How to care for a Monstera | Swiss Cheese plant

The name Monstera comes from the Latin word 'Monstrum' which in turn refers to the giant monstrously big leaves of this plant. There are a total of 22 different Monstera Plants but the Monstera Deliciosa or Swiss Cheese plant is probably the most famous. If you check out Instagram you can find some pretty amazing looking Monsteras out there. We highly recommend checking it out... after you purchase your Monstera of course! Hey... don't leave!

Get one of these yourself!

  • Average
  • Once every two years
  • Shade
  • Toxic
  • Once every two weeks (summer)

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  • De naam Monstera zou kunnen komen van het Latijnse ‘Monstrum’, vanwege de monsterlijke bladeren, maar dat weten we niet zeker. In totaal zijn er 22 soorten Monstera, allemaal verwant aan de Philodendron, en afkomstig uit het tropische Zuid-Amerika. Het zijn echte klimplanten, en je kan ze daar dan ook tot 20 meter hoog bewonderen. Van de luchtwortels worden in Mexico zelfs manden gemaakt!
  • Waddaya think?! With leaves like that the Monstera obviously shines in this department. The Monstera is an excellent air purifier. The larger the leaves the better plants are at air purifying.
  • Unfortunately Monsteras are poisonous to small children and pets. Cats are known to take a bit out of their leaves but will regret it quickly. Try to keep your Monstera out of reach from your little ones.
  • The Monstera is not particularly thirsty. Do make sure that the soil is slightly moist at all times. Even more so than with most other plants: do not over water your Monstera. It will not like it and may not recover from it. Root rot is of particular concern if there is no good drainage in your pot
  • Monsteras are pretty easy going with where you put them. Just make sure you don't put yours in direct sunlight. Bright spots are good but Monsteras grow fine in the shadow too. As with most plants, do turn the pot every now and again to make sure your Monstera doesn't grow in the direction of the light.
  • Add some plant food every two weeks in Summer. Don't use any in winter. Your Monstera won't use up as much energy then.
  • Give your Monstera room to grow by repotting it about once every two years. The best time to do this is near the end of winter or start of spring. Your green friend will appreciate it and start growing right away. Monstera's love to clamp onto things so you can add a moss-stick to the pot to help it grow
  • See brown leaves? this is a typical sign of too much water. Yellow leaves that are hanging? This is a sign that your Monstera is receiving too much light. Keep a good eye out for these and your Monstera will flourish. Brown leaves can be cut at the stem.
  • The Monstera typically doesn't get any diseases. That's nice!

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