How to care for a Heart Fern

The heart fern, otherwise known as the Hemionitis arifolia, has delicate heart shaped leaves that make it a unique addition to most fern collections. This houseplant requires specific conditions in order for it to thrive (moist soil, high humidity, dappled light, and warmth), but checking off those boxes will reward you with a very happy amigo. The heart fern is also an epiphyte, meaning it also grows on trees in the wild!

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  • Frequent
  • Every 2 years
  • Bright indirect light
  • Non toxic
  • Once a month in spring and summer

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  • The Hemionitis arifolia was first discovered in 1859 and is native to Southeast Asia.
  • These plants are average air purifiers.
  • These amigos are non toxic!
  • These plants like moist soil, but don't like to be soaking wet. Ensure your pot has adequate drainage so the shallow roots don't rot. The leaves will curl if it gets too dry. Heart ferns also need humidity levels of about 60-80%.
  • You can place this amigo in indirect light—anything from low to bright will do! Too much light will make the fronds shrivel.
  • These ferns only need a bit of diluted fertilizer (half of the recommended dose) once a month in spring/summer.
  • Heart ferns don't have a very extensive root system and like to be rootbound. Once it outgrows its pot, you may repot it in a plastic nursery pot with drainage holes!
  • Pruning isn't necessary unless there are dead fronds. You may prune off any yellowing foliage to encourage new growth.
  • Heart ferns are prone to mealybugs, scale, and aphids. The best treatment method is to physically remove them by hand and apply neem oil, as they are sensitive to harsh chemicals. Heart ferns are also susceptible to root rot, so ensure there is good ventilation around the plant and proper drainage.

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