How to care for a Hedera Ivy plant

Ivy is a lush, creeping vine capable of growing up to eighty feet. It likes bright light and moist soil. Be weary of growing these plants outdoors, since they’re considered an invasive species in many areas of North America. Good thing they make great houseplants!

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  • Fairly little
  • Every other year
  • Bright indirect light
  • Toxic
  • Fertilize monthly in spring and summer

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  • Ivy is native to Europe and Western Asia but has existed in North America for hundreds of years.
  • Ivy plants are proven to remove airborne toxins and molds.
  • Ivy is poisonous if ingested and, if it comes in contact with your skin, can cause rashes and even dermatitis (skin inflammation).
  • Keep the soil evenly moist but not soaked. Once established, these plants are relatively drought tolerant.
  • English Ivy plants like bright light all year round but don’t place them in direct sunlight during the summer, and only occasionally during the winter. Provide rich soil with organic material. If needed, supplement your soil with compost. They grow best in moist, humid conditions and like cooler temperatures.
  • During spring, summer, and fall, Ivy should be fertilized monthly with a half-strength, liquid fertilizer.
  • Repot smaller ivy plants once a year and larger plants every other year.
  • To keep Ivy compact, pinch off the growing tips. Cut plants back every three to four years to revitalize growth and trim them in late winter and early spring.
  • Bacterial leaf spot and root rot are the most serious illnesses. Bacterial leaf spot causes black or brown spots to appear on the leaves and, in severe cases, causes the stems to become twisted. Remove the infected area and spray the remainder with one part vinegar and ten parts water. For root rot, remove the infected area and spray the remainder with fungicide.

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