Peperomia Ferreyrae (S) | Happy Bean



Peperomia Ferreyrae (S) | Happy Bean



Chosen length

21cm - 19.00

How do you measure height?

Good question! We measure the height from the top of the plant to the bottom of the pot (including the pot itself).

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Plant Care App

Our app will tell you exactly when and how much to feed and water your plants. Are you already a pro in taking care of your plant? Great! The App is completely optional of course.

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Finn's survival guide

Bean here, done that

Finn's life motto is: "Happy tummy, happy life." From mac-and-cheese and poutine to his famous southern-style green beans, Finn is the king of comfort food. Having worked at upscale restaurants around the world, Finn is ready to take on BC's awesome culinary mosaic! So stop cooking alone and let this trouble-free fella be your personal sous-chef! Bon appetite!

10 cm pot
Frequent water needed
Once every three years
21 cm tall
Bright, no direct sunlight
Not toxic
Once a month in summer

How to care for Finn

Finn is known for his long and refined, semi-succulent leaves that look like green beans. Similar to his cousins Zoe and Pablo, this joyful Peperomia Ferreyrae can be cared for with incredible ease. Just be sure to place Finn somewhere he can get bright, indirect sunlight and water his soil evenly when it becomes dry. Do this, and Finn may get so happy he might even 'spill the beans' on his latest recipes. Yummy!

Accessories that make Finn really happy

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

Natural All Purpose Potting Mix 3L | Maya Growing Mediums

Natural All Purpose Potting Mix 3L | Maya Growing Mediums

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 90g

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 90g

Bios Plant Probiotic 30ml

Bios Plant Probiotic 30ml

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 225g

Bios Natural Plant Fertilizer 225g

Azula Oval Bowl

Azula Oval Bowl

Aroid Potting Mix 3L | Maya Growing Mediums

Aroid Potting Mix 3L | Maya Growing Mediums

Friends of Finn

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Meep Meep! Order your plants online and we'll take care of the rest.

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Survival accessories

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 500ml

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 1L

Ren the Black Watering Can

Ren the Black Watering Can

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 2L

Marphyl Organic Soil Enhancer 2L