Beaucarnea | Ponytail Palm

The Ponytail Palm, or Beaucarnea Recurvata, is also called an Elephant's Foot, and we can kinda see why. The stalk of this plant looks humongous! To say that this succulent (yes it is a succulent!) has a special look would be an understatement. Its frazzled appearance can be very appealing to some though, as we've seen this plant gain in popularity recently!

  • Safe for pets and children
  • Repot once a year
  • Fertilize once a month
  • Bright, direct light
  • Very little water

About the Ponytail Palm


The Ponytail Palm is originally found in Mexico. This plant also bears the name Elephant's Foot and Beaucarnea Recurvata, both of which are actually more accurate, because the Pony Tail palm isn't actually a Palm at all. It is part of the Asparagae plant family and more closely related to the group of succulent plants!

Air Purification

The Ponytail Palm is a strong air purifier. Its thick bushy head of hair will do wonders for filtering your air!


This is a non-toxic plant! Yay!

Caring for a Ponytail Palm


Do you see that big heavy base of your Ponytal palm? Guess what's inside of that...yep, water! The Ponytail palm is an excellent hoarder of water which means that you don't have to keep a very close eye on the watering schedule. Still, aim to water at least a few times a month and try to do so in regular rhythms. This is the best way for the plant to know when it has to rely on its reserves.

Lighting and Placement

The Ponytail palm needs the sun. Put it in a sunny and bright spot if you want it to grow. This plant is a slow grower at the best of times so don't expect any miracles, but more light means more new leaves!


Feed once a month in spring and summer months.


Once a year if you think the base is getting a little too cramped in the pot.

Pruning and Flowering

The ponytail palm does not need any regular pruning, but trim away any yellowing or dying leaves as it matures.

Ponytail Palm SOS


Fungal diseases and pests are usually an issue for the Ponytail Palm. If you do end up seeing something that is not quite right, it is usually due to root rot or overwatering.

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