
Calamondin Orange Tree (M-5in)

Li Xiu


Li Xiu's survival guide

It takes Xiu to Tango!

Li Xiu has one dream: to be dipped at the end of a tense, dramatic salsa dance in such a way that it solidifies the undying devotion between her and her dance partner. The dance floor should be clouded in mist and a burning spotlight should bathe Li Xiu and her partner in a yellow glow, highlighting the sweat glistening on her oranges. Everyone’s holding their breath. The judges score them a TEN out of TEN! They’ve never seen such a display of talent and passion. And, even though Li Xui is disqualified for being a tree, her performance lives on forever in the minds of spectators (as the reason many of them gave up alcohol). Some people glance suspiciously at their drinks on the way out. What a show!

Requires bright direct sun
Can grow up to 600 cm tall
Current length

The approximate size of this plant when it is delivered

Is winter hardy (up to -10 C)
Light Sunny, more than 5 hours of direct sunlight every day
Soil sandy/loamy/peaty soil
Suitable for planting in soil or keeping in pot
Climbing trellis/assistance Not necessary
Maintenance Heavy

What type of care your plant needs

Watering Needs watering frequently (in summer)

Doesn't need extra water, the occasional rainy day will do/Often needs extra water during the summer/Needs to be watered on the regular, keep the soil slightly moist.

Nutrition Once a month in summer
Pruning Before repotting, if necessary
Height Is 60 cm tall upon delivery
Growth Can grow to be up to 600 cm tall
Pot size Plastic pot is 13 cm in diameter

How to care for Li Xiu

ornamental - not for consumption

The Calamondin tree spreads joy, and a love of dance wherever it goes. Bushy leaves and striking white blossoms eventually turn into small, acidic oranges. The juice from these oranges is sour like a lime, and although it can be mixed with other fruits to make cold drinks or marmalade, the Calamondin Tree is often kept as an ornamental fruit-bearing plant. This plant prefers a well-lit space and requires at least a few hours of full sun every day. The Calamondin also loves high humidity and can be kept indoors or outside in spring and summer! Let the top layer of soil to dry out before it’s watered again - this beauty is more comfortable that way

Calamondin Orange Tree (M-5in)

Li Xiu

Oh no. I am sold out! :(

Chosen length

40cm - 69.00

How do you measure height?

Good question! We measure the height from the top of the plant to the bottom of the pot (including the pot itself).

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