All About Citrus

All About Citrus

Whether you’re new to plant parenthood or a seasoned veteran, there’s nothing that catches the eye more than a lush citrus plant. Combining food with plants… What could be better?

As tempting as these juicy amigos may be, it’s important to understand their requirements so you can have a flourishing plant (rather than another trip to the plant graveyard). Talk about enjoying the fruits of your labour!

Citrus plants come in many different varieties. One of the most popular plants is the Calamondin Orange Tree—a mix between a mandarin and a kumquat, this plant gives small, sour oranges that are perfect in drinks. 

Bringing it home

Citrus trees are sensitive to environmental changes and will need some time to adjust once you bring it home! Don’t be shocked if it drops some buds and leaves initially—these will grow back with a little TLC. That being said, this is a warning to the faint of heart: these plants are quite high maintenance and will drop leaves if they’re unhappy! Consider yourself warned.


All citrus trees need a ton of sunlight and humidity. Unless you’re living somewhere tropical yourself, you’ll need to find a spot where it can enjoy 6-8 hours of direct sunshine each day. If you’re not able to place it in that environment, you can use a grow light for 8-12 hours a day. Warm, sunny days and dark, cool nights are important, and your plants will only fruit if they get that proper light and temperature fluctuation. High temperatures and humidity are key! Keep it away from any vents, heaters, AC units, or drafts, as these will negatively affect your plant. 

In the warm summer months, feel free to place your plant outdoors so it can soak up as much sun as possible. Be sure to clean the leaves often, as well! 


Cutting you some slack here—citrus trees actually prefer for their soil to be on the dry side. Underwaterers rejoice! That doesn’t mean letting it dry out completely. You want the soil to be mostly dry (think about 50-75%) before watering it again. Well draining soil is important so the roots don’t remain soggy, increasing the risk of overwatering. Consistency with watering is just as important as consistent sun!

Keep in mind that smaller containers and hotter temperatures will require you to water it more frequently! On the other hand, winter conditions will require you to slow down watering substantially. 


Don’t be discouraged if your first time bringing a citrus tree home doesn’t yield a ton of fruit. A plant of about 2 years old will only hold 3-9 fruits, and may drop buds prior to this if it doesn’t think it can sustain that many. 

You should certainly fertilize your plant if you want it to fruit. Use a citrus or acid-loving plant based fertilizer during the growing season, following the instructions on the label.

In the winter, you should continue watering your citrus tree to encourage blooms. 


Citrus trees are unfortunately prone to pests. Be sure to check it regularly! You can give it showers to knock out watering, humidity, and cleaning all in one—it will help wash away any pests that may have been lurking in your plant. Keep on the preventative side by spraying insecticidal soap on your plant as well. See here for our guide on eliminating pests!

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