So how do you go about creating that urban jungle you always wanted? Well you do it in steps of course! No one bought all their plants at once! The best way to start is to get a large plant that will form the heart of your jungle. The large plants at Plantsome look stunning and will do the job just right! In this blog we'll give you some background info on a few of our favourite XL plants plus we'll give you some tips on how to care for them so you can stay friends for the longest of times!
Johnny the Yucca
Johnny's wild looks make him a real fan favourite! These 'trees' are grown in the Yucca valley where they can reach pretty serious heights! To control for that height Yucca's are actually cut in pieces. But if you plant one of those pieces back into soil the Yucca will continue to grow. This is the way that most Yucca trees are propagated in nurseries and this is also how your Johnny is born. Pretty cool! This tough plant doesn't mind that you're just a beginning plant parent. Yucca trees can withstand longer periods of drought that most other plants. Perfect for beginners. Growth is rather slow so don't buy a small one waiting for it to grow six feet tall. Your best bet is to start big!! Yes!
How to care for a Yucca
Yucca's don't need a lot of water. What they do need, is plenty of sunlight so reserve a bright spot in the home for your Johnny. Be careful when you have pets around because the Yucca juice is slightly poisonous. Plant fertilizer is not needed for this guy. Easy going!

Flashy Ficus
The Ficus family is such a diverse group of plants. There are many sub species but of course there is only one that rules the Ficus Queendom and that's Evelyn - the Ficus Lyrata or Fiddle Leaf Fig. But the Ficus family has so much more to offer. From Weeping Figs to Rubber Trees and there's even a silent assassin in the fam! Most Ficus plants are amazing at purifying the air because of their large leaves. Be careful though, most Ficus plants are also slightly toxic to pets.
How to care for a ficus
A Ficus plant needs about your average amount of water but they do love bright light. A spot with a lot of filtered/indirect light is ideal and please keep them away from too much direct sunlight or you'll have brown leaves (or no leaes) in no-time!
Sexy Strelitzia
Oh yes, we've been dying to talk to you about Cranerys - our Strelitzia Reginae or Bird of Paradise if you will. This is one majestic that can reach majestic sizes! Now there's a thing or two to know about these plants. You see, on instagram or social media you'll probably find these beautiful plants in near perfect condition with big large leaves that are in immaculate condition. In reality though, those leaves tend to split during growth. The Strelitzia does not mind this at all as it is a natural part of life for the Bird of Paradise. You see, Strelitzia's live by what the Japanese call'Wabi Sabi’. Which in its essence means to grow naturally and embrace the process of ageing. Beauty comes in many forms and split leaves is one of them. Embrace it!
How to care for a Strelitzia Reginae
The strelitzia has a drinking problem. This plant is chronically thirsty. Don't over-do it with the amount of water but give water about weekly. Sunshine is a must as well for the Strelitzia. Give it a bright spot in your home and watch it grow. The Bird of Paradise is not toxic and safe for pets *YAY*. If you're wondering about that beautiful crane like flower that Strelitzia's produce: they don't do this often and it happends only about once a year. Some Strelitzia's dont flower every year, especially when still in growth.
Dapper Dracaena
The Dracaena - or also known as Dragon Blood Tree. Such a feisty nickname must mean something? Well the truth is, this plant owes it to the red resin that is secreted from the stem when cut. We were hoping for a bit more folklore than that but that's all! The Dracaena family is huge, as you'll notice on Plantsome as well. They each have their own unique colors and patters but we love them all equally! This is truly a plant that due to its thick foliage, will fill your home with a great vibe in a heartbeat.
How to care for a Dracaena
Dracaena's dont mind to be left without water for a little bit. They are also strong air purifiers which make them quite ideal for the beginning plant parent. Be mindful though, all Dracaena's are slightly toxic so pets and children should stay away.
Pretty Pachira (aquatica)
Ever heard of the 'Money Tree' plant? Legend has it that a poor man once prayed for better days after which he stumbled upon a Pachira Aquatica and took it home. Shortly after, his luck turned and he become wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. According to Chinese Feng Shui this five fingered (leaves) plant signifies the five elements which also makes it quite popular among certain Asian cultures. Fortune is said to increase when you put five Pachira's in one pot or when you bind together five stems which is what you see often when you buy a Money Tree. As you can tell, there is a lot of mythology surrounding this beautiful plant and it is no surprise that it is quite popular as a result.
How to care for a Pachira Aquatica.
Don't worry too much about your Pachira at home. It will have some water reserves in its roots and stem. Give it a spot with indirect light and an occasional sip of water and Bucky should be good to go! Pachira's are also very strong air purifiers but be careful with pets. Pachira plants are known to be toxic.
Can't wait to get your XL plant home? Neither can we! Hurry on to to make your selection known. We'll work hard to get your order out the door and your plants home within two business days!