How to care for a Chamaedorea Seifrizii | Reed Palm plant

Chamaedorea Seifrizii are know by many many names including Reed Palm, Cane Palm, Bamboo Palm, and Parlour Palm (not to be confused with Chamaedorea Elegans, which is also know as a Parlour Palm). Reed palms are native to the tropical forests of Central America.

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  • Frequent
  • Every 3 years
  • Bright, indirect light
  • Non-toxic
  • Once a month during spring & summer

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  • Reed palms are native to the tropical forests of Central America.
  • Like most palms, Reed palms are great air purifiers
  • Reed palms are non-toxic to people and pets.
  • Reed palms are native to a humid environment, so they do best when their soil is evenly moist (not wet!) and need to be watered frequently. Reed palms can be sensitive to the chlorine and minerals in tap water and should be watered with filtered water. They also benefit from increased humidity which can be increased using a pebble tray or humidifier.
  • Reed palms like bright, indirect light and lots of it. They can tolerate full sun, with proper watering, but prefer partial shade.
  • During the active growing season (spring & summer), Reed palms should be fertilized once a month with an all purpose liquid fertilizer.
  • Reed palms do not need to be repotted frequently, usually every 3 years. Make sure to use well draining potting soil and to use a pot with drainage holes.
  • Reed palm's lower leaves will naturally turn yellow and brown as new growth emerges. These leaves can be trimmed with clean scissors or pruning shears.
  • Keep an eye out for spider mites!

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