
Tradescantias are beautiful blossoming plants that are a sight to behold. They are easy to maintain, making them perfect for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts. While mildly toxic to pets, they remain a fan favorite at the Plantsome office due to their resilience and stunning foliage. Remember to keep them away from curious pets for their safety.

  • Toxic to pets and children
  • Repot once a year
  • Fertilize once a month
  • Bright, indirect light
  • Average water

About the Tradescantia


Tradescantias are native to the Americas. They were first discovered by European explorers in the 17th century. The genus was named in honor of John Tradescant, an English botanist who collected plants worldwide. With their colorful foliage and easy care, Tradescantias have become popular houseplants and garden additions around the world.

Air Purification

Unfortunately Tradescantia plants don't rank high in the air purification department.


A mildly poisonous, but not deadly plant. Pets might try to eat it because the purple leaves are that good-looking, but they'll probably regurgitate it. In rare cases, people or animals can have skin irritation.

Caring for a Tradescantia


They like moist soil but the most important thing here is not to water directly into the center of the plant, which can cause rot. As for frequency, just remember to water when the soil is about 50% dry.

Lighting and Placement

In the summer be sure to give the plant a lot of indirect light to grow those great deep purple leaves. Direct light can burn your Tradescantia, so beware. In low light conditions, the plant can still survive, although it will lose its vivid purple hues.


Provide your Tradescantia with a half-strength liquid fertilizer on a monthly basis in the summer.


This is a fast grower and like to be re-potted regularly. You might lose a few stems in the process; that's to be expected, due to their fragility.

Pruning and Flowering

This plant blossoms fast, especially during the warmer months. This plant is also easy to propagate. If you want to grow more Tradescantias simply cut one of the stems down to the soil and use the cutting to create another plant from scratch.

Tradescantia SOS


The most common problem is excess watering and root rot (see Watering). Try choosing a pot with ample drainage. And remember not to water it from the crown! Other than that, avoid spider mites by keeping the humidity high. Spritzing occasionally will help with that.

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