
Gardenia Standard (XL)



Grace's survival guide

Hmm can you smell that?

Cream coloured blouses, secret shopping sprees, red lipstick, Chanel N°5, and a kitchen painted sage green. Grace always has a book in her hand, buys fresh flowers from the market, and never ever forgets to write you a birthday card. She is equal parts sophisticated, spiritual, and sharp as a tack.

Requires bright direct sun or partial shade/sun
Can grow up to 250 cm tall
Current length

The approximate size of this plant when it is delivered

Is winter hardy (up to -10 C)
Light Sunny, more than 5 hours of direct sunlight every day
Soil sandy/loamy/peaty soil
Suitable for planting in soil or keeping in pot
Climbing trellis/assistance Not necessary
Maintenance Heavy

What type of care your plant needs

Watering Needs watering occasionally

Doesn't need extra water, the occasional rainy day will do/Often needs extra water during the summer/Needs to be watered on the regular, keep the soil slightly moist.

Nutrition Use fertilizer for acid loving plants regularly in spring and summer.
Pruning Prune after the blooming period, just below the leaf node
Height Is 100 cm tall upon delivery
Growth Can grow to be up to 250 cm tall
Pot size Plastic pot is 25 cm in diameter
Flowers and harvesting
Flowering Yes
Flower color Has white flowers

How to care for Grace

Grace has her sh*t together, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t require attention, in fact, Gardenias need diligent care in order to produce those famed fragrant flowers. Indoor gardenias thrive in 15-20 degree temperatures, moderate to high humidity and bright direct sunlight for at least half the day. Gardenia's are stunning but be careful with pets and kids as the Gardenia plant is toxic. Gardenia are also quite prone to pests so look over their leaves frequently.

Gardenia Standard (XL)


Oh no. I am sold out! :(

Chosen length

120cm - 135.00

How do you measure height?

Good question! We measure the height from the top of the plant to the bottom of the pot (including the pot itself).

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Plant Care App

Our app will tell you exactly when and how much to feed and water your plants. Are you already a pro in taking care of your plant? Great! The App is completely optional of course.

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Survival accessories

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Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

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Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

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