Hedera Helix (S) | Variegated Ivy



Hedera Helix (S) | Variegated Ivy


Oh no. I am sold out! :(

Chosen length

18cm - 19.00

How do you measure height?

Good question! We measure the height from the top of the plant to the bottom of the pot (including the pot itself).

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Plant Care App

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Malorie's survival guide

A real trailblazer

Malorie doesn’t take crap from anybody, she’s a high powered lawyer who will sue your ass if you even look at her funny. Malorie grew up in a difficult household so she’s no stranger to hard times and literally climbed out of poverty through sheer will. Malorie’s area of practice is divorce, her father left her mother with nothing and skipped town - she never forgot it. So now she makes sure all her clients get as much as they can get. Such a trailblazer!

10 cm pot
Fairly little water needed
Every other year
18 cm tall
Bright indirect light
Fertilize monthly in spring and summer

How to care for Malorie

The variegated Ivy is originally from the Canary Islands and the Atlantic coasts of northern Africa. This hardy plant is excels at trailing in difficult areas due to it being a vigorous grower. Give this lady a shed and she'll can cover that unsightly thing in no-time. Although she's popular in garden beds and on patios, Malorie will do just fine indoors, too! The Marengo Ivy is not fussy about conditions, she is okay with a bright spot or even part shade. She has no real soil requirements and watering care need not be pedantic. Easy!

Accessories that make Malorie really happy

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

Natural All Purpose Potting Mix 3L | Maya Growing Mediums

Natural All Purpose Potting Mix 3L | Maya Growing Mediums

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 90g

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 90g

Natural All Purpose Potting Mix 8.5L | Maya Growing Mediums

Natural All Purpose Potting Mix 8.5L | Maya Growing Mediums

Bios Plant Probiotic 30ml

Bios Plant Probiotic 30ml

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 225g

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 225g

Azula Oval Bowl

Azula Oval Bowl

Friends of Malorie

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