
Caladium | Angel Wings (L)



Goku's survival guide

Let's give it everything we got!

So we were in the office the other day doing what everyone does when its a little slow - binging on our favourite Anime and Manga shows on Crunchyroll. Thats where we met Goku. Goku is the prince of the disgraced fire god Booyah, the older brother of Dinshogon, the father of Tik and Tok and husband of Vuvuzwela - he's also probably the most impressive plant you will set your eyes on! Just look at them leaves! Goku likes spending time at home tinkering in the shade, away from the fanfare of life in the sun - just don't leave him close to a computer, he's likely to blow your data cap by downloading old episodes of Dragon Ball and Golgo 13.

Requires partial shade/sun or a shaded spot
Can grow up to 76 cm tall
Current length

The approximate size of this plant when it is delivered

Is winter hardy (up to -5 C)
Light Partial shade, 2 to 4 hours of direct sunlight every day
Soil peaty soil
Suitable for planting in soil or keeping in pot
Climbing trellis/assistance Not necessary
Maintenance Average

What type of care your plant needs

Watering Needs watering frequently (in summer)

Doesn't need extra water, the occasional rainy day will do/Often needs extra water during the summer/Needs to be watered on the regular, keep the soil slightly moist.

Nutrition Every two weeks in spring and summer
Pruning At the end of winter
Height Is 40 cm tall upon delivery
Growth Can grow to be up to 76 cm tall
Pot size Plastic pot is 21 cm in diameter

How to care for Goku

Caladiums are seasonal growers that sprout up in spring and start dropping leaves in fall. But fear not because when kept in dry but warm storage this beauty will grow again next year! Keep yours away from direct light as that will burn the leaves very easily. Once your Caladium has shed its beautiful foliage simply stop watering and let the soil dry completely. The tubers from which the leaves sprout are taking some well deserved rest in fall and winter to get ready for another spring of growth. Begin watering again in spring time 'et voila' your Caladium will sprout up once more. Here's to another season of growth!

Caladium | Angel Wings (L)


Oh no. I am sold out! :(

Chosen length

40cm - 38.00

How do you measure height?

Good question! We measure the height from the top of the plant to the bottom of the pot (including the pot itself).

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Plant Care App

Our app will tell you exactly when and how much to feed and water your plants. Are you already a pro in taking care of your plant? Great! The App is completely optional of course.

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