All About Hoyas

All About Hoyas

Hoyas have become a staple in every houseplant enthusiast's collection, and for good reason! These vining tropical plants have thick, waxy leaves making them super easy to care for, and produce stunning white and pink blooms, giving them the nicknames "porcelain flowers" or "wax plants"!

As we always say, every plant is different, but there are some common care requirements among all Hoyas that we will go over so you can get yours blooming in no time.

Our Top 5 Hoyas

1. Hoya Carnosa Tricolor: Almond shaped leaves with white variegation in the middle and green margins.

2. Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen: Similar shape to the Carnosa Tricolor, but with green centers and white variegation around the margins. 

3. Hoya Pubicalyx: Deep green leaves with silver specks.

4. Hoya Wayetii: Elongated, deep green leaves.

5. Hoya Australis Lisa: Rounded leaves with variegation in the middle. The variegated cousin of solid green Hoya Australis.

Easy to care for and pet friendly, you can't go wrong with any of the above Hoyas. Their growth is on the slower side, but they will vine and creep in the right conditions and thus make perfect decorative plants by the window. Whether you're looking for variegations, pink stems, or speckled leaves, they are sure to become a staple in your houseplant collection!


Most Hoyas enjoy medium to bright indirect light. Placing them in an east or west-facing window, or in a south-facing window with a sheer curtain or set back a few feet will do the trick! Direct light can also be tolerated for 2-3 hours, but be careful of leaving your plant there for too long as this can cause the leaves to sunburn. You might notice the leaves changing colour as a result of this. They will also tolerate low light, but you won't see any blooms.


Hoya leaves are succulent in nature, meaning they store water within their leaves. This also gives them a waxy appearance. You will want to water less often in the fall and winter, but more frequently in the spring and summer. The soil should be fully dry before watering again, and you may notice the leaves wrinkling up if it's been too long since they've had a drink. In this case, don't panic—just give them a good, deep watering as soon as you can! 


Hoyas do best in soils that are light, well draining, and well aerated. Hoyas do well in regular houseplant soil mixed with orchid bark, or cactus mix. If you opt for a regular houseplant soil or succulent soil, you will want to be extra careful about watering as Hoyas don't like to stay wet. 


You can propagate your Hoya from a stem cutting. Just cut off a portion of the stem with 2 or 3 healthy leaves attached (be careful to leave enough of the stem so that the leaves aren't touching the soil). You can place the cutting in a jar of water to root, or in a pot with well-draining soil that is moist but not saturated.


Your Hoya will be able to bloom once it's reached maturity. Be diligent about the light and water it's receiving—you may like to experiment with giving it more or less light. Avoid repotting it, as Hoyas do well when they're slightly rootbound (you also don't want to repot it into a smaller pot—just leave it to fill out the pot it's already in).

In the wintertime, only water it once every 4-5 weeks. A period of drought will encourage it to bloom in spring. Once the weather warms up, keep your Hoya "happy" by keeping it in bright, indirect light, watering it once the soil has fully dried, and fertilizing it with a diluted fertilizer each time you water in the spring and summer! If you're not seeing any blooms, try tweaking your care routine by either adjusting the light or watering schedule.

Other care tips 

Hoyas will shoot out long bare vines that fill in with leaves over time, so avoid cutting off the leggy bits!

Once you fall down the Hoya rabbit hole... good luck! Whether you opt for a classic Carnosa or a more rare Australis Lisa, we're sure you'll love their adaptability and sturdy foliage. 

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