While we commonly refer to Scindapsus pictus as "Satin Pothos," it's important to note that they're not true Pothos plants (scientific name: Epipremnum aureum). They share similarities in appearance and care with true Pothos, which led to their nickname. We'll cover both Scindapsus pictus and Scindapsus treubii, commonly known as Satin Pothos and Silver Pothos! While similar, each variety brings its unique look to indoor spaces, with Satin Pothos featuring beautiful textured leaves and Silver Pothos with stunning silver markings.

  • Toxic to pets and children
  • Repot once every 2 years
  • Fertilize once a month
  • Bright, indirect light
  • Average water

About the Scindapsus


Scindapsus pictus, commonly known as Satin Pothos, originates from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. This plant is closely related to Epipremnum aureum, commonly known as Pothos or Devil's Ivy. Both plants belong to the Araceae family and share similar characteristics, such as vining growth habits and lush, heart-shaped leaves. While they are distinct species, they are often confused due to their resemblance. However, Satin Pothos typically has larger, more elongated leaves with striking silver markings, while Pothos leaves are typically solid green or variegated with cream or yellow.

Air Purification

Satin Pothos, like its cousin Pothos, purifies indoor air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.


Satin Pothos aren't deadly, but are pretty nasty if ingested, so we don't recommend having this one anywhere your fur babies (or your actual babies) are able to take a bite out of it.

Caring for a Scindapsus


Satin Pothos like consistently moist soil. Water when the top inch of the soil is dry. They don't like being overwatered and will let you know if it's had too much to drink with curled and yellowing leaves.

Lighting and Placement

Unlike their namesake, Satin Pothos need more light than true Pothos. They prefer bright, indirect light. Too little light will cause them to lose their variegation.


Satin Pothos should be fertilized monthly during the spring and summer with a nitrogen rich fertilizer.


Satin Pothos can tolerate being slightly root bound, but their growth will slow. They should be repotted about once every 2 years.

Pruning and Flowering

Remove any yellowing or damaged leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy and vibrant. Additionally, you can trim long vines to encourage new growth and prevent the plant from becoming too unruly. Remember to use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant.

Scindapsus SOS


Satin Pothos are generally pest and disease-free, but are susceptible to root rot if they are overwatered.

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