanging Basket (XL) Shelly *Colours and varieties may vary from image. Meet Shelly, the fiery persona behind this blooming basket. Hotter than a jalapeño and sweeter than a peach, this gal's got more energy than a hummingbird on caffeine. It's a weird analogy because hummingbirds don't drink caffeine, but it also kinda makes sense. She's practically invented the 'work from home' revolution and has been tending to her basket from her balcony for years. You grow girl! This stunning coco coir basket is a delightful explosion of color that will brighten up any space. The basket measures 14 inches in diameter and will soon be overflowing with an exquisite combination of coleus and fibre optic grass in shades of chartreuse, red, pink, and green. This basket can go on your porch or in any shady area to provide a burst of color! These plants are happy to be without direct sunlight, so the world's your oyster.  36 45 7087061041234 Fragaria | Strawberry Natural White (S) Blossom You’d never be able to guess that Blossom was made in a lab by equal parts sugar, spice, and everything nice. Though she’s technically only 5, she’s wise beyond her years. Keeping the town safe from Mojo Jojo and being the voice of reason amongst her sisters will do that to a girl. It’s kind of lame how despite her superpowers, her dad keeps bedtime at a strict 8:30. Defeating evil will have to wait until morning. The natural white strawberry (Fragaria ) is a unique type of strawberry with a tropical and tangy flavour. Easy to grow, they will be happy with around 6 hours of direct sunlight and with well-drained soil. Water them a couple times a week so the soil remains slightly moist, but not waterlogged. They grow quite compact and will do well when planted with red strawberries. 10 10 6851408756818 Azalea | Assorted Flowers (M) Eros Like his namesake – the God of Love – Eros is a fantastic matchmaker. His broad leaves and swoon-inducing petals are the ideal background for falling passionately in love, perfect for that special person you’re trying to covertly seduce. His matchmaking system operates on the scientifically tested theory that no one can resist the raw charisma of a potted plant. Just try and putting Eros next to you on your tinder profile. Don't say we didn't warn ya! With Eros by your side you’re going to find that perfect someone. It’s the Eros guarantee! Azaleas are a type of Rhodondendron that produce beautiful flowers in spring that last for about three weeks until the flowers are spent. While it is not easy to see, the first buds for next season begin to form in late summer so be careful when pruning the plant as you might prune away its next years' growth. To prevent this, prune the plant immediately after the flowers have died off for best results. Azaleas like to be kept in moist soil at all times and require a higher pH level of soil. If you plant your Azalea be sure to do a pH test to see if you need soil amendments to help the plant produce those beautiful flowers. Azaleas are evergreen outdoor plants that can resist some cold but are best kept protected from the coldest temperatures.Please note, flowers come assorted in either red, pink or a mix of colours (see pictures for examples) 15 35 6786202468434 Chamaedorea Cataractarum | Cat Palm (M) Simone Simone's unparalleled beauty is from another world. Her confidence to rock those palm-like, elegant leaves make us think we're living in Victorian times! But please don't tell her that we feel like royalty in her presence. One time we mentioned it to her at the office, and she didn't stop talking with that British accent she most definitely can't pull off [no Simone, we don't 'fancy a cuppa', thanks!]. Originally from Southeastern Mexico, meet the Cat Palm (or Chamaedorea Cataractarum) that can make any room feel like a beach vacay. She's got that certain *je ne sais quoi* that'll elevate your space to a million-buck paradise. To keep this amiga thriving, let her soak up some rays in bright, indirect sunlight, and be sure to quench her thirst before her soil gets dry. With a little TLC, the Cat Palm can grow up to 6 feet tall – talk about making an entrance! No need to pack a bag, this tropical beauty is bringing the beach party right to you.   15 50 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic Every 3 years Once a month during spring & summer 6581511061586 Begonia Red Rex | Painted Leaf (S) Nala Nala is a Painted Leaf Begonia and if that doesn't ring a bell, please keep reading. Nala knows that if you want pretty leaves like hers, you'll have to work for it, but in her case, she's farmed out the work to you. Keep her soil slightly moist at all times and keep Nala away from direct sunlight. There's no such thing as plant sunblock and her leaves turn to crisp quickly! Begonias are one of the largest families of plants. With over 1600 members it's always difficult to get everyone available for that yearly family photo. Nala over here doesn't mind the date, she looks her Sunday's best any day of the week in her flashy sparkly silver outfit. Begonia Rex likes to be kept in partial shade with no direct sunlight. If you're nice to Nala she might bloom occasionally but don't expect her to put on some big show. Her flowers are rather small! 10 18 Moderate Low air purifier Shade or partial shade Toxic Once every two years Once every three weeks 6557088251986 Pachira Aquatica | Money Tree Stump (M) Bucky Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you're not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky's a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment. Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you'd better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic. 15 45 Infrequent Moderately air purifying Bright spot - no direct sunlight Non-Toxic Smaller ones - every year Once a month during summer 4931162570834 Stromanthe Magic Star (M) Criss : Criss is a magician! Not only can he turn sunshine into oxygen—which doesn’t make for good television—he can also do cool things, like ride motorcycles into the Grand Canyon and levitate between tall buildings. Criss is a one of a kind, generation defining plant. He was even named Magicstar of the Century by the International Magicstar Society (who were not available for comment at the time of this write up). The only people who won’t like Criss are people whose girlfriends he might impress with his sick magic tricks. Bippity, boppity, keep track of your boo. Stromanthe Magic Star may sound like the stage name of your favourite X-rated movie (you dirty dog you!), but it’s actually a plant! If you're wondering how they come up with it don't worry, so are we. Backstage though, you can call this one Criss. His leaves are covered in a spray of white flecks, like someone splattered him with paint (or something) and his bright purple undersides reveal his adventurous side! Stromanthe plants like a slightly moist soil at all times and indirect sunlight, oh and making people uncomfortable. You still feeling good about all this? 15 32 Regular water needed Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Non-toxic to humans and pets Once every two years Once a month during spring, summer, and fall 7268280172626 Ctenanthe Oppenheimer | Prayer plant (XL) Mick Mick is weird. Like really weird. He never really knew who he was until he found his people on the planternet. He started dressing up and developed a style he now calls 'nouveau' green. When people asked him why, he’d just smirk and nod - he thought that made him seem mysterious. It actually just made him seem odd. He fell into a habit of walking into rooms and loudly proclaiming “I’m just a whole mood”. The Ctenanthe Oppenheimer is a tropical plant that is related to the Calathea and the Prayer Plant. Mick loves indirect bright light and this helps with his outrageous outfits, making sure everybody can see them. He likes his soil evenly moist, never soggy, and thrives in warm consistent temperatures. Mick is somewhat poisonous and though he is usually listed as non-toxic, he should be kept away from pets and small children. ...And of course - fashion runways.   25 120 Moderate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 7138930786386 Philodendron Campii Lynette (S) Lady Catherine So beautiful you almost can’t look her in the eye, Lady Catherine is—quite simply—a work of art. Some may even compare her to the most adored paintings of all time (think the Birth of Venus or the Mona Lisa). It may be that Lady Catherine had the luxury of being born into the royal family, or that she is a voracious advocate for her people, but we just can’t get enough of her. If you prefer to focus on the negative, here are some of her worst qualities: Spends too much time volunteering, hair is too blindingly lustrous (it’s dangerous for drivers), and rescues too many puppies from the mill. The Philodendron Campii is a rare indoor plant is very easy to care for. It has elongated, ribbed dark green leaves that form a bird's nest clump over time. This plant can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, but direct sun should be avoided. Wait to water it until the soil is dry. No additional humidity is needed! 10 25 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 7115016437842 Succulent Bowl DIY Kit Penny Penny is one thoughtful plant. We think she is descended from one mere coin that was tossed into the Trevi fountain years ago. She is quite the dreamer and often gazes out at the passing people on the streets, calling “arrivederci!”. Thankfully she’s a sweetheart, so no one feels offended at her staring. Now THAT’S amore. Nothing like getting your hands dirty! These DIY kits are perfect for those who want a personalized touch to their plant decor. Place this bowl inside or outside where it gets plenty of light, and water when dry. This planter is the ultra low-maintenance solution for soon-to-be plant parents! This bowl comes with one white ceramic planter, five succulents in a variety of 2" and 4" sizes, decorative rocks, and potting mix. Plant selection is the grower's choice and subject to availability. 21 15 6870888120402 Hoya Wayetii | Wax Plant (M) Hobbes Hobbes doesn’t do small talk. He’s got layers baby and he’s not afraid to show them. If you’re in the mood to debate the origins of Western thought or listen to a lecture on human consciousness, our Hobbes is the plant for you. He may be a bit slow to grow, but when he sets his mind to something he does it with purpose. Hobbes is a trailing plant whose leaves are slightly dark around the edges. We think that’s what gives him his depth of character and we’re here for it. A key figure in the age of enlightenment, Hobbes is a huge fan of bright indirect light and stimulating conversation. He’s not a heavy drinker either, which is a plus in our books! The Hoya wayetii is also known as the wax plant or the porcelain flower plant. Why, you may ask? It’s cuz Hobbes here has been known to produce sweet-smelling clusters of flowers in the springtime and it sure is a sight to behold. Don’t be too sad if your green amigo doesn’t bloom in the first year, it may take him some time to acclimate to the new digs. Other than that, Hobbes is a pretty easy going guy. Give your Hoya wayetii as much bright, indirect light as possible and let his soil dry out between waterings. He also loooooves humidity and will #thrive hanging in a well-lit bathroom. Talk about making a statement! 15 22 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 6831877292114 Laurus Nobilis | Bay Laurel (L) Bae You know the saying you are what you eat, well in the case of the beautiful bay, that means a vitamin rich, anti fatigue, aromatic soup-and-tea-making superfood. That's right, this Bay Laurel is not just for looks, the edible multi-purpose leaves are a must have in every kitchen. Bay laurel plants are easily kept in a pot but can be planted as well. When put directly in soil, these plants can reach heights of up to 40 or even 50 feet tall. Bay laurels need not be kept in moist soil so let the top few inches of your pot dry out before watering again. In your garden this edible plant will grow well in a variety of soils but be sure to provide proper drainage and let the soil dry out somewhat before watering again. Laurus Nobilis is winter hardy up to about -5 degrees celsius. When potted you can bring the plant indoors through winter but be sure to give it a bright spot away from drafts and heat sources. Bay laurel plants are not pet friendly so be careful with your furry friends. 15 40 7351779295314 Caladium | Candyland (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 30 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 7294253301842 Euphorbia Tithymaloides | Devils Backbone (S) Rob We were hanging out at the office talking about the usual stuff - like why don't the UBC Engineers hang Volkswagens off the Lions Gate Bridge anymore - no seriously, why don't they? Thats when Rob came up. Rob studied structural engineering together with his brother Bob at the U of T. Unfortunately the brothers didn't pass their exams - apparently they used some "unconventional" calculations that their professors claimed defied certain gravitational laws. When you see Rob and Bob you might understand where their thinking came from. Anyhow, engineering's loss is Plantsome's gain! They work for us now and, helping us staple the kraft paper that protects our plants before shipping. No one does it better! The Euphorbia Tithymaloides, otherwise known as the Devils Backbone, Redbird Cactus, or Christmas Candle, is a unique succulent known for its unique zigzagging stem pattern. In some cultures, the Devils Backbone is thought to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits due to its shape! Native to the Americas, it requires bright, indirect sunlight and enjoys its soil drying out a bit. This plant is also easily propagated, so get cutting! 10 15 Very little Not air purifying Bright, direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once every two months (spring, summer) 7189076017234 Eucalyptus Baby Blue (L) Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Eucalyptus is a gorgeous plant easily distinguished by its green-blue moon shaped leaves. While highly toxic to animals and humans, they make excellent bug repellents and are often used for their oil. Eucalyptus is a great plant to have outside in your garden, or indoors in a spacious pot and placed by a sunny, south facing window. They are a fairly easy care plant, as they don’t require a lot of water. If planting outdoors, be sure to give it lots of space for growth, and lots of sunshine. The Eucalyptus will do best outdoors in a sunny spot, and will even produce fluffy white flowers in the summertime to thank you! 21 40 7053994000466 Crassula | Dwarf Jade Bonsai With Pot (L) Wendy So you think you can dance? Wait until you see Wendy. She first became famous in her native South Africa where she went viral with TikTok moves no one could copy. Wendy really puts the 'sun' in Sunday with her love of sunshine and light. She's low maintenance while still being the star of the show on your south-facing window sill. Such a bright gal! Wendy is real popular in South Africa where she grows in abundance. Wendy is a hardcore succulent, which means she has a badass superpower: she. is. TOUGH. Forgot to water her for a few weeks? Wendy shrugs it off like its no big deal. Accidentally put her in the fridge? No biggie. Left her at the tanning salon? She can handle it. Wendy is a roommate that will never ask you to turn the music down or warn you that you're eating too many carbs. Easy like a Sunday morning! 21 60 6869727019090 Heliotrope (S) Violet Violet is our favourite no-nonsense amigo who is always looking for competition. Whether it’s martial arts or gymnastics, Violet will never fail to boast about her many accomplishments, the most recent being her acquisition of a Golden Ticket. Though her personality is a bit abrasive, she will quickly step in line the moment you mention blueberry pie. Needless to say, she’s off the gum. Heliotrope plants are fragrant and colourful plants that are simply a delight to have around any garden. The deep purple blooms last for quite a while. Kept possibly as a perennial in moderate climates, this plant is a temperate one that is grown typically as an annual due to its inability to survive any frost. Fortunately they are very drought and heat tolerant and will do well in dry but hot climates. This small shrub can grow from 1 to 4 feet high and prefers to be grown out in a sunny spot for the best possible results. If you keep your heliotrope potted, be sure to fertilize once a month in spring and summer. And be careful with pets, as the Heliotrope is known to be highly toxic. 10 15 6855763492946 Howea Forsteriana | Kentia Palm (L) Howard Howard goes by many names. Commonly referred to as the Kentia Palm, this handsome green amigo is also known as the Thatch Palm or Palm Court Palm (confusing, we know). Officially though, his name is Howea which is derived from his native land of ‘Lord Howe Island’. We think that sounds pretty neat so from now on we'll call him Lord Howard! The Kentia Palm or Howea Forsteriana if you want to get technical, is one that much like other palms, likes his drink. So be sure to provide this tropical plant plenty of water. Weekly in spring and summer and a bit less in fall and winter. Kentia's area quite well suited for indirect light or even areas a bit further away from the window which is a nice change. They are a bit prone however to browning of the leaves which is caused by humidity levels being inadequate. A pebble tray, humidifier can help your Kentia Palm achieve higher humidity and thrive indoors! 21 50 In Spring and Summer weekly Strong air purifier Low light tolerant Not toxic to pets Once every 4 years Bi-weekly 4894587256914 Senecio Peregrinus | String of Dolphins (M) Flip A plant with dolphin-shaped leaves?! Yup! In our opinion, the Senecio Peregrinus is the coolest plant of the moment. If you look at Flip's leaves, you will immediately understand why everyone calls him the 'Dolphin Plant'. Flip is just a lot of fun to hang around with - makes you feel kinda like your in a wholesome Disney adventure - you know the kind where everything just works out in the end. Flip, flip, flip ... we're a super-freaking-flippin' fan of you! His dolphin leaves are of course the most special thing about this green amigo but how do you take care of a plant with leaves shaped like a dolphin? You might think that Flip the Dolphin Plant needs a lot of water, WRONG! Sorrry, we didn't mean to yell. This green amigo is a cross between the Pea Plant and the Senecio Articularis, and is therefore a succulent. Water just a little, because Flip doesn't want to drown! Like his namesake dolphin, Flip likes to be in a warm bright place but keep him out of direct sunlight! 15 25 7268250583122 Wine & Roses® | Weigela Florida ‘Alexandra’ (L) | Proven Winners® Ina Ina LOVES getting down and dirty… in her garden. She’s always whipping something up, whether it’s lovingly handcrafted brownies, or a backyard vegetable patch with cruciferous veg larger than your head. One might say she’s one with nature, but truthfully, she’s a flower. So duh. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot!  The original dark-leafed weigela is still the champ! Wine & Roses® weigela remains one of the most requested plants by homeowners and landscapers alike, thanks to its beautiful contrast of dark purple foliage and rosy pink blooms. 21 30 7243990925394 Rosa | Morden Blush (L) Skipper Skipper holds her own in this crazy world. She might be the younger sister of a brighter, more vibrant individual, but we appreciate her timeless beauty and wallflower spirit. She’s perfect the way she is, and we would never discontinue her. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Introducing the Morden Blush Shrub Rose! This beauty features lightly-scented white flowers with shell pink overtones, emerging from distinctive pink buds from late spring to late summer. The dark green deciduous foliage contrasts beautifully with the delicate flower, making it perfect for cutting and popular for bouquets! With an upright spreading habit, it grows to about 3 feet tall and wide. Be sure to plant in full sunlight and aim keep the soil slightly moist.  20 30 7150021214290 Ficus Shivereana Moonshine | Rubber Tree (M) Heidi According to NASA, Heidi takes a top-10 spot when it comes to air purifying power. Which is just stellar. Heidi told us she was recruited to be part of the mission to the moon, but that sounds a lot like fairy tale to us. She showed us a picture - it looks photoshopped, so we won't show that here. We know: Heidi's gonna hate, but what can you do? Either way, air purifying is still a pretty cool superpower, and Heidi is the real deal. What are you waiting for? Don't get hasty, get Heidi! The Ficus Shivereana Moonshine is a rare Ficus, distinguished by its highly variegated green and cream coloured leaves. This variegation will increase with brighter light, resulted in speckled leaves. Although small, it is a statement plant that is very popular among plant collectors! The Ficus Moonshine loves bright, indirect light and high humidity. Allow the soil to dry out a bit before watering again to avoid root rot. 15 30 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 7126927179858 Syngonium Podophyllum | Nephthytis Butterfly (S) Samwise Gentle, strong, and loyal to a fault—that pretty much sums up this potato-loving amigo. Although Samwise is most content in the gardens of the Shire, he would walk to the ends of Middle Earth for a friend in need. He is the unsung hero of our tale, but that’s just how he likes it. Too much attention may go to Samwise’s head, and we know what happens then, eh Mr. Frodo? The Syngonium  P odophyllum  is  also referred to as the Arrowhead Plant due to the spade shaped foliage. This  is a tropical houseplant well suited for all indirect lighting conditions . Water this amigo once the soil dries out halfway, and give him high humidity to keep the good times growing!  10 16 Average Average air purifier Low to bright indirect light Toxic Every 1-2 years Twice a month in spring and summer 7105277984850 Firethunder | Red and Orange Flowering Coco Coir Hanging Basket (XL) Scarlet *Colours and varieties may vary from image. Meet Scarlet, the fiery persona behind this blooming basket. Hotter than a jalapeño and sweeter than a peach, this gal's got more energy than a hummingbird on caffeine. It's a weird analogy because hummingbirds don't drink caffeine, but it also kinda makes sense. She's practically invented the 'work from home' revolution and has been tending to her basket from her balcony for years. You grow girl! This stunning coco coir basket is a delightful explosion of color that will brighten up any space. The basket measures 14 inches in diameter and will soon be overflowing with an exquisite combination of petunias, calibrachoas, and verbenas. Petunias are known for their trumpet-shaped blooms that come in a variety of vibrant colors. Calibrachoas, also known as Million Bells and produce small, bell-shaped flowers in bright hues that resemble mini petunias. Verbenas are equally showy, with clusters of tiny blooms in shades of pink, purple, red, and white. This basket will be delivered to you with some flowers but it will continue to grow and produce an even more impressive display of color. With proper care, these flowers will last all season long, providing a constant source of joy and beauty in your garden or patio. 36 45 7058872533074 Citrus Persian Lime (XL) Limena Meet Limena, the citrus Persian lime. Limena may be small in size, but packs a big punch of flavor. A bit of a sourpuss at first, but once you get to know him, you'll find he has a zesty and refreshing personality. He's the life of the party, always adding a little spark to any dish he's in. Just don't leave him unattended for too long, or he'll start to pucker up. But even then, he's still the go-to guy for a classic Margarita Persian Lime plants originate from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and therefore prefer warm temperatures and higher humidity. These fruity fellas require plenty of sunlight, so a south or west-facing window would be ideal. When it comes to watering, it's important to not over-water as they are susceptible to root rot. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Also, fertilize your Persian lime plant every 2-3 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Oh and did you know Persian limes are known for their thin skin and high juice content? It makes them a top choice for culinary use! In order for these fruit bearing trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 25 60 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6830657437778 Peperomia Polybotrya | Raindrop Peperomia (M) Burt You'll find Burt strumming along on his ukulele asking for the rain to stop. It's not that he doesn't like the rain per se, but he would just like less of it. More of a occasional light shower kind of guy, Burt is. Some say the rain he's singing about is more of an emotional "rain," and he does wear his heart on his s-leaf, so they might be on to something. Either way, if you're looking for an easy-going sidekick with something special, Burt is your guy. In Brazil, the Peperomia plant is known to be gifted as a sign that 'everything will be alright'. What a great mantra to live by, don't you think? The Peperomia Polybotrya or Raindrop Peperomia plants have fleshy leaves that almost look succulent-like. Well don't let the name fool you, these easy-care plants are actually a type of succulent and don't need lots of rain (or water) to survive. 15 31 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 6593023606866 Caladium | (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 35 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 6570541482066 Caladium | Party Punch (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 45 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4716452937810 Sedum Morganianum | String of Donkey Tail (M) Diego Diego definitely has a slightly eccentric lifestyle. Just last week he launched his own line of soccer cleats and flew to Vegas in his private jet to celebrate, only two days before the start of the season. Some critics say Diego needs more discipline but somehow he's still scoring every single game! We'll never understand how he does it... he's just an alien on the pitch! Diego is Javier's big brother. The Sedum Morganianum 'Donkey Tail' has longer leaves and can grow bigger than his little brother, while still requiring the same easy care. Keep this rare find happy by making sure you give him enough bright, indirect sunlight. Also, leave him on the dry side when it comes to watering. Diego just needs a couple of sips every now and then. What a legend! 15 20 Little Low air purifying Bright, indirect sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 4573490249810 Calathea Warszewiczii | Calathea Zebrina (M) Abby A real BFF to her cousin Sophia Jr., Abby decided to be a ballerina when she was young, and made good on that promise. For that reason you can notice her leaves perform a slow dance during the day and rise at night! So, if Abby looks a bit different every time you look at her, it's not your head playing with you. Abby here is actually a plant with fame! You see, she was awarded the  Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. It was a long time ago but she showed us the medal and we were honestly quite impressed. She doesn't like to talk about it, though. The acceptance speech and being in the spotlight was kinda nerve wrecking you know. She prefers to be alone chilling with a book, near a North or East facing window. She's just fine being left alone like that. But please - filtered light only and high humidity! Oh and no drafts please. So Temperamental Abby! 15 33 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7096401035346 Aspidistra | Cast Iron Plant (L) Tucker Meet our new easy going green amigo: Tucker! A plant of little needs, Tucker mostly keeps to himself, although he is known for getting emotional during the National Anthem, he even knows the words off by heart. He told us he has a full scale version of the flag that he keeps tucked away between his leaves and only brings out for National Holidays. He keeps it perfectly folded thanks to a flag-folding tutorial that he found online. Tucker believes in freedom of speech...but only if you’re saying things that he’s okay with hearing. Okay so you wanted something big, something beautiful, without the hassle of having to care for it all the time? Meet the wonderful Cast Iron Plant! This tropical houseplant, or Aspidistra if that's your thing, is an impressively tough plant that is super hard to kill. Go ahead and take a long vacation, this plant won't mind! Just give it a nice spot with indirect light (no direct rays for this fella), and water occasionally, letting the excess moisture drip away. We love a low-maintenance amigo. 21 65 Low to Moderate Strong air purifier Anything but direct sunlight Non-toxic Every 3-4 years Every 2-3 months 6712797954130 Asplenium Nidus 'Antiquum' | Birds Nest Fern (S) Mowgli Besides amazing air purifying capabilities Mowgli is most comonly known for his wavy leaves. We've seen a bunch of girls looking in awe at those amazing locks of green. Did you know that those leaves will grow from the crown outward when a new leaf emerges? The Asplenium Crispy Wave Fern always has a big and full set of leaves because of it. His passport may say Asplenium Nidus but us friends just call him Mowgli. He has a tendency to just disappear into the jungle for a few days and nobody really knows where he hides. This is a plant that doesn't like to be in the spotlight and would rather choose an area with plenty of shade. That doesn't mean he doesn't love you! He will be producing amazing fresh air from his corner of the room to show his appreciation. Isn't that lovely! 10 32 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 6704159981650 Schefflera Trinette | Umbrella Plant (XL) Seth Shaka! That most respected hand greeting from the little patch of paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Hawaii. Seth comes from there - he was actually born in Australia but ended up in Hawaii (a story for another day) - and you only need to look at his hand-shaped leaves to know that this Dude's giving shakas, high fives and good vibes all day long. His sun-kissed blond highlights and good going nature mean that Surfer Seth is going to be happy wherever he ends up - and safe to say you will be too. Seth is a sun worshipper, except like every surfer that doesn't apply the Zinc, Seth can end up a little burned in the mid day sun. Ideally keep Seth in morning and evening direct light or just out of the direct sun in a nice bright spot in your room. Seth is pretty chill about watering frequency but keep his roots out of the water - he doesn't like wet feet! We know, its kinda strange for surfer to be like that, but whatev brah, to each his own! 25 85 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Once or twice a year 6663027032146 Dracaena Hawaiian Sunshine Bush (XL) Abel Abel knows a thing or two about sacrifices. He wakes up superultra early to take care of his farm, works way past sunset under direct sunlight, and still has time to keep everything going in Farmville and Harvest Moon. No wonder some people might envy him. Dracaena fragrans ‘Hawaiian Sunshine’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Hawaiian Sunshine, in particular, are known for their dark green leaves with a bright green stripe down the middle!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 100 Only a little Strong air purifyer Partial shade Lightly poisonous Once every two years Not needed 6642579767378 Calathea Orbifolia (L) Isabella Isabella's official name is Calathea Orbifolia and if that doesn't ring a bell, she's the real deal! Besides the fact that she's a stunning beautiy to look at, Isabella is also known as the princess of purifying! Her big beautiful leaves have no problem converting CO2 into Oxygen. But wait, there's more! Isabella is a non-poisonous plant so she plays real nice with your furry friends and little kids. Another fun fact; because her leaves are pretty strong, locals in South America often use them as packaging material for their freshly caught fish. We promised Isabella we wouldn't do that to her though, can you help us keep that promise? The Calathea Orbifolia is well-loved for its big striking leaves, but that's not to say it doesn't take a bit of work to keep them like that. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, by watering when the top inch of soil feels dry (and this diva prefers filtered water). Regular misting or using a pebble tray can help maintain the humidity levels this plant loves. Crispy, brown leaves are a sign of moisture issues or too much direct light, so be sure to spend some time getting to know your Calathea's signs of stress to keep this beauty thriving! 21 50 Frequent Strong air purifying No direct sunlight, shaded Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6608016146514 Dracaena Sanderiana | Ribbon Plant (S) Conrad His real name is Dracaena Sanderiana but over here he's just Conrad and he just got back from a spiritual trip to China to learn more about Feng Shui and the fine arts of Chinese metaphysics. He told us he learned that we all need to find peace and harmony between mankind and nature. Well amen brother, we're with you. Dracaena sanderiana is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena sanderiana are sometimes called “Ribbon Plants” or “Lucky Bamboo” because of their resemblance to bamboo. Ribbon Plants, in particular, are known for their bright, striped leaves!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 10 25 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6569953296466 Caladium | Postman Joyner (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 40 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4945909842002 Tillandsia Wallisia Cyanea (S) | Pink Quill Lahena Lahela looks like the kind of girl who belongs on a tropical island somewhere, flowers tucked in her hair, singing songs about her long-lost love -- and that’s exactly where we found her. On a warm, sunny island surrounded by lots and lots (and lots) of water, Lahela relaxed, waved in the breeze, and was so bored that her boredom turned into a burning hatred that built into a fiery passion that compounded with each passing second until there was nothing left for her to do but scream in internal rage at the very forces that placed her on that forsaken island in the first place. When we finally found her she was so excited to have company that we couldn’t leave her alone for more than a minute before she burst up, screaming, “Here’s Lahela!” to tell us the same story about the time she saw a cloud that looked like Kanye if she squinted and tilted her head back. Pretty weird right? We’re surprised you’re still reading! Lahela is a beautiful plant, with bright pink bracts that rise from her narrow, arched leaves like she’s popping up to greet you after you’ve spent the day hanging out with your other friends. Pink Quills like Lahela get their nutrients from the air so you need to mist her leaves in addition to watering her soil. She also thrives with physical support. In fact, you probably shouldn’t leave her alone for very long because it brings back bad memories and sends her into a really dark place. Also, don’t put up any pictures of Kanye in your home. Or anyone that looks like Kanye. 10 20 Frequent Low air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Non-toxic Not applicable None 4767760482386 Euphorbia Ammak | African Candelabra (L) Brandon Brandon’s that guy who comes to every party with his guitar so he can play everybody a song they never asked for. Brandon doesn’t talk much about anything that doesn’t focus on himself and his musical efforts. His favorite thing to show people (after his guitar of course) are the scars he’s gotten from playing the strings over the years. Brandon’s still bitter over his ex who ran away with the lead singer of his favorite band. He writes bitter-sweet songs that are actually pretty good but nobody has the heart to tell Brandon that she’s not coming back. The Euphorbia Ammak (African Golden Candelabra) can grow up to 10 meters tall! Wut! So if you don’t live in a place with high ceilings - outside might be a better option. The spines are brown and horn shaped and if given good conditions, Brandon will blossom with yellow-green flowers (and possibly a new song!) Brandon is pretty self-sufficient and doesn’t require much care other than your typical cactus care! Just note that Brandon doesn’t handle drought that well, or heartbreak for that matter, so weekly watering in the summer months may be in order. 21 48 Very little Not air purifying Bright, direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once every two months (spring, summer) 7387995766866 Ctenanthe Lubbersiana Golden | Mosaic Plant (M) Carlos Carlos is a great looking guy and has lots of charisma. How else would he get away with the fact that he rarely produces flowers? The lengths he'll go more than make up for it, though: give him space and he's gonna get big! The Ctenanthe Lubbersiana (previously Stromanthe Lubbersiana) is also known as the Mosaic Plant for its long, oval shaped variegated leaves. This Brazilian gem belongs to the Marantaceae family of prayer plants, meaning its leaves will dance up and down during the day and night. Typical of most tropical plants, the mosaic plant enjoys evenly moist soil and high humidity. Be sure to provide filtered water to eliminate chlorine, which can cause the leaves to brown. Place it in bright but diffused light to ensure proper growth. 10 22 Moderwate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 7268398858322 Pink Dynamo™ | Hydrangea Serrata (L) Leisl Innocent as a rose, this Hydrangea is! Leisl is the eldest of all her siblings (she can’t be bothered to count them all). She’s fascinated with moonlit rendezvous and trying her first taste of champagne. A bit boy crazy, Leisl makes up for it with her beauty and charming smile. What a doll! This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Meet the Pink Dynamo™ Mountain Hydrangea! This plant boasts vibrant pink flowers over dark foliage, making it an eye catching garden plant. Plant it in well-draining soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot in your garden. With its quick flowering, you'll have more time to enjoy its beauty, making it a perfect addition to any landscape. 20 30 7233735065682 Peperomia Caperata | Emerald Ripple (M) Robin Robin’s the eldest of the family - burly, broad chested, hot headed to a fault and struggles to see any other way that isn’t his. Nobody messes with his siblings because they know that Robin would dismantle them before they could say “wait, I’m sorry”. As menacing as Robin can be, his family knows that deep down he’s a softie who cried when Bella finally married Edward in the Twilight films. Of course this is a side to him that only his family will ever see, to the outside world he’s a force of nature not to be reckoned with. Unless you have a death wish of course - then he will happily grant it. The Peperomia Caperata is traditionally found in the rainforests of Brazil, meaning that in the home they would be best suited to similar conditions - high(er) humidity and a warm and cozy environment. Tropical Plants like the Emerald Ripple typically sit nestled under the canopy of trees in rainforests where direct light is mostly blocked. Peperomia Caperata would therefore prefer areas that get lots of indirect light. Caperata are very tolerant plants when it comes to your watering regiment and more easily killed from over-watering than from forgetfulness to water. A sign of too much water will be black or mushy stems and drooping leaves which are direct consequences of soggy soil. Make sure to water sparingly when the top few inches of soil are fully dried out and keep your peperomia in a pot with proper drainage for the best results. 15 24 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 7162596130898 Zamioculcas Black Raven | ZZ Plant (L) Dalton All good Westerns have a scene where there's a gunfight between a badass dude dressed head to toe in black with rough-hewn good looks, a glint in his eye and a wicked fast draw and some other guy dressed in beige. Dalton is that badass guy. One look at him and you'll get it. He is dark and brooding and tough as steel. But don't let his "anti-hero" status concern you. Dalton is really easy to have around, so easy in fact that he might even help you folding laundry or doing the dishes - we recommend that you keep your six shooter locked and out of reach however! Introducing the Zamioculcas Black Raven. This dark and mysterious plant is a true gem among houseplants. With leaves that shift from bright green to striking violet-purple black, this variety adds a touch of intrigue to any space. He's not your run-of-the-mill houseplant; he's considered "rare" for a reason! However, despite his unique looks, this variety is surprisingly low-maintenance and likes to be cared for as if he was just any ol' ZZ! Just find him a cozy spot with indirect light, and let his soil dry out a bit between waterings. Go team easy! 21 40 Infrequent Low air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7105280933970 Summer | Pink and Purple Flowering Coco Coir Hanging Basket (XL) Summer *Colours and varieties may vary from image. Meet Summer, the fiery persona behind this blooming basket. Hotter than a jalapeño and sweeter than a peach, this gal's got more energy than a hummingbird on caffeine. It's a weird analogy because hummingbirds don't drink caffeine, but it also kinda makes sense. She's practically invented the 'work from home' revolution and has been tending to her basket from her balcony for years. You grow girl! This stunning coco coir basket is a delightful explosion of color that will brighten up any space. The basket measures 14 inches in diameter and will soon be overflowing with an exquisite combination of petunias, calibrachoas, and verbenas. Petunias are known for their trumpet-shaped blooms that come in a variety of vibrant colors. Calibrachoas, also known as Million Bells and produce small, bell-shaped flowers in bright hues that resemble mini petunias. Verbenas are equally showy, with clusters of tiny blooms in shades of light pink.  This basket will be delivered to you with some flowers but it will continue to grow and produce an even more impressive display of color. With proper care, these flowers will last all season long, providing a constant source of joy and beauty in your garden or patio. 36 45 6933426962514 Epipremnum Pinnatum Green (S) Carrie Give a plant the right pair of shoes (plus a cheeseburger and a Cosmo), and she will conquer the world! No stranger to life in the limelight, Carrie's become a beacon of wisdom to young, impressionable plants - especially when it comes to high fashion, relationships, and anything in between. She has her besties and loves them fiercely, and also has no qualms whatsoever with writing about them in her blog: Stems and the City. Ngl… we’re huge fans! Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and are fast growers. If you have a low light space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos plant is the one for you. Seriously. The Epipremnum Pinnatum will thrive in most indoor lighting conditions and low maintenance when it comes to humidity. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrrrrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Pothos plants as Devil’s Ivy but they’re not a fan of that nickname… 10 15 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6874365526098 Coleus Fifth Avenue (S) Cersei When you ask Cersei what is most important to her in all of Westeros, she’ll answer with 3 things: power, beauty, and family (perhaps a bit excessively). Don’t ask her to recreate her family tree unless you want nausea and a headache. She’s a bit too paranoid for our taste, but she makes up for it by always creating juicy drama for the court to feast upon. 10/10 would vote for Cersei! Coleus are also called Painted Nettle or Poor Man's Croton and simply stunning garden plants to look at. The Coleus is an easy going (and growing) plant that does well both in garden beds and containers. Coleus come in a variety of different colours and shapes and are tolerant to shade or areas of your garden/patio that receive indirect light. Water frequently and keep the soil constantly moist. Coleus do not like winter conditions though and are prone to dying in frost. A stunning annual that is a great addition to any garden. 10 20 6874363297874 Coleus Burgundy Wedding Train (S) Cersei When you ask Cersei what is most important to her in all of Westeros, she’ll answer with 3 things: power, beauty, and family (perhaps a bit excessively). Don’t ask her to recreate her family tree unless you want nausea and a headache. She’s a bit too paranoid for our taste, but she makes up for it by always creating juicy drama for the court to feast upon. 10/10 would vote for Cersei! Coleus are also called Painted Nettle or Poor Man's Croton and simply stunning garden plants to look at. The Coleus is an easy going (and growing) plant that does well both in garden beds and containers. Coleus come in a variety of different colours and shapes and are tolerant to shade or areas of your garden/patio that receive indirect light. Water frequently and keep the soil constantly moist. Coleus do not like winter conditions though and are prone to dying in frost. A stunning annual that is a great addition to any garden. 10 20 6869776859218 Stromanthe Sanguinea (M) Sia Sia is a magician! Not only can she turn sunshine into oxygen—which doesn’t make for good television—she can also do cool things, like ride motorcycles into the Grand Canyon and levitate between tall buildings. Sia is a one of a kind, generation defining plant. She was even named Sanguinea of the Century by the International Sanguinea Society (who were not available for comment at the time of this write up). The only people who won’t like Sia are people whose friends she might impress with her sick magic tricks. Bippity, boppity, keep track of your boo. While some plant families harbour thousands of family members, others are relatively small. The Stromanthe tropical house plant family is of the latter kind and consists of roughly ten different varieties, of which the Stromanthe Sanguinea is one. Close relatives of prayer plants, Stromanthe plants are native to South America and do well in partial shade or indirect light. They do not tolerate sunlight so stay away from south facing windows. Stromanthe plants do flower from time to time but it's an infrequent sight. Keep her soil moist at all times and fertilize about once a month in spring and summer for the best results.  15 38 6869695627346 Dianthus Kahori (S) Maisie Move over Emma Stone—Maisie’s the new ray of sunshine on the block. She’s dazzling, energetic, and will charm your socks off (literally… we don’t know where any of our socks have gone). She’s kind of like if a golden retriever was a human, but a plant. We love pulling Maisie into awkward situations to watch her work her magic. One moment everyone is “wow, that’s crazy”-ing, and the next moment, they’re planning their first annual besties trip to Tulum. Thanks, Maisie! We’ll keep ya around. Dianthus Kahori are beautiful flowering plants that produce blooms that last for months at a time. This drought tolerant garden plant produces deep pink flowers of a lovely fragran ce that attracts butterflies. The Dianthus is resistant to deer and best placed in a spot where it receives plenty of sunlight. Water when the soil starts to dry out and place in well draining soil mix for the best results. Dianthus are winter hardy to about -25 degrees celsius.  10 15 6853622759506 Pothos Jade Pearl (L) Aurora Aura's chill sister, Aurora is the laid-back one. Sure, like all Epipremnum Aureum (that's her royalty name), Aurora digs being in the spotlight, but not if that means direct sunlight or paparazzi flashes. Kind of like the Pippa to Aura's Kate. You grow, girl! Aurora is the nerdy type who loves to read about what NASA is up to these days. In fact, she was even featured in a viral NASA article once, about air purifying plants! Like most nerds, Aurora too hates to leave the house, and would rather have her sunlight filtered through a window. Otherwise, if you give her a lot of light, Aurora will wither like a vampire in the sun, or that kid in school that one time his crush caught him doing the Spock Hand Sign (cue sad trombone sound effect). 21 28 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6848367394898 Rosemary Bush (L) Sybil Sybil is a homely wench who enjoys spending time with her cat in the English countryside. She knows her way around a stew, and she’s popular with the townsfolk for whipping up an “herbal remedy” from time to time. She’s basically what cottagecore dreams are made of. Thankfully this isn’t the 1600s, or she’d for sure be burned at the stake. Anyway… was it a love potion you needed? Just come ‘round back then, poppet. The Rosemary is known (and loved) as a garden patio plant for its fragrance and culinary use. This beautiful plant is part of the  Lamiaceae (or 'mint') family of plants, just like many other herbs such as basil and lavender plants. These fragrant mediterranean herb plants don't typically do well in frost but can survive mild winter temperatures up to about -7 degrees celsius. If you keep yours in the garden year round be sure to protect it from cold damage in winter months. If it gets very cold where you live, make sure to bring your plant indoors. You can even transplant into a pot if your rosemary is planted in your garden. Make sure to do that in late fall, before the real cold sets in. Rosemary plants like lots of sunlight and cooler temperatures so find the brightest spot in the house. 20 50 6848359891026 Caladium White Wonder (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 17 30 6784228130898 Senecio Radicans | String of Bananas (S) Ana Just like her trailing leaves, Ana loves to go with the flow. But it wasn't always like that. After years of grinding away in a cubicle with way too much shade and not enough sun she left corporate life behind her and bought a food truck. Now Ana gets to do what she's always wanted—travel to new places, hang out and sell organic, gluten-free, non-GMO banana bread at local farmer's markets. Her former co-workers say she went bananas but we think Ana is living her best life. You grow girl! The Senecio Radicans is a cute little trailing plant that needs very little care. She doesn't mind your 'oops, I totally forgot to water the plants' attitude and will grow more banana strings at lightning speed. Ana's low maintenance attitude make her perfect for the beginner plant parent. You can expect her leaves to grow fast so don't be affraid to test those new pruning sheers you bought! Ana's a perfect guinea pig to test that DIY-haircut you were going to give yourself. With Ana, anything grows! 10 13 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 6569950183506 Caladium | Burning Heart (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 40 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4586688249938 Calathea Misto (M) Susie Susie drinks her coffee like a connoisseur! Two shots of espresso, extra hot, with a dash of foamed milk (non skim of course). When we told Gino about Susie's affection for the Java his eyes lit up! He hasn't stopped asking us if we can move him to a shelf closer to Susie. Should we do it? Calathea's are beautiful plants that come in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes even we are surprised! This Calathea Misto wasn't known to us until she knocked on our door but boy are we happy to welcome Susie to the party. Susie isn't as colourful as some of her sisters but she makes up for it with beautiful big leaves that never seem to stop growing. A calathea worth loving! 15 30 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4564072038482 Tradescantia Zebrina | Wandering Plant (M) Sylvie Like the bully who stole your lunch in school used to say, less is more! Sylvie is small but has a beautiful voluptuous canopy that makes her stunningly good at cleaning the air. She is lightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Sylvie is not a huge fan of the sun, so put her in a shaded area and give her some H20 every week or so!. "Try a small one for size" is Sylvie's motto. Even though she's tiny, Sylvie will give you immense delight with her beautiful leaves that shine in majestic colorful combinations. She left us hypnotized! If you're not afraid of some mystique in your home, Sylvie is your girl. What a great, small plant! 15 25 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 7338126934098 Red Anthurium (S) Lanira Lanira is not even a closed book. She’s a sealed vault. She never says anything past a few words. She’s one of those plants who can tell an entire story with just her facial expressions. But she’ll never tell you her own story. The only reason anybody knows her name is because she lost her purse with her I.D once. When you meet her for the first time you might think she’s mute and Lanira likes to keep it that way, so if you could kindly stop talking that would be much appreciated. Be more like Lanira, and observe, just look and listen you know? People do not hide what they don’t know is on show and Lanira sees all! The Anthurium, much like the Philodendron, is a big family of plants and just like all big families, there's one star that shines the brightest. Enter Anthurium Andraenum or if that's to much of a tongue twister; the Flamingo Lily. This beautiful lady is originally found in places like Equador and Colombia but quickly won over the hearts of many plant parents all over the world. She's easy to care for and produces long lasting bright beautiful lily like flowers. Such a beauty! 10 28 7240165130322 Hydrangea | Little Quick Fire® | Hydrangea Paniculata (L) | Proven Winners® Maria For Maria, life is simple. Frolicking and singing are her two favourite hobbies. You can entrust your children to her care 100% of the time, and they might return with only a few bruises and scratches (from excess frolicking, of course). They’ll probably be humming “Doe a deer” for the rest of the week as well. After all, the hills are alive… with the sound OF music. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. A dwarf version of best-selling Quick Fire® hydrangea. It has the same early bloom time as the original Quick Fire®, but this dwarf cultivar is about one third the size. The flowers quickly age to a deep burgundy red before other varieties even start to bloom. The compact habit makes it a great choice for extending the season in smaller landscapes and container gardens. 21 30 7146018832466 Artificial Areca Palm Marty Marty is a Palm from Central America. Where does Artificial Marty come from? That’s a secret we’ll never tell. Although he doesn’t help clear the air, you won’t have to worry about water or light with this faux amigo. He just wants to be a part of the fun. Marty is as Marty does! Soak up some tropical beauty anywhere in your home with this beautiful faux Areca palm. At just over 5 feet tall, this palm adds the perfect tropical ambience to your home whether it’s in the corner or placed front and center. The deep green fronds and upright shape is the ideal combination for drawing the eye upward. No care is required, so this artificial plant is ready to go into any home! 20 120 7131824783442 Hibiscus (M) Kalei Aloha! Meet Kalei, our most colourful islander. She’s always got a flower in her hair and shells around her ankles. Kalei enjoys preserving the beauty of her home, befriending the local wildlife, and exploring the wonders of the sea. Don’t be shocked if you see her using waterfalls as a slide or cruising with the Honu—that’s the way we do things on the Big Island! If Disney characters were real, she’d 100% give Lilo and Moana a run for their money. Adding a Hibiscus plant is our favourite way of adding a tropical vibe to your patios and gardens! These beauties are the perfect flowering plant to add colour and vibrancy to any outdoor setting. Hibiscus care is fairly easy: the perennial Hibiscus does best in full sun outdoors, with frequent watering during the hot summer months and well draining soil. Bring your plant indoors over the winter months to prevent freezing. It’s likely easiest to keep your plant potted rather than planted in a garden bed to ensure you can bring it inside when temperatures cool down. These tropical plants do like to be slightly rootbound in their pots as well, so hold back on repotting right away! Hibiscus flowers are known to bloom for a short period of time—typically, only 1 to 2 days. While the individual blooms are short lived, they will continue to flower repeatedly from spring until fall. 15 50 7058877546578 Citrus Tangerine (L) Li Xiu Li Xiu has one dream: to be dipped at the end of a tense, dramatic salsa dance in such a way that it solidifies the undying devotion between her and her dance partner. The dance floor should be clouded in mist and a burning spotlight should bathe Li Xiu and her partner in a yellow glow, highlighting the sweat glistening on her oranges. Everyone’s holding their breath. The judges score them a TEN out of TEN! They’ve never seen such a display of talent and passion. And, even though Li Xui is disqualified for being a tree, her performance lives on forever in the minds of spectators (as the reason many of them gave up alcohol). Some people glance suspiciously at their drinks on the way out. What a show! Tangerine plants are known for their sweet and easy to peel fruit, and also for being a great indoor plant. Tangerine trees prefer warm temperatures and bright, indirect light. Water the plant when the top inch or so of soil is dry to the touch and fertilize every 4-6 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Tangerine trees are small to medium-sized trees but they can still reach a height of up to 15 feet! In order for your citrus trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 21 55 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 7058876727378 Citrus Persian Lime (L) Limena Meet Limena, the citrus Persian lime. Limena may be small in size, but packs a big punch of flavor. A bit of a sourpuss at first, but once you get to know him, you'll find he has a zesty and refreshing personality. He's the life of the party, always adding a little spark to any dish he's in. Just don't leave him unattended for too long, or he'll start to pucker up. But even then, he's still the go-to guy for a classic Margarita Persian Lime plants originate from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and therefore prefer warm temperatures and higher humidity. These fruity fellas require plenty of sunlight, so a south or west-facing window would be ideal. When it comes to watering, it's important to not over-water as they are susceptible to root rot. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Also, fertilize your Persian lime plant every 2-3 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Oh and did you know Persian limes are known for their thin skin and high juice content? It makes them a top choice for culinary use! In order for these fruit bearing trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 21 55 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6854309118034 Hoya Obovata | Wax Plant (M) Ricardo Tanned. Chiseled chest. Hips of a god. Rhythm of the Devil - Ricardo will make any woman’s knees weak and a few men uncomfortably intrigued. Ricardo rolls his “r”s like the ocean rolls in tides and he stops to dance only until the sun has come up. Ricardo’s from a tropical part of the world with a name you can never properly pronounce. Legend has it he learnt to salsa before he learnt to walk and his first word was “Olé!” Hoyas are popular plants because of their relatively easy going character. But there are Hoyas, and then there's the Hoya Obovata. Consider yourself lucky if they are available as these beauties rarely come up. Its leaves are larger than found on most other Hoyas and more striking thanks to the unique oval shape and subtle variegation. Hoyas require little in the way of care. Their leaves naturally store excess water which means the plant doesn't need as much of it. Water only when the top 2 inches of soil has dried out and keep your Hoya in a bright spot where it gets partial sun for the best growth. 15 27 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 4812069863506 Senecio Radicans | String of Beans (M) Ana Just like her trailing leaves, Ana loves to go with the flow. But it wasn't always like that. After years of grinding away in a cubicle with way too much shade and not enough sun she left corporate life behind her and bought a food truck. Now Ana gets to do what she's always wanted—travel to new places, hang out and sell organic, gluten-free, non-GMO banana bread at local farmer's markets. Her former co-workers say she went bananas but we think Ana is living her best life. You grow girl! The Senecio Radicans is a cute little trailing plant that needs very little care. She doesn't mind your 'oops, I totally forgot to water the plants' attitude and will grow more banana strings at lightning speed. Ana's low maintenance attitude make her perfect for the beginner plant parent. You can expect her leaves to grow fast so don't be affraid to test those new pruning sheers you bought! Ana's a perfect guinea pig to test that DIY-haircut you were going to give yourself. With Ana, anything grows! 15 18 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 7150019543122 Hoya Macrophylla | Latifolia Variegata | Wax Plant (M) Hobbes Heads up, plant parents! Our recent batch of these green amigos are a lot more green than variegated. They will look slightly different from the photos!Hobbes doesn’t do small talk. He’s got layers baby and he’s not afraid to show them. If you’re in the mood to debate the origins of Western thought or listen to a lecture on human consciousness, our Hobbes is the plant for you. He may be a bit slow to grow, but when he sets his mind to something he does it with purpose. Hobbes is a trailing plant whose leaves are slightly dark around the edges. We think that’s what gives him his depth of character and we’re here for it. A key figure in the age of enlightenment, Hobbes is a huge fan of bright indirect light and stimulating conversation. He’s not a heavy drinker either, which is a plus in our books! Hoya Latifolia Variegata, also known as Variegated Wax Plant, is a stunning tropical vine renowned for its attractive foliage. This hoya variety features lush, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with elegant splashes of creamy white and vibrant green. These amigos love bright, indirect light and for their soil to dry out a bit before watering. 15 25 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 7119142617170 Artificial Monstera Deliciosa | Swiss Cheese Plant 11L Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Alfredo the Monstera Deliciosa is also known as the Swiss cheese plant. This artificial monstera has big, beautiful leaves with holes known as fenestration (we promise they’re supposed to be there)! Monsteras usually like to climb or spread out, but with this artificial plant, you can rest easy knowing he will always look picture perfect. A famous and highly sought after plant, this faux version gives anyone the opportunity to enjoy its tropical vibes. Tuck Alfredo into your bedroom or living room for the ultimate finishing touch to your space. 21 66 7099630420050 Mandevilla | Rocktrumpet (L) Janelle Janelle is boisterous, she’s passionate, she’s fiery and she’ll shout it from the rooftops. She’s always singing and finding musical instruments in whatever is around her. Don’t be surprised when she grabs your chopsticks mid-sushi-bite and starts doing a drum solo on the table. Some may say she’s obnoxious, but we’re into that. The Mandevilla, otherwise known as the rocktrumpet, is a vigorous bloomer and will reward you with colorful flowers in the summer and fall. These plants love to climb, and pair well with a trellis, or other structure they can climb. Because of their vining and climbing ways, they can also go in a hanging basket! Keep your Mandevilla in a location with plenty of sunlight (at least 6-8 hours), while protecting it from the harshest afternoon rays. The soil should stay moist, and it should be pruned once a year for the best results! 21 40 6882260254802 Tradescantia Zebrina | Wandering Plant (M-5in) Sylvie Like the bully who stole your lunch in school used to say, less is more! Sylvie is small but has a beautiful voluptuous canopy that makes her stunningly good at cleaning the air. She is lightly poisonous, so be careful with pets. Sylvie is not a huge fan of the sun, so put her in a shaded area and give her some H20 every week or so!. "Try a small one for size" is Sylvie's motto. Even though she's tiny, Sylvie will give you immense delight with her beautiful leaves that shine in majestic colorful combinations. She left us hypnotized! If you're not afraid of some mystique in your home, Sylvie is your girl. What a great, small plant! 13 20 Moderate Light Bright, Indirect to Medium Toxic Once every year Monthly 6870820454482 Coleus Broad Street (S) Cersei When you ask Cersei what is most important to her in all of Westeros, she’ll answer with 3 things: power, beauty, and family (perhaps a bit excessively). Don’t ask her to recreate her family tree unless you want nausea and a headache. She’s a bit too paranoid for our taste, but she makes up for it by always creating juicy drama for the court to feast upon. 10/10 would vote for Cersei! Coleus are also called Painted Nettle or Poor Man's Croton and simply stunning garden plants to look at. The Coleus is an easy going (and growing) plant that does well both in garden beds and containers. Coleus come in a variety of different colours and shapes and are tolerant to shade or areas of your garden/patio that receive indirect light. Water frequently and keep the soil constantly moist. Coleus do not like winter conditions though and are prone to dying in frost. A stunning annual that is a great addition to any garden. 10 20 6862448296018 Ophiopogon Planiscapus Nigrescens | Black Mondo Grass (L) Brad Those of us at Plantsome HQ haven’t had a bad hair day since Brad’s been in the house. Fresh out of the Aveda Institute, Brad will groom each of your hairs with tender love and care. And if it’s beyond saving? Well, that’s what razors are for. We love Brad despite his (sometimes ruthless) critique, but it’s nice to have someone tell it like it is when plant parenthood takes precedence. Despite his constant gum popping, it’s never landed in our hair… and that’s a win in our books. The Ophiopogon Planiscapus Nigrescens, or Black Mondo Grass, AKA Brad, is an awesome addition to any garden with its beautiful purple-black foliage. Low-growing, these tufts spread outwards and make a great base for landscaping projects, or for garden coverage. The Black Mondo Grass is an easy-care garden plant that will do well in full sun or partial shade. They like evenly moist soil, so be sure to water it at least once a week! This plant will form pink blooms in late spring to early summer as well—what more could you ask for?! 20 20 6757684904018 Philodendron Hastatum | Silver Sword (M) Phil Phil’s your typical nice guy. Doesn’t rock the boat. Even if he was caught in a canoe in the middle of a tsunami. He always lets people merge on the highway and carries around a personalised flask that reads “Phlask”. He’s in work at 8:59am - no later - and never turns down working over time because “it’s a team effort”. Phil has the same thing for lunch, a cheese and ham sandwich, an apple and water. He might put a little mayo in there if he’s feeling daring. Phil’s never been great at relationships, they always end up leaving him for more exciting guys. Somebody needs to tell Phil that a first date to a pigeon gallery isn’t exactly anybody's idea of thrilling. Can you just sit down with him please? This Philodendron is somewhat unique. With its leaves shaped like swords or knives. They grow best in medium light, though if this is not possible then lower light levels will suffice. All in all, a pretty easy plant to take care of, that is if you water it correctly (when soil is dry) and fertilize around once a month during the spring and summer growing season. Can you handle that? Of course you can!   15 32 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4859531526226 Sansevieria Moonshine | Snake Plant (L) Luna Luna is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Luna is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Luna and you'll have a happy plant! Luna also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Luna does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Moonshine is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Luna can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Luna is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Luna doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Luna hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Luna really popular. us purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juiccccce. 21 40 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 4773002903634 Fittonia Albivenis | White Nerve Plant (S) Chad Chad is the epitome of a gym bro. He’s in the gym every day working out and knows everyone there. “Hey Patrick whatsup bro! Can you spot me real quick?” Chad loves to party but only if it’s near a beach or at least beach themed so he can attend with his shirt off. On the off-chance that Chad goes to a normal party, he’ll wear the tightest thing he can find because “gotta show off the gains, bro”. The worst day of Chad’s life was when he went to the gym and somebody swiped his protein flask. Daf*k! He went into a rage and posted on social media a reward for anybody who could bring it back to him and identify the culprit. His exact caption on the video was “Haters gonna hate. Gainers gonna gain." Fittonia a.k.a The White Nerve plant is known for...wait for it...the white veins that beautifully contrast against the green leaves. You wouldn't think it would you! One could even say that the brighter the white veins, the more “fit (tonia)” the plant is, probably from all those pull ups that Chad does in the gym. But just like when you're doing those burpees, hydration is key here! Chad needs his water, if Chad doesn’t get enough water for his gains he'll faint and wilt on the spot. Chad loves bright, indirect light, not just because it’s perfect for gym selfies but also it’s great for his leaves. As Chad is originally from Peru, a nice, humid atmosphere would be appreciated - maybe in a bathroom or a kitchen windowsill. 10 12 Moderate Not a strong air purifier Low light Once every two years Monthly in summer 7382313500754 Alocasia Lauterbachiana | Purple Sword (S) Adonis Adonis is a Filipino name meaning “extremely good looking” and “lord”. Adonis thinks Adonis embodies both these qualities perfectly. He sees himself sailing the Pacific with the wind in his leaves: King of the Ocean, Lord of the Seas. He’s a swashbuckling pirate at heart, rescuing damsels in distress and sword fighting bad guys. Anger him and he’ll challenge you to a midnight duel. (This is, sadly, why we’ve stopped hiring interns. Rest in peace, Steven.) Adonis, a.k.a. The Purple Sword, is an Alocasia plant with long, spear-like leaves. He hails from the tropics, so he likes warmth and indirect sun. Mist his leaves, keep his soil moist, and, if you have pets, be careful because he’s toxic to ingest. Adonis apologizes in advance for any trouble but he can’t help his dangerous ways. You can’t give a plant a body like his and expect him not to use it. 10 35 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7245930987602 Aurora Borealis ™ | Rosa (L) Kelly Kelly is just happy to be here. She’ll bloom wherever she is planted (metaphorically) and brighten up anyone’s day who is lucky enough to come across her. Kelly will be your perfect garden, porch, or patio plant if you let her. And trust us, you’ll be thankful you did! This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. The Aurora Borealis® Rose showcases clusters of double, sunset pink flowers reminiscent of the dancing lights of the aurora. With a compact mounded habit, it's hardy and disease-resistant, perfect for massing in the garden. Blooming from late spring to mid-fall, its coral-pink flowers with rose overtones and gold eyes are excellent for cutting and bouquets. Featuring dark green foliage edged in burgundy, it adds a vibrant touch to any landscape. Growing to about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, it thrives in full sunlight and well-draining soil. 20 30 7243987320914 Moonrock® | Hydrangea Paniculata (L) Buzz What’s all this hubbub over what’s above us? I see a bird, I see a plane, and I see the vast blue sky. Everything we need is down here! These people, man. They live their lives with their head in the clouds. Reality check, bud: there’s nothing cool out there. Why not smell the hydrangeas while you still can? This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Introducing Moonrock®, the perfect addition to elevate your outdoor space! Its creamy blooms with an intense lime-green center add a funky yet elegant touch to any garden. This outdoor plant is popular due to its easy-care nature, and for its hardiness, as this plant will do fine in hardiness zones 3 - 8. Plant in full sun and this plant can grow 4-6ft high and wide! 20 30 6876325937234 Laurus Nobilis | Bay Laurel (S) Bae You know the saying you are what you eat, well in the case of the beautiful bay, that means a vitamin rich, anti fatigue, aromatic soup-and-tea-making superfood. That's right, this Bay Laurel is not just for looks, the edible multi-purpose leaves are a must have in every kitchen. Bay laurel plants are easily kept in a pot but can be planted as well. When put directly in soil, these plants can reach heights of up to 40 or even 50 feet tall. Bay laurels need not be kept in moist soil so let the top few inches of your pot dry out before watering again. In your garden this edible plant will grow well in a variety of soils but be sure to provide proper drainage and let the soil dry out somewhat before watering again. Laurus Nobilis is winter hardy up to about -5 degrees celsius. When potted you can bring the plant indoors through winter but be sure to give it a bright spot away from drafts and heat sources. Bay laurel plants are not pet friendly so be careful with your furry friends. 10 20 6874365755474 Coleus Wall Street (S) Cersei When you ask Cersei what is most important to her in all of Westeros, she’ll answer with 3 things: power, beauty, and family (perhaps a bit excessively). Don’t ask her to recreate her family tree unless you want nausea and a headache. She’s a bit too paranoid for our taste, but she makes up for it by always creating juicy drama for the court to feast upon. 10/10 would vote for Cersei! Coleus are also called Painted Nettle or Poor Man's Croton and simply stunning garden plants to look at. The Coleus is an easy going (and growing) plant that does well both in garden beds and containers. Coleus come in a variety of different colours and shapes and are tolerant to shade or areas of your garden/patio that receive indirect light. Water frequently and keep the soil constantly moist. Coleus do not like winter conditions though and are prone to dying in frost. A stunning annual that is a great addition to any garden. 10 20 6870865969234 Caladium | Florida Fantasy (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6724444913746 Epipremnum Pinnatum | Cebu Blue Pothos (S) Ocean Ocean believes in the power of plants and is on a mission to spread the word! You know those friends who always have a story up on social media telling you to care more about their worthwhile cause? That’s Ocean for ya in a nutshell and we applaud her philanthropy. Every year for her birthday she asks us to make a sizeable donation to her favourite charity instead of buying a gift, and we're better people for it! Her instagram bio claims that she’s a lover not a fighter but this resilient gal will be the first to throw hands (or stems) before ever backing down from an argument. But forreal, Ocean is someone to keep in your corner and that’s all we have to say about that! Other than the fact that Pothos plants are virtually impossible to kill, it’s also pretty neat that they come in so many different varieties and grow at lightning speed. If you have a dark space that you want to turn into a jungle oasis, the Pothos is your new bff. Seriously. Ocean can hang with most indoor lighting conditions and isn’t too fussy about humidity. She’ll also purify the air in your home, so you can breathe easy breezy. Pothos plants do prefer their soil on the moist side, but are verrrrrry drought resistant. Some people refer to Ocean and her amigos as Devil’s Ivy but she’s not a fan of that nickname (we learned the hard way, see above). 10 20 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6642577277010 Calathea Medallion (L) Sophia Just like her sisters, Sophia is a part of the Calathea Family and originates from Brazil. To be precise, Sophia is a Medallion. Her massive leaves makes her massively good at cleaning the air. Sophia is kind to pets and small children and loves long walks in the sun. With some sun and some shade she's at her best. What's truly remarkable about her is the closing of her leaves at sundown and the opening at sunrise. She welcomes the world with open leaves every day. What a great example for all of us just-one-more-minute snoozers. The Calathea Medallion thrives in indirect sunlight and humid conditions. Keep its soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, watering when the top inch of soil is dry and letting any excess water drain out. Avoid direct sunlight with this amigo to prevent leaf damage. Calatheas take in a lot of moisture through their leaves, so regular misting or placing a humidity tray nearby will keep this beauty happy! 21 47 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6625121632338 Sansevieria Sayuri | Snake Plant (XL) Nagini New to this whole plant thing? Look no further, Nagini will quickly become an unforgettable (and totally forgettable) companion. She’s great at making each and every one of us here at Plantsome feel like the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named of plant parenting. Aka, ultra powerful plant megalomaniacs. Anywho, since she’s basically immortal, Nagini is very chill when it comes to her needs. She’ll be fine in a low light corner or near a bright, south-facing window. This being said, we always want Nagini feeling her snakiest self, and recommend you scale it back with the watering. Also, avoid fertilizer, and honestly, don’t make direct eye contact. Trust us on this last one… The Sansevieria Sayuri is also known as the snake plant. When it comes to caring for any members of the Sansevieria family, we think it best to have a “set it and forget it” mentality. This popular house plant can be left alone for weeks on end, doesn’t require much sunlight, and loves to dry out completely between waterings. Just keep Nagini away from your pets as her venom can get a bit poisonous. All in all this African plant is truly a breeze to maintain -  Nagini will purify the heck out of the air in your home, and it’ll almost make you forget about the whole Voldemort debacle. We said almost!! 27 65 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6594296283218 Caladium | Florida Sweetheart (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 36 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 6586371506258 Gardenia Standard (XL) Grace Cream coloured blouses, secret shopping sprees, red lipstick, Chanel N°5, and a kitchen painted sage green. Grace always has a book in her hand, buys fresh flowers from the market, and never ever forgets to write you a birthday card. She is equal parts sophisticated, spiritual, and sharp as a tack. Grace has her sh*t together, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t require attention, in fact, Gardenias need diligent care in order to produce those famed fragrant flowers. Indoor gardenias thrive in 15-20 degree temperatures, moderate to high humidity and bright direct sunlight for at least half the day. Gardenia's are stunning but be careful with pets and kids as the Gardenia plant is toxic. Gardenia are also quite prone to pests so look over their leaves frequently. 25 120 Frequent Moderate Bright, indirect light Toxic Every 2-3 years Every three weeks in the spring and summer 6541783892050 Vriesea Christiane | Flaming Sword (S) Juanita Juanita isn't fussy, he's easy going. We all have that one friend that only orders 'off' the menu and asks for gluten free, organic, dairy free, soy free, nut free, non GMO ice cream. Juanita is not that girl. Little Juanita here just likes minding her own business tending to her... flower? Anyway...She doesn't need the spotlight (direct sun) and isn't keen on plant food (fertilizer) either. Just keep her in a bright spot somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the window sill where all the other plants live. Gracias! The Flaming Sword over here has many Bromeliad brothers and sisters, but she likes to think her star shines the brightest. To keep her shining bright, place her in bright, indirect sunlight and water her sparingly, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. J ust take us to Lala Land already! 10 20 7392268353618 Nephrolepis Exaltata | Boston Tiger Fern (S) Carl This beautiful and special fern is originally from New Zealand and South-East Asia but his name is Greek. 'Nephros' is Greek for Kidney and 'Lepsis' translates to 'scale'. The Greek refer to the scale of this plant that have a 'kidney like' shape to them. It takes a bit of fantasy, we agree but it makes for a good story. Carl is a thirsty dude so be sure to water him plenty of time. Carl is not poisonous and doesn't need any plant food. The Plantsome app will help with his watering needs. Easy! Carl is the ultimate green houseplant. He has a full head of bright green leaves and easy to maintain. Easy to take care of and great at purifying the air, too. Another mouthful, his real name is Nephrolepsis but he's often called the Boston Fern. Some say he studied at Harvard and got a degree in frond management.  10 20 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright but no direct sunlight Non-toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 7384971706450 Alocasia Antoro Velvet (S) | African Mask Plant Richard Richard’s the definition of suave. He’s got the mustache from the 80’s, with all the chivalry of a white knight. Smooth as can be, he’ll have you giggling and kicking your feet before you know what hit you. Our Richard is calm in the face of danger, whether it’s your father or a purse snatcher. No matter the case, he’ll always get you home by curfew. The Alocasia Antoro Velvet, or African Mask plant, has arrow-shaped leaves with a deep, rich green, almost black coloration. The veins are typically bright, silvery white and the leaves have a very soft, velvety texture. Similar to other Alocasias, the Antoro Velvet likes warm temperatures with high humidity, bright, indirect sunlight, and moist soil. 10 20 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 7272964096082 Calathea Orbifolia (XL) Isabella Isabella's official name is Calathea Orbifolia and if that doesn't ring a bell, she's the real deal! Besides the fact that she's a stunning beautiy to look at, Isabella is also known as the princess of purifying! Her big beautiful leaves have no problem converting CO2 into Oxygen. But wait, there's more! Isabella is a non-poisonous plant so she plays real nice with your furry friends and little kids. Another fun fact; because her leaves are pretty strong, locals in South America often use them as packaging material for their freshly caught fish. We promised Isabella we wouldn't do that to her though, can you help us keep that promise? The Calathea Orbifolia is well-loved for its big striking leaves, but that's not to say it doesn't take a bit of work to keep them like that. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, by watering when the top inch of soil feels dry (and this diva prefers filtered water). Regular misting or using a pebble tray can help maintain the humidity levels this plant loves. Crispy, brown leaves are a sign of moisture issues or too much direct light, so be sure to spend some time getting to know your Calathea's signs of stress to keep this beauty thriving! 21 50 Frequent Strong air purifying No direct sunlight, shaded Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7243983585362 Thuja Occidentalis | Brandon Cedar (L) Stanley Stanley is a big, bossy Thuja plant who loves to tower over everyone else in the garden. He's a bit of a show-off, but he's also a softie at heart, always happy to lend a branch to lean on or a place to hang out and chill. He's a real "tree-mendous" friend to have around, and his deep roots and timeless wisdom make him the perfect plant to have on your side when life gets a little too wild. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Meet the Brandon Cedar, a hardy Pyramid cedar variety! With their rich forest green hue and dense, cone shape, they're a great hedging plant. You can keep them at 5-6 ft for privacy, or let them soar up to 20 ft. for shade benefits. Give them a yearly trim for a neat, snow-ready look. To create a solid hedge wall, space your Brandon Cedars 2 feet apart from the center of the base. 20 50 7102987403346 Caladium | Freckles (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 7058879610962 Citrus Grapefruit (L) Paloma Paloma is your go-to girl for a summer cocktail. She's a little bit sweet, but mostly sour. Only the brave can take her on alone, but thankfully many are up for the challenge. Not summertime? Doesn't matter. It's actually Paloma's world, and we're just living in it. Grapefruit plants are known for their sweet and easy to peel fruit, and also for being a great indoor plant. Grapefruit trees prefer warm temperatures and bright, indirect light. Water the plant when the top inch or so of soil is dry to the touch and fertilize every 4-6 weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. Grapefruit trees are small to medium-sized trees but they can still reach a height of up to 15 feet! In order for your citrus trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot  that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops  to produce fruit! 21 55 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6973445046354 Monstera Karstenianum Peru (M) Tommy He makes directors across Hollywood perspire. He makes F-list actors tremble. He makes film schools across the world whimper at the thought of seeing his name on their roster. He’s none other than Tommy: the ethnically ambiguous, overly-confident amigo we couldn’t do without. He’s from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Life story? Who needs it! Tommy keeps ‘em guessing. He’s way too busy brewing his next cult classic to worry about the likes of us. In his eyes, he’s the next James Dean and Marlon Brando. In our eyes, he’s Tommy: The Greatest Bad Plant There Ever Was. The Monstera Karstenianum, otherwise known as the Monstera Peru, is a rare Monstera species identifiable by the deep, ridge-like texture and dark green colour of its leaves. It’s a beautiful, easy-care houseplant you can be happy to get your hands on! Unlike most Monsteras, this tropical plant prefers to dry out more in between waterings due to its waxy leaves retaining more moisture. It can handle most forms of indirect light, but its leaves will burn if placed directly in the sun. Like most Monsteras, it has a vining tendency and will love a moss pole to climb up, or to be placed in a hanging basket! The rare houseplants prefer an airy soil mixture and high humidity for best results. 15 30 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 6870848897106 Caladium | Ginger Land (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6796086378578 Geogenanthus Ciliatus (M) | Geo Plant Avril Hey, hey, you, you! It’s no secret that this is a plant with star power. Whether she’s selling out stadiums or rockin’ a hoodie and purple stripes in her hair (or on her leaves) Avril is one punk plant and we love her for it. True to her #gothgirl aesthetic, the Geo Plant has dark glossy leaves which tolerate lower light or partial shade, and thrive in high humidity. If you’re into the whole moody, mysterious vibe - Avril’s the one for you. Looking for some moody indoor plants that are also easy to grow? The jet black foliage on the Geogenanthus Ciliatus makes this plant truly one of a kind. Also known as the Geo Plant, this tropical plant is most recognizable for its dark leaves with a purple or green center midrib. To keep a Geo Plant happy and healthy, ensure it has partial shade, nicely drained soil, and high humidity. Do not let this plant dry out! Natively, Geo Plants grow on the rainforest floors of Ecuador and Peru - and prefer a moist and humid environment! They're also non-toxic to your pets, which is always good news! 15 26 Regular Low Low to medium indirect light Non toxic Every year Every 2 weeks in spring and summer 7384971116626 Alocasia Micholitziana Golden Bone | African Mask (S) Allie Ally, Ali, or Big Al. She’s heard it all, but she won’t hold it against you. People strain to see her when she passes by, calling her name and asking for an autograph, even if they don’t quite know who she is. Allie exudes “famous person” energy, if that’s even a thing. Don’t ask her what she’s been in or done, ‘cause it’s none of your business. She’s here, she looks good, and you want her to like you. That’s all that matters. The Alocasia Micholitziana ‘Golden Bone’, or African Mask plant, has striking, dark green velvety leaves that are arrow-shaped with prominent, golden-yellow veins. The veins resemble a skeleton-like pattern, which is why it’s often referred to as "Golden Bone." The Golden Bone Alocasia prefers warm, high humidity environments with bright, indirect sunlight.   10 22 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 7382314057810 Ctenanthe Lubbersiana Golden | Mosaic Plant (S) Carlos Carlos is a great looking guy and has lots of charisma. How else would he get away with the fact that he rarely produces flowers? The lengths he'll go more than make up for it, though: give him space and he's gonna get big! The Ctenanthe Lubbersiana (previously Stromanthe Lubbersiana) is also known as the Mosaic Plant for its long, oval shaped variegated leaves. This Brazilian gem belongs to the Marantaceae family of prayer plants, meaning its leaves will dance up and down during the day and night. Typical of most tropical plants, the mosaic plant enjoys evenly moist soil and high humidity. Be sure to provide filtered water to eliminate chlorine, which can cause the leaves to brown. Place it in bright but diffused light to ensure proper growth. 10 22 Moderwate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 7351780737106 Caladium | Freckles (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 7268243505234 Summer Wine® | Ninebark Physocarpus Opulifolius (L) | Proven Winners® Ginny Ginny is the very definition of a magical #girlboss and we don’t care what you say. She may have her flaws (Tom Riddle’s diary, anyone?) but we believe, with a few years of witchcraft and wizardry training, she could really BE something. Something more than a love interest. Perhaps even “The Girl Who Slays.” This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot!  Mildew-resistant. Award-winning Summer Wine® ninebark combines the fine texture and compact branching of P. 'Nana' with the dark foliage of Diabolo®. In late spring, white button-like flowers accent the deep purple foliage nicely. In trials at Longwood Gardens, it was determined to have the best mildew resistance of all dark-leaf ninebarks. With its graceful, arching habit and landscape-friendly size, it's an easy way to add color and vibrance, especially in spring. Its color, vigor, and disease resistance makes it an excellent choice for cut flower growers looking for reliable foliage filler. 21 30 7114671161426 Sansevieria Trifasciata | Yellowstone Snake Plant (XL) Kaa Kaa is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Kaa is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Kaa and you'll have a happy plant! Kaa also doesn't mind being put in a shaded spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Kaa does not need any plant food. Gosh, what's not to like here? The Sansevieria Yellowstone is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Kaa can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Kaa is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Kaa doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Kaa hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! Anyway, this African plant is truly one of the easiest to maintain, which makes Kaa really popular. Kaa purifies your air but be careful with Fifi and Felix (pets)... this snake has some poisonoussss juisssssss (imitates snake sound). 25 85 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 7114603266130 Philodendron Verrucosum (M) Fran Fran is an elite athlete. At this stage of the game she's done Kickboxing, Judo, Krav Maga and Kickboxing - and that's just Monday for her. Fran's fridge looks like what you'd get if you zipped the butcher's market: all protein, zero carbs. Getting fit is quite a cross to bear, and it takes guts. Would you look at those leaves! Philodendron Verrucosum is truly one of the most stunning of its kind. The leaves have a shining, velvety appearance that makes the them almost change colour. The petioles (fancy word for stalk) of the Verrucosum have a fuzzy hairy exterior that just ads to the mystique. Talk about a showstopper! Higher humidity is advised for the best results on your Verrucosum. If you see crispy browning leaves there's a high chance you need to increase your humidity by placing a pebbly tray underneath or a mister near the plant.  15 22 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 7102979407954 Caladium | White Queen (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6967661559890 Alocasia Zebrina | Elephant's Ear (XL) Aku Aku Aku Aku came to us fleeing from his home country of Borneo. Fleeing you ask? Yes because Aku Aku actually gets cooked and eaten in Borneo, which is a pretty legit reason to leave your home. Aku Aku will settle in just fine here, as long as you give him enough water and place him away from direct sunlight. Aku Aku is a special dude. You'll see that when you look at his leaves and stems. You'd almost say he's a cross between a zebra and an elephant. His official name is Alocasia Zebrina but some refer to him as Elephant's Ear. Aku Aku is unique in the way that the attention is always on him. In the Jungle this plant is often used as an umbrella. You'll find animals and even people huddling up together to take refuge from torrential jungle rain. Should you get a leak in the house you know what to do! Aku Aku to the rescue! 25 110 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6922851057746 Calathea Medallion (XS) Sophia Just like her sisters, Sophia is a part of the Calathea Family and originates from Brazil. To be precise, Sophia is a Medallion. Her massive leaves makes her massively good at cleaning the air. Sophia is kind to pets and small children and loves long walks in the sun. With some sun and some shade she's at her best. What's truly remarkable about her is the closing of her leaves at sundown and the opening at sunrise. She welcomes the world with open leaves every day. What a great example for all of us just-one-more-minute snoozers. Viola is part of the Calathea family and just as striking as her sisters Julia, Brooke, Sophia, Susie and Pink. If you're an avid Calathea collector, Viola is a must have addition to the collection. Her big beautiful leaves are a bright purple that is not seen often in shaded plants. Put this fancy lady in a bright spot away from direct sunlight, and give her a regular misting of the leaves. Fortunately she's a great communicator and will furl up her leaves to tell you she's thirsty!  5 7 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect Not toxic Once every 2 years Every 2 weeks 6903165190226 Peperomia Angulata | Funky Frog (M) Hopper Hopper is a big fan of all kinds of hip hop. His all time favourite is hop scotch, but he's always down for a classic game of leap frog. Oh did you think he meant hip hop music? Well, he won't say no if someone puts on California Love, but he'd prefer to listen to that one about his friend Jeremiah, he was a bullfrog (if you didn't know). Peperomia Angulata or Peperomia Funky Frog is one of the toughest Peperomias out there, making it the perfect easy care plant! The brightly striped, green leaves of this tropical houseplant prefer bright, indirect light but are tolerant of low light. They are great in hanging pots because the stems will start to trail. If the trailing stems get too long, prune them for propagation! 15 25 Frequent Strong air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every three years Once a month in summer 6851475701842 Hydrangea Macrophylla Pink | Mophead Hydrangea (L) Harold Meet Harold, the Hydrangea. Harold is a fan favourite in gardens and patios everywhere and it is easy to see why. Harold is not afraid to show his impeccable taste and good looks and we're here for it. The French Hortensia as Harolds sometimes referred to, is a winter hardy outdoor plant that can resist temperatures up to -30 C which makes it tolerant to keep year round in many outdoor gardens. You grow Harold! The Mophead Hydrangea is best kept in moist but well aerated soil that allows for plenty of water drainage. The best spot for it would be one where the plant is somewhat sheltered from wind gusts if there are any, and gets plenty of sunlight. A few hours a day is enough but the more the better. Prune the heads of this plant in spring and you'll get even bigger, better looking flowers. Hydrangeas are definitely among the thirstier plants out there so be sure to water frequently (at least twice a week in spring and summer). A bit of fertilizer twice a month in spring and summer and you'll check all the boxes! 21 50 4924204712018 Philodendron Burle Marx (XL) Jumbo Jumbo is a stunner to look at and quite easy to maintain. Make sure you keep him away from direct sunlight and keep the soil moist at all times. Jumbo likes to play in the rain so bring out your mister from time to time! He gets a bit chatty from time to time and loves to show off but hey, who doesn't. With leaves like that you just can't help but watch! Jumbo is a real stunner of a plant. This Philodendron Burle Marx absolutely loves it when the attention is all on him. And with leaves like that, Jumbo is pretty hard to ignore! Philodendron plants are found in Jungles and are known to be fast growers. It is said here at the office, that those leaves grow particularly well when there's a lot of gossip around. Whoops! 25 65 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4773097242706 Echinocactus Grusonii | Golden Barrel Cactus (L) Giuseppe Coronavirus hit Giuseppe hard. Not economically, of course, because he’s a cactus, but in matters of the heart. Giuseppe runs on love, passion, and a burning desire for the touch of a good woman. Zooming with his international arsenal of lovers isn’t as exciting as meeting them in person, looking them in the eye, and declaring his commitment. Strangely, the words “undying devotion” aren’t as effective on a conference call. Echinocactus Grusonii, or Golden Barrel Cacti, are cushion-like plants with colourful spines. Our Golden Barrel Cactus, Giuseppe, has typical cacti light and water needs (as in: a lot of the first and a little of the second) but Giuseppe doesn’t care about that. Biology bores him. His true passion is poetry. Giuseppe wrote the following piece about his survival needs, “I am but a cactus, lover of the sun/I am but a cactus, round and small/Please, for the love of the lord, get me out of this warehouse, I want to hug my fellow green amigos but they keep their social distance from me/I am but a cactus, friend to all.” 21 32 Very little Strong air purifier Bright direct light Not toxic Once a year Once a month in summer 4564684439634 Asplenium Crissie| Birds Nest Fern (M) Akela The Asplenium or Birds Nest Fern is a plant that doesn't like to be in the spotlight and would rather be in the shade. Just because he's hiding doesn't mean Akela doesn't love you! He'll shower you with fresh oxygen from his corner of the room as a token of his appreciation. Isn't that lovely! Our Akela is a beautiful Birds Nest Fern that has leaves quite different from most of his relatives in the Asplenium family. The ends of the fronds split into three prongs that in turn seem almost to split into three again! Gosh, mother nature can be so confusing! 15 35 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 7377976655954 Dieffenbachia Camille (S) Alvin Alvin may be reflecting with all of his lime green and yellow spots, he actually really likes hanging out in indirect sun! He's a beauty king with a striking exterior and admired by many! For fun, Alvin loves to hang out by the beach answering declarations of love from all of his fans, under an umbrella of course. Shade is the new sun baby! The Dieffenbacchia is a house plant with special leaves almost as special as that funky name (dief-fen-bahhh-chii-aaa?)! There are many varieties of Dieffenbachia and all of them are equally striking. Fun fact: this plant was actually named after Mr Dieffenbach, the gardener of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, a.k.a. Sisi (not to be confused with a certain voice assistant we won't mention here to avoid instant copyright karma). Anyway, to keep things simple, we prefer to call this one Alvin. 10 25 Very frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Every two years Once every two weeks in Summer 7267652010066 Thuja Occidentalis | Danica Cedar (L) Tate Tate may be small, but he's got a big personality! This little guy may not be the tallest plant in the garden, but he's definitely the most spunky. Tate is a real firecracker, with a whole lot of sass and a whole lot of heart. He's a true underdog, but he's always ready to take on the world with his pint-sized power and unstoppable energy. So if you're looking for a plant that's small but mighty, look no further than Tate This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Thuja occidentalis 'Danica', commonly known as Danica Arborvitae, is a compact and low-growing evergreen shrub renowned for its dense, globe-shaped form. To ensure its optimal growth and health, plant Danica Arborvitae in well-draining soil and a location with full to partial sun exposure. Regular watering is essential, especially during the establishment period, but ensure not to overwater as Thuja species are susceptible to root rot. Pruning may be necessary to maintain its desired shape, typically done in early spring. Additionally, applying a balanced fertilizer in the spring can help promote vigorous growth. With proper care, Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' will thrive as an attractive addition to any landscape, providing year-round interest and beauty. 20 50 7258536247378 Double Play® Red | Spiraea Japonica (L) | Proven Winners® Winnie Winnie is cottage-core reimagined: she sprawls, she prances, and she waltzes her way across your garden like it’s her wont. She’ll answer your question with another question, and will giggle and spring away before you can catch on. You’ll soon find yourself giggling and prancing about with no explanation as to why. It’s just the Winnie way. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot!  Double Play spireas have vibrant flowers and stunning foliage. Double Play Red is a flower color breakthrough, with nearly-red flowers. Add in showy dark burgundy spring foliage and you've got the perfect double play!  Top reasons to grow Double Play Red spirea: The closest to red of any spirea Very showy burgundy-purple new growth Naturally grows as a dense, rounded mound 21 30 7146020536402 Artificial Monstera Deliciosa | Swiss Cheese Plant (XL) Alfredo Alfredo is a Monstera Deliciosa which is commonly referred to as a Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine and Five holes plant. All these names gave Alfredo a bit of an identity crisis. To top it all off, botanists once lumped him in with the wrong family! Fortunately the record has been set straight and we know he's part of the Monstera family. It was all very stressful for Alfredo so we've agreed not to bring it up to him again. Can you help us keep that promise? Alfredo the Monstera Deliciosa is also known as the Swiss cheese plant. This artificial monstera has big, beautiful leaves with holes known as fenestration (we promise they’re supposed to be there)! Monsteras usually like to climb or spread out, but with this artificial plant, you can rest easy knowing he will always look picture perfect. A famous and highly sought after plant, this faux version gives anyone the opportunity to enjoy its tropical vibes. Tuck Alfredo into your bedroom or living room for the ultimate finishing touch to your space. 21 66 7126316515410 Hibiscus Low Bush (XL) Kalei Aloha! Meet Kalei, our most colourful islander. She’s always got a flower in her hair and shells around her ankles. Kalei enjoys preserving the beauty of her home, befriending the local wildlife, and exploring the wonders of the sea. Don’t be shocked if you see her using waterfalls as a slide or cruising with the Honu—that’s the way we do things on the Big Island! If Disney characters were real, she’d 100% give Lilo and Moana a run for their money. Adding a Hibiscus plant is our favourite way of adding a tropical vibe to your patios and gardens! These beauties are the perfect flowering plant to add colour and vibrancy to any outdoor setting. Hibiscus care is fairly easy: the perennial Hibiscus does best in full sun outdoors, with frequent watering during the hot summer months and well draining soil. Bring your plant indoors over the winter months to prevent freezing. It’s likely easiest to keep your plant potted rather than planted in a garden bed to ensure you can bring it inside when temperatures cool down. These tropical plants do like to be slightly rootbound in their pots as well, so hold back on repotting right away! Hibiscus flowers are known to bloom for a short period of time—typically, only 1 to 2 days. While the individual blooms are short lived, they will continue to flower repeatedly from spring until fall. 25 80 7077515657298 Anna's Magic Ball® | Thuja Occidentalis ‘Anna Van Vloten' (S) | Proven Winners® Tate Tate may be small, but he's got a big personality! This little guy may not be the tallest plant in the garden, but he's definitely the most spunky. Tate is a real firecracker, with a whole lot of sass and a whole lot of heart. He's a true underdog, but he's always ready to take on the world with his pint-sized power and unstoppable energy. So if you're looking for a plant that's small but mighty, look no further than Tate This plant comes in a 1 quart pot!  Bright gold dwarf. Anna's Magic Ball® arborvitae is a colorful dwarf evergreen that appeals to just about everyone! A bit like a yellow 'Danica', but with looser foliage and a blockier habit. From Van Vloten Nursery in Canada, it has good burn-resistance and holds its color nicely in winter. 10 20 6967130292306 Coco Nucifera | Coconut Palm (XL) Coco Close your eyes for a bit will you? Just let Coco here whisky you away to her favourite tropical destination where you find yourself on warm sandy beaches, sipping summery drinks topped with little straw hats. If the sound of that puts a spring in your step you should consider taking this tropical beauty home. Put Coco somewhere where she can enjoy plenty of light but keep her away from drafts, she's sparsely clothed and catches a cold quickly. Brrr! Coco Nucifera or Coconut Palm as commonly called is a slow growing but beautiful tropical plant. The first leaves form and protrude from its unhusked riped nut after about 4-6 months (under ideal conditions.) but it can take up to 5 years for the plant to reach 4-5 ft in length. This mature coconut here is already at least 4 ft and needs to be in soil that is slightly moist at all times and watered with lukewarm water. Coconut plams are used to receiving a lot of light for optimal growth so make sure you have a nice spot reserved for this beauty where she can get vast amounts of indirect light and some direct light if possible. 25 140 6903167287378 Sansevieria Cylindrica Braided (S) Jake Of all the sports to choose to be the best at, javelin is probably not the top of many kids' lists. There is no Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan of javelin throwing to look up to or idolize, Its not an easy or safe sport to play in most back yards and parks and lets face it, throwing a pole around all day doesn't exactly look that fun. Well, none of that dissuaded Jake when he was a kid. Jake is a natural at javelin throwing - and its easy to see why. Those long cylindrical spears and their smooth aerodynamic shape helped make Jake a multiple Olympic gold medalist. He is a little bummed that the Tokyo Olympics are postponed but don't worry, he'll be back stronger, faster and pointier than ever! Make us proud Jake!! Sansevieria Cylindrica is also known as Dracaena Angolensis. We don't know why this species has two latin names but who cares, its common names Cylindrical Snake Plant and African Spear Plant make a lot more sense. This hip looking plant is a succulent native to Angola. It has recently risen to fame - and you can see why! Jake is a really easy plant to care for. Bright or darker spots of your home are equally fine for Jake and he does not require a lot of water or feeding. He only needs to be repotted every two to three years - he usually lets you know when its time to repot when his roots break his current pot. Who knew plants could be such good communicators? 10 15 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6848349634642 Caladium Splash of Wine (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 17 40 6743647027282 Ficus Elastica Burgundy | Rubber Tree (L) Jack Meet Jack, the Ficus Burgundy. He's the epitome of modern chic in the plant world. Jack effortlessly elevates any room he graces, and we should know because we've got Jack in the office, and we're head over heels for him. Jack hails from the lush rainforests of South-East Asia, and he's quite the traveler. He recently regaled us with tales of backpacking adventures through Thailand, Malaysia, and India. And if that's not enough, last year he was spotted gallivanting around South America! Jack is sure to add some worldly sophistication to your space, just be prepared to hear the tales of his travels more than once (yeah... he’s that guy). Introducing the Ficus Elastica Burgundy, also known as a Rubber Tree. With his stunning tall leaves in a deep, burgundy hue, this guy is always #trending. To keep his style (and yours) in check, ensure he basks in bright, indirect light. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, typically every 1-2 weeks, and consider giving your Rubber Tree a gentle misting every now and then to keep his leaves looking chic. Your space will be the talk of the town when you keep this guy around! 21 50 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 6593023279186 Caladium | Hot 2 Trot (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 35 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4566825304146 Ctenanthe Lubbersiana | Mosaic Plant (XL) Carlos Carlos is a great looking guy and has lots of charisma. How else would he get away with the fact that he rarely produces flowers? The lengths he'll go more than make up for it, though: give him space and he's gonna get big! Although he's not the type to go to church every Sunday, Carlos has faith. He and his family are sometimes referred to as prayer plants; the reason is that, from dusk till dawn, they fold up their leaves in a way that some people think looks like hands put together in prayer. Talk about a green blessing!   25 50 Moderwate Strong air purifier Shaded or Indirect light Not toxic Once every two years Once a month in summer 7382314483794 Philodendron Imperial Red (S) Clifford Clifford the Philodendron Imperial Red is ready to be adopted and be your new best friend. He's house trained and all he needs is some water, light, and occasional plant food. If you give him all the love and TLC, he’ll grow, grow, grow! Who knows how big he’ll get! Philodendron erubescens 'Imperial Red' are beautiful, big-leaf tropical houseplants. Huge leaves + easy to care for = plant heaven (in our humble opinion)! The big leaves might require dusting off every now and then to keep them looking fresh. Find a spot for your Philodendron Imperial Red with bright, indirect light (avoid direct sunlight) and water when at least 50% of the soil is dry to bring those stunning leaves to life! 10 20 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 7240165720146 Hydrangea | Quick Fire® | Hydrangea Paniculata (L) | Proven Winners® Maria For Maria, life is simple. Frolicking and singing are her two favourite hobbies. You can entrust your children to her care 100% of the time, and they might return with only a few bruises and scratches (from excess frolicking, of course). They’ll probably be humming “Doe a deer” for the rest of the week as well. After all, the hills are alive… with the sound OF music. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. A dwarf version of best-selling Quick Fire® hydrangea. It has the same early bloom time as the original Quick Fire®, but this dwarf cultivar is about one third the size. The flowers quickly age to a deep burgundy red before other varieties even start to bloom. The compact habit makes it a great choice for extending the season in smaller landscapes and container gardens. 21 30 7146022043730 Artificial Joshua Tree Cane Yucca in Pot (XL) Johnny Johnny has mastered the art of chill. Johnny is one of those easy going guys that everyone loves to hang out with. He doesn't drink much and does not need a lot of plant food either. In fact, if you give him any, he may get sick—you know, since he’s fake and all. Put him wherever your heart desires! Yeeeeeehaw! Johnny was born and raised in the arid lands of Central and North America and is especially common in the Yucca valley close to the world famous Joshua Tree National Park. Johnny is often mistaken to be part of the palm family but he's set the record straight with us. This artificial Yucca definitely gives hot, prickly vibes to any space and when placed in a nice terracotta pot just screams “desert sunset.” 20 120 6876324397138 Lavandula Angustifolia | English Lavender (S) Margaux You can find Margaux sipping a glass of Pinot Noir on a rain-slicked Parisian avenue. Looking impeccable with her bouffant and vintage cigarette holder, she looks like she just stepped off the set of Le Quai des Brumes. Sometimes the only indication that she’s been around is a smudge of red lipstick and the scent of Chanel No 5 lingering in the air. Margaux has an air of mystery, and we love that for her. The Lavender Angustifolia , otherwise known as the English lavender, is a beautiful bushy plant, perfect for planting outdoors in soil or keeping in a pot. Keep these fragrant flowers in full sun for the most growth. They’re the perfect easy-care addition to your garden as they don’t like a ton of water—give it a drink after planting (enough so that the soil is fully saturated), and be sure to let it fully dry out before watering again. If you’re planting your lavender in a sandy mixture, you’ll need to water more often. 10 20 6869685502034 Bromeliad Neoregelia (M) Ashley Ashley is the type of plant that like, totally thinks she’s descended from royalty because her father is the third cousin twice removed of the founder of White Castle. She doesn’t even eat beef, but she doesn’t let that stop her from treating everyone around her like peasants. Ashley likes going shopping with her boyfriend (who’s obvs a major hottie) and not holding the door open for you, even though you’re literally right behind her. It’ll be a sad day when her father cuts her off, but until then, charge it to the tab! Th e  Bromeliad Neoregelia is a cousin of the Guzmania and has equally stunning foliage with a flower that blooms for three to six months.  I f youre looking for a flowery vibe from your plant, just let  the Bromeliad  whisk you away to the tropics with its dazzling looks . These house plants are quite resistant to pests but the flower does typically bloom only once.  Little plant pups will grow besides the plant when well taken care of which will produce their own flowers in due time. 15 30 Moderate low air purifying Bright, indirect light Not toxic Not needed Not needed 6851428548690 Cordyline Australis Red Star | Cabbage Palm (S) Jean Jean's wisdom is undeniable. He knows everything about anything and will tell you all about the meaning of life, but only if you ask. Jean has that je ne sais quoi that makes us feel smarter around the office. To be completely honest, we don't even know why he calls himself Jean, he's not even French! But it's OK, we'll allow it you smart cookie! The Cordyline Red Star is a plant that grows well both as an outdoor plant and inside as a houseplant. Kept outdoors, make sure to provide this bronze-leafed plant a spot with plenty of sun but away from any cold drafts. Cordyline make for excellent border plants and go well in mix containers to fill the space between bigger flowering plants. Cordyline or Cabbage Palm plants are also pet friendly, making them particularly popular versatile plants to keep around. The plant may produce flowers from June to September and likes to be kept in moist soil at all times so be sure to check on watering regularly for the best results. 10 30 6573096501330 Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig Midnight Beauty (XL) Wilson Wilson not only provides a natural atmosphere, but also a healthy working and living environment. So much so that NASA has included this fella in the top 10 most air-purifying plants in the world. The Ficus is even in it twice, because not only it is an air-purifying plant, but it also converts CO2 into oxygen, which ensures better air quality. That's pure will, son! The more the better is Wilson's Mantra. He prances the Plantsome office filled with pride about how he has more leaves than any other plant! We haven't done an official count and especially the palm family feels differently about it, but we have to admit he does have lots of them! Just like all other Ficus plants, Wilson is a real air purifying pro. A little sunshine and some water will bring you and Wilson happiness for years to come! This midnight beauty variant of the weeping fig has darker leaves than regular Weeping Fig Benjamina leaves do. It's a great look! 25 60 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 6545897062482 Tradescantia Zebrina Variegata (S) | Yellow Inch Plant Billie You might call Billie a vagrant or a variegated vagabond. Perhaps you’d even throw around the word “homeless”, if you’re getting technical. Billie himself prefers the terms “nomad” and “wanderer”. He and his sister Sylvie may have different outlooks on life, he likes to keep his roots in the soil and she has her head in the clouds, but they’re both travellers at heart who are, like, totally ready to, like, find themselves. Billie only needs to be watered once a week and placed in indirect sunlight. That's it folks. Sure, a little water here and there but Billie's pretty chill otherwise. Your efforts will be highly rewarded because Billie makes a stunning houseplant, with a wonderful spray of white variegated leaves. He might be on the smaller side but that doesn’t mean he isn’t one daring, dashing, dapper Tradescantia Zebrina. Sheesh, talk about a tongue twister. Who writes these things? 10 11 Average Light Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every year Once every month (summer) 4721240440914 Senecio Radicans | String of Bananas (M) Ana Just like her trailing leaves, Ana loves to go with the flow. But it wasn't always like that. After years of grinding away in a cubicle with way too much shade and not enough sun she left corporate life behind her and bought a food truck. Now Ana gets to do what she's always wanted—travel to new places, hang out and sell organic, gluten-free, non-GMO banana bread at local farmer's markets. Her former co-workers say she went bananas but we think Ana is living her best life. You grow girl! The Senecio Radicans is a cute little trailing plant that needs very little care. She doesn't mind your 'oops, I totally forgot to water the plants' attitude and will grow more banana strings at lightning speed. Ana's low maintenance attitude make her perfect for the beginner plant parent. You can expect her leaves to grow fast so don't be affraid to test those new pruning sheers you bought! Ana's a perfect guinea pig to test that DIY-haircut you were going to give yourself. With Ana, anything grows! 15 16 Little Low air purifier Bright indirect light Very toxic - careful with pets/kids Repot when root bound Once every two weeks in summer 4584177074258 Philodendron Moonlight (XL) William William gets away with just about anything. His blonde locks can get him into trouble but his playful personality and royal pedigree get him right back out of it. Philodendrons are like house plant royalty, they are kind of the originals, dating back to Victorian times and this Moonlight is the lush, playful new generation. Word has it William has big plans for the future but he is waiting his turn to shine. But enough about that from us, you can read all about it on TMZ. When most people think, "tropical house plant" they usually imagine something like a Philodendron - beautiful large lush leaves with striking colours or patterns exploding from the pot. Its why Philos have been household favourites for eons! The big difference between William's cousins and William here is that he is not a vining plant. William has a fear of heights and is not big on climbing, but his Moonlight will turn any room into a jungle!  Give him a warm, humid environment (jungle style!) and hold the sunshine. Shade is where its at for William. If you treat William like the royal that he is, he can grow grow grow!  25 55 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4582325485650 Coffea Arabica | Coffee Plant (XL) Gino Meet Gino, who comes from the coffee-loving heart of Tanzania. With his lush, cascading emerald leaves, Gino's a true charmer and a cappuccino connoisseur. As part of the Coffea Arabica family, known for its world-famous coffee beans, Gino is here to make your space brew-tiful! Just like a perfectly brewed cup, Gino is easy to enjoy, requiring minimal effort to keep his charm alive. Caring for the Coffea Arabica is as enjoyable as savoring a well-brewed cup of coffee. To keep this charming plant thriving, provide him with bright, indirect sunlight, like you'd find in your favorite corner cafe. Aim for soil that's consistently moist but not waterlogged (hold the cream and sugar). This Coffee Plant isn't into cold brew, so keep your indoor temperature cozy between 65-75°F (18-24°C), and consider misting his leaves regularly to keep him comfortable! 25 60 Average Light air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once per month (summer) 4581074174034 Joshua Tree Cane Yucca (L) Johnny Johnny has mastered the art of chill. Johnny is one of those easy going guys that everyone loves to hang out with. He doesn't drink much and does not need a lot of plant food either. Put him in a sunny spot and Johnny's happy. Just be careful with Pets, Johnny is a poisonous plant. Yeeeeeehaw! Johnny is a real cowboy. Born and raised in the arid lands of Central and North America, Johnny is especially common in the Yucca valley close to the world famous Joshua Tree National Park. Johnny is often mistaken to be part of the palm family but he's set the record straight with us. Johnny is actually a member of the succulent family. Johnny is used to the dry deserts of Texas which makes him very easy to maintain and take care of. 21 60 Very little Light air purifying Direct sun Toxic Once every two years Not needed 7388332949586 Pet Friendly Pack (White Pots) Pet Friendly Pack (White Pots) Plants for you, and your little dog too. Safe for kids and furry friends alike, these plants are the perfect decorations for your hectic household. Incorporate the beauty of nature indoors with this pet friendly pack, featuring four assorted 4” non-toxic houseplants, and four assorted 4” white pots.The selection is grower’s choice, but we’ll pick something cute! Plants are grower’s choice and based on availability. 10 30 7293940629586 Hydrangea Macrophylla | Mophead Hydrangea (Assorted) (M) Harold Meet Harold, the Hydrangea. Harold is a fan favourite in gardens and patios everywhere and it is easy to see why. Harold is not afraid to show his impeccable taste and good looks and we're here for it. The French Hortensia as Harolds sometimes referred to, is a winter hardy outdoor plant that can resist temperatures up to -30 C which makes it tolerant to keep year round in many outdoor gardens. You grow Harold! This plant comes in assorted colours depending on availability from our growers . The Mophead Hydrangea is best kept in moist but well aerated soil that allows for plenty of water drainage. The best spot for it would be one where the plant is somewhat sheltered from wind gusts if there are any, and gets plenty of sunlight. A few hours a day is enough but the more the better. Prune the heads of this plant in spring and you'll get even bigger, better looking flowers. Hydrangeas are definitely among the thirstier plants out there so be sure to water frequently (at least twice a week in spring and summer). A bit of fertilizer twice a month in spring and summer and you'll check all the boxes! 15 35 7272963833938 Juniperus Horizontalis Icee Blue | Dwarf Conifer (L) Steve Oh look, a clue… that you need this Juniper to help solve mysteries with you. While Steve won’t get far, sometimes a good pair of paws (or leaves) is all you need to steer you in the right direction. Come solve the mysteries of the universe with our trusty Steve! The Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue' is the perfect easy-care ground cover plant for a pop of colour! Growing about 2-4 inches tall and about 2-4 feet wide, it's the perfect plant for small spaces. It can tolerate full sun, drought, and can handle a Hardiness Zone of 3. The silvery blue foliage retains its colour all year round. Plant it in full sun, with well-draining soil, and allow the soil to dry out between waterings for best results! 21 25 7268399743058 Sweet Summer Hydrangea | Hydrangea Paniculata (L) Buzz What’s all this hubbub over what’s above us? I see a bird, I see a plane, and I see the vast blue sky. Everything we need is down here! These people, man. They live their lives with their head in the clouds. Reality check, bud: there’s nothing cool out there. Why not smell the hydrangeas while you still can? This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. The Sweet Summer Hydrangea is a beautiful and cold hardy hydrangea that boasts bright white blooms that turn to pink in the autumn. This outdoor plant is popular due to its easy-care nature, and for its hardiness, as this plant will do fine in hardiness zones 3 - 8. Plant in full sun and this plant can grow 4-6ft high and wide! 20 30 7250437406802 Dracaena Marginata Red | Caned Dragon Tree (M) Robin Robin’s not too forward with his charm. He’s subdued, unassuming, and maybe even a bit shy. Some might call him a wallflower, but if you’re into wallflowers, he’s the plant for you. If you take the time to get to know him, he’ll love you forever. He might even be the Robin to your Batman. Dracaena marginata (or Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) ‘Tricolour’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena marginata are sometimes called “Dragon Trees” because the name Dracaena comes from a Greek word meaning female dragon. Tricolour, in particular, are known for their narrow leaves that are edged in white and red!Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 15 55 Little Strong air purifyer Partial shade Lightly poisonous Once every two years Not needed 7243994267730 Chinook Sunrise ™ | Rosa (L) Stacie What’s better than a picture perfect sunset? A picture perfect sunrise… and Stacie has got you covered. Her soft blooms are what dreams are made of, and that soft gradient—oof! Artists will be making songs about her for years to come. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Meet Chinook Sunrise® - a stunning addition to your garden! With coral-colored central petals and light pink outer petals, its clusters of medium-sized flowers bloom throughout the growing season. Growing upright to about 80cm (2-3ft) in height and diameter, this rose bush adds beauty to any landscape. To maintain its desired shape, prune in early spring or fall. 20 30 7211209949266 Ficus Benghalensis | Ficus Audrey (L) Audrey The Ficus Audrey will become Canada's next top plant. There, we said it! Our Audrey as we lovingly call her is a stunner! This particular version was grown bushy and short but Ficus Audrey plants can grow tall and tree like if that's your thing, too! You can basically train her to reach tree like proportions. And on top of that, Audrey is much easier to take care of than her relatives Evelyn and Eileen (fiddle leaf fig). Oh my, what is not to like here! The Ficus Audrey is the national plant of India where you'll find them growing to immense size. These are beautiful plants with almost silk like leaves and a beautiful white stem. We are not surprised India chose this beauty as its national plant. Audrey is stunning. 21 60 Average Strong air purifying Partial shade, no direct sunlight Slightly poisonous Once every two years Once every 3-4 weeks in summer 7119148515410 Artificial Sansevieria Laurentii in Ceramic Pot | Snake Plant Kaa The Sansevieria Laurentii is also known as the snake plant. To be honest, we don't get it. Snakes can't stand up, while Kaa can. Snakes throw hissy fits, and Kaa is as chill as a cucumber. Snakes crawl, and Kaa doesn't crawl. Snakes always show up on planes, and Kaa hates planes. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of their leaves are. Get it? Get it?! This artificial snake plant is easier to take care of than a pet rock. In other words… no care needed! This large faux amigo is the perfect upright plant to add some dimension to your living room, bedroom, dining room—you name it. He has beautiful variegation shown in his yellow striping, adding a pop of colour. Kaa knows you may be short on space. He’s considerate by standing straight up and never straying. No need to worry about drooping here—Kaa is ready to be there for you till death do you part. 21 91 7119134949458 Artificial Eucalyptus in Ceramic Pot Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this artificial eucalyptus tree! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At 37cm high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect centerpiece on your dining table, coffee table, or entry table. It comes in a white ceramic pot for the ultimate package! 15 37 6854335234130 Hoya Pubicalyx Splash | Wax Plant (M) Reza Variegated leaves, CHECK! Beautiful flowers, CHECK! Easy to care for plant, CHECK! Need we say more? Reza is just a no-brainer plant that everyone should aspire to own and we're not saying that because we bought a few to many! Fun fact: the Hoya was named by a botanist in the 19th century in honour of his friend Thomas Hoy. Talking about taking your friendships to the next level! Hoyas are having a moment and for good reason! These beautiful and popular indoor tropical houseplants are easy to care for, and can produce stunning flowers, if you are a patient plant parent. There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 15 23 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6851446505554 Isolepis Cernua | Fibre Optic Grass (S) Sam Fibre optic grass is a funky little plant that will sit perfectly in those places 'between' your stunning shrubs and trees. We are not saying Sam's not pretty himself, he just fills the voids out so nicely, you know what we mean right Sam? You still here Sam? Sam?! Isolepis cernua or Fibre Optic Grass is an evergreen outdoor plant that produces tiny little silver flowers at the end of their grass like leaves to create an almost fibre optic look. Though the leaves very much look like grass, this is not a grass-type plant. This easy to care for plant works great as filler in large ornamental containers with other plants mixed in or as border edging in gardens. It's to be considered an annual in colder climates but can be brought indoors in a shiny spot in winter. It prefers to be in moist soil at all times and likes to be in full sun to partial sun. As the growth matures it will start to droop gracefully to create a nice full look with upright growth in the the middle, sloping downward further near the edges of the plant. If the plant grows too long and leggy you an simply trim it and the growth will come right back! 10 20 4687770386514 Asplenium Crispy Wave | Birds Nest Fern (M) Mowgli Besides amazing air purifying capabilities Mowgli is most comonly known for his wavy leaves. We've seen a bunch of girls looking in awe at those amazing locks of green. Did you know that those leaves will grow from the crown outward when a new leaf emerges? The Asplenium Crispy Wave Fern always has a big and full set of leaves because of it. His passport may say Asplenium Nidus but to friends he'll always be known as Mowgli. He does have a tendency to disappear into the jungle for a few days, but we've talked to him about it and he promised to stay put from now on. The Asplenium or Birds Nest Fern is a plant that doesn't like to be in the spotlight and would rather be in the shade. Just because he's hiding doesn't mean Mowgli doesn't love you! He'll shower you with fresh oxygen from his corner of the room as a token of his appreciation. Isn't that lovely! 15 30 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 4661972992082 Joshua Tree Cane Yucca (XL) Johnny Johnny has mastered the art of chill. Johnny is one of those easy going guys that everyone loves to hang out with. He doesn't drink much and does not need a lot of plant food either. Put him in a sunny spot and Johnny's happy. Just be careful with Pets, Johnny is a poisonous plant. Yeeeeeehaw! Johnny is a real cowboy. Born and raised in the arid lands of Central and North America, Johnny is especially common in the Yucca valley close to the world famous Joshua Tree National Park. Johnny is often mistaken to be part of the palm family but he's set the record straight with us. Johnny is actually a member of the succulent family. Johnny is used to the dry deserts of Texas which makes him very easy to maintain and take care of. 21 85 Very little Light air purifying Direct sun Toxic Once every two years Not needed 7388321185874 Greenhouse Gang (White Pots) Greenhouse Gang (White Pots) Make some space for the gang. Greenhouse gang, that is. AKA, your one stop shop for the most popular and good looking plants in the whole bunch. The selection is grower’s choice, but we’ll pick something cute! This bundle comes with four assorted 4” houseplants, and four assorted 4” white pots. Plants are grower’s choice and based on availability. 10 30 7178242818130 Cupressus Goldcrest 'Wilma' | Lemon Cypress (L) Max Max is no ordinary dog. He has single paw-edly stolen Christmas from the residents of Whoville (well, aided and abetted, at least). The overwhelming green-ness of his owner has rubbed off on him more than a little, and his giant heart has shrunk at least three sizes since they met. He’s not against a little Yuletide joy, so long as it doesn’t interfere with his already busy schedule. After all, he’s already canceled dinner with himself every night this week. The Lime Cypress is also known as the Lemon Cypress, or Goldcrest Cypress. These trees are perfect for indoors or outdoors, exude a fresh scent, and have beautiful yellow-green needles. Be sure to give them bright light—a few hours of sunshine will do these guys some good! Your Lime Cypress will also need regular watering, avoiding dry soil at all costs. 25 60 Moderate Not air purifying Bright, indirect Toxic Every 2 years Once a month 7119171485778 Artificial Nephrolepis Exaltata | Boston Fern (XXL) Carl This Carl doesn't come in a pot! Place him in a jar or vase so he can hang happy.Carl is the ultimate green houseplant. He has a full head of bright green leaves. It’s safe to say he never has a bad hair day! His real name is Nephrolepsis but he's often called the Boston Fern. Some say he studied at Harvard and got a degree in frond management. This lush and beautiful faux Boston fern is the perfect addition to the tops of your shelves and cabinets. You may call him conceited, but Carl just likes to be put on a pedestal. You can hang him anywhere for an instant face-lift to your home. Mega bushy and full, this artificial plant does not come in a pot, so be sure to have a vase or jar ready to place him in! 25 132 6927821865042 Epipremnum Aureum | Jade Pothos (S) Amelia Oh boy, is this a tough cookie. The Epipremnum Aureum is a hanging plant that LOVES those high, hard-to-reach, arm-stretching, ladder-falling-while-watering areas in the house. Since the name Epipremnum Aureum reminded us of the spelling bee we failed, we decided to call her Amelia. Legend has it that she used to spend her time flying the skies in her Lockheed Vega, but she's retired. Now she just hangs around the Plantsome HQ, and whatever happened in Vega stayed in Vega. The Epipremnum is widely known and loved. Amelia might just be a perfect example of that. Her leaves grow tremendously fast, which means that there will be a huge vine draping through your room in no time. On top of that, Amelia's known to be (queue high pitched voice) 'aweeeeeesome' at purifying the air, and also pretty chill when it comes to her favourite spots in the house. Her only request is not to be hung directly in sunlight. Obey that and she'll look like Amelian dollars. 10 18 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6917271224402 Calathea Maui Queen (L) Brooke Brooke's had a rough life. When she sat down and told us how many ups and downs she's had we felt like we were listening to a soap opera... seriously! , the cheating, the backstabbery (is that a word?). Now all Brooke wants is a quiet place to call home. Do you have a spot in mind for her? Calathea have the natural ability to absorb lots of light in places that receive a mediocre amount of light which makes them perfect office plants. Be forwarned though, Brooke here is a little fussy when it comes to watering and humidity levels. Make sure to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Areas with a relatively high humidity are best for Brooke. You might want to be extra kind to that co-worker that was going to take care of her when you were gone. She won't take kindly to your absence otherwise! Just be careful when your coworker is called Ridge or you might not get her back! We're just saying... 21 40 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6853621252178 Alocasia Portora Low Rider (M) Horton Horton once told us that “a person’s a person, no matter how small”! And, in the same vein, we think a plant pal’s a plant pal, no matter how tall. Though his grandiose leaves may make you feel like a Who, Horton’s a big softie here at Plantsome HQ. Horton will stick by his friends through thin and through thick, he often frolics in clovers, and rarely gets sick. Simply give your new Horton plenty of light, a nice splash of water, and you’ll both be alright. Alocasia plants, which are also known as Elephant Ear plants, are native to India and Southeast Asia (and the Jungle of Nool, of course). There are multiple varieties of Alocasias which all thrive in bright, indirect light, and high levels of humidity. It’s these conditions that remind these indoor tropical plants of home! We also suggest giving your Alocasia Pordora a monthly treatment of organic fertilizer and keeping it far away from your pets - these plants can be toxic if ingested! 15 32 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6848353075282 Caladium Tickle Me Pink (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 17 30 6848343703634 Caladium Radiance (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 40 6848317063250 Caladium Lemon Blush (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 17 30 6642719948882 Calathea Roseopicta Corona (M) Camaya Just like her sisters, Camaya is a part of the Calathea Family and originates from Brazil. To be precise, Camaya is a Medallion. Her massive leaves makes her massively good at cleaning the air. Camaya is kind to pets and small children and loves long walks in the sun. With some sun and some shade she's at her best. What's truly remarkable about her is the closing of her leaves at sundown and the opening at sunrise. She welcomes the world with open leaves every day. What a great example for all of us just-one-more-minute snoozers. Camaya told us she once posed to be in one of Manet's paintings. Were sceptical although why not? With a striking canopy and bag full of tricks Sophia really is quite stunning and special. When she's ready for bed she closes those beautiful leaves and when she's thirsty they curl up. So much drama! And the theatrics don't end there. Sophia is picky and will want just the right amount of water and a bright spot away from direct sunlight. Can you handle it? 15 35 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 6569948282962 Caladium | Candyland (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 38 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 6541770915922 Dracaena Limelight (XL) Andre Junior Limelight Dracaenas get their name for a reason and, despite popular belief (and science), it’s not the color of their leaves. It’s because they love attention, or “the limelight”. Our Andre here is the biggest attention seeker of all, even though he really doesn't need it. We think it 'stems' (heh) from issues with his father, who he claims was professional wrestler Andre the Giant. While the truth is often subjective, our standby plant therapist agrees that he’s probably just really confused. But there’s no sob story in that, no book deal, no possibility of a memoir directed by, produced by, and starring Andre Jr. So, despite being biologically and chronologically impossible, we’ve agreed to introduce him as the abandoned son of a long dead French wrestler. Contact our publicist for any booking inquiries. Dracaena fragrans ‘Limelight’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Limelight, in particular, are known for their wide, neon green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 85 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4949731639378 Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta (XL) Mojo What the heck does Mojo even mean? Mojo is an African word that describes inner power. Your swag, your shine, your sparkle, you know? What's Mojo's inner power, you ask? Well, he's super duper good at purifying the air, which will help you with a happy and healthy fresh room! Harmful substances such as Benzenes better hide when Mojo's around because he'll attack them straight on. Mojo is a feisty one, behold! He's also lightly poisonous, so repeat after me: with pets a go-go, Mojo is a no-no from the get-go. Dracaena fragrans ‘Janet Craig’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Janet Craig, in particular, are known for their wide, wavy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 65 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 4687763308626 Schefflera Gold Capella (XL) Seth Shaka! That most respected hand greeting from the little patch of paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Hawaii. Seth comes from there - he was actually born in Australia but ended up in Hawaii (a story for another day) - and you only need to look at his hand-shaped leaves to know that this Dude's giving shakas, high fives and good vibes all day long. His sun-kissed blond highlights and good going nature mean that Surfer Seth is going to be happy wherever he ends up - and safe to say you will be too. Seth is a sun worshipper, except like every surfer that doesn't apply the Zinc, Seth can end up a little burned in the mid day sun. Ideally keep Seth in morning and evening direct light or just out of the direct sun in a nice bright spot in your room. Seth is pretty chill about watering frequency but keep his roots out of the water - he doesn't like wet feet! We know, its kinda strange for surfer to be like that, but whatev brah, to each his own! 25 65 Moderate Strong air purifier Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Once or twice a year 7353692389458 Caladium | White Queen (M) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 15 30 7345328029778 Thuja Occidentalis Smaragd | Emerald (L) Tate Tate may be small, but he's got a big personality! This little guy may not be the tallest plant in the garden, but he's definitely the most spunky. Tate is a real firecracker, with a whole lot of sass and a whole lot of heart. He's a true underdog, but he's always ready to take on the world with his pint-sized power and unstoppable energy. So if you're looking for a plant that's small but mighty, look no further than Tate This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd', commonly known as Emerald Green Arborvitae, is a popular evergreen shrub or small tree widely used in landscaping for its attractive, dense, and vibrant green foliage. To ensure its optimal growth and health, plant this Thuja in well-draining soil and a location with full to partial sun exposure. Regular watering is essential, especially during the establishment period, but ensure not to overwater as Thuja species are susceptible to root rot. Pruning may be necessary to maintain its desired shape, typically done in early spring. Additionally, applying a balanced fertilizer in the spring can help promote vigorous growth. With proper care, Thuja occidentalis will thrive as an attractive addition to any landscape, providing year-round interest and beauty. 20 50 7150023606354 Hoya Crassipetiolata | Wax Plant (M) Kermit Kermit’s a nice guy. He’s green, socially adept, and kids love him. Beneath his felt exterior though, he’s actually pretty sad. It’s not easy being him. Maintaining a level of calm and level-headedness throughout the day is exhausting and he’s coming close to a mental breakdown. He often wonders why people ask, “How is Kermit?” but they never ask, “Why is Kermit?” Oh well. *sips tea* We have to admit we're having a bit of a crush on Hoyas lately. They are also called Wax Plants and we're not sure we get the reference but anyway, don't they look ah-ma-zing! These beautiful and easy to care for tropical houseplants can bloom under the right conditions and put on quite a show! There is a big chance that it may take two or three years before your Hoya will show its most prized possession but oh, oh the delight when you first find these pretty flowers nestled in between the leaves. It is a sight to behold. 15 20 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 7134763090002 Fatsia Japonica | Spiders Web Paper Plant (L) Sara Sara is the introspective type. She doesn't like the spotlight, even though she's sure to attract a few admiring glances when people notice her. Must be the hair; every year, she changes it for a new look! One thing we can tell you about Sara is that she sticks to her roots; did you know her family name, Fatsia, actually comes from its similarity to the Japanese word eight? It is a reference to the number of leaves she produces! She's also very reliable. As long as you give her a good place in your house - in her case, that means away from the sun -, she will give you nice leaves and quality air. 21 40 Regular Good air purifier Full or partial shade Slightly toxic Every year Every other week in summer 7119171125330 Artificial Ficus Lyrata Trunk | Fiddle Leaf Fig Multi Trunk (XXL) Eileen Heads up, plant parents! This amigo’s pot diameter is about 7 inches and can fit into an 8 inch decorative pot. However, based on the fullness of the plant, we think a 10 inch pot looks best! Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. She may be a little fake, but we have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Go Eileen! The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a highly sought-after plant that is notorious for its picky demeanor. Luckily, you can get all the beauty these plants provide without the hassle! This artificial Ficus Lyrata has stunning, broad, fiddle-shaped leaves that add a perfect bohemian touch to any room. This 6 foot tall faux plant has multiple trunks, creating the ultimate bushy plant. Place it in a corner in your living room or office and it shine! 25 182 6894556151890 Citrus Eureka | Lemon Plant (L) Albert Named after the famous Einstein, Albert is our very own (less critically acclaimed) genius. Reportedly, he was vital in the development of a vaccine for a certain recent deadly virus, as well as the newest and best quantum processor. We don’t question it at this point. Albert definitely has his Eureka! moments, but they coincide with his lapses in judgment (i.e. putting his pot on backwards and only noticing when he strolled into the office). It’s okay, Albert! We still love you. When life gives you lemons... you must have one of these in your home because that's how you get 'em! The Citrus Eureka is actually known to be a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin which gives the Eureka lemon a slightly sweeter taste than what you get with regular lemons. So when life does give you lemons, they better be these sweet tastin' Eurekas!In order for your Lemon trees to flourish, put them in a bright spot that will provide a few hours of direct sunlight each day. They love high humidity and also need the night time temperature drops to produce fruit! 21 60 Frequent Low air purifier Direct sunlight Fruit can be upsetting to pets Once every two years Once a month in spring and summer 6834643697746 Alocasia Pink Princess | African Mask (L) Magnus Magnus (they/them) isn’t rich. They are wealthy. Rich buys sports cars, yachts and mansions with rooms that nobody even uses. Wealthy does philanthropy and donates buildings to universities for fun. Magnus stopped believing in love a long time ago, to them everything has a price - you just have to find out what that is. They are thick skinned with a heart of fire which is why they're known to some as “The Princess”. There are no living pictures of Magnus, anonymity is their secret power so please take it easy with the insta shots. Their name is only whispered among the 1%. The Alocasia Pink Princess, also known as a hard-to-locate plant, you don't find Magnus, Magnus finds you. Not the other way around. Magnus is also from the tropics and prefers humidity and to sit in a well draining soil. Magnus hates bright light, he’d rather operate his dark dealings in the shadows, away from prying eyes. Magnus is poisonous to animals and humans if ingested and even more so to  enemies plotting their downfall. 21 40 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6690643116114 Dracaena Janet Craig Green Jewel Cane (XXL) Teri Guilty pleasures: Watching old episodes of Love Boat and Fantasy Island, pride in your collection of Elvis-era black velvet paintings and "reimagining" your wardrobe with the help of your Bedazzler. On that last point Teri is a rock star, a rhine-stoned Dolly Parton of a Rock Star. See, Teri is a Dracaena Jade Jewel - emphasis on the Jewel. She loves everything that glitters and gleams with Jewel tones and not-so-subtle accents. If you want to spice up your room but you're not ready for a black velvet tiger, then Teri is your best bet. Oh, and she can't get enough of watching Mr. Roark and Tattoo on Fantasy Island either. "Da plane, Da plane". So Good! Dracaena fragrans ‘Janet Craig’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Janet Craig, in particular, are known for their wide, wavy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 27 130 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 6593023869010 Caladium | John Peed (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 35 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4941248626770 Philodendron Silver Sword (XL) Phil Phil’s your typical nice guy. Doesn’t rock the boat. Even if he was caught in a canoe in the middle of a tsunami. He always lets people merge on the highway and carries around a personalised flask that reads “Phlask”. He’s in work at 8:59am - no later - and never turns down working over time because “it’s a team effort”. Phil has the same thing for lunch, a cheese and ham sandwich, an apple and water. He might put a little mayo in there if he’s feeling daring. Phil’s never been great at relationships, they always end up leaving him for more exciting guys. Somebody needs to tell Phil that a first date to a pigeon gallery isn’t exactly anybody's idea of thrilling. Can you just sit down with him please? This Philodendron is somewhat unique. With its leaves shaped like swords or knives. They grow best in medium light, though if this is not possible then lower light levels will suffice. All in all, a pretty easy plant to take care of, that is if you water it correctly (when soil is dry) and fertilize around once a month during the spring and summer growing season. Can you handle that? Of course you can! 27 85 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4588547965010 Asplenium Leslie | Birds Nest Fern (M) Romaine "Hey! did someone order a burger no patty, no bun, no cheese!?" Oh my... it's you Romaine! So sorry! Let us make it up to you okay? No..! No..! No pun intended Romaine... Romaine? Romaine! Asplenium Ferns are more commonly called Birds nest Ferns because of how the centre looks almost like a little birds nest. Rest assured, you there's no tweeting coming from Romaine over here. Ferns of this kind are known for their wavy and crinkly fronds. It makes the Birds nest Fern really stand out from other plants. We'll let you decide whether that's a good or a bad thing! 15 28 Frequent Strong air purifier Indirect light Pet friendly Once every two years Not needed 7395060678738 Philodendron Moonlight (S) William William gets away with just about anything. His blonde locks can get him into trouble but his playful personality and royal pedigree get him right back out of it. Philodendrons are like house plant royalty, they are kind of the originals, dating back to Victorian times and this Moonlight is the lush, playful new generation. Word has it William has big plans for the future but he is waiting his turn to shine. But enough about that from us, you can read all about it on TMZ. When most people think, "tropical house plant" they usually imagine something like a Philodendron - beautiful large lush leaves with striking colours or patterns exploding from the pot. Its why Philos have been household favourites for eons! The big difference between William's cousins and William here is that he is not a vining plant. William has a fear of heights and is not big on climbing, but his Moonlight will turn any room into a jungle!  Give him a warm, humid environment (jungle style!) and hold the sunshine. Shade is where it's at for William. If you treat William like the royal that he is, he can grow grow grow!   10 20 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7338126999634 Orange Anthurium (S) Lanira Lanira is not even a closed book. She’s a sealed vault. She never says anything past a few words. She’s one of those plants who can tell an entire story with just her facial expressions. But she’ll never tell you her own story. The only reason anybody knows her name is because she lost her purse with her I.D once. When you meet her for the first time you might think she’s mute and Lanira likes to keep it that way, so if you could kindly stop talking that would be much appreciated. Be more like Lanira, and observe, just look and listen you know? People do not hide what they don’t know is on show and Lanira sees all! The Anthurium, much like the Philodendron, is a big family of plants and just like all big families, there's one star that shines the brightest. Enter Anthurium Andraenum or if that's to much of a tongue twister; the Flamingo Lily. This beautiful lady is originally found in places like Equador and Colombia but quickly won over the hearts of many plant parents all over the world. She's easy to care for and produces long lasting bright beautiful lily like flowers. Such a beauty! 10 28 7243986370642 Torch™ | Bloomin Easy Hydrangea Paniculata (L) Maria For Maria, life is simple. Frolicking and singing are her two favourite hobbies. You can entrust your children to her care 100% of the time, and they might return with only a few bruises and scratches (from excess frolicking, of course). They’ll probably be humming “Doe a deer” for the rest of the week as well. After all, the hills are alive… with the sound OF music. This plant comes in a 2 gallon pot. Meet our early-blooming Torch™ Hydrangea Paniculata! This delightful garden plant steals the show with creamy blossoms on top of its upright shape. Plant it in well-draining soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot in your garden. With its quick flowering, you'll have more time to enjoy its beauty, making it a perfect addition to any landscape. 20 30 7213947650130 Coffea Arabica | Coffee Plant (L) Gino Meet Gino, who comes from the coffee-loving heart of Tanzania. With his lush, cascading emerald leaves, Gino's a true charmer and a cappuccino connoisseur. As part of the Coffea Arabica family, known for its world-famous coffee beans, Gino is here to make your space brew-tiful! Just like a perfectly brewed cup, Gino is easy to enjoy, requiring minimal effort to keep his charm alive. Caring for the Coffea Arabica is as enjoyable as savoring a well-brewed cup of coffee. To keep this charming plant thriving, provide him with bright, indirect sunlight, like you'd find in your favorite corner cafe. Aim for soil that's consistently moist but not waterlogged (hold the cream and sugar). This Coffee Plant isn't into cold brew, so keep your indoor temperature cozy between 65-75°F (18-24°C), and consider misting his leaves regularly to keep him comfortable! 21 45 Average Light air purifier Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Once every two years Once per month (summer) 7177449537618 Ficus Elastica Ruby | Rubber Tree (M) Heidi According to NASA, Heidi takes a top-10 spot when it comes to air purifying power. Which is just stellar. Heidi told us she was recruited to be part of the mission to the moon, but that sounds a lot like fairy tale to us. She showed us a picture - it looks photoshopped, so we won't show that here. We know: Heidi's gonna hate, but what can you do? Either way, air purifying is still a pretty cool superpower, and Heidi is the real deal. What are you waiting for? Don't get hasty, get Heidi! Heidi is a special Ficus. She looks so much bigger for her age! It must be those beautiful variegated leaves that she grows. Those colours really POP girl! Heidi is one of those plants that really loves to give back, providing you with amazing fresh living room air in return for a bit of H2-EAU. An exchange that we here like to call a love-Heidi relationship. 15 40 Average Strong air purifying Bright, indirect light Mildly Toxic Every 3 years Once a month (spring & summer) 7157442248786 Artificial Alocasia (L) Horton Horton once told us that “a person’s a person, no matter how small”! And, in the same vein, we think a plant pal’s a plant pal, no matter how tall. Though his grandiose leaves may make you feel like a Who, Horton’s a big softie here at Plantsome HQ. Horton will stick by his friends through thin and through thick, he often frolics in clovers, and rarely gets sick. Alocasia plants, which are also known as Elephant Ear plants, are native to India and Southeast Asia (and the Jungle of Nool, of course). Hassle-free and non-toxic, this artificial Alocasia is the easiest way to enjoy the beautiful of this plant family. With huge lush leaves, this plant is as non-basic as they come. Place it in your living room or hallway... or on a pedestal to bask in all its glory.  21 105 7157442052178 Artificial Ficus Lyrata Trunk (XL) | Fiddle Leaf Fig Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. She may be a little fake, but we have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Go Eileen! The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a highly sought-after plant that is notorious for its picky demeanor. Luckily, you can get all the beauty these plants provide without the hassle! This artificial Ficus lyrata has stunning, broad, fiddle-shaped leaves that add a perfect bohemian touch to any room. This 6 foot tall faux plant has a single trunk and bushy top. Place it in a corner in your living room or office and let it shine! 18 100 7119157657682 Artificial Ficus Microcarpa | Moclame (XXL) Mona Heads up, plant parents! This amigo’s pot diameter is about 7 inches and can fit into an 8 inch decorative pot. However, based on the fullness of the plant, we think a 10 inch pot looks best! What was Leonardo thinking as he painted his glorious Mona Lisa? That beguiling smirk, that stare that won't let go, that beauty oh that beauty! We like to think that he couldn't keep his Ficus Moclame out of his mind! Mona is a mystery and a bit of a clairvoyant. We caught Mona one night with her Tarot cards reading the fortunes of Eileen and Audrey. Poor Eileen! Mona predicted all her leaves would fall off! And Audrey? That she would be a spinstress. As if we even have those any more! Don't worry about Mona doing that to your plants - we made sure to hide her cards. Mona the Microcarpa. Kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? This artificial ficus has a beautiful and bushy appearance, with small round leaves. At 6 feet tall, she definitely demands attention. She has plenty of leaves and, unlike natural ficuses, promises not to drop any. Place her in any room for instant tropical forest vibes! 25 182 7115770691666 Shade Bowl DIY Kit Penny Penny is one thoughtful plant. We think she is descended from one mere coin that was tossed into the Trevi fountain years ago. She is quite the dreamer and often gazes out at the passing people on the streets, calling “arrivederci!”. Thankfully she’s a sweetheart, so no one feels offended at her staring. Now THAT’S amore. Nothing like getting your hands dirty! These DIY kits are perfect for those who want a personalized touch to their plant decor. Place this bowl outside somewhere shady, and water when dry. This planter is the ultra low-maintenance solution for soon-to-be plant parents, and makes a fantastic centerpiece for your summer barbecues.  This bowl comes with one white ceramic planter, five plants, decorative rocks, and potting mix. Plant selection is the grower's choice and subject to availability, but will include coleus, grasses, or other shade tolerant outdoor plants. 21 30 7058725634130 Hedera (M) | Green Ivy Harry Buying plant Harry is the closest you’ll come to being a princess. This trailing amigo will climb, vine and trail his way into your heart with his lush foliage of ever growing green leaves. Don’t worry thought, Harry will do it at a gingerly pace (heh). Harry may not be in line for a throne (a trellis, maybe?) but he’s still a catch. Lush leaves that are easy to care for are always a fan favorite here at Plantsome. Harry, you’ve won us over! We do recommend a spray bottle with water to keep his fans, dubbed “Harry Hunters”, out of your home and garden. Ivy is a creeping vine plant that likes bright light and a moist soil to flourish but can do without and still survive. When you think of ivy you may think of crumbling buildings and lush trellises, but they make great houseplants too! Having an Ivy plant at home is like having a piece of your very own fairytale. And please don't believe the fake news that Harry simply takes over everywhere he goes. On this side of the pond he can totally be tamed! 15 22 Fairly little Strong air purifier Bright indirect light Toxic Every other year Fertilize monthly in spring and summer 6896954179666 Rosemary on Trunk (L) Sybil Sybil is a homely wench who enjoys spending time with her cat in the English countryside. She knows her way around a stew, and she’s popular with the townsfolk for whipping up an “herbal remedy” from time to time. She’s basically what cottagecore dreams are made of. Thankfully this isn’t the 1600s, or she’d for sure be burned at the stake. Anyway… was it a love potion you needed? Just come ‘round back then, poppet. The Rosemary is known (and loved) as a garden patio plant for its fragrance and culinary use. This beautiful plant is part of the  Lamiaceae (or 'mint') family of plants, just like many other herbs such as basil and lavender plants. These fragrant mediterranean herb plants don't typically do well in frost but can survive mild winter temperatures up to about -7 degrees celsius. If you keep yours in the garden year round be sure to protect it from cold damage in winter months. If it gets very cold where you live, make sure to bring your plant indoors. You can even transplant into a pot if your rosemary is planted in your garden. Make sure to do that in late fall, before the real cold sets in. Rosemary plants like lots of sunlight and cooler temperatures so find the brightest spot in the house. 21 60 6615667146834 Sansevieria Golden Hahnii | Birds Nest Snake Plant (L) Jay Jay is your gateway plant to plant parenthood. If that's too technical: Jay is easier to take care of than a pet rock (okay, almost as easy). Just take it easy with watering your Jay and you'll have a happy plant! Less is more for Jay, such a low maintenance guy. Jay also doesn't mind being put in a shady spot. Perfect for those corners in the home that your other plant friends frown upon. Oh and Jay does not need any plant food. Gosh Jay, what's not to like here? Not so sure about this whole plant parent thing? Ease into it then by getting yourself a snake plant! Sansevieria plants are having a bit of a moment so you'd be a hip plant parent right out of the gate! The name Snake plant might sound daunting, but rest assured: Snakes are sssssssuper easy to maintain and we've made this green amigo promise  it  won't strangle you in your sleep. These low maintenance houseplants only need water about once a month and can be left in moderate to bright light. When you’re watering yours, check to see if the soil is dry a few inches deep before watering again. Overwatering can lead to soft, brown mushy leaves and snakes really don't appreciate mushy leaves. It totally messes up their vibes. 21 32 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6594294874194 Caladium | Mt Everest (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 40 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 6572305645650 Sansevieria Lancia | Snake Plant (XXL) Jude Jude is a bit of a board game geek. As he grew taller and taller he graduated from Snakes and Ladders to Gloomhaven and Pandemic. Though he hasn't touched that last one in a little while. Go figure! Sansevieria Lancia have beautiful spires that are easy to care for. Bright or a bit darker spots of your home are equally fine for Jude. Be careful when watering this guy. The most common issue is too much TLC! Overwatering leads to root rot and Jude's eventual demise. Repot only when his roots are very root bround and about to break his current pot. Who knew plants could be such good communicators? 27 140 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6571554963538 Alocasia Baginda | Green Dragon Scale (M) Theodora Theodora is part of the wealthy elite whose names you and I will likely never hear and faces we shall never see. It is known that Theodora’s family dates back to the very same pharaohs who ruled over Egypt and built the pyramids. The blood that runs in her veins is older than money itself and unfathomably more powerful. Theodora also goes by “Dragon Scale” due to an abnormally scaly part at the bottom of her spine - it is rumoured she isn’t fully human plant but part something other than this world. Limited Pre Order Quantities. Estimated Shipping May 8th! The Alocasia Dragon Scale is extremely rare and finding one is something to be proud of. Theodora has enormous marked and textured leaves which only lend credence to the idea that she is part something non-plant. Theodora thrives in the bright indirect light with a bit of shade thrown in, she particularly enjoys conducting business in hot countries. It would be wise to keep her soil wet and not soggy unless you want to find out more about that dragon side. 15 23 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic! Once every two years Occasionally in summer 6569949233234 Caladium | Frieda Hemple (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 40 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4707000320082 Philodendron Imperial Green (XL) Zulay A healthy body needs a healthy mind. Zulay believes it and acts accordingly, taking comparative literature classes. Her belief is that enlightenment can come from all different angles, and she wants to make sure her mental and physical self is getting the right kind of stimulation. Lately, Zulay's even considered learning a new trade, like plumbing or heavy machinery repairs. Talk about a woman with power. Philodendron Imperial are beautiful big-leaf tropical plants that are easy to care for. Huge leaves + easy to care for = plant heaven we think! Keep your Philodendron away from direct sunlight and water about once every ten days to bring those stunning leaves to life! Its an easy recipe and we love it! 25 60 Average Strong air purifying Medium to low light needed Poisonous Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 4393588621394 Dracaena Deremensis | Art Carmen (XXL) Tito His real name is Dracaena Art Carmen or Dracaena Tree but he grew up in the rougher climates of Africa. Tito's weathered it all and has grown tall and strong. So if you are looking for a strong and stunning green amigo... get a Tito! Dracaena deremensis (or Dracaena fragrans) ‘Art Carmen’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena deremensis are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Art Carmen, in particular, is known for their long, glossy, dark green leaves that are edged with yellow.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 135 Little Strong air purifyer Partial shade Lightly poisonous Once every two years Not needed 7388331442258 Tabletop Trio (White Pots) Tabletop Trio (White Pots) So nice, you can’t take your eyes off them. This bundle comes with 3 assorted plants perfect for completely your coffee table, dining table, console, or nightstand. Create a cozy vignette or make them the center of attention. The selection is grower’s choice, but we’ll pick something cute! This bundle comes with three assorted houseplants (two 4” and one 6”), and three assorted white pots to match. Plants are grower’s choice and based on availability. 10 30 7310071300178 Caladium | Angel Wings (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 40 7119162638418 Artificial Areca Palm in Clay Pot (XL) Marty Marty is a Palm from Central America. Where does Artificial Marty come from? That’s a secret we’ll never tell. Although he doesn’t help clear the air, you won’t have to worry about water or light with this faux amigo. He just wants to be a part of the fun. Marty is as Marty does! Soak up some tropical beauty anywhere in your home with this beautiful faux Areca palm. At just over 5 feet tall, this palm adds the perfect tropical ambience to your home whether it’s in the corner or placed front and center. Your palm will come nestled in a beautiful terracotta coloured pot—boho vibes, anyone? The deep green fronds and upright shape is the ideal combination for drawing the eye upward. No care is required, so this artificial plant is ready to go into any home! 21 157 7119158247506 Artificial Olive Tree in Cement Pot (XXL) Olivia Olivia is that one friend we all have that will be on her flip flops wearing shorts the moment it hits ten degrees celsius. We don't blame her for it. It's in her Mediterranean blood! She adorns the sun and would like nothing else than to work on her tan on a beach towel drinking mimosas and reading a Sophie Kinsella. What a life Olivia! Enjoy this Mediterranean beauty (olives included!) inside your home with 0 fuss. Our artificial olive tree comes in a stunning ceramic pot and with olives already ripe for the picking. Of course, we wouldn’t recommend eating them, but you can trick your guests into thinking they’re real. We won’t tell. Place your olive tree in the corner of your living room, bedroom, or front and center for an instant sense of peace and zen—it’s the Mediterranean way! 21 213 7103311741010 Rosemary Upright (M) Sybil Sybil is a homely wench who enjoys spending time with her cat in the English countryside. She knows her way around a stew, and she’s popular with the townsfolk for whipping up an “herbal remedy” from time to time. She’s basically what cottagecore dreams are made of. Thankfully this isn’t the 1600s, or she’d for sure be burned at the stake. Anyway… was it a love potion you needed? Just come ‘round back then, poppet. The Rosemary is known (and loved) as a garden patio plant for its fragrance and culinary use. This beautiful plant is part of the  Lamiaceae (or 'mint') family of plants, just like many other herbs such as basil and lavender plants. These fragrant mediterranean herb plants don't typically do well in frost but can survive mild winter temperatures up to about -7 degrees celsius. If you keep yours in the garden year round be sure to protect it from cold damage in winter months. If it gets very cold where you live, make sure to bring your plant indoors. You can even transplant into a pot if your rosemary is planted in your garden. Make sure to do that in late fall, before the real cold sets in. Rosemary plants like lots of sunlight and cooler temperatures so find the brightest spot in the house. 15 50 6948326604882 Hoya Wayetii Variagata | Wax Plant (M) Hobbes Hobbes doesn’t do small talk. He’s got layers baby and he’s not afraid to show them. If you’re in the mood to debate the origins of Western thought or listen to a lecture on human consciousness, our Hobbes is the plant for you. He may be a bit slow to grow, but when he sets his mind to something he does it with purpose. Hobbes is a trailing plant whose leaves are slightly dark around the edges. We think that’s what gives him his depth of character and we’re here for it. A key figure in the age of enlightenment, Hobbes is a huge fan of bright indirect light and stimulating conversation. He’s not a heavy drinker either, which is a plus in our books! The Hoya wayetii is also known as the wax plant or the porcelain flower plant. Why, you may ask? It’s cuz Hobbes here has been known to produce sweet-smelling clusters of flowers in the springtime and it sure is a sight to behold. Don’t be too sad if your green amigo doesn’t bloom in the first year, it may take him some time to acclimate to the new digs. Other than that, Hobbes is a pretty easy going guy. Give your Hoya wayetii as much bright, indirect light as possible and let his soil dry out between waterings. He also loooooves humidity and will #thrive hanging in a well-lit bathroom. Talk about making a statement! 15 22 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 6880402735186 Hoya Carnosa Crinkle Curl | Hindu Rope (M) Sri Sri might look like he's got all of his leaves just up in crinkles for no reason but you'd be so wrong to think that. You see, Sri is a master Yogi. And he's mastered the pose of the 'crinkle leaf' so well that it has become a permanent pose! All stretching and bending aside, we think those crinkly leaves look hella cute and make for a perfect backdrop when those beautiful Hoya leaves are in bloom. Wouldn't you agree? Note: current plants are not trailing over pot and a bit smaller than pictured. So you are wondering what the deal is with those Hoya plants everyone is raving about? Well let us tell you: these magnificent green amigos are capable of producing some pretty amazing flowers (if you are kind to them, and incredibly patient, and maybe a little bit lucky too?). This Hoya Hindu Rope is no exception! Flowering could take up to two years but the result is stunning. If you want yours to flower, keep the humidity at over 40%, fertilize regularly in spring and summer and water thoroughly when the soil has dried out about a third of the way through. Hey, no one said this was easy! 15 15 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 6860286427218 Alocasia Regal Shield | Elephants Ear (L) Nefertiti Nefertiti radiates power. Her giant leaves are velvety with red undersides and ruffled edges, and she’s not afraid to take up space, growing as tall as five feet. Nefertiti worships the sun and has many names, including Lady of Grace, Sweet of Love, and Lady of All Women. Astounded by her beauty, we commissioned a sculpture of her and placed it in our greenhouse. Our other plants weep at the sight of her and, we’ve got to admit, we’ve shed a tear or two ourselves. Something about feeling inadequate in the face of a potted plant’s authoritative Despite her intimidating appearance, Nefertiti is a relatively low maintenance plant. Like other Alocasias, she likes warm conditions and bright but indirect sunlight. She loves the sun and grows in its direction, so we recommend moving her once a week to keep her growth balanced. Give her plenty of attention and praise and remember how lucky you are to have her! 21 60 6854328254546 Hoya Carnosa Krinkle 8 | Wax Plant (M) Earl Earl is that friend that we all have who constantly needs to be rescued out of hairy situations. Earl gets himself in trouble and we get him out of it. Earl likes to live on the edge of the window sill. Don't be surprised if you see one of his vines kreeping ever closer to latch onto the door handle. Mentally he's already left your house, onto another adventure. Careful Earl, just be careful. The Hoya Carnosa Krinkle 8 is a bit of an oddball among the Hoyas. Its oddly crinkled leaves gives it the appearance of being a cross between a Hoya Carnosa and a Hoya Crinkle Curl or Hindu Rope. The unique look is definitely part of the appeal but just wait until you see it bloom! It might take you a while but it is worth the wait. Keep your Hoya Krinkle 8 in a bright spot away from direct sunlight and water only when the top 2 inches of soil have dried out. Hoya's are a type of succulent and will have some leftover water stored in those fleshy leaves which means they need less water. 15 25 Moderate Strong air purifying South facing no direct sunlight Not toxic Not needed Once a month in summer 6854278348882 Hosta Patriot | Plantain Lily (S) Victor The reincarnation of a wealthy Victorian child, Victor is content languishing outside in the garden on an overcast day. He can teach you a thing or two about etiquette, just as his beloved governess, Miss Jessel, taught him. Don’t ask him what makes his foliage grow so exquisitely, or what’s buried underneath. Victor has many secrets. Stare into his soulless eyes long enough, and you just might become one of them. If you're not new to gardening, you will know all about the Hosta. If you are relatively new, let us enlighten you on this amazing perennial. Hosta's were first brought over from the Orient in the early 1700s and have been cultivated in gardens all over North America ever since. There are over 2500 different varieties of Hosta's in a multitude of colours and leaf sizes but the Hosta Patriot is a perennial plant that is considered to be one of the most popular. Its two tone variegated leaves make it stand out in gardens and is an excellent addition to your flowering plants. Plant your Hosta about a foot deep into the soil and give it enough space around the plant to widen and broaden as it matures. Keep the Hosta moist but not wet and be careful with over watering. Once fully grown they are more tolerant to long periods of rain or drought. Your Hosta plant should be considered an annual if it is planted in gardens where winter temperatures typically exceed -6 degrees celsius. 10 20 6848370770002 Rosemary on Twisted Trunk (M) Sybil Sybil is a homely wench who enjoys spending time with her cat in the English countryside. She knows her way around a stew, and she’s popular with the townsfolk for whipping up an “herbal remedy” from time to time. She’s basically what cottagecore dreams are made of. Thankfully this isn’t the 1600s, or she’d for sure be burned at the stake. Anyway… was it a love potion you needed? Just come ‘round back then, poppet. The Rosemary is known (and loved) as a garden patio plant for its fragrance and culinary use. This beautiful plant is part of the Lamiaceae (or 'mint') family of plants, just like many other herbs such as basil and lavender plants. These fragrant mediterranean herb plants don't typically do well in frost but can survive mild winter temperatures up to about -7 degrees celsius. If you keep yours in the garden year round be sure to protect it from cold damage in winter months. If it gets very cold where you live, make sure to bring your plant indoors. You can even transplant into a pot if your rosemary is planted in your garden. Make sure to do that in late fall, before the real cold sets in. Rosemary plants like lots of sunlight and cooler temperatures so find the brightest spot in the house. 15 60 6834637209682 Alocasia Portora | Elephants Ear (XL) Horton Horton once told us that “a person’s a person, no matter how small”! And, in the same vein, we think a plant pal’s a plant pal, no matter how tall. Though his grandiose leaves may make you feel like a Who, Horton’s a big softie here at Plantsome HQ. Horton will stick by his friends through thin and through thick, he often frolics in clovers, and rarely gets sick. Simply give your new Horton plenty of light, a nice splash of water, and you’ll both be alright. Alocasia plants, which are also known as Elephant Ear plants, are native to India and Southeast Asia (and the Jungle of Nool, of course). There are multiple varieties of Alocasias which all thrive in bright, indirect light, and high levels of humidity. It’s these conditions that remind these indoor tropical plants of home! We also suggest giving your Alocasia Portora a monthly treatment of organic fertilizer and keeping it far away from your pets - these plants can be toxic if ingested! 25 100 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6757690671186 Ficus Triangularis Variegated (XL) Phineas We met Phineas many moons ago, backpacking through the South African wilderness. It quickly became a lifelong friendship and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have him pay us a visit here in Canada! One thing to keep in mind about ol’ Phineas is that he is very particular about high humidity (he loves it) and doesn’t stand for cold drafts or heater vents. He also prefers a hefty drink as soon as the top few inches of his soil feel dry. BTW - given the right amount of light and consistent humidity, Phin’s funky variegation will really start to shine! Phineas is an eternal optimist. To his older sister’s indignation, this green amigo constantly looks on the brighter side of things (which explains his need for bright, filtered light) and takes every moment as it comes. He’s creative, incredibly brainy and known around Plantsome HQ for taking on massively weird projects! All with a big, leafy smile on his triangular-shaped leaves . So just as long as Phineas’ mother is kept outta the loop, he’ll happily help you with building a rocket or fighting a mummy or climbing up the Eiffel Tower… you get the gist! Hey you! You may have noticed that this plant was once classified as an air purifier. While all plants do purify your air to an extent, it's significantly less than this green amigo would like to take credit for! Wanna learn more? Read about it here . 25 64 Little Moderate air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic to humans and pets Once every 2 years Once or twice a month during spring/summer 6644827422802 Jade Pothos (M) Auri There's a dark air to Auri. Contrary to other species in her family (Epipremnum Aureum), Auri does not blossom due to a genetic bug no Ctrl+Alt+Del could solve. She is also considered a plague due to being nearly impossible to kill and staying green even when kept out of the light. Pretty much the lovechild of the Grinch with Bruce Willis in that Christmas movie. No wonder people also call her the Devil's Ivy. The dark side of the bloom (not to be confused with that Pink Floyd record your weird uncle told you about) never looked greener. And unlike your stoner uncle or the Gilmour-Troubled Waters relationship, Auri has aged well: she's been around at least since 1880, which officially makes her older than knock knock jokes. And she still has the hots! If you're looking for a pet that outlasts you, look no further: Auri is what songs like "I will survive" are all about. Not only is she cold, she's blasé like Beyoncé: leave her to burn in the sun and Auri will still behave like she's totally lovin' it, her heart-shaped leaves all out like it's for that super chill selfie. 15 28 Moderate Strong air purifier Low or medium light Toxic Every other year Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly) 6630162169938 Polyscias Fabian | Aralia Stump (XL) Fabian Jungle vibe alert! Polyscias plants love the shade and will be a little more demanding to care for but oh my oh my, what a beaut! Fabian is a champ at turning carbon monoxide into oxygen, filling your room with fresh O2 like its no biggie. Fun fact: Fabian over here is a member of the Polyscias family which means 'lots of shade' in Greek because this plant can go supersize in the jungle, providing lots of shade! The exotic looking Polyscias Fabian is found on the Polynesian Islands. All that traveling has made him a bit demanding. Put him in a bright spot but no direct sunlight please. It messes with his vibe. Back home some refer to him as either an Aralia or Polyscias, but to us he'll always be Fabian. Just look at him, what a stunner! 25 60 Moderate Light air purifier Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every two years Every other month 6570542628946 Caladium | Classic Pink (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 45 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 4777317859410 Dracaena Deremensis (XL) Kai His real name is Dracaena Deremensis or Dracaena Tree but he grew up in the rougher climates of Africa so we've named him Kai. This tough amigo weathered it all and has grown tall and strong. So if you are looking for a strong and stunning green amigo... get a Kai! Dracaena deremensis (or Dracaena fragrans) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena deremensis are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Dracaena deremenis, in particular, is known for their long, glossy, dark green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 105 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7128637800530 Dracaena Warneckei Lemon Lime (XL) Kenzo Kenzo used to be pure negativity, but he's trying to get over it. He took one of those hipster mindfulness/meditation/goatyoga courses and now he's trying to be all about the chill. After a fight with Kenzo Jr. we had to put him on some mandatory 20 minute meditation sessions to combat his anger management issues. Do you think Kenzo will work it out? Dracaena Warneckei ‘Lemon Lime’ is one of many Dracaena cultivars. This Dracaena was cultivated from the Dracaena fragrans more than 200 years ago. Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 95 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7119149629522 Artificial Ficus Burgundy | Rubber Plant Jack Jack is an easy-going Jack of all trades. We love him for the bolt of confidence he strikes in us when we’re about to lead an important meeting, or watch a tense episode of our favourite reality TV show. He’ll help uplift your mood no matter where he’s placed, and always brings the drama. The good kind, of course. Jack is a Ficus Burgundy which, if you ask us, really is one of the most modern looking plants that money can buy. Jack looks good in any room setting. We have a Jack in the office and we love it, but we’re confident he’ll look right at home in a bedroom or living room. After all, the world’s his oyster. His leaves are tall, firm and have a beautiful deep color. Match him with a white pot for a satisfying pop of colour, or opt for black for a more masculine look. 21 91 7115789140050 Cordyline Australis Chocolate Mint (S) Jean Jean's wisdom is undeniable. He knows everything about anything and will tell you all about the meaning of life, but only if you ask. Jean has that je ne sais quoi that makes us feel smarter around the office. To be completely honest, we don't even know why he calls himself Jean, he's not even French! But it's OK, we'll allow it you smart cookie! The Cordyline Red Star is a plant that grows well both as an outdoor plant and inside as a houseplant. Kept outdoors, make sure to provide this bronze-leafed plant a spot with plenty of sun but away from any cold drafts. Cordyline make for excellent border plants and go well in mix containers to fill the space between bigger flowering plants. Cordyline or Cabbage Palm plants are also pet friendly, making them particularly popular versatile plants to keep around. The plant may produce flowers from June to September and likes to be kept in moist soil at all times so be sure to check on watering regularly for the best results. 10 30 6931022118994 Rosemary (S) Sybil Sybil is a homely wench who enjoys spending time with her cat in the English countryside. She knows her way around a stew, and she’s popular with the townsfolk for whipping up an “herbal remedy” from time to time. She’s basically what cottagecore dreams are made of. Thankfully this isn’t the 1600s, or she’d for sure be burned at the stake. Anyway… was it a love potion you needed? Just come ‘round back then, poppet. The Rosemary is known (and loved) as a garden patio plant for its fragrance and culinary use. This beautiful plant is part of the Lamiaceae (or 'mint') family of plants, just like many other herbs such as basil and lavender plants. These fragrant mediterranean herb plants don't typically do well in frost but can survive mild winter temperatures up to about -7 degrees celsius. If you keep yours in the garden year round be sure to protect it from cold damage in winter months. If it gets very cold where you live, make sure to bring your plant indoors. You can even transplant into a pot if your rosemary is planted in your garden. Make sure to do that in late fall, before the real cold sets in. Rosemary plants like lots of sunlight and cooler temperatures so find the brightest spot in the house. 10 20 6874364739666 Coleus Chartres Street (S) Cersei When you ask Cersei what is most important to her in all of Westeros, she’ll answer with 3 things: power, beauty, and family (perhaps a bit excessively). Don’t ask her to recreate her family tree unless you want nausea and a headache. She’s a bit too paranoid for our taste, but she makes up for it by always creating juicy drama for the court to feast upon. 10/10 would vote for Cersei! Coleus are also called Painted Nettle or Poor Man's Croton and simply stunning garden plants to look at. The Coleus is an easy going (and growing) plant that does well both in garden beds and containers. Coleus come in a variety of different colours and shapes and are tolerant to shade or areas of your garden/patio that receive indirect light. Water frequently and keep the soil constantly moist. Coleus do not like winter conditions though and are prone to dying in frost. A stunning annual that is a great addition to any garden. 10 20 6827594219602 Philodendron Imperial Red (XL) Clifford Clifford the Philodendron Imperial Red is ready to be adopted and be your new best friend. He's house trained and all he needs is some water, light, and occasional plant food. If you give him all the love and TLC, he’ll grow, grow, grow! Who knows how big he’ll get! Philodendron erubescens 'Imperial Red' are beautiful, big-leaf tropical houseplants. Huge leaves + easy to care for = plant heaven (in our humble opinion)! The big leaves might require dusting off every now and then to keep them looking fresh. Find a spot for your Philodendron Imperial Red with bright, indirect light (avoid direct sunlight) and water when at least 50% of the soil is dry to bring those stunning leaves to life! 25 65 Infrequent Strong air purifying Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Once every 2 years Every two weeks 6660512415826 Alocasia Sarian | African Mask (M) Dixie While you’re here let’s get one thing straight, Alocasia’s are where it is at right now and this gal is as cool as they come. With millions of followers on TikTok, Dixie is defining what it means to be Gen Z. She’s responsible for the whole war on skinny jeans and you bet that she’s proud of that. When Dixie won her first Webby for social influencer of the decade, she pulled a Leo and used the opportunity to encourage her fans to care more about our planet. We stan, Dixie!! If you see her out and about, she’ll gladly pose for a pic and tell you what it’s like to be so famous. She’s a plant of the people! While you’re here let’s get one thing straight, Alocasia’s are where it is at right now and this gal is as cool as they come. With millions of followers on TikTok, Dixie is defining what it means to be Gen Z. She’s responsible for the whole war on skinny jeans and you bet that she’s proud of that. When Dixie won her first Webby for social influencer of the decade, she pulled a Leo and used the opportunity to encourage her fans to care more about our planet. We stan, Dixie!! If you see her out and about, she’ll gladly pose for a pic and tell you what it’s like to be so famous. She’s a plant of the people! 15 40 Frequent Light air purifying Bright, indirect light Toxic Once every two years Monthly 6644803305554 Sansevieria Silver Flame | Snake Plant (XL) Jörmungandr In Norse mythology, Jörmungandr is a giant sea serpent who grew so large he was able to encircle the Earth and grasp his own tail. At Plantsome HQ, Jörmungandr is just another carefree member of our snake family. He doesn’t like to brag about being Thor’s nephew (and arch-nemesisssss), but he will bring it up occasionally when one of his siblings is throwing a hissy fit. Humble beginnings aside, Jörmungandr makes a great starter plant. He thrives in low-light conditions, does not require any plant food, and will forgive you when you forget a watering or two. If you travel a lot for work or, like, have a galaxy to protect or something… Jörmungandr’s the plant for you. The Sansevieria Silver Flame is also known as the snake plant or mother in laws tongue. When it comes to caring for any members of the Sansevieria family, we think it best to have a “set it and forget it” mentality. This popular house plant can be left alone for weeks on end, doesn’t require much sunlight, hates fertilizer and loves to dry out completely between waterings. Just keep Jörmungandr away from your pets as his venom can be a bit poisonous. All in all this African plant is truly a breeze to maintain -  Jörmungandr will purify the heck out of your air, and it’ll almost make you forget about the whole Ragnarok debacle. We said almost!! 25 56 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 7208534081618 Artificial Bird of Paradise in Iron Pot (XXL) Olivia Olivia is that one friend we all have that will be on her flip flops wearing shorts the moment it hits ten degrees celsius. We don't blame her for it. It's in her Mediterranean blood! She adorns the sun and would like nothing else than to work on her tan on a beach towel drinking mimosas and reading a Sophie Kinsella. What a life Olivia! The 5 ft tall flowering Artificial Bird of Paradise is a highly sought-after plant, celebrated for its exotic and tropical allure. Fortunately, you can revel in the striking beauty of this majestic plant without the upkeep! This lifelike Artificial Bird of Paradise showcases impressive, large, banana-like leaves with rich green hues and distinct ribbing, creating a bold and vibrant presence. Standing at 5 feet tall, this is your statement piece in low-light environments. Perfect for enhancing the ambiance in your foyer, reception area or office space. 21 170 7119162376274 Artificial Areca Palm (XXL) Marty Heads up, plant parents! This amigo’s pot diameter is about 7 inches and can fit into an 8 inch decorative pot. However, based on the fullness of the plant, we think a 10 inch pot looks best! Marty is a Palm from Central America. Where does Artificial Marty come from? That’s a secret we’ll never tell. Although he doesn’t help clear the air, you won’t have to worry about water or light with this faux amigo. He just wants to be a part of the fun. Marty is as Marty does! Soak up some tropical beauty anywhere in your home with this beautiful faux Areca palm. At 7 feet tall, this palm adds the perfect tropical ambience to your home whether it’s in the corner or placed front and center. The deep green fronds and upright shape is the ideal combination for drawing the eye upward. No care is required, so this artificial plant is ready to go into any home! 25 213 7119153922130 Artificial Joshua Tree Cane Yucca in Pot (XXL) Johnny Johnny has mastered the art of chill. Johnny is one of those easy going guys that everyone loves to hang out with. He doesn't drink much and does not need a lot of plant food either. In fact, if you give him any, he may get sick—you know, since he’s fake and all. Put him wherever your heart desires! Yeeeeeehaw! Johnny was born and raised in the arid lands of Central and North America and is especially common in the Yucca valley close to the world famous Joshua Tree National Park. Johnny is often mistaken to be part of the palm family but he's set the record straight with us. This artificial Yucca definitely gives hot, prickly vibes to any space and the terracotta pot just screams “desert sunset.” 21 150 7119134687314 Artificial Eucalyptus Tree (XL) Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this artificial eucalyptus tree! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At just under 6 feet high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect addition to your living room, foyer, or dining room. 25 170 7077545115730 Double Play Big Bang® | Spiraea ‘Tracy’ (S) | Proven Winners® Winnie Winnie is cottage-core reimagined: she sprawls, she prances, and she waltzes her way across your garden like it’s her wont. She’ll answer your question with another question, and will giggle and spring away before you can catch on. You’ll soon find yourself giggling and prancing about with no explanation as to why. It’s just the Winnie way. This plant comes in a 1 quart pot!  Extra-large flowers. Massive pink flowers of a size never seen before adorn bright yellow foliage on Double Play Big Bang ®  spirea. Foliage glows orange in the spring. 10 15 6859212456018 Hoya Green Carnosa | Wax Plant (M) Jessica Jessica is a go getter. She started her career long ago as a movie and TV extra in L.A. but she's a gal with big ambitions. Back in the day she says she would juggle her time between countless auditions and being a bartender in a strip club bar near Long Beach. These days, Jessica is the lead actress in many Hollywood blockbuster movies and even has a Wax Bar. Its a strange combo but hey, you work it, girl! Get ready to say "yaasss" to the Hoya Carnosa! This beautiful Hoya Carnosa is a visual treat, really! Jessica's lovely foliage features light and dark green tones and maybe some flowers if you take good care of her! Speaking about care, make sure you let Jessica tan somewhere with bright but indirect sunlight. Also, don't forget to water her once every two weeks. Just don't overdo it. Coming from L.A., Jessica doesn't like the rain that much! 15 23 Infrequent Strong Bright, Indirect to Medium Not Toxic Not needed Monthly 6786203517010 Sansevieria Trifasciata Wintergreen | Snake Plant (XL) Viper Daughter of the all powerful Great Master Viper, this green amigo is not one to mess with. POW! Although, to her father’s dismay, she was born without fangs - this didn’t stop Viper from becoming a kung fu master in her own right. “I don’t need to bite to fight!” says Viper - and we’d rather not test that theory… Tolerant to lower light, we often find her lurking in the shadows, always on the cusp of a sneak attack. Or should we say snake attack? The Sansevieria Trifasciata is also known as the snake plant. Similar to ZZ plants and cast iron plants, these green amigos are known to be low maintenance indoor plants that are also tolerant to low light. All slithering aside, the snake plant is also called a 'mother in law's tongue' because of how sharp the tips of its leaves are. Anyway, this African plant is truly an easy to care for plant, which makes it really popular for indoor gardeners. Sansevieria are known to be more air purifying than other plants and can grow up to 40 inches tall! Talk about a snakey surprise! 25 105 Very little Strong air purifying Anywhere Toxic Once every three years Not needed 6569810985042 Caladium | Pink Splash (L) Goku So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13. Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth! 21 45 Frequent Low air purifier Low light Toxic Every two years Monthly 7397037408338 Terrarium Pack (Plants Only) Terrarium Pack (Plants Only) Oooops… did you kill your terrarium plants? No judgment—you’re in the right place for a refill! Or perhaps you just want a group of amigos who like to stick together, roots and all. Our Terrarium Pack comes with an assortment of plants who will do well in close quarters. What does that entail, exactly? Plants that not only grow well with little attention, but enjoy the misty confines (AKA high humidity) of a glass container. Just plant them in your terrarium, and put the lid on it! This pack contains: Four to six terrarium-friendly plants, 2.5” to 4” in diameter, all grower’s choice and based on availability. Plants are grower’s choice and based on availability. 10 30 7208534212690 Artificial Eucalyptus in Terra Pot (L) Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this artificial eucalyptus tree! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At 37cm high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect centerpiece on your dining table, coffee table, or entry table. It comes in a white ceramic pot for the ultimate package! 15 37 7157442412626 Artificial Plume Grass (XXL) Pimm He’ll follow you anywhere… from the morning mists of that grassy field everyone shoots engagement photos at, to the shores of your favourite beach at golden hour. He even comes equipped with a floppy hat to match yours. Consider him fully trained! As long as the light’s “aesthetic”, he’s there… but Pimm’s secret is that he looks good at any hour. Isn’t that annoying? Why do our boyfriends have the fluffiest lashes and nicest skin without doing anything? Maybe he’s born with it… maybe it’s Pimm. The peak of simplicity and zen! Grab this artificial pampas grass with dogtail for the ultimate carefree potted plant. Place it in the living room or entryway to fill out those empty corners and make every room look a bit softer. At 150cm tall, it’s the perfect tall plant that doesn’t take up too much space. 18 150 6997071954002 Holiday Wreath Mary Call her Mary, call her Mrs. Claus, it doesn’t matter—she is the very embodiment of the holiday itself. Plump and jolly, she enjoys helping her hubs and his little helpers make each Christmas memorable. Kind as Mary is, she’s a little out of touch with the modern world and can’t help shaking her head at some of the wishlists she sees. What’s an eye-phone? How ‘bout another Jack-in-the-box for you, little Timmy! 6853624201298 Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma | Mini Monstera Ginny (XL) Nikki Just because Nikki is an easy plant to maintain, doesn’t mean she’s an easy plant to find. In order to “get down with the Nik-ness”, you must remind her how rare and special she is on the daily. She likes to think that she’s the last plant you think about at night and the first plant you think about in the morning. But, like, don’t get too obsessed because Nikki doesn’t like that. She’s cool and casual. Cool, casual, and ready to be showered in your unrelenting love. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. Raaa-fid-a-fooor...screw it. This plant is chill. She doesn’t have time for nine syllable Latin names and neither do we. Her name is Nikki (two syllables, thank you very much) and she’s always down to hang. Well, as long as the lighting is good and her soil is moist. Not too moist: remember to drain the soil. 25 70 Average Strong air purifying Shade Toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks (summer) 6640656580690 Calathea White Star (L) Frida She’s breathtaking! Because the white and pink stripes on their leaves look like brush strokes, Calathea White Stars are often compared to paintings. Bringing Frida home is a bit like having a living work of art—and Frida knows a little something about art. She aims to paint the most important, and tragic, events in her life as a plant: “Rootbound”, “Self Portrait of Me Being Overwatered”, and “Me and My Owner, Who Knows Exactly What They Did.” Calathea White Stars are low light plants, which makes them perfect for indoor growing in those less than ideal plant corners of your room. As for Frida, she expects to be treated with kindness and respect. She likes high humidity, having her leaves misted, and getting watered just enough for her soil to be moist at all times. Too much water will lead to root rot and Frida does not like wet feet, or any feet for that matter! 21 50 Frequent Strong air purifying Bright north facing, no direct sunlight Not toxic Once every two years Once every two weeks in summer 7390915035218 Dracaena Fragrans | Mass Cane (XL) Abdu Ever thought about conquering the tallest free standing peak in the world? Neither have we! But if you ever decide to ascend Mt Kilimanjaro - then Abdu’s the one to guide you there. Born and grown in the sunny climes of Tanzania, Abdu has trained long and hard to become a master of terrain, an expert on the region’s native species, and the king of corny jokes (some people even call him a Corn Plant)! And while he speaks fondly of his many adventures, Abdu’s ready to put down some roots, settle down and have some plant babies of his own. Are you the one for this distinguished gentleman? Serious inquiries only! Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ (or Mass Cane) is one of many Dracaena cultivars. Commonly, Dracaena fragrans are sometimes called “Corn Plants” because they grow in stalks and have long, wide leaves, similar to corn plants. Mass Cane, in particular, are known for their wide, striped, bright green leaves.Dracaena are great easy care tropical houseplants. They can tolerate anything from bright, indirect light to low light (keep them out of direct sunlight, it will burn their leaves). Their soil should almost entirely dry in between waterings and don’t require much fertilizer (only once or twice a year), which makes them very low maintenance!If you notice any brown leaf tips, it might be due to mineral buildup from your tap water. If you have particularly hard water or use a water softener, switch to watering with filtered water. 25 90 Infrequent Strong air purifyer Bright, Indirect to Low Toxic Every 2 years Once or twice a year 7208533917778 Artificial Agave in White Magnesium Pot Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this artificial eucalyptus tree! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At 37cm high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect centerpiece on your dining table, coffee table, or entry table. It comes in a white ceramic pot for the ultimate package! 15 35 7157442314322 Artificial Plume Grass (L) Pimm He’ll follow you anywhere… from the morning mists of that grassy field everyone shoots engagement photos at, to the shores of your favourite beach at golden hour. He even comes equipped with a floppy hat to match yours. Consider him fully trained! As long as the light’s “aesthetic”, he’s there… but Pimm’s secret is that he looks good at any hour. Isn’t that annoying? Why do our boyfriends have the fluffiest lashes and nicest skin without doing anything? Maybe he’s born with it… maybe it’s Pimm. The peak of simplicity and zen! Grab this artificial pampas grass with dogtail for the ultimate carefree plant. Place it in the living room or entryway to fill out those empty corners and make every room look a bit softer. At 140cm tall, it’s the perfect tall plant that doesn’t take up too much space. 15 120 7146019618898 Artificial Ficus Benjamina | Weeping Fig (XXL) Wilson Heads up, plant parents! This amigo’s pot diameter is about 7 inches and can fit into an 8 inch decorative pot. However, based on the fullness of the plant, we think a 10 inch pot looks best! Wilson not only provides a natural atmosphere, but also a healthy working and living environment. So much so that NASA has included this fella in the top 10 most air-purifying plants in the world… but NASA doesn’t need to know that this Wilson is a poser. Jeez, doesn’t anyone do a background check these days? Regardless, Wilson has cool intentions and if there’s one thing he specializes in, it’s good vibes. Enjoy the beauty of the Ficus, now with no weeping required. Our artificial Ficus benjamina is here to stay. Say goodbye to leaf drop and unhappy plants! This bushy weeping fig is the perfect splash of life needed in your home. Natural, wild looking, and 5 feet tall, this faux Ficus would look great in a study (do people still call them that? Translation: office), living room, or kitchen for that “lived in” look. 25 150 7067987968082 Citrus Limequat | Lime Plant (XL) Limo Limo turns club soda, white rum, mint leaves and some sugar into a blissful Mojito like its no big deal. If that's not a super power... we don't know what is! Just like his friend Frank, the Citrus Limequat too, is a hybrid between two fruit trees. The Limequat is a cross between a kumquat (koom what?!) and a Key Lime. To us he's just Limo and he's always around for Friday drinks. Be sure to water him plenty and keep him in bright light. Thank you! 25 50 A lot of Not a great air purifier Bright direct sunlight Pet friendly One every two years Once every two weeks 6896952279122 Rosemary on Trunk (M) Sybil Sybil is a homely wench who enjoys spending time with her cat in the English countryside. She knows her way around a stew, and she’s popular with the townsfolk for whipping up an “herbal remedy” from time to time. She’s basically what cottagecore dreams are made of. Thankfully this isn’t the 1600s, or she’d for sure be burned at the stake. Anyway… was it a love potion you needed? Just come ‘round back then, poppet. The Rosemary is known (and loved) as a garden patio plant for its fragrance and culinary use. This beautiful plant is part of the Lamiaceae (or 'mint') family of plants, just like many other herbs such as basil and lavender plants. These fragrant mediterranean herb plants don't typically do well in frost but can survive mild winter temperatures up to about -7 degrees celsius. If you keep yours in the garden year round be sure to protect it from cold damage in winter months. If it gets very cold where you live, make sure to bring your plant indoors. You can even transplant into a pot if your rosemary is planted in your garden. Make sure to do that in late fall, before the real cold sets in. Rosemary plants like lots of sunlight and cooler temperatures so find the brightest spot in the house. 15 90 6854275694674 Hosta Dancing Queen (S) Agnetha Where will you find Agnetha on a Friday night? Funny you even have to ask—she will obviously be where they play the right music. You may approach her with a friendly “Hej,” or even a “Goddagens,” but never a “Tja.” Agnetha is our Swedish disco legend who you’ll want to take a chance on in your garden. She’s so iconic that when she suggests you need to revive the bell bottoms, you say “I do, I do, I do, I do, I do.” If you're not new to gardening, you will know all about the Hosta. If you are relatively new, let us enlighten you on this amazing perennial. Hosta's were first brought over from the Orient in the early 1700s and have been cultivated in gardens all over North America ever since. There are over 2500 different varieties of Hosta's in a multitude of colours and leaf sizes but the Hosta Dancing Queen stands out with it's lemon-lime foliage and lavender toned flowers. Plant your Hosta about a foot deep into the soil and give it enough space around the plant to widen and broaden as it matures. Keep the Hosta moist but not wet and be careful with over watering. Once fully grown they are more tolerant to long periods of rain or drought. Your Hosta plant should be considered an annual if it is planted in gardens where winter temperatures typically exceed -6 degrees celsius. 10 35 6838658695250 Tradescantia Sillamontana White Velvet (S) Goomba Goomba is the botanical embodiment of bravery, resilience, and massive eyebrows. The leader of his mushroom squad, he is on a mission to take over Mushroom Kingdom for his beloved Bowser no matter the cost. Italian plumbers do make him jumpy, but he won’t let that stop him from leading his team across those treacherous pixels. When he’s not battling for land, Goomba’s hobbies include dissipating into nothingness. Ready your scowl, soldier—that’s an order! The Tradescantia Sillamontana White Velvet is a houseplant known by many names: Tradescantia Velvet Hill, Cobweb Spiderwort, Wooly Wandering Jew, White Gossamer Plant, and probably a few other creative names, too! Its bright green leaves are covered in white, wooly hairs which make it soft to the touch. They are a unique easy care indoor plant. Like other types of Tradescantia, the White Velvet prefers bright, indirect light, but can tolerate low light conditions. Water sparingly, they are prone to root rot if overwatered. As they grow, they will start to trail. To keep it more compact and bushy, trim new growth to encourage branching. If you’re lucky, she’ll treat you to some small, purple-pink flowers! 10 12 Moderate Light Bright, Indirect to Medium Toxic Once every year Monthly 7393822179410 Dieffenbachia Tropic Rain (XL) Alvin Alvin may be reflecting with all of his lime green and yellow spots, he actually really likes hanging out in indirect sun! He's a beauty king with a striking exterior and admired by many! For fun, Alvin loves to hang out by the beach answering declarations of love from all of his fans, under an umbrella of course. Shade is the new sun baby! Dieffenbachia 'Tropic Rain' is a popular cultivar of the Dieffenbachia plant, often known as "dumb cane." Plant parents love it for its large, striking leaves and easy care routine. It is similar to the popular Dieffenbachia Camille, but with differences in its variegation. The tropic rain has large leaves with a light to medium green base with creamy white or yellow patterns along the veins. It grows in an upright habit and can reach up to 3-6 feet tall. Give your Tropic Rain anything from low light to bright, indirect light as it’s easily adaptable! It enjoys high humidity but can tolerate household levels. Be sure to water it only once the top inch of soil dries out. 25 70 Very frequent Strong air purifying Bright, no direct sunlight Toxic Every two years Once every two weeks in Summer 7390919655506 Joshua Tree Cane Yucca Single Stem (XL) Johnny Johnny has mastered the art of chill. Johnny is one of those easy going guys that everyone loves to hang out with. He doesn't drink much and does not need a lot of plant food either. Put him in a sunny spot and Johnny's happy. Just be careful with Pets, Johnny is a poisonous plant. Yeeeeeehaw! Johnny was born and raised in the arid lands of Central and North America and is especially common in the Yucca valley close to the world famous Joshua Tree National Park. Johnny is often mistaken to be part of the palm family but he's set the record straight with us. Johnny is actually a member of the succulent family. Johnny is used to the dry deserts of Texas which makes him very easy to maintain and take care of. 25 100 Very little Light air purifying Direct sun Toxic Once every two years Not needed 7272968847442 Juniperus Conferta Blue Pacific | Dwarf Conifer (L) Steve Oh look, a clue… that you need this Juniper to help solve mysteries with you. While Steve won’t get far, sometimes a good pair of paws (or leaves) is all you need to steer you in the right direction. Come solve the mysteries of the universe with our trusty Steve! Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' is a popular dwarf conifer known for its striking blue-green foliage and low, spreading growth habit. It's compact blue-green leaves are the perfect addition to your garden to fill in empty spaces while maintaining a lush and colourful look! It requires full sun and well-draining soil, while needing minimal pruning and maintenance.  21 30 7208534343762 Artificial Eucalyptus Tree in basket (XXL) Perry While Perry may seem like your run-of-the-mill Eucalyptus from the sunny shores of Australia, he spends half his time under the guise of a fedora. He looks as inconspicuous as, well, any plant would saving the world from Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s evil schemes. He’s a very quiet plant, whose face never betrays any sudden emotion, and who will appear at the end of the day acting like he hasn’t been missing from your garden for 12 hours. Perry is the cool, calm, and collected type. If he drank, he would probably prefer his drinks shaken, not stirred. Opt for a stunning and safe indoor plant with this 5ft artificial eucalyptus tree in a beautiful basket! With the beautiful silvery-blue leaves that are characteristic of eucalyptus, you can enjoy the serene vibe of this plant without worrying about your little ones getting into it. At just under 6 feet high, this eucalyptus plant would be the perfect addition to your living room, foyer, or dining room. 25 170 7208534278226 Artificial Rubber Tree | Ficus Elastica (L) Eileen Eileen has like a million followers on instagram. Yep you heard it, Eileen is instafamous. She loves bragging about how her gorgeous green leaves always get her a ton of likes. She may be a little fake, but we have to admit she does look amazing. We understand you all adore her. Go Eileen! The Variegated Ficus Elastica is a sought-after plant known for its distinctive and vibrant appearance. Luckily, you can enjoy all the beauty of this plant without the fuss! This artificial Ficus Elastica features stunning variegated leaves, showcasing a mix of green and creamy white hues that add a perfect touch to any room. This medium-sized faux plant would look splendid on a shelf, coffee table, or dresser, bringing an elegant and lively atmosphere to your space. 15 55 6860287377490 Passiflora | Passion Flower Clear Sky (XL) Shanelle Talk about some deep roots on this one. The Caerulea Passion Flower plants was kept in gardens centuries ago in Aztec communities. The Passionflower plant has flowers that last for months at a time. It's an easy going plant that can resist fairly harsh winter conditions and various soil types. The beautiful blooms attract bees and butterflies, which at this point is just a really nice bonus. A must-have plant in the garden! There are over 600 different varieties of passionflower plants and while some are said to have medicinal benefits such as treatment against insomnia, they are most popular because they are easy to grow, winter hardy up to -20 degrees celsius and thrive in a variety of light conditions and soils. The beautiful flowers can last for many months and attract insects and butterflies. Be sure to water your passion flower plant infrequently but thoroughly on every occasion and hold back with the fertilizer, this beauty doesn't need much of it at all. Grow the plant potted or planted straight into your garden. Passion flower plants are vining and climbing so be sure to give it something to climb onto. 28 60